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Sub-series G – Press Releases

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Sub-series G – Press Releases
Box 1579
Press Releases – Chronological by Month
1971 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – January
1971 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – February
1971 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – March
1971 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – April
1971 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – May
1971 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – June
1971 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – July
1971 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – August
1971 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – September
1971 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – October
1971 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – November
1971 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – December
1972 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – September
1972 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – October
1972 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – November
1972 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – December
1973 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – January
1973 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – February
1973 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – July
1973 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – September
1973 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – October
1973 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – November
1973 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological by Month – December

Press Releases – Chronological

1971 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Victory Dinner, Greenwich, Connecticut, January 5

1971 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Victory Dinner – J. Glenn Beall, Greenwich, Connecticut, January 7
1971 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Victory Dinner – Robert A. Taft, Jr., Greenwich, Connecticut, January 8
1971 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Victory Dinner, Greenwich, Connecticut, January 10
1971 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Chicken-in-the-Basket Dinner, Greenwich, Connecticut, January 12
1971 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Cocktail Party and Black Tie Dinner, Washington, DC, January 18
1971 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bill for the Human Treatment of Animals Transported by Airlines, January 25
1971 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – 1972 American Institute of Foreign Study Scholarship, January 26
1971 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Connecticut Meat Inspection to be Equal to Federal, January 26

1971 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Appointment of Weicker Office Staff, January 28

1971 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senator Weicker Appointed to Three Major Senate Committees, January 28
1971 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Eighteen Year Old Voting Amendment, January 29
1971 36) [Press Release] – Chronological – Connecticut Area Staff Coordinators Selected for Weicker Senate Office, February 1
1971 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – United States Space Program, February 5
1971 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bill for Human Treatment of Animals Transported by Airlines, February 8
1971 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Lincoln Day Dinner, Republican Committee, Olean, New York, February 9
1971 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Revenue Sharing Legislation, February 10

1971 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Connecticut Legislature’s Joint Committee on Government Administration and Policy Public Hearing – Lowering of the Voting Age to Eighteen, February 24

1971 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Connecticut Congressional Intern Program, February 26
1971 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Constitutional Amendment – Lowering the Voting Age to Eighteen, February 26
1971 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Constitutional Amendment – Lowering the Voting Age to Eighteen, March 10
1971 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Protect Wild Horses and Burros, March 12

1971 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Vote for a Social Security Benefit Increase, March 12

1971 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Scholarship to the 1971 American Institute of Foreign Study Summer Program, March 15
1971 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of Weicker’s Office Locations and Staff, March 16
1971 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of Weicker’s “Circuit” Office Sessions, March 17

1971 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of United State Senate Page Openings with Weicker’s Senate Office, March 19

1971 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of the Washington Summer Intern Scholarship with Connecticut’s Republican Congressional Delegation, March 19
1971 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – War Powers – Presidential Use, April 5
1971 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Documentary Film of Apollo 14 Moon Mission Available for Showing, April 19
1971 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – American Institute for Foreign Studies Scholarship Awarded to Margaret Kelly, May 3
1971 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speaks at the American Management Association Packaging Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 4
1971 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Filibuster – United States Government Guaranteed Loans to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, May 16
1971 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Grassy Hill School – First Graders Urge Senator Weicker to Protect Wild Horses and Prevent Clubbing of Seals, May 17
1971 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Accepts Nomination Applications to the United States Service and Military Academies, May 20
1971 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Appoints Michael W. Connolly as a Senate Page, May 26
1971 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Compulsory National Military Service Legislation, June 3
1971 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Start of the Connecticut Congressional Summer Intern Program, June 9
1971 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Introduces Bill to Purchase High-Speed Rail Passenger Equipment and Boost Intercity Railroad Service, June 10
1971 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Interns Arrival in Washington, DC, June 15
1971 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Pleas for Contributions to Rippowam High School Stage Band’s European Concert Tour Fund, June 17
1971 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speaks to the New Haven Jewish Community Council – Calls for Allowing Soviet Jews to Enter the United States, June 17
1971 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Protest Against the Soviet Union/Inhumane Treatment of Soviet Jews, June 18

Box 1580
1971 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program – Third Week, June 22
1971 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – Use of Recycled Materials for Federal Agencies Procurement, June 23
1971 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program Begins, June 24
1971 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Use of Space Tools to Monitor and Protect the Environment, June 28
1971 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program Events, June 28
1971 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – National Aeronautics and Space Administration Use of Sensors on Aircraft and Satellites to Detect Causes of Air and Water Pollution, June 29
1971 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program Events, June 30
1971 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Encourage Contributions to the Rippowam State Band’s European Concert Tour Fund, July 1
1971 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program – Fifth Week, July 2
1971 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Create a Conquest of Cancer Agency – Development of a National Plan to Attack Cancer, July7
1971 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Appoints John L. Murphy, Jr. as Assistant Administrator, July 7
1971 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speaks to Forty-one Summer Interns, July 7
1971 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program – Sixth Week, July 9
1971 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological – New Haven Housing and Urban Development Program, July 12
1971 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program – Fifth Week, July 13
1971 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Boy Scout Troop 172, Stratford, Connecticut – Washington, DC Visit – Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, July 14
1971 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Connecticut Congressional Summer Interns Learn About Workings of Congress, July 14
1971 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Override Vote to the Public Works Bill, July 14
1971 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Approval of President Nixon’s Decision to Visit Red China, July 16

1971 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Neighborhood Youth Corps Projects in Connecticut, July 16

1971 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program – Seventh Week, July 22
1971 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Danielson Area Designated as a Title 1 Area Under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, July 23
1971 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker and John Murphy Review Legislative Matters, July 23
1971 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Youth Sports Program – Colleges to Provide Sports Programs for Inner-City Youth, July 26
1971 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Meets with John Hibbard – National Future Farmers of America Programs, July 26
1971 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amendment to the Disaster Relief Act – High Unemployment Rate Alleviation, August 2
1971 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program – Sixth Week, August 3
1971 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Resolution to Declare the Last Week of September “National Dog Week”, August 6
1971 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Emergency Employment Act – Connecticut Unemployment, August 10
1971 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ritch Family Visits Senator Weicker in Washington, DC, August 10
1971 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program Ends its Nine Week Run, August 10
1971 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Meriden Senior Citizens Outing, August 12
1971 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Aid to Education Programs in Connecticut, August 13
1971 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Participate in Dedication of Prospect Towers Elderly Citizens Housing Project, Waterbury, Connecticut, August 26
1971 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Declares the Connecticut Congressional Summer Intern Program a Success, September 2
1971 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Resume “Circuit” Office Tour on September 24, September 16
1971 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Attend the Dedication Services of the Mount Olive Baptist Church Community and Day Care Center, September 17
1971 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Proclaim May 6, 1972 as “Clean Up America Day”, September 20
1971 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Clean Up America Day” – Weicker Co-sponsors Bill, September 26
1971 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Funding Increase for the Small Business Administration, September 27
1971 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Radio and Television Spot – Weicker’s “Traveling” Office in Clinton on October 4th, September 28-October 4
1971 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Department of Housing and Urban Development – Bridgeport Housing Project for Elderly Approved, October 5
1971 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Navy to Name a New Destroyer Escort after Thomas Hart, October 8
1971 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Radio and Television Spot – Weicker’s

“Traveling” Office in Watertown on October 18th, October 11-18

1971 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Middle East – Weicker Urges the United States to Beef-Up Israeli Air Defense, October 15

1971 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Proposes that the United States Enter Into a Treaty with Israel, October 18

1971 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971 – Weicker Supports Bill, October 20

1971 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Public Buildings Act – Weicker Amendment Accepted by the Public Works Committee, October 21

1971 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Funding of Amtrak at Commerce Committee Hearings, October 26

1971 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Discusses the United Nations Ousting of Nationalist China, October 28

1971 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Public Buildings Act, November 1

1971 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Radio and Television Spot – Weicker’s “Traveling” Office in Danielson on November 8, November 2-8

1971 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges the President to Cancel the Amchitka Island Underground Nuclear Test, November 4

1971 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Mass Transit – Senators Ask President Nixon for Speedy Allocation of Funds, November 7

1971 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Veterans Administration – Toll Free Line to Connecticut Regional Office, November 9

1971 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Unemployment Compensation – Weicker Co-sponsors Twenty-Six Week Extension, November 11

1971 57) [Press Releases] – Foreign Military Aid – Difficulty Passing Through Congress, November 15

1971 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Radio and Television Spot – Weicker’s “Traveling” Office in Middletown on November 22, November 16-22

1971 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Striking of Alcohol Excise Tax Allocations to Highway Trust Fund, November 16

1971 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – William E. MacKay’s Appointment as Weicker’s Special Assistant, November 19

1971 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Opposition to an Amendment to the Tax Bill/Taxpayers One Dollar Contribution to a Political Campaign Fund, November 22

1971 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Proposes Funding Increase for Amtrak, November 23

1971 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Public Presidential Campaign Funding – Weicker Amendment Delays Public Campaign Funding Until 1973, December 1

1971 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Proposes Funding Increase for the Small Business Administration, December 3

1971 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Approval of the Appointment of Philip Sanchez as the Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, December 3

1971 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Delay of the Campaign Funding Plan Until January 1, 1973, December 3

1971 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Radio and Television Spot – Weicker’s “Traveling” Office in West Haven on December 6, November 30-December 6

1971 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Economic Development Administration – Weicker Seeks Public Works Funds for Connecticut, December 7

1971 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – United States Youth Program – Connecticut Delegates Chosen, December 8

1971 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Support for Sickle Cell Anemia Legislation, December 8

1971 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Radio and Television Spot – Weicker’s “Traveling” Office in Naugatuck on December 21, December 14-21

1971 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Sikorsky CH-53 Helicopter Funding, December 15

1971 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Press Conference in Hartford Scheduled for December 21, December 16

1971 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Unemployment Compensation – Weicker Urges Thirteen Week Extension, December 23

1971 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Unemployment Compensation – Weicker Hails Thirteen Week Extension, December 29

1971 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Unemployment Compensation – H.R. 6065 – Weicker Hails Thirteen Week Extension, December 30

1971 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – U.S. Service Academies – Weicker Nominates Candidates, December 30

1972 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Proposal to Name the First SSN 688 Class Submarine Groton, January 4

1972 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Aeronautics and Space Administration to Award Contracts to Companies in High Unemployment Areas, January 14

1972 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Higher Blue Shield Benefits for Connecticut Federal Employees, January 19

1972 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Broaden the Use of the Highway Trust Fund, January 19

1972 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Nonpartisan Support of Governor Meskill’s Efforts to Manage Connecticut’s Fiscal Problems, January 25

1972 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – Federal Government to Finance Ninety Per Cent of Mass Transit Construction, January 27

1972 84) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Requests an Explanation of the New Department of Housing and Urban Development Rules Governing Housing Projects, January 30

1972 85) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Resolution Asserting the Senate’s Role in Approving Agreements with Foreign Nations, January 31

1972 86) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation Calling for One Transportation Trust Fund, February 2

1972 87) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Recognition of Bangladesh, February 3

1972 88) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation Trust Fund/Nationwide Transportation System, February 3

1972 89) [Press Releases] – Chronological – TRANSPACK – Transportation Legislative Package – Nationwide Transportation System, February 5

1972 90) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Speak at Two Lincoln Day Dinners in Eastern Connecticut, February 7

1972 91) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Press Advisory – Democratic National Convention Daily Press Credentials, February 9

1972 92) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Expresses Opinions on a United States Silent Majority, February 11

1972 93) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Mass Transit Bill – Weicker Amendment Accepted by Housing and Urban Subcommittee, February 17

1972 94) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Calls for Research into Sudden Infant Deaths, February 17

1972 95) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Appointment of Weicker to the Senate Committee on Commerce, February 22

1972 96) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Appointment to the Select Committee on Small Business, February 23

1972 97) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Assigned to Six Subcommittees of the Senate Committee on Commerce, February 23

1972 98) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senate Page Applications Accepted, February 24

1972 99) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Circuit Office to be Set Up in West Hartford February 28, February 24

Box 1581

1972 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Protect the Nation from Transportation Labor-Management Disputes, February 24

1972 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Sierra Club Speech – Seek Broader Solutions to Environmental Problems, February 25

1972 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Connecticut Companies to Seek Contract for the Development of the Space Shuttle, February 28

1972 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Assigned to Six Subcommittees of the Senate Committee on Commerce, February 28

1972 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – President Nixon’s Latest Peace Offer, March 1

1972 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation Providing Funds for Ailing Mass Transit Systems, March 2

1972 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s “Traveling” Office in New Haven on March 17, March 13-17

1972 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Nominated to the Board of Visitors of the United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut, March 13

1972 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Highway Trust Fund to be Used to Support Urban Mass Transit Programs, March 14

1972 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological – United States and Soviet Space Programs, March 14

1972 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – School Integration and Busing, March 16

1972 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Proposed Response to Nixon’s School Busing Speech, March 21

1972 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Program, March 30

1972 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological – United States Military and Service Academies Applications, April 7

1972 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Opposition to Oil Drilling off the United States East Coast, April 7

1972 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amendment to Add Funds to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak), April 12

1972 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Appointment of Dan Sullivan as an Assistant to Weicker, April 13

1972 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Host the Hearings of the National Commission on Highway Beautification, Meriden, Connecticut, April 17, April 13

1972 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Clifford Johnson Selected as the Connecticut Winner of the American Institute for Foreign Study Scholarship, April 14

1972 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amtrak – Weicker Amendment, April 19

1972 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Coast Guard – Study of Marine Traffic Control Requirements in Long Island Sound, April 26

1972 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amtrak Amendment, April 27

1972 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Attempts to Block the United States Purchase of Luxury Liners, May 3

1972 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Meeting to Discuss Legislation to Aid the Ball Bearing Industry, May 8

1972 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Testify before the Roads Subcommittee – Mass Transit – Highway Trust Fund Proposal, May 10

1972 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, May 18

1972 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Apollo 16 Astronauts Connecticut Visit, May 19

1972 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funding for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research, May 26

1972 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amtrak Funding, May 28

1972 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Astronauts Visit Connecticut, June 1

1972 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Female Page Appointment from Connecticut, June 1

1972 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, June 1

1972 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Emergency Unemployment Act Extension, June 5

1972 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Richard Kleindienst Confirmation as Attorney General of the United States, June 9

1972 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Southbury Training School – Americans for Children’s Relief, Mr. and Mrs. Weicker, June 11

1972 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Elected to the Board of Trustees of the National Foundation for Sudden Infant Death, June 12

1972 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, June 15

1972 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on a Speech by Yale President, Kingman Brewster, June 15

1972 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement – A. Searle Field, Legislative Assistant to Weicker, June 16

1972 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Veterans Apathy Toward Joining Veterans’ Organizations, June 17

1972 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – George Aiken, Weicker Letter to Roger Lewis, President of Amtrak, June 22

1972 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, Second Week, June 22

1972 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Rail Performance – Federal Aid for Rail Repairs, June 23

1972 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Provide Federal Funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, June 23

1972 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, June 28

1972 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release – Announcing New London Interns, July 1

1972 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, Third Week – Intern Activities, Names, July 5

1972 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release, July 12

1972 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Comment on the Negative Vote on the Dominic Amendment to the Minimum Wage Bill, July 14

1972 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Veterans – Contributions and Leadership in Solving United States Domestic Problems, July 14

1972 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bernie Yudain Appointed as Weicker’s Director of Communications, July 19

1972 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Edward Kennedy/Weicker Amendment – Transportation, July 20

1972 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Leland Schwartz – Appointment as Press Secretary, July 20

1972 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Aeronautics and Space Administration Environment Satellite Launch, July 21

1972 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Thomas Eagleton Release, July 25

1972 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Revenue Sharing – Weicker Testifies before the Senate Finance Committee, July 27

1972 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Position on the Trident Program, July 27

1972 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Dolphin Bill – Marine Mammals Protection Act, August 3

1972 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Freight Rates for Recyclable Materials, August 4

1972 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Congressional Baseball Game, August 8

1972 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – No-Fault Insurance Bill, August 8

1972 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Intern Release – Activities for the Sixth Week, August 9

1972 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Republican Platform Committee – Single Transportation Trust Fund, August 16

1972 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Red Cross Blood Drive, August 28, Stratford Motor Hotel, August 25

1972 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Campaign Schedule – Republican Ticket – Presidential Election, August 30

1972 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Jewish New Year Greeting, September 1

1972 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation – Highway Trust Fund/Mass Transit, September 6

1972 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation – Amendment to the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1972, September 7

1972 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Endorses Edgar Heiskell, Republican Candidate for Connecticut Secretary of State, September 8

1972 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on George McGovern’s Campaign, September 17

1972 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation – Highway Trust Fund/Mass Transit, September 19

1972 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation Vote – Weicker Comment, September 19

1972 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Everett Vreeland Appointed to the National Horse Industry Advisory Committee, September 21

1972 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – George McGovern Removes his Name as a Sponsor of the Diethylstilbesterol (DES) Legislation – Weicker Comments, September 21

1972 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological –New York Television News Coverage of Connecticut, September 22

1972 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Busing – Law Professors Oppose Anti-Busing Bill, September 29

1972 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on George McGovern’s Amnesty Position, October 4

1972 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Supplemental Appropriations for Amtrak, October 7

1972 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Selfishness – Weicker Comments that the United States is Suffering from “a National Selfishness Rather than a National Caring”, October 7

1972 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Eulogy for Prescott S. Bush, October 10

1972 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Ribicoff Urges New York Television Stations to Cover Connecticut News, October 16

1972 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of a Grant to Connecticut to Upgrade Commuter Rail Service, October 16

1972 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Public House Legislation, October 19

1972 84) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on Jackie Robinson’s Death, October 24

1972 85) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Honesty – Public’s Cynicism/Politician’s Cynicism, October 25

1972 86) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Control Campaign Contributions, October 26

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