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1972 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on the McGovern Campaign, October 29

1972 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Encourages Election of Republican Members to Congress and the Connecticut General Assembly, October 31

1972 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Campaigns for Connecticut Republican Candidates, November 2

1972 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – 1972 Political Endorsements, November 7

1972 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Encourages the Connecticut Automotive Trades Association to Renounce the Highway Lobby, November 9

1972 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on the Committee to Re-Elect the President, November 17

1972 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation – Proposal of a Superspeed Rail Line, November 21

1972 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Channuka – Weicker Comments on the Festival of Lights, November 22

1972 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Thanksgiving Message, November 23

1972 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges the Food and Drug Administration to Investigate Lead in Infant Milk Formula, December 2

1972 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on the Last Apollo Mission and the United States Space Program, December 6

1972 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – News Media Source Protection Act, December 12

1972 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Schedule – Christmas Visits, December 19

1972 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Welcomes Home the Apollo 17 Astronauts, December 19

1972 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Jailing of Los Angeles Times Bureau Chief, John Lawrence and the News Media Source Protection Act, December 20

1972 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Appointment of Ernest Miller to the Office of Economic Opportunity’s Private Resources Advisory Committee, December 26

1972 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on the Death of Harry Truman, December 26

1973 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Vietnam, January 4

1973 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Media News Source Protection, January 8

1973 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Aeronautics and Space Administration Budget Cuts, January 9

1973 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Humane Treatment of Animals on Aircraft – “Animal Bill”, January 15

1973 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Intern Program, January 15

1973 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Banking Committee Assignment, January 16

1973 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Military Academy Nominees, January 18

1973 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Death of Lyndon Baines Johnson, January 23

1973 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to Nixon’s Announcement on Vietnam, January 24

1973 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Requests an Investigation of the Air Force Award to Fairchild Industries, Incorporated, January 24

1973 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – A-X Contract Investigation, January 27

1973 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Highway Trust Fund Bill, January 31

1973 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on “First Tuesday”, NBC-TV, February 1

1973 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Wheat Tax Bill, February 1

1973 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker and Senator Hartke High Speed Rail Corridor Bill, February 5

1973 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker, Vice Chairman, National Republican Senatorial Committee, February 5

1973 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Gil Lebovitz’s Appointment to Weicker’s Connecticut Field Staff, February 6

1973 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – H. William Shure and Peter Dorsey – Appointments to Weicker’s Connecticut Field Staff, February 6

1973 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Jack T. Taintor and Peter DeStephano – Appointments to Weicker’s Connecticut Field Staff, February 6

1973 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – June Mitchell’s Appointment to Weicker’s Connecticut Field Staff, February 6

1973 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Thomas P. Lasky’s Appointment to Weicker’s Connecticut Field Staff, February 6

1973 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Appointment to the Watergate Senate Select Committee, February 8

1973 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – School Bus Safety, February 8

1973 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s High School Program – Weekly Telephone Interview Sessions with Connecticut Junior and High School Classes, February 16

1973 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Page Application Acceptance Announcement, February 21

1973 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Savings and Loan Associations Housing Investment Program, February 22

1973 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Newsman’s Shield Bill – News Media Source Protection Act, February 22

1973 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Aviation Administration Safety Pin Award, Week of February 25, March 3

1973 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Citizens, February 26

1973 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Senior Citizen Interns, February 26

1973 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Interstate Railroad System, February 27

1973 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Oil Import Quota, February 27

1973 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Railroad Rights-of-Way, February 27

1973 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Cosponsor of Legislation to Abolish the Mandatory Oil Import Quota System, February 28

1973 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – L. Patrick Gray Nomination to be Permanent Federal Bureau of Investigation Director, February 28

1973 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bread Tax Repeal, March 2

1973 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Intern Release, March 2

1973 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Cable Television – “Window on Washington”, March 5

1973 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Skylab, March 6

1973 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Discontinuing Grant Announcements, March 8

1973 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Hospital Bill – Repayment of Medicare Advancements, March 9

1973 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Intern Release – Civics Project for the Elderly, March 9

1973 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Bridgeport Office Consolidation and Installation of Telephone Line, March 11

1973 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – H. William Shure Appointment, March 12

1973 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Campaign Practices – Finance Reform Legislation, March 12

1973 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Highway Trust Fund Use for Mass Transit Systems, March 14

1973 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Bridgeport Office Consolidation, March 15

1973 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Rye-Oyster Bay Bridge – Long Island Sound, March 15

1973 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – Weicker’s Comments to Reporters Concerning President Nixon’s Use of Executive Privilege, March 15

1973 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – USS Groton, March 16

1973 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Senator Birch Bayh-Weicker Bread Tax Repeal, March 19

1973 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Wheat Tax Bill, March 19

1973 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – L. Patrick Gray’s Nomination as Permanent Federal Bureau of Investigation Director, March 20

1973 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – Subpoenas for Federal Bureau of Investigation Files, March 20

1973 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – William Wickens Available to Assist in the Watergate Investigation, March 26

1973 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Connecticut In-Washington Summer Intern Program, March 29

1973 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Vocational Rehabilitation Bill – Weicker’s Vote to Override the President’s Veto, April 3

1973 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Lobster Bill – Lobster Conservation and Control Act of 1973, April 10

1973 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Election Campaign Reform Act, April 11

1973 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Amendment, April 27

1973 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ball Bearing Industry – Trade Reform Legislation, May 1

1973 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation Proposing a United States Fire Administration, May 9

1973 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Service Academy Openings, May 11

1973 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Magnuson Proposed Legislation to Establish a United States Fire Administration, May 11

1973 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Page Appointments, May 15

1973 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Housing – Federal Banks Allowed to Invest in State Housing Corporations, May 22

1973 84) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Hospital Bill – Medicare Repayment Extension, May 31

1973 85) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Release of Weicker Statement on the Impact of the Watergate Senate Committee, June 5

1973 86) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Wheat Tax Bill – Repeal of the Bread Tax, June 6

1973 87) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Virginia Gable – Connecticut Recipient of the American Institute for Foreign Study Scholarship, AIFS, June 7

1973 88) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Release of Weicker Statement on the Release of Defendants Due to the Watergate Senate Committee Hearing, June 12

1973 89) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Robert Morris Nomination to be a Member of the Federal Power Commission, June 15

1973 90) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – Leonid Brezhnev’s Visit/Continuation of the Watergate Committee Hearings, June 18

1973 91) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Discontinue Plans for the Rye-Oyster Bay Bridge, June 20

1973 92) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Eagleton/Weicker Amendment – Alaskan Pipeline Rights-of-Way, July 13

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1973 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Alaskan Pipeline, July 16

1973 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – William Brewer Confirmation as the Ambassador to Sudan, July 19

1973 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Highway Conference Abolishes the Highway Trust Fund, July 20

1973 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – War Powers Act, July 20

1973 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Campaign Practices, July 24

1973 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – White House Support of Democratic Senate and House Candidates in the 1972 Election, July 24

1973 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Election Campaign Act of 1973, July 30

1973 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Calls for the Construction of a Veterans’ Hospital in Farmington, Connecticut, August 7

1973 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of Weicker Press Conference, August 29

1973 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Governor Raymond Baldwin’s 80th Birthday, September 8

1973 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Railroad Nationalization Legislation, September 10

1973 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Telelectures Schedule, September 14

1973 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Gasoline Retailer – Cost of Living Council Phase Four Fuel Regulations, September 17

1973 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ball Bearings – Increased Tariff Duties on Ball Bearing Imports, September 18

1973 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Pension Reform Legislation, September 19

1973 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on the Billy Jean King-Bobby Riggs Tennis Match, September 19

1973 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Weicker Telelectures Schedule Change, September 19

1973 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Encouragement of Full Funding for the Trident Submarine Program, September 20

1973 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Space Week, September 20

1973 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Trident Submarine Program, September 20

1973 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Vote Against Henry Kissinger’s Nomination for Secretary of State, September 21

1973 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Schedule, September 26

1973 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – WCBS and WNBC Specials – “Hartford: Eye on Weicker and Watergate”, September 26

1973 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Full Funding for Development of the Trident Submarine Program, September 27

1973 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Animal Bill – Humane Treatment of Animals in Air Transit, September 28

1973 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ball Bearings – President Nixon’s Return of the United States Tariff Commission’s Report, September 28

1973 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – Domestic versus Foreign Agricultural Markets, October 2

1973 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Congressional Conference on the Constitutional Question: The Role of the Courts, October 3

1973 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Sponsor “The Constitutional Questions—The Congress, the Executive Branch and Now the Courts,”, October 3

1973 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Father Theodore Hesburgh’s Testimony, Special to The Catholic Transcript, October 15

1973 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – Special Prosecutor Legislation, October 25

1973 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Media – Education and a Free Press, October 26

1973 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Establish a National Fire Prevention and Control (FIREPAC) Program, November 2

1973 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Solar Energy Legislation, November 7

1973 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Reply to the Associated Press – Nixon Resignation/Impeachment, November 8

1973 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Abolish the Office of Telecommunications Policy, November 9

1973 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senate Watergate Committee’s Request for a Meeting with President Nixon, November 13

1973 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Energy – Develop and Implement a Regional Fuel Allocation Plan, November 15

1973 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/William F. Buckley Yale University Debate, November 26, 1973, November 19

1973 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Julia Robbins and Laura Woodberry, The Madeira School Congressional Program, November 19

1973 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Retraction – Bridgeport Post and the Connecticut Sunday Herald, November 20

1973 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – John F. Kennedy – Weicker Response to Questions from the New Haven Journal Courier, November 21

1973 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Citizens – Telelectures, November 28

1973 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Arab Oil Embargo, November 30

1973 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amendment to the Rail Services Act of 1973 – Nationalizing Rail Passenger Service, December 11

1973 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Nationalizing Rail Passenger Service, December 12

1973 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Passage of the Lobster Conservation and Control Act of 1973, December 18

1973 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Energy – Amendment to the Federal Emergency Administration Act, December 19

1973 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amendment to the Revised Housing Act of 1973, December 19

1973 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Spanish Language Index of Federal Consumer Publications, December 27

1974 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Nixon Signs the Lobster Bill, January 4

1974 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Schedule, January 7-12, 1974, January 4

1974 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Block the Proposed Elimination of At-Grade Railroad Crossing in New London, January 18

1974 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Television Appearances, January 18

1974 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Small Business Administration Funds Distributed for Damage to Property Resulting from the Ice Storm of December 1973, January 25

1974 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Passage of the Emergency Energy Bill, January 29

1974 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Second Annual Program for Senior Interns, January 29

1974 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Cost of Living Council – Petrochemical Industry Price Controls, January 30

1974 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legal Services Corporation Act Filibuster Cut Off, January 30

1974 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Telelectures Schedule, February-March, January 31

1974 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act of 1974 – Report Number 93-847, H.R. 11864, February 4

1974 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – University of Virginia Appearance – Rule of Law, February 5

1974 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Housing – Relocation of Families Displaced by Urban Renewal Projects, February 7

1974 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Gas Reallocation Decision, February 10

1974 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Gas Rationing Plan, February 14

1974 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Military Academy Nominations, February 15

1974 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Energy – Federal Energy Office/Connecticut Retailers, February 19

1974 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Grievances of Connecticut’s Gas Dealers, February 19

1974 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Applications Accepted for Senate Page Appointments, February 22

1974 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – William Simon Letter – Explore Gas Rationing Plans, February 24

1974 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Reintroduction of Gas Rationing Legislation, February 25

1974 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Telelectures Rescheduling, March 6

1974 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Youth Encouraged to Participate in the Environmental Merit Awards Program, March 8

1974 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to Thomas Meskill’s Decision Not to Seek Reelection, March 11

1974 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Statement on the Lack of Affordable Housing, March 11

1974 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – B.F. Goodrich-Shelton and Derby, Connecticut – Retain Cellular Products Plant, March 14

1974 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Citizens Intern Program, March 18

1974 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Religious Voluntary Agency Assistance Programs, March 22

1974 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Campaign Reform Legislation, March 26

1974 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Energy Legislation – Mandatory Allocation of Plastic Feedstocks, March 26

1974 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate – Political Spying Revealed, April 7

1974 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Railway Derailment Legislation, April 10

1974 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speaking Schedule – Series of Seven Watergate Related Speeches, April 14

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1974 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Youth and Senior Citizens – Telelectures, April 24

1974 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Schedule – American University College of Public Affairs Graduation Ceremony, May 9

1974 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Cemetery Bill – Proposed National Veterans’ Cemetery in Connecticut, May 9

1974 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Northeast Rail Reorganization Plan, May 13

1974 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Schedule, May 17-19, 1974, May 14

1974 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Call” Bill – Congressional Advisory Legislative Line, May 20

1974 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senate Page Appointments, May 24

1974 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Schedule, May 31-June 2, 1974, May 28

1974 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Informational Briefing on the Program to Restructure the Railroads in Connecticut, June 3

1974 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Shepaug River Bill – Protection from Commercial Development and Pollution, June 10

1974 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Summer Interns, June 12

1974 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of the Fourth Summer Intern Program, June 14

1974 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Excise Tax on State Lottery Revenues, June 14

1974 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Recommendation of Peter Dorsey to be United States Attorney for Connecticut, June 20

1974 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Protect the Shepaug River, June 20

1974 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Test Ban Treaty, June 25

1974 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Claude Hasson, Special Assistant for Senior Citizen Affairs, July 2

1974 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Scott Memhard, Internship on Weicker’s Staff, July 10

1974 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Steve Moore, Volunteer in Weicker’s Connecticut Office, July 11

1974 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Transportation – United Aircraft/Turbo-Trains, July 11

1974 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Connecticut Summer Intern Program, July 18

1974 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Amendment Prohibiting White House Staff Access to Internal Revenue Service Tax Returns, July 18

1974 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Foreign Landing Fees for United States Airlines, July 22

1974 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Release of Statement on Privacy of Bank Records, July 31

1974 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Lisa Halloran, Senate Page Appointment, August 6

1974 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Timothy Keeney, Legislative Aid in Weicker’s Washington Office, August 8

1974 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to Nixon’s Resignation, August 8

1974 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to Ford Presidential Inaugural Address, August 9

1974 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act of 1974, August 12

1974 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Robert Ziegler’s Appointment to the Marine Petroleum and Minerals Advisory Committee, August 15

1974 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to the Naming of Rockefeller as Vice President Designate, August 20

1974 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Joseph Montoya Bill – Tax Return Confidentiality, August 21

1974 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Congressman Jerry Litton Legislation – Internal Revenue Service, August 23

1974 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Cargo Preference Bill – Energy Transportation Security Act, September 5

1974 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ed Stone, Junior Intern, September 9

1974 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Energy – Fifty-five Miles-Per-Hour Speed Limit, September 11

1974 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Protect the Confidentiality of Tax Returns, September 11

1974 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Improvement of Korean Lepers Living Conditions, September 17

1974 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Baker Legislation to Create a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee to Police the United States Intelligence Community, September 19

1974 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Litton Reaction to a Presidential Executive Order Limiting White House Access to Income Tax Returns, September 20

1974 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Bicentennial Minutes”, September 21

1974 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Financial Disclosure – Federal Officials Annual Statements of Net Worth, September 30

1974 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Opening, October 1

1974 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Dictaphone Corporation, Investigation of the Attempted Canadian Takeover, October 3

1974 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation Prohibiting Interstate Transportation of Dogs for Fighting, October 4

1974 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Econergy – Reduction of the United States’ Reliance on Imported Oil, October 4

1974 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Time Extension for Public Hearings on the Northeast Rail Reorganization Plan, October 7

1974 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation Requiring Construction of Housing in Urban Renewal Areas, October 22

1974 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Telelectures Schedule, October 30-December 12, 1974, October 22

1974 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Schedule – Wesleyan Keynote Speaker, Two Day Seminar, October 29

1974 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Reply to General George S. Brown’s Statement – For the Connecticut Jewish Ledger, November 18

1974 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funds for State Housing Finance Agencies, November 18

1974 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funding Levels for Urban Transit Agencies, November 19

1974 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bar the Dissemination of Identifiable Tax Return to the United States Census Bureau, November 21

1974 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Net Worth Disclosure, November 21

1974 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Sugar Prices, November 23

1974 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Sugar Prices Subsidy, November 25

1974 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – In-O-Ven – Oil Refinery Construction, November 26

1974 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Anti-Defamation League Public Service Award, December 1

1974 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Israel, December 6

1974 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Los Angeles Release – Arab Oil Embargo, December 9

1974 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Two Hundred Mile Limit – Extension of the United States Fishery Management Zone, December 12

1974 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Tax Return Audits, December 12

1974 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Reduction of Oil Imports, December 14

1974 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Statement on the Delay in the Confirmation of Governor Meskill as a Federal Judge, December 16

1974 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Confirmation of Peter Dorsey as United States Attorney for Connecticut, December 18

1974 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funds for Emergency Public Service Jobs, December 19

1974 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “It’s Academic” – Congressional Team to Compete on the Television Show, December 22

1974 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – NPACT Program – National Public Affairs Center for Television – “The 93rd Congress: Restoring the Balance”, December 22

1974 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Intelligence Oversight, December 23

1974 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Food Stamp Program – Weicker’s Opposition to Proposed Regulation Change, December 24

1974 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Decision to Remain in the Republican Party or Become an Independent, December 31

1975 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Reaction to Watergate Trial Verdict, January 1

1975 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Senior Citizen Intern Program, January 2

1975 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Decision – Remain in the Republican Party or Become an Independent, January 3

1975 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation Creating a Joint Congressional Committee on Intelligence, January 8

1975 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Telelecture Schedule, January-March, 1975, January 8

1975 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Reaction to Judge Sirica’s Order of Release, January 8

1975 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Reintroduction of Legislation to Prevent the Political Abuse of the Internal Revenue Service, January 10

1975 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Prevent the Internal Revenue Service from Becoming an Administration Political Tool, January 11

1975 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Reaction to Ford’s Economic Speech, January 14

1975 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Prevent the Increase in the Cost of Food Stamps, January 15

1975 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Reaction to Ford’s State of the Union Address, January 15

1975 84) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Legislation to Require Federal Officials to File Annual Statements of New Worth, January 17

1975 85) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation on Internal Revenue Service Reform, January 18

1975 86) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of Weicker’s Assignment to Two Senate Committees, January 22

1975 87) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Create a Nationwide Gasoline Rationing Program, January 22

1975 88) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Provide Emergency Aid for Rail-Dependent Areas, January 30

1975 89) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of Nominations for United States Military Academies, January 31

1975 90) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Weicker Appointment to the Senate Committee on Small Business, January 31

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