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1976 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Tennis Week, April 1

1976 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Revitalization Project for Railroads in the Northeast, April 3

1976 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Praised by Gideon Pratt for his Support of Israel, April 5

1976 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Voting Attendance Record, April 5

1976 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Program Emergency Funds to Forestall Layoffs, April 7

1976 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Humane Treatment in the Shipping of Animals, April 7

1976 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Releases his 1975 Tax Return, April 8

1976 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Reform of the Presidential Election System, April 9

1976 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate Reorganization and Reform Act, April 9

1976 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Sponsors the Financial Disclosure Plan, April 10

1976 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Establishment of a Comprehensive National Oceans Policy, April 13

1976 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Branford, Connecticut Masonic Lodge Honored President Ford, April 18-24

1976 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Support for Ocean Research and Establishment of a Unified Ocean Policy, April 21

1976 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Connecticut Republicans to Avoid a Party Platform at its State Convention, April 21

1976 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges the Creation of an Oversight Committee to Regulate the Policies of the Intelligence Agencies, April 22

1976 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Sponsored Legislation Signed Into Law – Animal Welfare Act Amendments of 1976, April 23

1976 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Proposed Delay of Presidential Campaign Legislation, April 28

1976 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Asks Americans to Live Up to the Constitution, April 30

1976 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Robert Krawiecki – Work Performed in Weicker’s Washington Office, May 1

1976 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Speech Delivered at the University of Virginia School of Law, May 1

1976 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Chiles to Reveal the Results of a Senate Investigation into Fraud and Corruption in Military Meat Purchasing, May 4

1976 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Praises his Colleagues for Supporting Voting on Reform Legislation, May 4

1976 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Roll Call Vote on his Resolution Urging Passage of Reform Legislation, May 4

1976 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Kennedy Request an Increase in Education Funding for Disadvantaged Students, May 12

1976 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Establishment of the Intelligence Oversight Committee, May 13

1976 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Richard Dickey/Stephen Coffin – Weicker Interns, May 17

1976 27) [Press Releases – Chronological – Weicker’s Filibuster to Prompt Action on Three Reform Bills, May 17

1976 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges a Foreign Policy of Respecting the Rights and Laws of Other Countries, May 23

1976 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Public Confidence Must be Restored, May 25

1976 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Democrats for Weicker” Organization Established, June 1

1976 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Jacqui Anderson Appointed a Co-Chairman of the Weicker Senate 1976 Campaign, June 1

1976 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on Campaign Code of Conduct, June 1

1976 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on the Energy Crisis, June 1

1976 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Join Sponsorship of Legislation to Reform Federal Regulations Procedures, June 1

1976 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the National Education Association Political Action Committee, June 3

1976 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, June 6

1976 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bryan Anderson/Anne Drake – Weicker Interns, June 10

1976 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Ribicoff Urged the Preservation of the Safeguards of the Clean Air Act, June 10

1976 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Suggests an End to Public Financing of Campaigns and a Shortening of the Campaign Process, June 13

1976 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Reform Utility Rates, June 16

1976 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the International Union of Operating Engineers, June 16

1976 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urged Continued National Emphasis on Economic Recovery and Energy Conservation, June 19

1976 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Memo to “All Town Coordinators, Area News Monitors”, June 22

1976 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Educational Inequalities Elimination, June 24

1976 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Kristi Hellebust – Named a Coordinator of the Connecticut Summer Intern Program, June 24

1976 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Comments on the Death of Gene Frate, June 24

1976 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on Tennis Strategy and Life, June 24

1976 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funds Allocated to Initiate an Undersea Manned Habitat Program, June 25

1976 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Schedule, July 2

1976 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Helen Ix, Nancy Webb, Alex Velaj – Weicker Interns, July 12

1976 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Howard Kaplan Named the Stamford Coordinator of “Democrats for Weicker”, July 13

1976 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Weicker Senate 1976 Committee Files Quarterly Report, July 13

1976 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker 1976 Campaign – Announcement of the Formation of a Twelve Member Statewide Advisory Committee, July 14

1976 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Walter Thorp Hails Weicker as a Protector of the Constitution and American Heritage, July 17

1976 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Meeting with Sam Ervin to Discuss the Watergate Reform Act of 1976, July 19

1976 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Watergate Reform Act, July 20

1976 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee Campaign Schedule, July 20

1976 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee – Richard H. Wood, Chairman of the Minorities Division of the Committee, July 21

1976 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Democrats for Weicker” Coordinators Named, July 22

1976 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Passage of the Watergate Reform Legislation, July 22

1976 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee – Coordinators Named for Senior Citizens Activities, July 22

1976 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Democrats for Weicker” – New Canaan Coordinators Named, July 23

1976 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Connecticut Officials to Announce Their Decision on Northeast Utilities, July 24

1976 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Passage of Legislation Ending the Abuse of Tax Returns, July 28

1976 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Tom Gissen – Weicker Intern, July 29

1976 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Railroad Jobs Bill, July 29

1976 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ben Andrews Endorses Weicker, July 30

1976 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Reform Federal Power Regulations, July 31

1976 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee – Donna O’Connell Named Bloomfield Coordinator, August 2

1976 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Evelyn McMillan – Bristol Coordinator for “Democrats for Weicker”, August 3

1976 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee Campaign Schedule, August 3

1976 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Democrats for Weicker” Greenwich Advisory Committee, August 4

1976 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Organization for Women (NOW) Rates Weicker, August 6

1976 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges the Establishment of Tough Auto Emission Standards, August 6

1976 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Democrats for Weicker” – Mr. and Mrs. Knauth Named Stonington Coordinators, August 10

1976 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Stewart McKinney Release – Letters Relative to the Possible Nomination of Weicker as Vice President, August 11

1976 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Charges that None of the Presidential Candidates are Addressing the Problems of America’s Cities, August 12

1976 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Criticizes the Republican Party Platform, August 12

1976 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Announces Election Debates with Gloria Schaffer, August 13

1976 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee Campaign Schedule, August 13

1976 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Endorses Rosiland Berman, August 16

1976 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Report on the Rebuilding of the Poughkeepsie River Railroad Bridge, August 16

1976 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee Campaign Schedule, August 16

1976 84) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Campaign on Candlewood Lake, August 16

1976 85) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Mandatory Energy Conservation, August 17

1976 86) [Press Releases] – Chronological –“Democrats for Weicker” – William H. Brown Named Suffield Coordinator, August 18

1976 87) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Senate 1976 Committee Filed its Receipts and Expenditures Report, August 23

1976 88) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Tony Sileo – Weicker’s Campaign Coordinator for Fifteen Connecticut Towns, August 25

1976 89) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Increased Federal Aid for Education, August 25

1976 90) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Labor Committee for Weicker – Hartford Meeting – Strategy for Weicker’s Reelection, August 27

1976 91) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Appear on “Congressional Report”, August 27

1976 92) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Postage Due Memo, August 27

1976 93) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Play Tennis and Softball for Charity, August 27

1976 94) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Calls for a Study on the Condition of United States Marine Science and Technology, August 28

1976 95) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Lee Dobkin – Weicker Intern, August 30

1976 96) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Media Advisory on the XM-1 Tank, September 1976

1976 97) [Press Releases] – Chronological – The Connecticut AFL-CIO Endorses Weicker, September 1

1976 98) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges a Resumption in Housing Starts, September 3

1976 99) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the Greenwich Building and Construction Trades Council, September 4

1976 100) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funds to Construct a Hurricane Barrier for New London, September 8

1976 101) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Veterans’ Medical Benefits for Polish and Czech Armed Forces Who Fought for the Allies in the First/Second World Wars, September 10

1976 102) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Presidential Debates Should be Open to Independent and Third Party Candidates, September 10

1976 103) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Floor Statement on the Presidential Debates, September 13

1976 104) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senate Oversight Hearings on the Army’s Selection Process of the New Tank, XM-1, September 14

1976 105) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Weicker Wins an Agreement for a Government Probe of the Way Revenue Sharing Funds are Distributed to States, September 14

1976 106) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bribing of Foreign Officials, September 16

1976 107) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Salvatore D’Amico – Named One of Ten Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employees of the Year, September 23

1976 108) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on his Record – Speaking before AFL-CIO Union Members, September 23

1976 109) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Protect and Conserve Whale Species Found in United States Waters, September 29

1976 110) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Provide Financial Assistance to Fisherman and Fish Processing Facilities, September 29

Box 1588

1976 1) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of Division 77, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, October 1

1976 2) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the Connecticut Education Association (CEA), October 5

1976 3) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the Nurses Coalition for Action in Politics (N-CAP), October 6

1976 4) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on Inadequate Housing, October 9

1976 5) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on Strong International Trade, October 10

1976 6) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Campaign Contributions, October 14

1976 7) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Water Pollution Control Act, October 14

1976 8) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Meeting with Ford on Presidential Campaign Strategy, October 17

1976 9) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the Railway Labor Executives’ Association, October 18

1976 10) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Legislation – Preserve and Save Whale Species, October 19

1976 11) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of Local 93 of the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, October 19

1976 12) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Wins the Endorsement of Local 609 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, October 20

1976 13) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Approval of Funds to Construct the New London Hurricane Barrier, October 23

1976 14) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Weicker Wins the Endorsement of the International Conference of Police Associations, October 25

1976 15) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Election Day – Weicker to Vote at the Firehouse on Round Hill Road, Greenwich, October 29

1976 16) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Henry Kissinger to Seek an International Agreement on Marine Mammals, December 9

1976 17) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Dick Benson – Appointed as a Special Assistant in the Bridgeport Office, December 24

1977 18) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Continuation of Weicker’s Telelecture Series, January 7

1977 19) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Participation in a Seminar on an Oceans Program, January 10

1977 20) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Create a National Direct Primary Election for President, January 11

1977 21) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Senior Intern Program, January 11

1977 22) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Nominations of Candidates for Vacancies in the Class of 1981 at the United States Military Academies, January 24

1977 23) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Reintroduction of the “Washington Report”, January 24

1977 24) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Continuation of the Telelectures Series, January 28

1977 25) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Criticizes the Emergency Natural Gas Act, January 28

1977 26) [Press Releases] – Chronological – President Carter Urged to Provide Emergency Relief to Low and Moderate Income Families, February 1

1977 27) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Co-Sponsor of the Public Integrity Act of 1977, February 2

1977 28) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Updated Telelecture Schedule, February 3

1977 29) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Provide Low Interest Loans to Fisherman and Fish Processing Facilities, February 4

1977 30) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on Compromises – Speech Attached, February 5

1977 31) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Named to Participate on Two Subcommittees of the Appropriations Committee, February 23

1977 32) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Announcement of a Scholarship to the 1977 American Institute of Summer Foreign Study Program, March 3

1977 33) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Public Hearing on the Food and Drug Administration’s Plastic Bottle Ban, March 3

1977 34) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Named to the Top Republican Position on the Energy Conservation and Regulation Subcommittee, March 5

1977 35) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ron Belonick – Weicker Intern in the Washington Office, March 7

1977 36) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – Ban Commercial Whaling Within Two Hundred Miles of the United States Coast, March 10

1977 37) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Mark Jaffe – Senate Page Appointed by Weicker, March 15

1977 38) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Slumbering Groundhog Lodge, Pennsylvania – Bestow Honorary Membership Upon Weicker, Groundhog of 1977, March 15

1977 39) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – Ethics Proposal to Guarantee Public Disclosure of the Financial Dealings of Senators, March 17

1977 40) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Press Conference on Chemical Weapons Disarmament, March 17

1977 41) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Chemical Weapons Moratorium, March 21

1977 42) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Move of Weicker’s Washington Office, March 31

1977 43) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Praise for the Danbury Junior Women’s Club in Sponsoring the 4th Annual Hike/Bike – Provide Funds for the Mentally Handicapped of Connecticut, April 11

1977 44) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Fifth Annual Connecticut Senior Intern Program, April 18

1977 45) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker on Mandatory Gas Rationing, April 21

1977 46) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Fifth Annual Senior Intern Program, April 25

1977 47) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Announces the Opening of his State Office in Hartford’s Financial Plaza, April 29

1977 48) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Proposes that Gas Stations Nationwide be Ordered Closed 5 p.m. Saturday-5 a.m. Monday, April 29

1977 49) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Applications for Page Appointments Accepted, May 2

1977 50) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Completion of the Fifth Annual Connecticut Senior Intern Program, May 2

1977 51) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Criticizes Proposals to Extend Public Financing of Elections to Congressional Campaigns, May 5

1977 52) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation – Unlawful to Discriminate Against the Physically Handicapped, May 10

1977 53) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Dictaphone Corporation Labor Dispute, May 12

1977 54) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges Vigilance to Guard Against the Erosion of Justice and Constitutional Rights by Government, May 15

1977 55) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/McKinney Announce the Expenditure of Funds for the Construction of a Containment Facility to Serve Stamford’s East Branch Harbor, May 18

1977 56) [Press Releases] – Chronological – National Transportation Safety Board Report on the New Canaan Train Collision, May 19

1977 57) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Praises New Britain’s Downtown Festival, “Main Street, USA”, May 19

1977 58) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges a Strong National Energy Program, May 21

1977 59) [Press Releases] – Chronological – “Editor’s Choice” Program to Honor Civilian Accomplishments of Vietnam Veterans, May 30

1977 60) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Funding Requested for Four Water Projects of Importance to Connecticut, June 8

1977 61) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Criticized Senate Delay of Tough Clean Air Standards, June 9

1977 62) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urged Secretary of State Vance to Protest Yugoslavian Acts of Oppression Against Resident Albanians, June 13

1977 63) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Approval of a Passport Office for Connecticut, June 16

1977 64) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Daily News Summary – Fisherman’s Protection Fund, June 17

1977 65) [Press Releases] – Chronological –Weicker Amendment – Provide United Fisherman with Protection Against Equipment Damage Cause of Oil and Gas Exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), June 17

1977 66) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Proposal – Funds for the National Marine Fisheries Services Laboratory for Increases in Aquaculture Studies, June 22

1977 67) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Praises the Passage of the Public Integrity Act, June 27

1977 68) [Press Releases] – Chronological – New London/Groton Military Construction, June 29

1977 69) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Student Summer Intern Program, July 4-8

1977 70) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Kennedy Legislation to Abolish the Highway Trust Fund, July 14

1977 71) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Douglas Robinson Named as Weicker Press Secretary, July 19

1977 72) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Dodd Release – New London/Groton Military Construction Projects, July 21

1977 73) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Ribicoff Introduction of Legislation Authorizing the Creation of the Long Island Sound Heritage, July 31

1977 74) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Selection of Four Connecticut Teenagers to Serve as Senate Pages, August 11

1977 75) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker New Staff Members, August 15

1977 76) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Tracy Wetstone – Completed a Four Week Internship in Weicker’s Washington Office, August 15

1977 77) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Press Conference on August 29, 1977, August 24

1977 78) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Visited the Research Facilities of the National Marine Fisheries Services Laboratory, August 25

1977 79) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker’s Support for the Proposed Panama Canal Treaties, August 29

1977 80) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Bruce Collin – Intern in Weicker’s Washington Office, September 5-9

1977 81) [Press Releases] – Chronological – John Schwolsky – Volunteer in Weicker’s Washington Office, September 5-9

1977 82) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker/Ribicoff Express Concern Over Amtrak’s Decision to Cut Passenger Rail Service in Connecticut, September 7

1977 83) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Volunteer Intern and a Senate Page Appointed by Weicker, September 12-16

1977 84) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Participate in the American Heart Association Tennis Tournament, September 14

1977 85) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges the Approval of Supplemental Funds for Amtrak, September 15

1977 86) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Federal Government to Guarantee Tax Payments Owed by Penn Central Railroad, September 16

1977 87) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Northeast Corridor Railroad Service Funding, September 23

1977 88) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speech in Boston Announced, September 26

1977 89) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speech in San Francisco Announced, September 26

1977 90) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Holly Harmuth – Intern in Weicker’s Press Office, September 26-30

1977 91) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges a Stronger Small Business Administration, October 1

1977 92) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Gains Approval for Funding to Repair a Breach Above the Bleachery Dam, Housatonic River, New Milford, October 3

1977 93) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Dismayed that the Transportation Secretary Denied Support for Supplemental Funding for Amtrak, October 3

1977 94) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speaks to the Conservative Resistance to the Panama Canal Agreement, October 3

1977 95) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker to Install TTY in Bridgeport Office, October 3

1977 96) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Speech in Atlantic City, October 4

1977 97) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Urges a Mandatory Nationwide Energy Conservation Program, October 6

1977 98) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Legislation to Provide Funds to Help Save the Bowhead Whale, October 7

1977 99) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Calls on Republicans to Commit to Restore the Party, October 13

1977 100) [Press Releases] – Chronological – Weicker Announces the Appointment of Stanley Twardy as the Minority Counsel of the Small Business Committee, October 14

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