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Box 1599
1974 1) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – S. 3485 – Amend the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, May 13
1974 2) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Taxes – Financial Statement by Senator Weicker, May 14
1974 3) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Elementary and Secondary Education Programs, Amendment to S. 1539, May 16
1974 4) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Education – Avon League of Women Voters, Farmington, Connecticut, May 17
1974 5) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Equality of Educational Opportunity, May 20
1974 6) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate – John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, May 26
1974 7) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate – Central Connecticut State College, New Britain, Connecticut, May 31
1974 8) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate – Choate School, Wallingford, Connecticut, June 2
1974 9) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Business – Pacific Coast Builders, San Francisco, California, June 6
1974 10) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker on Henry Kissinger in Vienna, June 11
1974 11) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Bradley International Airport, June 11
1974 12) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, June 13
1974 13) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Domestic Marshall Plan – Litchfield High School Commencement, June 16
1974 14) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Shepaug River – Testimony before the Senate Committee on Interior, June 20
1974 15) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Republican Platform Statement, June 21
1974 16) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Camp Safety – Children and Youth Subcommittee, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, July 15
1974 17) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Releases Hold on Nomination of Arthur Lewis as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Railway Association, July 15
1974 18) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service – Restricting White House Staff Access to Tax Returns, July 18 and August 13
1974 19) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – S. 3790 – Airport Landing Fees Charged in Foreign Countries, July 22
1974 20) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate Tapes Surrender – Supreme Court Decision, July 24

1974 21) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Political/Baker, July 26

1974 22) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Federal Government Forbidden from Examining Individuals Bank Records, July 31
1974 23) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Energy – Arab Oil, July 31
1974 24) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – WCBS Editorial Reply – Endorsement of a Permanent Special Prosecutor, August
1974 25) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service Amendment, August 6
1974 26) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Animal Air Transport Legislation, August 8
1974 27) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Landing Fees, August 8
1974 28) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Reaction to President Nixon’s Resignation, August 8
1974 29) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Gerald Ford Inaugural Speech Reaction, August 9
1974 30) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – HUD – Housing and Community Development Act, August 13
1974 31) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Restricting White House Staff Access to Tax Returns, August 13
1974 32) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service – “Watergate Reform: Where Do We Stand?”, August 16
1974 33) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Reaction to Nelson Rockefeller’s Selection as Vice President, August 20
1974 34) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Economy – “How Not to Fight Inflation”, August 21
1974 35) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Compliments Senator Jacob Javits for his Pension Reform Legislation, August 22
1974 36) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological –Illegal Electronic Surveillance, August 22
1974 37) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to Richard Nixon’s Pardon, September 8
1974 38) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service – Restrict the Authority for Inspection of Tax Returns, September 11
1974 39) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – New Amtrak 5-Year Plan, September 12
1974 40) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological - Confirmation Hearings – Governor Thomas Meskill’s Nomination to the Second District U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, September 17
1974 41) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Railroad Revenue Act, September 17
1974 42) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Surveillance – Creation of a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, September 19
1974 43) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Energy – New England Broadcast Association, Boston, Massachusetts, September 20
1974 44) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service – Executive Order Limiting White House Access to Income Tax Returns, September 20
1974 45) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate/Energy – Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, September 21
1974 46) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of the New Worth Disclosure Act Requiring Financial Disclosure for Federal Executives and Employees, September 30
1974 47) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Floor Statement Introducing the Quality Educational Assistance Act, October
1974 48) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Digestive Disease – Connecticut Digestive Disease Society, October 1
1974 49) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Statement Upon the Opening of the Hirshhorn Museum, October 1
1974 50) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Energy Floor Statement, October 4
1974 51) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Response to Failure to Solve the Energy Crisis, October 4
1974 52) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Voter Apathy – Middlesex Manufacturers Association, East Haddam, Connecticut, October 17
1974 53) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – NAACP – Connecticut State Conference of Branches, NAACP, October 19
1974 54) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Connecticut Bar Association, New Haven, Connecticut, October 21
1974 55) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – South Dakota State University, October 28
1974 56) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Speech – New England Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, November 15
1974 57) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Comments on the Federal Privacy Board Act, November 20

Box 1600
1974 1) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Comments on the Proposal for Hearings on Tax Privacy, November 21
1974 2) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service/Census Bureau, November 21
1974 3) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Puerto Rico – New Progressive Party, November 23
1974 4) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Sugar Amendment – Agriculture, Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriations, November 25
1974 5) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Comments on Intelligence Oversight, December
1974 6) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – B’nai B’rith, Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California, December 8
1974 7) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Intelligence Oversight Testimony, December 10
1974 8) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Internal Revenue Service Tax Audit – Procedures for Selection of Tax Returns for Audit, December 12
1974 9) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Standby Energy Emergency Authority Act – S. 3267, December 13
1974 10) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Connecticut High School Student Council Convention, December 14
1974 11) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological –Leasing Testimony – Hartford, Connecticut, December 16
1974 12) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Thomas Meskill – Delay in Confirmation to be a Federal Judge, December 16
1974 13) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – George Aiken Tribute, December 17
1974 14) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Norris Cotton Tribute, December 17
1974 15) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – University of Bridgeport Commencement, December 22
1975 16) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to the Watergate Trial Verdict, January 1
1975 17) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – The Opening of the Gold Market – Probus Club, Woodbridge, Connecticut, January 7
1975 18) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker’s Reaction to Judge Sirica’s Release Order, January 8
1975 19) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Greenwich Republican Town Committee, January 9
1975 20) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Response to President Ford’s Economic Speech, January 14
1975 21) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Net Worth Disclosure Act, S. 192 – Floor Statement, January 16
1975 22) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of Legislation to Restrict Authority for Inspection of Tax Returns, January 17
1975 23) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – New Developments at the New London Submarine Base, January 20
1975 24) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Reintroduction of Legislation to Create a Joint Congressional Intelligence Oversight Committee, January 23
1975 25) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of Mandatory Gas Rationing Act, January 23
1975 26) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Floor Statement – Consideration of the Wyman-Durkin Senatorial Election Contest, January 28
1975 27) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Central State University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 11
1975 28) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Senator Haskell Cites Weicker Article on Mandatory Gas Rationing, February 19
1975 29) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Supreme Court Decision Giving the Internal Revenue Service the Right to Examine Bank Records, February 20
1975 30) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Regional Rail Reorganization Act Amendments, February 21
1975 31) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Declaration – Senate Should Hold Weekend Sessions until Action is Completed on Crisis Legislation, February 24
1975 32) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Right of American to Face One’s Accusers, February 24
1975 33) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Right of Every Senate Member to Speak, February 27
1975 34) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Lincoln Day Dinner – Norwich Republican Town Committee, February 28
1975 35) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Energy Crisis and the Economy, March 11
1975 36) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Meskill Vote Delay, March 12
1975 37) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – American Institute of Banking, Hartford, Connecticut, March 15
1975 38) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Republican Study Group, Bridgeport, Connecticut, March 15
1975 39) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Testimony – Hearings of the Rail Service Planning Office – USRA Preliminary System Plan, March 17
1975 40) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Opposition to the Establishment of an Agency for Consumer Advocacy, March 19
1975 41) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Congressional Action Regarding Commitments in Vietnam, March 21
1975 42) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of Legislation to Abolish the Highway Trust Fund, March 21
1975 43) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Reaction to the Meskill Nomination being Favorably Reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, March 21
1975 44) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Statement Charging that Congress is Responsible for the Failure of Governments in Southeast Asia, March 27
1975 45) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Request for Citizenship for Simeon and Paca Zivkov, April 7
1975 46) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, April 9
1975 47) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of the Mandatory Energy Conservation Act, April 10
1975 48) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Insertion in the Congressional RecordWashington Post Editorial, “The Energy Message is Fading”, April 14
1975 49) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker’s 1974 Tax Return, April 14
1975 50) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Judiciary Committee Report on the Judgeship Nomination of Thomas J. Meskill, April 15
1975 51) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – American Gas Association, Washington, DC, April 16
1975 52) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Debate on Thomas Meskill Judgeship Appointment, April 21
1975 53) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Floor Debate on Thomas Meskill Judgeship Appointment, April 22
1975 54) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – American Society of Professional Engineers, April 23
1975 55) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Explanation of Vote Against Aid to the Vietnam Bill, April 24
1975 56) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Criticizing Congress for Failure to Respond to the Need for Tax Reform – Finance Subcommittee on the Internal Revenue Service, April 28
1975 57) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Efficiency of the Food Stamp Program – Government Subcommittee Hearing, May 2
1975 58) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Law Day – University of Georgia Law School, Athens, Georgia, May 3
1975 59) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker/Brooke/Scott Introduction of the Electric Utilities Rate Reform Act, May 6

Box 1601
1975 1) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – The Associated Press Circuit Meeting, Bridgeport, Connecticut, May 8
1975 2) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Knights of Columbus State Banquet, Hartford, Connecticut, May 10
1975 3) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Consumer Protection Act, May 12
1975 4) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Abraham Ribicoff Inserts Weicker’s May 8th Speech in the Congressional Record, May 12
1975 5) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Vietnamese Refugees, May 13
1975 6) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Criticizes Gerald Ford’s Executive Order – Tax Returns for the Past 20 Years Opened to the Senate Government Operations Committee, May 14
1975 7) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Connecticut Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Inc., Wallingford, Connecticut, May 17
1975 8) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – University of Maine Commencement, Portland, Maine, May 17
1975 9) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Discrimination of the Handicapped, May 17

1975 10) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Air Combat Fighter Programs – Subcommittee on Federal Spending and Efficiency, May 20

1975 11) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Eastern Connecticut State Teachers College Commencement, May 23
1975 12) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Fairleigh-Dickinson University Commencement, May 25
1975 13) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – State University of New York, Albany and St. Joseph’s High School Commencements, June 1 and June 7
1975 14) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker/Baker Call for a Permanent Joint Intelligence Oversight Committee, June 11
1975 15) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of Bill – Assure the Humane Treatment of Animals Shipped by Air, June 13
1975 16) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Wyman/Durkin – Senate Debate on the New Hampshire Senate Seat, June 13
1975 17) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Roll Call 20th Anniversary, June 18
1975 18) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Bassick High School Distributive Education Program, June 19
1975 19) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Windsor High School Commencement, Windsor, Connecticut, June 19
1975 20) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Stamford High School and Westhill High School Commencements, Stamford, Connecticut, June 22
1975 21) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Environment and Land Resources, July 9
1975 22) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Air Combat Fighter Programs – Subcommittee on Federal Spending Practices, July 10
1975 23) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Tax Privacy, July 10
1975 24) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Release of the Long Island Sound Regional Study, Norwalk, Connecticut, July 28
1975 25) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate Reform Legislation – Government Operations Committee, July 29
1975 26) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Praise for the Appropriations Committee Action Regarding 35 Million for the Housing and Community Development Act, July 30
1975 27) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Subcommittee on Transportation, July 31
1975 28) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Connecticut Education Association, August 1
1975 29) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – “Work Sacrifice and Unselfish Caring”, September
1975 30) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Appropriations for the Department of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare, September 17
1975 31) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – National Flexible Packaging Association, New York City, September 17
1975 32) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Reflection of a Novice Aquanaut, September 18
1975 33) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Opposition to Pay Raise for Members of Congress, September 18
1975 34) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Congressional Record – Reprint of an Article – Support of Gerald Ford’s Veto of the Bill Concerning Control of Oil Prices, September 19
1975 35) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Introduction of the Federal Taxpayer Privacy Act, September 19
1975 36) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Hank Price Eulogy, September 24
1975 37) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Extension of the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, September 26
1975 38) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Cost of the F-18 Fighter, September 30
1975 39) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Decontrol of Oil and Gasoline Prices, October 1
1975 40) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Catastrophic Health Insurance and Medical Assistance Reform Act, October 3
1975 41) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Brickner Memorial Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, October 15
1985 42) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Opposition to the Breakup of the Major Oil Companies, October 21
1975 43) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Statement of Barry Berman – Legalization of Marijuana, October 24
1975 44) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – 26th Annual Conference of the Connecticut Reading Council, Glastonbury, Connecticut, October 25
1975 45) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Support of Open Government, October 29
1975 46) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – New York City Statement, October 29

1975 47) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – John F. Kennedy Lodge of B’nai B’rith, Chevy Chase, Maryland, October 30

1975 48) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Lake Zoar Bridge, October 30
1975 49) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – 29th Annual Education Conference – Connecticut State Federation of Teachers, Hartford, Connecticut, October 31
1975 50) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Criticism of Covert CIA Operations and Henry Kissinger’s Foreign Policy, November
1975 51) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Disapproval of Ronald Reagan’s Bid for the Presidential Nomination, November
1975 52) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Support of the Government in the Sunshine Act, November 5
1975 53) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Situs Picketing Legislation, November 10
1975 54) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Submission of Resolution to Posthumously Award Citizenship to Slaves, November 10
1975 55) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – ENFORCER Military Aircraft, November 13
1975 56) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Comments on the F-18, November 14
1975 57) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Animal Welfare Act – Commerce Subcommittee on the Environment, November 20
1975 58) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Reaction to Ronald Reagan’s Announcement to Seek the Presidential Nomination, November 20
1975 59) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – International Convention of the Religious Education Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 23
1975 60) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Environmental Protection Agency, December 2
1975 61) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Watergate Reform Legislation, December 3
1975 62) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Government Operations, December 4
1975 63) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Northeast Rail Corridor, December 4
1975 64) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Equal Education, December 9
1975 65) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Extension of the Highway Trust Fund, December 12
1975 66) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Animal Welfare Amendments, December 16
1975 67) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – U.S. Energy Policy, December 16
1975 68) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Opposition to U.S. Involvement in Angola, December 17

Box 1602
1976 1) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Special to the Greenwich TimeFinancial Report, January
1976 2) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Announcement of Weicker’s Candidacy for the U.S. Senate, January 13
1976 3) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Intelligence Oversight Hearings – Opening Statement, January 21
1976 4) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Nomination of George Bush to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, January 26
1976 5) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Testimony – House Ways and Means Committee, January 28
1976 6) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Support for the Establishment of a Fishery Conservation Zone, January 28
1976 7) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – WFSB-TV Editorial Criticizing Weicker for Connections to Remington Arms and Weicker’s Response, February 4-5
1976 8) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Response to Charges Involving Gulf Oil Political Contributions, February 6
1976 9) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Intelligence Oversight – Government Operations Committee, February 19
1976 10) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Abortion, February 25

1976 11) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Lincoln Day Celebration – Glastonbury Republican Town Committee, February 28

1976 12) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Association for Advanced Life Underwriters Reprint, February 29
1976 13) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreement Act – Subcommittee on Federal Spending Practices, March 3
1976 14) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – “Effective Government in Action”, March 3
1976 15) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Politics of the Republican Party, March 5
1976 16) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Lincoln Day Dinner, Manchester, Connecticut, March 6
1976 17) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Citizen’s Day Program – Grace Baptist Church, Norwalk, Connecticut, March 7
1976 18) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Objections to H.R. 8617 –Removal of Restrictions on Federal Employee Participation in Elective Politics, March 11
1976 19) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Daniel Schorr and Freedom of the Press, March 12
1976 20) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Privacy Protection Study Commission on Taxpayers’ Privacy, March 12
1976 21) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Repeal of Law Creating the Tax Check-Off System and Public Campaign Finance, March 17
1976 22) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Connecticut Federation of Young Republicans’ Annual Convention, Enfield, Connecticut, March 20
1976 23) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – New Haven Medical Association, March 25
1976 24) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Argues to Prohibit Supersonic Air Transportation in the U.S., March 25
1976 25) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Greenwich, Connecticut Republican Town Committee, March 26
1976 26) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Support of the Toxic Substance Control Act, March 26
1976 27) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Oversight of Intelligence Activities, April 1
1976 28) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – United Transportation Union Workers, April 3
1976 29) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Yale Political Union, April 5
1976 30) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Conference Report on S. 1941 – Animal Welfare Act Amendments, April 7
1976 31) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker’s Personal Finances, April 8
1976 32) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – National Ocean Policy, April 9
1976 33) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Simulated Democratic National Convention, Bloomsburg State College, April 9
1976 34) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Weicker Commends Senators Magnuson and Brooke for Efforts to Save the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, April 9
1976 35) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Oversight of the Intelligence Community – Marymount College, April 21
1976 36) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Government Economy and Spending Reform Act, April 26
1976 37) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Small Business, April 29
1976 38) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Connecticut Valley Council of B’nai B’rith, April 30
1976 39) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Law Day, May 1
1976 40) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Opposition to Public Financing of Presidential Campaign, May 4
1976 41) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Timetable for Watergate Reform, Intelligence Oversight and Tax Privacy Legislation, May 4
1976 42) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Kennedy/Weicker Amendment to Provide Equal Educational Opportunity, May 11
1976 43) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Support of B-1 Bomber Funding, May 20
1976 44) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Eastern Connecticut State College Commencement, May 23
1976 45) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – New Haven Boy’s Club, May 24
1976 46) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Regulatory Reform Act, May 27
1976 47) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – Special Bicentennial Statement to the Bridgeport Post, June
1976 48) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological –Women Institutors of Connecticut (WIOCONS), June 1
1976 49) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological –Greenwich County Day School Commencement, June 4
1976 50) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – New Fairfield High School Commencement, June 13
1976 51) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – “Lobby Reform Long Overdue”, June 15
1976 52) [Speeches and Statements] – Chronological – The Elderly – North Branford High School Commencement, June 16

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