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Undated Folder 1. H. R. Haldeman 1: Opening Statement of H. R. Haldeman before the Senate Select Committee, undated, 89 pages.

Undated Folder 1. H. R. Haldeman 1: Questions for Haldeman, based on his opening statement, undated, 20 pages.

1973 Folder 1. H. R. Haldeman 1: Memo, Liebengood to Thompson, regarding “Suggested Areas of Inquiry for Haldeman,” July 25, 1973, 34 pages.

1971 Folder 1. H. R. Haldeman 1: Memo, Walker for Haldeman, regarding “Charlotte, North Carolina – Demonstrations,” October 14, 1971, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. H. R. Haldeman 1: The Washington Post article, “Haldeman Blacklisted GOP Senators,” July 9, 1973, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. H. R. Haldeman 1: Memo, Malek for Haldeman, regarding “Leaks,” September 29, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Memo, Haldeman for Malek, regarding “Leak Situation,” September 27, 1971, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Memo, Strachan for Haldeman, regarding “Leaks,” undated, 2 pages.

1970 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Memo, Magruder for Haldeman, regarding “Monitoring System,” January 21, 1970, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Memo, Higby for Dean, regarding “disruptions that occurred in the campaign,” February 10, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Memo, Haldeman for Dean, regarding the “Ervin Committee” minority counsel, February 9, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Exhibit No. 31: handwritten notes containing questions for and issues discussed with Haldeman, and two memos regarding political enemies and Chet Huntley, undated, 8 pages.

1971-1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Exhibit No. 3: Summary of Haldeman’s Meetings and Phone Calls with Haig, Krogh, Helms, Richardson, Ehrlichman, Flanigan, Connally, MacGregor, Timmons, Caulfield, Mitchell, Dean, Moore, Timmons, Magruder, Colson, 1971-1973, 36 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: “Haldeman Summary”: A summary of Haldeman’s duties as Chief of Staff; Haldeman’s early relations with Nixon; Haldeman meetings; Haldeman’s activities with the CIA; Haldeman’s relations to Watergate; Haldeman and the Dean Report, the Huston Plan, Political Enemies, Money matters, Kleindienst, Leaks, and CRP, undated, 37 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: A chronology of Watergate related events, January – July, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Transcript of a telephone conversation between Ehrlichman and Colson, April 17, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Transcript of a telephone conversation between Ehrlichman and Clawson, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: BBC interview of Ehrlichman (portion only), undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Deposition, Vernon Walters, Director of CIA, 12 May 1973, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Press release, National News-Research Syndicate, “Haldeman, The President, and Watergate,” April 6, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: The Sunday Star and Daily News article, “Haldeman: Nixon ‘s ‘No Man’,” April 15, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: The Washington Post article, “’Managing’ the Watergate,” 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “H. R. (Bob) Haldeman,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: The Washington Post article, “Key to Watergate Puzzle: Nixon Aide H. R. Haldeman,” April 8, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “Sabotage Try By Nixon in ’62 Charged,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: The Washington Post article, “3 Top Nixon Aides Tied to Cover-Up,” April 29, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: “Addendum: March 21st Meeting,” undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Note, Dooley to Searle, regarding a disagreement between Haldeman and Robert Taylor at a Providence campaign rally, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: Handwritten notes regarding a disagreement between Haldeman and Robert Taylor at a Providence campaign rally, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: “Revised Haldeman Summary”: A summary of Haldeman’s duties as Chief of Staff; Haldeman’s early relations with Nixon; Haldeman and List of Political Enemies; Haldeman meetings; Haldeman’s activities with the CIA; Haldeman’s relations to Watergate; Haldeman and the Dean Report, the Huston Plan, Political Enemies, Money matters, Kleindienst, Leaks, CRP, and Intelligence activities, undated, 39 pages.

Undated Folder 2. H. R. Haldeman 2: A biographical Profile, H. R. Haldeman, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “’Signal’ on Watergate?,” April 6, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The New York Times article, “Trial by Leak and Hearsay,” April 4, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The New York Times article, “A Spate of Names – No Certainties,” April 1, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “The Watergate and the White House,” March 27, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “FBI Chief Say Nixon’s Aides Paid Segretti,” March 8, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Watergate Suit Amended, Asks $6.4 Million,” March 1, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Nixon Aides Refuse to Answer Some Bugging Questions,” February 8, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Washington Post article, “Haldeman Aide Called Link in Spy Nets,” February 7, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The New York Times article, “Ziegler denies an Article Linking Haldeman to Fund,” October 26, 1972, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Associated Press article, “White House Former Aide Helped Hoffa,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Washington Post article, “Haldeman Arranged Hoffa’s Release,” May 3, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Washington Post article, “Testimony Ties Top Nixon Aide to Secret Fund,” October 25, 1972, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Testimony on Segretti Hiring Differs,” April 21, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Handwritten question from Weicker for McCord regarding Haldeman’s knowledge of McCords’s position at CRP, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Star-News article, “Haldeman Set Up Intelligence,” April 6, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Haldeman Details Intelligence Role,” April 6, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Handwritten questions for Haldeman, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Haldeman Blacklisted GOP Senators,” July 9, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Sunday Star and Daily News article, “Probers Eying Haldeman,” April 22, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Newsweek article, “The President’s Palace Guard,” March 19, 1973, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “The Guilt of Mr. Nixon,” 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Senate Votes Watergate Probe,” February 8, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “H. R. Haldeman Letter,” May 1, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Nixon to Upgrade Hill Liaison,” January 1, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “’Big 5’ at White House: Powers on Nixon Staff,” January 20, 1973, 3 pages

1972 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Los Angeles Times article, “Haldeman’s Iron Rule: Never a Thought for his Own Image,” February 27, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Haldeman: Above Reproach,” February 13, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Haldeman Wields Vast Power,” undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The New York Times article, “Chief of Staff in the White House: Harry Robbins Haldeman,” February 1972, 1 page.

1970 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Time article, “How Nixon’s White House Works,” June 8, 1970, 6 pages.

1969 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: U. S. News & World Report article, “Key Men Around Nixon: Who’s Calling the Signals,” May 12, 1969, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Haldeman, Intensely Loyal Key to Access to Nixon,” May 1, 1973, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Star article, “GOP Acts to Cut Advertising Costs,” November 2, 1971, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Weicker Calls on Haldeman to Testify,” April 2, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The Washington Post article, “Panel Says Haldeman Not Tied to Watergate,” April 5, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Haldeman Background: The New York Times article, “Senators Query Haldeman’s Role,” April 1, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Weicker handwritten notes regarding executive privilege, separation of powers and Haldeman’s testimony from taped conversations, undated, 2 pages (5 x 8 card with handwritten notes on one side and typewritten notes on the other).

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Handwritten notes entitled “Areas of Inquiry,” undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Handwritten notes entitled “Protection of Executive Privilege,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Handwritten notes regarding the LaCosta Meeting, numbered 6 – 9, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Haldeman Background: Handwritten notes beginning “Mr. Haldeman,” undated, 2 pages.

1962 Folder 4. Haldeman 1962: Robinson & Company Inc. statewide mailing to conservative Democrats, Nixon for Governor Campaign Committee, September 19, 1962, 1 page, with account ledger sheets; expenditure forms; a general campaign statement; memo from Frank Jordan, Secretary of State of the State of California, and copies of Nixon for Governor checks attached, 1962, 11 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Haldeman 1962: The Washington Post article, “Tactics in ’62 Race Enjoined by Court,” undated, 1 page, with a similar Washington Post article attached, April 3, 1973, 1 page.

1962 Folder 4. Haldeman 1962: Press release, Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, October 20, 1962, 1 page, with mailings, a news article, and questions asked of William Marlin attached, October 15, 1962, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Haldeman 1962: Letter, Wickens to Mahoney, regarding the judgment in case No. 526150, April 16, 1973, 1 page.

1963 Folder 4. Haldeman 1962: Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, Democratic State Central Committee, et al. vs. the Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, et al., No. 526150, Deposition of H. Robert [Robbins] Haldeman, September 5, 1963, 80 pages.

1964 Folder 4. Haldeman 1962: Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, Democratic State Central Committee, et al. vs. the Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, No. 526150 Judgment, October 30, 1964, 20 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Sally Jackson Harmony,” Suggested Areas of Inquiry,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Sally Jackson Harmony, Allegations Involving Other Persons,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Sally Jackson Harmony, Synopsis of Information From Sources Other Than Committee Statement,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Digest of Interview of Sally Harmony,” May 21, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Sally Jackson Harmony: Synopsis of Statement,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: The Committee witness list, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Handwritten notes regarding Hugh Sloan and his participation in Watergate related issues, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Handwritten notes regarding Harmony and “Gemstone,” undated, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Typewritten note regarding copies of Reisner’s diaries and Chern’s diary for February 4, 1972, with copies of pages from the diaries, January – March and June, 1972, 12 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: The Washington Post article, “Sally Jackson Harmony: Key Witness in the Watergate Inquiry?,” April 8, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Handwritten notes regarding questions for Harmony, undated, 15 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Handwritten notes, interview of Sally Harmony, April 18, 1973, 13 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Handwritten notes entitled “2nd Harmony Interview con’t from bound notebook,” undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Sally Harmony: Handwritten notes regarding her testimony before the Committee, undated, 11 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: The Washington Post article, “Ex-Secretary to Liddy Tells of Typing Phone Tap Transcripts,” May 4, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Memorandum Prelude to Interview Between FBI Agents and Gordon Liddy,” June 28, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 5. Sally Harmony: “Memorandum of Interview of G. Gordon Liddy by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday, June 28, 1972,” 2 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Hatch Act: Memorandum of Law, The Hatch Act, undated, 34 pages.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Tsui to Beulah Hawkins, regarding Hawkins’ possible employment with the Chinese Technical Mission, November 6, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to the Chinese Embassy, regarding Hawkins’ question of seeking employment with the Chinese Technical Mission, November 8, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to the Chinese Embassy, regarding a possible treasonous statement made by Hawkins during a possible visit to the Chinese Technical Mission, October 23, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Jameson to Byrd, regarding an explanation of Hawkins’ possible statement and the actions carried out to remedy the situation, September 6, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to the Chinese Embassy, regarding Hawkins’ statement and her claim to “have never sought employment with the Mission or any agency of the Nationalist Chinese Government,” October 14, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to Holmes, regarding questioning of Hawkins’ concerning her statement and her feelings about being accused of violating a federal law, September 30, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Byrd to Hawkins, regarding Byrd’s receipt of Hawkin’s letter, September 16, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to Byrd, regarding Hawkins’ statement and her explanation of the events that occurred, September 13, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Byrd to Hawkins, regarding a communication Byrd received from the International Cooperation Administration, September 9, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Jameson to Byrd, regarding Hawkins’ resignation from the International Cooperation Administration, her possible visit to the Chinese Technical Mission and the possible release of classified material, September 6, 1957, 2 pages.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Jameson to Byrd, regarding Hawkins’ resignation from the International Cooperation Administration and questioning of Hawkins’ about the possible release of classified material, August 23, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to Byrd, regarding Hawkins’ dissatisfaction with the International Cooperation Administration’s responses to her inquiries and her explanation for her resignation from the International Cooperation Administration, August 19, 1957, 2 pages.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Byrd to Hawkins, regarding correspondence Byrd received from the International Cooperation Administration, August 16, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Jameson to Byrd, regarding an explanation for Hawkins’ leaving employment with the International Cooperation Administration, August 12, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Byrd to Hawkins, regarding Byrd’s receipt of Hawkins’ correspondence and his efforts to assist Hawkins, August 5, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to Byrd, regarding the lack of response to Hawkins’ inquiries, July 31, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Holmes to Hawkins, regarding Holmes explanation of the security matter involving Hawkins, June 26, 1957, 1 page.

1957 Folder 7. Beulah Hawkins: Letter, Hawkins to Holmes, regarding Hawkins’ explanation of an alleged security matter, June 17, 1957, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Weicker handwritten notes regarding Magruder asking Reisner to “remove sensitive material,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Gene Milligan, former advance man for McGovern, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Porter’s testimony, undated, 25 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Duncan’s testimony, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten note to Weicker regarding the contents of Hunt’s safe, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten note regarding Kachigian’s call to Reisner and “Gemstone,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten note regarding Baker and the safe opening, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Liddy, Caulfield and Ehrlichman, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Thompson, Baldwin and Reisner’s lawyer, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Caulfield’s testimony, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten note regarding an unknown police officer, Sanders, Baker and Thompson, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Powell Moore’s testimony, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten note regarding Curtis Hirge, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Fensterwald, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Sloan, Ehrlichman, Helms, Walters and Riesner, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes, only the words “James,” “Ziegler” and “Martha Duncan” are on the page, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding May 1972 and Malik/Mitchell conversations, undated, 2 pages (one note has lines through it).

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding a “National Watchlist” and an unknown Lt. Col. in the Air Force Reserve, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten note regarding Liddy threatening Magruder, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Baker’s questions, Sandwedge, Thompson, Moorhead, Baldwin, the hearings length, CRP, Haldeman, undated, 15 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Reisner, Odle and unknown files in a briefcase, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Hunt, Mrs. Hunt and payment of legal fees, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten notes regarding unknown individuals in a basement and on a balcony, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Hearing Notes: Handwritten witness list, undated, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Hearings Resumption Question: Letter, Cox to Ervin, regarding temporarily suspending the Senate Committee hearings, June 4, 1973, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 9. Hearings Resumption Question: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding an analysis of the legal ramifications of suspending the Senate Committee hearings, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 9. Hearings Resumption Question: Statement of Senator Weicker regarding the suspension of the Senate Committee Hearings, undated, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 9. Hearings Resumption Question: Report: “Whether Senate Watergate Committee should resume public hearings, January 8, 1974, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Hearings Resumption Question: Commencement Address by Senator Weicker at Kent School, Kent, Connecticut, May 31, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: The New York Times article, “Transcripts of Excerpts from the C.I.A. Memorandums About the Watergate Case,” June 4, 1973, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Memorandum for Record regarding Walters’ meeting with Dean, in which Walters removed the CIA from involvement in any Watergate related issues, June 29, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: An untitled document: Weicker questions for Helms, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Witness Summary – Richard M. Helms, undated, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: A Biographical Profile of Richard Helms, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: “Cross references to Helms – Updated through July 31, 1973,” undated, 2 pages, with a typewritten note at the top of the first page and a typewritten note at the bottom of the second page.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: “Testimony of Ambassador Helms,” numbered 1 – 24, undated, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Memo for the Record by Richard Helms, regarding “Meeting with Mr. Patrick Gray, Acting Director, FBI on 18 October 1972,” October 19, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Memo for the Record by Colby, regarding “Meeting at the White House on December 15, 1972 re Watergate Case,” December 18, 1972, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Handwritten notes regarding questions for Helms and issue reminder notes, undated, 10 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: The New York Times article, “Aid for Radicals Disputed by C.I.A.,” May 25, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Memo, Ritter to Liebengood, regarding “Walter’s Personnal [sic] Memos on Conversations with Ehlrichman [sic], Haldeman, Dean and Gray and Helms,” July 31, 1973, 5 pages.

1971 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Letter, Helms to Young, regarding the CIA’s assistance in an unknown matter, November 9, 1971, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: “Digest of Interview of Richard M. Helms on May 18, 1973,” 2 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Memo for the Record by Vernon A. Walters, regarding a meeting with Dean on June 27, 1972, June 29, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: Document entitled “Walters and Helms,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Richard M. Helms: An untitled document containing questions for Helms regarding requests for CIA assistance in the investigation of domestic extremist groups, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 11. Larry Higby: Handwritten notes, Interview of Larry Higby, June 22, 1973, 11 pages.

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