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Box 1663

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Statement of Fred C. LaRue before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Digest of Interview of Fred LaRue on May 9, 1973,” 3 pages, with a chart showing the funds for the Watergate defendants and a “Digest of Interview of Fred LaRue, July 9, 1973” attached, May 9, 1973, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Document entitled “Frederick LaRue,” interview by Wickens, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Summary on Fred LaRue,” undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Cross References to LaRue,” undated, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Questions for Fred LaRue,” undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Questions for LaRue,” undated, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Magruder on LaRue,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Stans on LaRue,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “John Dean on Fred LaRue,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Sloan on LaRue,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Kalmbach on LaRue,” undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “Mardian (Interview) on LaRue,” undated, 2 page.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Document entitled “LaRue, Mardian,” with the number 5745 at the beginning of the first line of text, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Handwritten and typewritten notes regarding LaRue’s relationship with Mitchell, June 19-22 and 30 events and meetings, a LaRue/Mardian telephone call and $113,000, undated, 15 pages.

1972-1973 Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: “LaRue Cash Transactions July 1972 to March 1973,” 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Biographical information on LaRue, undated, 1 page, with references to LaRue attached, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Handwritten notes regarding the distribution of funds, the Internal Security Division, a Key Biscayne meeting, Ulasewicz, Kalmbach and Dean’s promise of money, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Weicker handwritten notes regarding the distribution of funds and a question for LaRue, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: Articles from unidentified newspapers, “Frederick C. LaRue” and “Frederick LaRue,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: The Washington Post article, “Aides Say Colson Approved Bugging,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: The Washington Post article, “Mitchell Aide Got $70,000 of Bug Fund,” April 11, 1973, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 1. Frederick LaRue: The Washington Post article, “LaRue: Bringing Dixie Home to Nixon,” November 3, 1972, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Victor Lasky: Memo, Wickens to Senator Weicker, regarding a $20,000 payment to Lasky, June 22, 1973, 1 page.

1970 Folder 2. Victor Lasky: Memo, Haldeman for Buchanan et al., regarding using Lasky to write columns for the White House, December 1, 1970, 1 page (Exhibit No. 168).

1970 Folder 2. Victor Lasky: Memo, Magruder to Haldeman, regarding the writing of telegrams, letters, statements and columns favorable to the White House, December 11, 1970, 2 pages (Exhibit No. 169).

1974 Folder 2. Victor Lasky: The New York Times article, “Editorial Unit asks an Inquiry of Lasky,” April 26, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 2. Victor Lasky: The Washington Star-News article, “Victor Lasky, a Ghost Haunted by Book Furor,” October 21, 1974, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Harding Lawrence: Harding L. Lawrence Biography, undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, No. 74-1258, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al. v. Richard M. Nixon, Order requesting the Committee to file a supplemental memorandum advising “the Court of the current sense of the Select Committee as to whether it has a present sense of need for the materials subpoenaed,” May 2, 1974, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: Note, Hamilton to the Senator, regarding a case brought by several Hughes employees with several motions attached in the case of Richard Danner, et al. vs. the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities et al., United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, June 14, 1974, 8 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: Memo, Hamilton to the Senator, regarding an attached memorandum to be filed in the Court of Appeals, May 6, 1974, 1 page, with the “Appellants’ Supplemental Memorandum in Response to this Court’s Order of May 2, 1974,” The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, No. 74-1258 attached, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 1593-73, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al. v. Richard M. Nixon, Supplementary Memorandum in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, undated, 30 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 1593-73, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Answer to “the complaint files in above-styled cause,” August 29, 1973, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 1593-73, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Order and Opinion, October 17, 1973, 19 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Misc. No. 47-73, Order for the White House to produce “the subpoenaed documents or objects which have not heretofore been produced to the grand jury,” August 29, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Misc. No. 47-73, Opinion “in re Grand Jury Subpoena Duces Tecum issued to Richard M. Nixon, or any subordinate officer, official or employee with custody or control of certain documents or objects,” August 29, 1973, 23 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 1593-73, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, Affidavit of Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., September 17, 1973, 4 pages, with a New Republic article and a Certificate of Service attached, June 23, 1973 and September 18, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: Memo, Hamilton to the Senator, regarding arguments before Judge Sirica, undated, 1 page, with the Plaintiff’s Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, No. 1593-73 attached, September 28, 1973, 30 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: Memo, Hamilton to the Senator, regarding a filing in response to the President’s opposition to the Committee’s request for expedition, March 1, 1974, 1 page, with “Appellants’ Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Expedited Briefing and Argument Schedule,” United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, No. 74-1258 attached, March 1, 1974, 4 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 1: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, Reply to Defendant’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Memorandum on Remand, No. 1593-73, January 21, 1974, 13 pages.

1974 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: News Release, Watergate Special Prosecution Force, Indictments handed down by a Federal Grand Jury, March 1, 1974, 2 pages, with the Grand Jury Indictment, United States of America v. John N. Mitchell, et al, attached, undated, 50 pages.

1974 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, Plaintiffs’ Memorandum on Remand, No. 1593-73, January 7, 1974, 33 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, Amendment to Complaint, August 9, 1973, 3 pages, with Public Law 93-190 and S. Res. 194 attached, January 3, 1973 and November 7, 1973, 4 pages.

1974 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: Memo, Hamilton to the Senator, regarding an attached brief, March 29, 1974, 1 page, with the Reply Brief of Appellants, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, No. 74-1258 attached, April 2, 1974, 32 pages (page 2 of the brief is not included).

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: Exhibit C, United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: Exhibit D, United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: Exhibit E, Nixon to Ervin, regarding the subpoenas issued by Ervin on behalf of the Select Committee, July 25, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: Exhibit F, Nixon to Ervin, regarding the Select Committee’s request for Presidential testimony and documents, and the President’s explanations for not complying to the request, July 6, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 2: Exhibit G, Nixon to Ervin, regarding the President’s explanations for denying access to Presidential tape recordings, July 23, 1973, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 6. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 3: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Decided May 23, 1974, Appeal of the Select Committee subpoena for White House production of five taped conversations between the President and his former Counsel, John W. Dean, III, 16 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 3: Memorandum of Law, The Congressional Contempt Power, November 16, 1973, 28 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 3: A portion of Haldeman’s statement before the Select Committee, 10 pages.

1963 Folder 6. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 3: Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, Democratic State Central Committee, et al, vs. the Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, Deposition of H. Robert [sic] Haldeman, September 5, 1963, 81 pages (two pages appear to be missing).

1974 Folder 6. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 3: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Berlin Democratic Club v. James R. Schlesinger, et al., a civil action “for declaratory and injunctive relief and money damages” arising from complainants claims “of physical and electronic surveillance by the defendants and their agents,” April 1974, 26 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 3: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Motion for Expedited Briefing and Argument Schedule and Suggestion for Hearing En Banc, No. 73-2086, December 18, 1973, 10 pages, with Public Law 93-190 and S. Res. 194 attached, January 3, 1973 and November 7, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 4: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al. v. Richard M. Nixon, Motion for Summary Judgment, No. 1593-73, undated, 2 pages; Order in the same action for “the plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment be and is granted,” undated, 2 pages; Statement of Material Facts as to Which There is no Genuine Issue, undated, 16 pages; Exhibit 121 – Memo, Colson for Haldeman, regarding ITT, March 30, 1972, 5 pages; Letter, Strickler to Ervin, regarding Haldeman’s knowledge of Presidential taped conversations, August 10, 1973, 2 pages; Exhibit 113 – Letter, Buzhardt to Wilson, regarding the President’s waiver of executive privilege for Haldeman’s testimony before the Committee, July 30, 1973, 1 page; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, undated, 40 pages; A Historical Appendix concerning “examples involving charges of criminal wrongdoing and corruption in the Executive Branch,” undated, 11 pages; Affidavit of Stephen W. Stathis, August 28, 1973, 1 page; Opinion of Attorney General William Wert, January 13, 1818, 4 pages; Certificate of Service, August 29, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 7. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 4: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Brief of Richard M. Nixon in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, No. 1593-73, September 24, 1973, 74 pages.

1974 Folder 7. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 4: United State District Court for the District of Columbia, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Plaintiffs’ Observations on the President’s Letter and the Special Prosecutor’s Memorandum, No. 1593-73, February 7, 1974, 7 pages.

1974 Folder 7. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 4: Memo, Dash to Ervin, et al., regarding an attached motion to be filed in the Court of Appeals, February 21, 1974, 1 page, with Motion to Set Expedited Briefing and Argument Schedule and Suggestion that Hearing be En Banc, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, No. 74-1258, February 21, 1974, 4 pages.

1974 Folder 7. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 4: Memo, Hamilton to the Senator, regarding the filing of a brief, February 21, 1974, 1 page, with the Brief of Appellants, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, No. 74-1258, February 21, 1974, 42 pages.

Box 1664

1974 Folder 1. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 5: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Reply to Motion to Set Expedited Briefing and Argument Schedule and Suggestion that Hearing be En Banc, No. 74-1258, February 28, 1974, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Watergate Committee Lawsuits 5: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, Appeal from the District Court of the District of Columbia, Complaint for Declaratory Judgment, Mandatory Injunction and Mandamus, undated, 13 pages; Exhibit A - S. Res. 60, February 7, 1973, 14 pages; Exhibit B – S. Res. 262, undated, 1 page; Exhibit C – United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 3 pages; Exhibit D – United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 5 pages; Exhibit E – Letter, Nixon to Ervin, regarding the President’s refusal to produce Presidential taped conversations, July 25, 1973, 2 pages; Exhibit F - Letter, Nixon to Ervin, regarding the President’s refusal to testify before and produce documents for the Committee, July 6, 1973, 4 pages; Exhibit G - Letter, Nixon to Ervin, regarding the President’s refusal to allow the Committee access to Presidential tape recordings, July 23, 1973, 2 pages; Exhibit H – Excerpts of sworn testimony of Dean and Haldeman before the Select Committee, undated, 29 pages; Exhibit I – Affidavit of Fred D. Thompson, August 9, 1973, 15 pages; Exhibit J – White House Press Release, Statement by the President, May 22, 1973, 8 pages; Exhibit K – Letter, Garment to Dean, regarding Dean’s release from attorney-client privilege during his testimony before the Select Committee, June 19, 1973, 1 page; Amendment to Complaint, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, January 7, 1974, 3 pages; Answer to Complaint, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, August 29, 1973, 6 pages; Amended Answer, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Richard M. Nixon, undated, 4 pages; Motion for Summary Judgment, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, August 29, 1973, 2 pages; Statement of Material Facts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, August 29, 1973, 16 pages; Memo, Colson to Haldeman, regarding ITT, March 30, 1972, 5 pages; Letter, Strickler to Ervin, regarding Haldeman’s knowledge of Presidential tape recordings, August 10, 1973, 2 pages; Letter, Buzhardt to Wilson, regarding the President’s waiver of executive privilege for Haldeman’s testimony before the Committee, July 30, 1973, 1 page; S. Res. 194, November 7, 1973, 3 pages; Public Law 93-190, January 3, 1973, 1 page; Order, remanding the case to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, December 29, 1973, 1 page; Order, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, January 25, 1974, 2 pages; United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 3 pages; Order, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, January 25, 1974, 1 page; United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 3 pages; Order to quash the Select Committee’s subpoena, January 25, 1974, 1 page; United States of America, Congress of the United States, Subpoena Duces Tecum, July 23, 1973, 5 pages; Memorandum of the Special Prosecutor, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, February 6, 1974, 7 pages; Letter, St. Clair to Judge Gesell, regarding the Senate Select Committee, et al. v. Nixon, February 6, 1974, 1 page; Letter, Nixon to Judge Gesell, regarding a request for a personal response from the President concerning five taped conversations, February 6, 1974, 2 pages; Memorandum and Order, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. Richard M. Nixon, February 8, 1974, 7 pages; Letter, Nixon to Judge Gesell, regarding a request for a personal response from the President concerning five taped conversations, February 6, 1974, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Sgt. Paul Leper: Synopsis of the statement of Sgt. Paul Leper, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Sgt. Paul Leper: Sgt. Leper, “Suggested Areas of Inquiry,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. Sgt. Paul Leper: Sgt. Leper, “Allegations Involving Other Persons,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. Sgt. Paul Leper: Sgt. Paul Leper, “Synopsis of Information from Sources Other than Committee Statement,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. Sgt. Paul Leper: Handwritten notes regarding the time spent on a balcony and the arrest of the Watergate burglars, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. Sgt. Paul Leper: Weicker handwritten notes regarding time spent on a balcony and the apprehension of the Watergate defendants, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: Witness Summary of G. Gordon Liddy, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: G. Gordon Liddy Summary, a chronology of Liddy’s involvement in Watergate related issues, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: Document entitled “George Gordon Liddy,” a chronology of Liddy’s professional life, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: Biographical information, G. Gordon Liddy, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: Liddy references, listed by dates, sub facts and sources, undated, 8 pages.

1973 Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The Washington Post article, “Liddy Indicated He Reported to ‘Others,’ Witness Says,” January 24, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The New York Times article, “Flamboyant Watergate Defendant,” February 1, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The Washington Post article, “Liddy Sought to Buy Pistol ‘Arsenal’,” April 25, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The Washington Post article, “Ex-White House Aide Told to Testify,” July 27, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “GOP Said Liddy Had OK to Use ‘Security Funds’,” August 18, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The Washington Post article, “GOP Aide Says Funds Used to Study Radicals,” August 13, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: The New York Times article, “Sketches of 2 Named in Watergate,” undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: Article from an unidentified newspaper regarding G. Gordon Liddy, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: A chronological summary of Watergate related issues, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 3. G. Gordon Liddy: Witness List for the Committee hearings, undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Lobby Disclosure: Letter, Cohen to Fields, regarding Cohen’s forwarding of materials on lobby disclosure and anti-secrecy, April 10, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Lobby Disclosure: Lobby Disclosure I, Lobby pressure in the passage of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, March 20, 1974, 12 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Lobby Disclosure: Lobby Disclosure II, regarding the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act, March 27, 1974, 13 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Lobby Disclosure: Report produced by Common Cause, The Public Disclosure of Lobbying Act, undated, 30 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Lobby Disclosure: Report produced by Common Cause, FEA Regulation on Lobbying, undated, 15 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Lowell Weicker – List of Crimes: A portion of John Dean’s testimony before the Select Committee in which Weicker speaks to illegal and unconstitutional acts committed by White House and CRP staff, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Lowell Weicker – Popularity Polls: A poll conducted by an unknown group, “Connecticut Study,” undated, 97 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: H. R. 18 – “To provide for the selection of candidates for President. . .in a national presidential primary election, and for the election of a President and a Vice President by direct vote of the people,” January 3, 1973, 9 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: H. R. 90 – “To coordinate State preferential primary elections for the nomination of candidates for the office of President,” January 3, 1973, 10 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: H. J. Res. 557 – “Proposing an amendment to the Constitution relating to the nomination of individuals for election to the offices of the President and Vice President,” May 15, 1973, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: H. R. 1245 – “To regulate State presidential primary elections,” January 3, 1973, 10 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: S. 2391 – “To provide for the regulation of the process by which the people of the United States select the President and Vice President by establishing a series of five regional primary elections at which the people may express their preference for the nomination of an individual for election to the office of President,” September 7, 1973, 15 pages.

1973 Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Congressional Research Service, “Constitutional Authority for a National Presidential Primary Election,” March 28, 1973, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: IV. Recommendations – Handwritten notes regarding nominations for federal elective office, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: IV. Recommendations, page 126, regarding the powers of the executive, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: “Recommendations” – Handwritten notes regarding recommendations for the U.S. Constitution, Government and political system, undated, 2 pages, with a typewritten page containing recommendations for the executive branch of the U. S. Government, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Handwritten and typewritten notes regarding legislative recommendations, undated, 10 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendations for the “Executive: General Powers and Duties,” undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Senator Ervin’s Recommendations, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendations concerning “The Executive,” undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Typewritten notes regarding recommendations for the use of executive privilege, wiretapping, IRS regulation and the interception of written communications, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A)(1) regarding the executive branch of the U. S. Government, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A) (2) regarding special agencies of the executive, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A) (3) regarding White House organization, undated, 1 page, with recommendation I (A) (4), “Delegation of routine functions to White House staff” attached, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A) (5) regarding “prohibiting presidential assistants from interference in executive branch,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A) (6) regarding “discouraging executive office involvement in specific cases before the federal agencies and departments,” undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A) (7) regarding “inter-governmental policy recommendations,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Recommendation I (A) (8) regarding “congressional approval of all presidential rules,” undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: Typewritten notes compiled from news articles regarding various subjects, i.e. Campaign laws, health programs, licensees of private TV and general media, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Lowell Weicker – Recommendations: “Recommendations” regarding domestic electronic surveillance, executive privilege and federal candidates and office holders, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Documents “concerning the organization and activities of the Activist Organizations Committee, established within the IRS at the request of the White House,” undated, 1 page, with a memo dated August 14, 1970, handwritten notes on exhibit 1, an IRS letter dated July 18, 1969, handwritten notes on exhibit 2 and an IRS memo dated July 24, 1969 attached, 8 pages.

1969 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 3 – Handwritten notes concerning the Activist Organizations Committee, undated, 1 page, with a memo from Paul Wright attached, August 20, 1969, 3 pages.

1969 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 4 – Handwritten notes regarding a status report from Paul Wright, undated, 1 page, with a memo entitled “A/O Committee Operations attached, October 23, 1969, 2 pages.

1969 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 5 – Handwritten notes regarding an IRS request for intelligence information from Col. Cole, USAF, undated, 1 page, with a letter to Col. Cole attached, December 4, 1969, 1 page.

1969 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 6 – Handwritten notes regarding an internal IRS memo, undated, 1 page, with a memo from Bacon attached, November 24, 1969, 2 pages.

1970 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 7 – Handwritten notes regarding an IRS request for intelligence data from the U.S. Secret Service, undated, 1 page, with a letter to the Secret Service attached, January 26, 1970, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 8 – Handwritten notes regarding the 1970 Domestic Intelligence Plan, undated, 2 pages, with the approval memo attached at page 2.

1970 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 9 – Handwritten notes regarding the follow-up of the Huston Plan, undated, 1 page, with three memos on the “Special Service Group” attached, August and September, 1970, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 10 – Handwritten notes regarding an informal arrangement between the IRS and the Justice Department to share intelligence data, undated, 1 page, with two memos for the file detailing the arrangement between the IRS and Justice attached, March and April, 1971, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 11 – Handwritten notes regarding an internal report on the Special Service Staff, undated, 1 page, with a letter and a memo detailing the work of the Special Service Staff and the disclosure of information to the Justice Department attached, August 16, 1972, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 12 – Handwritten notes regarding a status report on the Special Services Staff, undated, 1 page, with an internal IRS memo attached, January 12, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding the dismantling of the Special Services Staff, undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding the IRS investigation of the transfer of $100,000 from Howard Hughes to Rebozo, undated, 1 page, with two news articles from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch attached, April 19 and 24, 1974, 4 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding documentation presented by Weicker and the Commissioner of the IRS, undated, 1 page, with correspondence between Sam Ervin and Donald Alexander attached, April 12 and May 24, 1974, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding testimony of the Commissioner of the IRS before the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, undated, 2 pages, with a Washington Post article and Alexander’s statement before the subcommittee attached, August 1, 1974 and undated, 13 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding Hope Eastman’s (ACLU) testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, undated, 1 page, with Eastman’s statement attached, undated, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding legislating tighter restrictions on access to IRS records, undated, 1 page, with three news articles attached, July 19, 23 and 24, 1974, 3 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Letter, Kennedy to Weicker, regarding Weicker’s appearance before a hearing to be held by the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure and the Subcommittee on Surveillance, March 25, 1974, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding evidence from the Watergate Committee, surveillance, military spying and a list of surveillance abuses of power, undated, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: “Statement by Senator Lowell Weicker, Jr. before the Judiciary Subcommittee of Administrative Practice and Procedure, the Foreign Relations Subcommittee of Surveillance, and the Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights,” April 8, 1974, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 1 - Handwritten notes regarding exhibits 1-7 concerning the IRS, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 2 – Handwritten notes regarding the operations of the Activist Organizations Committee and 1970 Domestic Intelligence Plan or the “Huston Plan,” undated, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Exhibit 8 – Handwritten notes regarding military spying, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes on an unnumbered exhibit concerning White House activities and Kraft wiretap, undated, 1 page, with the John Ragan interview attached, September 21, 1973, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes on an unnumbered exhibit concerning FBI wiretaps, undated, 1 page, with the handwritten interview of Chick Brennan attached, June 13, 1973, 13 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Lowell Weicker Testimony on Warrantless Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance: Handwritten notes regarding a constitutional amendment on presidential primaries, undated, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 9. 3-M Supplement: Memo, Schaller to Opstad, regarding a request for financial assistance to Wilbur Mills’ Presidetial campaign, June 19, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 9. 3-M Supplement: Memo, Schaller to Opstad and Bennett, regarding three fundraising events in April 1972, March 16, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 9. 3-M Supplement: Handwritten note regarding “pay FCRP $30,000,” undated, 1 page.

1967-1969 Folder 9. 3-M Supplement: Copies of checks and accounts payable records from 3M, 1967-1969, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Witness Summary, Clark MacGregor, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Statement by Clark MacGregor, Campaign Director, Committee for the Re-Election of the President,” September 15, 1972, 1 page, with a “Statement by Clark MacGregor attached, undated, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Note by Devan Shumway regarding a distributed MacGregor memorandum, October 13, 1972, 1 page, with the memorandum entitled “Violence Directed at the Nixon Campaign” attached, October 13, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Statement by Clark MacGregor, Campaign Director,” October 19, 1972, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Gray Public Testimony,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Report by Special Subcommittee on Intelligence on its Inquiry into the Alleged Involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Watergate and Ellsberg Matters,” undated, 12 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Handwritten notes from the President’s Daily Diary, meetings involving MacGregor, Ehrlichman, Haldeman, Colson or Magruder, undated, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Copies of day planner pages for June 22, 28 and 29, 1972, 3 pages (creator unidentified).

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Document entitled “I. Relationship with White House and H.R. Haldeman,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: MacGregor Interview, October 30, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “General Areas of Questioning” for MacGregor, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Memo, Sheketoff to Thompson, regarding “Clark MacGregor,” October 29, 1973, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Summaries of Mitchell, Haldeman and Ehrlichman interviews, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: A chronological listing of MacGregor meetings, undated, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Document entitled “MacGregor,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Transcript of a telephone conversation between MacGregor and Ehrlichman, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: MacGregor “significant contacts of Mitchell,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Portions of Mardian’s testimony, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Typewritten note regarding two questions for MacGregor, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Short “Statement of Clark MacGregor – November 1, 1973,” 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Address by the President on Nationwide Radio and Television,” April 30, 1973, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Press Conference No. 32 of the President of the United States,” August 22, 1973, 19 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Presidential Documents: Richard Nixon, 1973, “The President’s News Conference of August 22, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: “Press Conference No. 33 of the President of the United States,” September 5, 1973, 14 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Presidential Documents: Richard Nixon, 1973, “The President’s News Conference of October 3, 1973,” 5 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Weicker handwritten notes regarding MacGregor, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Handwritten notes regarding Gray’s telephone call, Ehrlichman’s possible perjury and Mitchell’s schedule, undated, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Handwritten notes regarding interview with Fred Malek, June 15, 1973, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: Handwritten notes regarding MacGregor’s appointment as Campaign Director, Gray’s telephone call, Mardian, MacGregor’s memo of October 13, 1972, MacGregor’s press conference, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Marshalls, undated, 5 pages (appears to be missing the first page).

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Washington Post article, “GOP Hits Post for ‘Hearsay’,” January 17, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The New York Times article, “Aides of Nixon Denounce Disruption-Tactic Charges,” October 17, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Chicago Tribune article, “Ziegler Hits Political Sabotage Charges,” October 17, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Baltimore Sun article, “GOP blasts 2 reports of political spies,” October 17, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Washington Post article, “Testimony Ties Top Nixon Aide to Secret Fund,” October 25, 1972, 2 pages

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Washington Post article, “White House Denies Story on Haldeman,” October 28, 1972, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: An article from unidentified newspaper, “Nixon Aides’ Memories Differ,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The New York Daily News article, “MacGregor: Scrapped Dean’s Paper,” April 25, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Evening Star article, “No One High Up Involved in Bugging, MacGregor Says,” July 5, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “MacGregor Admits GOP Has a Special Fund,” January 27, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Washington Post article, “Gray, MacGregor in Dispute Over Watergate Warning,” August 14, 1973, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: The Washington Post article, “Clark MacGregor’s Statement on the Washington Post,” October 16, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 10. Clark MacGregor: S. 1189, A Bill, “To promote fair, understandable, and enforceable regulations for nomination and election to Federal office, by limiting the collection and expenditure of funds, and by simplifying reporting regulations,” March 13, 1973, 7 pages.

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