Advanced Academic Services Waco Independent School District

Servicios de Dotados y Talentosos Distrito Escolar Independiente de Waco Designación de los estudiantes para la detección Servicios

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Servicios de Dotados y Talentosos
Distrito Escolar Independiente de Waco
Designación de los estudiantes para la detección


Servicios de Dotados y Talentosos en Waco ISD están dedicados a proporcionar los servicios educativos más adecuados para los estudiantes dotados y talentosos en los grados K-12.

Definición del Estado:
Estudiantes dotados y talentosos son aquellos que se desempeñan en o muestran el potencial para llevar a cabo en un nivel notablemente alto de logro en comparación con otros de la misma edad, experiencia o ambiente y que muestran capacidad de alto desempeño en un área intelectual, creativo, artístico o sobresalen en un campo académico específico.
Política Local:
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Waco señala las habilidades académicas en Artes del Lenguaje, Matemáticas, Ciencias, Estudios Sociales e Inglés.
Nominación de los estudiantes

Cualquier persona puede nominar a un estudiante para recibir servicios de dotados y talentosos, y todos los estudiantes nominados serán evaluados y evaluados por el personal del distrito entrenado en la práctica de la educación de dotados y talentosos. Valoración y evaluación de los estudiantes nominados/as incluye datos de lugares múltiples objetivas y subjetivas, y las decisiones son tomadas por la identificación personal del distrito que entienden las características de los alumnos dotados y talentosos.

Para nominar a un estudiante para los servicios de dotados y talentosos completa el siguiente formulario y envíela a una de los siguientes: el maestro/a del alumno en la clase, el consejero/a, el director o la oficina de Servicios Académicos Avanzados. Si usted tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina de Waco ISD de Servicios Académicos Avanzados al (254) 755-9512.

______________________________________________________________________ Servicios de Dotados y Talentosos

Estudiante: ________________________________________ Fecha:______________________
Escuela: ___________________________________ Grado: ____________________
Nominado por: _______________________________________________________
(Por favor escriba)
Relación con el estudiante nominado:_____________________________________________ Describa brevemente el contexto en la cual usted ha observado que el estudiante realiza o posiblemente podría realizarse en un nivel notablemente alto de logro.

Waco Independent School District

Advanced Academic Services

Permission to Test for Gifted Education

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Your child has been nominated for Waco ISD Gifted and Talented Services. In order to complete the identification process, we will need to assess your child by using both verbal and/or non-verbal tests.

Enclosed, you will find “Things My Child Likes to Do” survey. To fully understand your child, these forms must be filled out and returned by _____________________________________.

After testing, district personnel who understand characteristics of gifted and talented learners will review your child’s student profile and determine appropriate services. You will be notified as to whether or not your child requires gifted and talented services.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office of Advanced Academic Services at 254-755-9519.

Thank you for your assistance.

Dr. Cecelia Boswell, Executive Director

Advanced Academic Services

Please check the correct blank, complete the information, and return to the office of Advanced Academics.

Yes No, do not test my child.

I hereby give permission for ____________________________________ to be considered for gifted and talented services. I understand that this gives permission to administer all tests that may be necessary for participation in gifted and talented services.

Child’s Birth date: __________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

Distrito Escolar Independiente de Waco

Servicios Académicos Avanzados
Permiso para Evaluar para la Educación de los Dotados

Estimados Padres / Tutores:

Su hijo/a ha sido nominado a los servicios de Waco ISD Servicios de los Dotados y Talentosos. Con el fin de completar el proceso de identificación, se tendrá que evaluar a su hijo/a mediante el uso de pruebas verbales y/o no verbales.

Adjunto, se encuentra "las cosas que a mi hijo/a le gusta hacer" de la encuesta. Para entender completamente su hijo/a, estos formularios deben ser completados y devueltos por _____________________________________.

Después de las pruebas, el personal del distrito que entiende las características de los alumnos dotados y talentosos revisará el perfil académico de su hijo/a y determinara los servicios apropiados. Usted será notificado en cuanto a si su hijo/a necesita servicios para niños/as dotados y talentosos.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con la oficina de Servicios Académicos Avanzados al 254-755-9519.

Por favor, marque el espacio correcto, complete la información, y devuelva esta información a la oficina de Servicios Académicos Avanzados.
Gracias por su ayuda.
Dr. Cecilia Boswell, Directora Ejecutiva
Servicios Académicos Avanzados

Sí No, no doy permiso a mi hijo/a.

Yo doy permiso para que ____________________________________ sea considerado/a para los servicios dotados y talentosos. Yo entiendo que esto le da permiso para administrar todas las pruebas que sean necesarias para la participación en los servicios de los dotados y talentosos.

Fecha de nacimiento de niño/a: __________________________

Firma del padre o tutor: ___________________________________ Fecha: ________________


Kindergarten through Grade 4/5 (Elementary Campuses)

Q:  Since our gifted children in Kindergarten through grade 5 have been successful with a special time of the week for their services, why should we change to cluster grouping?

A:  Research (Rogers, 1991) has shown that academic growth of gifted students occurs when they are clustered together.  That research, along with the fact that gifted people are gifted all the time, not just on one day a week, influenced the decision to provide gifted learners with the most appropriate setting for learning. 

Q:  Who will be in the K-5 cluster groups if there are not enough identified gifted students to fill a class?

A:  Principals were provided a Teacher Checklist for teachers to evaluate students in their classrooms. Criteria included responses from the Teacher Checklist, whether the student had been nominated for G/T services, but not identified, and TAKS Commended Performance scores.

Q:  Who will teach our gifted children?

A:  Principals have been offered information about characteristics of teachers who are appropriate for teaching gifted learners.  Principals will select the most qualified teachers for this population.  In addition to a variety of personal characteristics, each teacher must have 30 hours of Professional Development in Gifted Education, plus 6 hours every year after the original 30 hours.

Q:  What is the curriculum for our children?

A:  State law requires that the teacher modify the regular curriculum (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills [TEKS]) through depth, complexity, and pacing.  Teachers will use the CSCOPE curriculum that all teachers use and differentiate (modify) it in ways mandated by state law.  For example, they will pre-test students when they start a unit to determine if they already know all or parts of the content to determine how quickly or how much time they will spend on the TEKS for that unit.  This allows for them to use curriculum compacting, a term that means that students learn what they do not know at a faster pace.  Curriculum compacting will free the teacher and students to spend more time with new learning at greater depth and in more complex ways.

This year a new component will be added as part of their curriculum, Texas Performance Standards Projects (TPSP). TPSP is curriculum provided by the state that is designed for gifted learners.  It is similar to the units students have been working on in their G/T classes in past years, but provides opportunity for students to go deeper into a study and to look at it in more complex ways.  It also requires greater depth in research while, at the same time, teaching students how to research.  Teachers will infuse TPSP into the regular curriculum and/or provide it to students when they have met the TEKS for a unit of study.

All student work will be evaluated through rubrics on a regular basis.  The curriculum will be evaluated throughout the year to ensure that your gifted child’s academic growth is accelerated as required.

Q: Will the gifted students still be required to participate in History and Science Fair?

A: No and yes.  History Fair and Science Fair will not be required of gifted students, but both will be encouraged.  The phenomenal success in these competitions demands that we continue both for those who wish to participate.  UIL competitions and all other competitions will be continued according to the interests and needs of students.  The nature of gifted children is that they are often very competitive.  In that light, all academic competitions will be encouraged. 

We will add a new competition for the students in the cluster classrooms, Destination Imagination.  This competition combines critical and creative thinking, research, fine arts, and FUN! 

Pre-Advanced Placement (PAP) and Advanced Placement (AP) (Middle and High School Campuses)

Q:  When middle and high school gifted/talented students are served through PAP or AP courses and students who are not identified as gifted/talented are in the class, must the PAP/AP teacher differentiate the curriculum for the gifted/talented students?

A:  Yes. Teachers that are using flexible grouping for instruction and product development, giving choices in assignments, and establishing a student-centered classroom with lots of student-to-student interaction are providing differentiated instruction. One of the reasons for requiring PAP/AP teachers to have professional development in nature and needs of gifted/talented students and assessing student needs is so they will be able to recognize a need for differentiation and provide it as needed. Teachers will want to add depth and complexity appropriate for gifted/talented students and differentiate for those who need it. (Source: Texas Education Agency)

 Q: Can Pre-AP be used to serve gifted/talented students?

A:  Yes, but remember that Pre-AP is designed to increase the pool of students who will be successful in AP classes at the 11th and 12th grades. It is, therefore, a curriculum that is used to strengthen the educational program of all students in middle and high school. Following this philosophy, it would be necessary for a district to differentiate Pre-AP the way any general curriculum would be modified for gifted/talented students. (Source: Texas Education Agency)








Patterns give information.

Patterns have parts that are repeated.



Change can be positive or negative (good/bad; +/-)

Change is necessary for growth.



Community members share a common environment.

Communities follow a pattern of growth and change.



Culture influences dress, customs, and behavior of people.

Cultures change over time.



Relationships can be simple or complex.

Relationships may be natural, forced, or chosen.



Influences may be positive or negative.

Influences create new influences.



Adaptation leads to change.

Adaptation can be planned or spontaneous.



Force attracts, holds, or repels.

Force affects or changes.



Explorations confront the unknown.

Explorations may result in new findings or the confirmation of old findings,

HS Sciences


Systems may be influenced by other systems.

Systems require recognizing purpose and responding to it.



Conflict is composed of opposing forces.

Conflict may allow for synthesis and change.

HS Social Studies


Power has the ability to influence.

Power may take many forms (chemical, electrical, mechanical, political, spiritual, …)

HS Math

Order vs Chaos

Order is a form of communication.

Order and chaos are reciprocals.

Advanced Academic Services, 2011

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