Air force 12. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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OBJECTIVE: Develop a highly linear 71-76 GHz Microwave Power Module to expand Satellite Communications (SATCOM) airborne link capacity.
DESCRIPTION: In order to provide tomorrow’s warfighters with the best affordable satellite communications, the Air Force is interested in developing innovative Microwave Power Modules (MPM) design approaches supporting future generations of bandwidth efficient modulation waveforms as well as allowing access to spectrum in the 71-76 GHz band. V-band MPM development would provide access to additional SATCOM spectrum to support Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and satellite links for Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communications. In addition, advanced MPM’s will permit new communication satellite mission capabilities for bandwidth efficient modulation waveforms. In order to realize these benefits, MPM design must balance several factors including self interference, adjacent channel interference, Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIPR), and output backoff. Goals for MPM research include Weight < 30 lb, Size < .5 cu. ft., the capability to support 12/4 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) with 30dB suppression with no more than 3 dB amp backoff, and Power Added Efficiency (PAE) >30%, Operating temperature range -40°. to + 80° Centigrade, Radiation hardening goals include Total Ionizing Dose (TID) tolerance > 1 Mrad (Si), SEE immunity < 1 X 10-9 errors/bit-day, transient dose tolerance > 1 X 10e12 rads (Si)/sec.
PHASE I: Develop a MPM design consistent with goals and objectives identified above. Validate design though modeling and simulation.
PHASE II: Fabricate one or more MPM prototypes and characterize for all relevant performance parameters including frequency bandwidth, PAE, and EIRP.

Military Application: Military MPM applications include space and terrestrial based RF bandwidth efficient communications and point to point high speed secure data links.

Commercial Application: Commercial MPM applications include avionics, space and terrestrial RF applications where high data rates and bandwidth efficiency are needed. Satellite communications to support multiple high speed data links.

1. Kitazume, Susumu, “Advances in Millimeter-Wave Subsystems in Japan”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 39, No. 5, May 1991.

2. Ngo-Wah, et al., "A V-band Eight-Way Combined Solid-State Amplifier With 12.8 Watt Output Power", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vol. 3, 2005, pp. 1371-1374.
KEYWORDS: Microwave Power Module, bandwidth efficient modulation, power amplifier, adjacent channel interference, satellite communications

AF121-154 TITLE: Low Noise Amplifier with Noise-cancelling for Satellite Communications

Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Develop a Low Noise amplifier operating from 81-86 GHz and suitable for use in satellite communications applications.
DESCRIPTION: Today's communications satellites often rely on one or more receive gimbaled antennas or phased array antennas in which several hundred antenna elements are connected to receive modules. Typically, each receive module contains a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and a phase shifter that has been integrated into one (or more) MMIC’s (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits). In order to increase receiver sensitivity and dynamic range while reducing the power dissipation of the receiver and maximize the power efficiency, there is a critical need to minimize additional noise introduced by the LNA along with high linearity are required. While the dissipation in the LNA is a small fraction of the prime power consumption, the receive antenna generally remains powered at all times, thus the power consumption in the receiver represents a critical power drain. Excessive LNA power increases heat-load, which, in turn, increases the required cooling of the receive phased array antenna. In order for military satellite communications to access bandwidth available at 81-86 GHz (W-band), a new generation of space qualifiable receiver microelectronics will be required. Because LNA’s play a critical role in high data rate satellite warfighter communications, the Air Force is interested in sponsoring research to both reduce Noise Figure (NF) and power consumption with the prerequisite linearity to support bandwidth efficient modulation waveforms like 16-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation). This topic is intended to support research exploring the best approach to achieving noise cancelling with optimum linearity and demonstrate the level of performance that can be achieved in low noise amplifiers for satellite application at 81-86 GHz. The proposed LNA should evaluate for parameters such as NF, gain, and output third-order intercept point (OIP3) across the frequency of operation, 81-86 GHz. LNA parameters should also be evaluated at temperatures ranging from -40 to +80° C and across the frequency of operation.
PHASE I: Perform trade study of device technology suitable for the proposed W-Band LNA. Design and demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating W-band LNA. Conduct modeling and simulation where appropriate to validate design.
PHASE II: Fabricate one or more prototype W-band LNA devices components and characterize for operating band, small signal gain, noise figure, OIP3, power dissipation, operating temperature range and radiation characteristics.

Military Application: Low power and high gain MMICs for terrestrial wireless communications, avionics and HF satellite communications, HF radar and mm-Wave imagery applications.

Commercial Application: Commercial applications may be in the area of automotive radar, wireless LAN applications, avionics and telematics.

1. S. C. Blaakmeer, E. A. M. Klumperink, D. M. W. Leenaerts and B. Nauta, “Wideband Balun-LNA with Simultaneous Output Balancing, Noise-Canceling and Distortion-Canceling,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 43, no. 06, pp. 1341 – 1350, June 2008.

2. C. W. Hung, L. Gang, B. Zdravko and A. M. Niknejad, “A Highly Linear Broadband CMOS LNA Employing Noise and Distortion Cancellation,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 43, no. 05, pp.1164 – 1176, May 2008.
3. C. F. Liao and S. I. Liu, “A Broadband Noise-Canceling CMOS LNA for 3.1–10.6-GHz UWB Receivers,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 02, pp. 329-339, February 2007.
KEYWORDS: low noise amplifier, small signal gain, noise figure, noise cancelling, satellite communications, W-band

AF121-155 TITLE: Next Generation vacuum Nanoelectric Device

Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Manufacture efficient, compact E-band vacuum nano-electric devices based on recent advances in cold cathode nanostructure material technology.
DESCRIPTION: In order to provide future generations of warfighters with the best affordable satellite communications systems, there will be a continuing need to develop innovative high performance nanoelectronic devices with the reliability and operating efficiency to operate in the vacuum. The ability to develop and manufacture next generation space hardened, temperature independent electronics derived from non-solid state/non-semiconductor approaches such as nano-vacuum emitter devices will have numerous applications in military and commercial systems. These nanoelectronic devices will replace transistors, providing electronic functions that are radiation and temperature insensitive, eliminating cooling infrastructure and significantly reducing power requirements. Electron [cold cathode] sources may include nanotubes, nanotips and edges, vertical or horizontal configurations and molecular level design material content and morphology. This SBIR topic seeks to develop the technology for the manufacture of vacuum nanoelectronic devices (VND) based on the recent advances in the areas of innovative nanostructure and low electron affinity materials. The goals are to develop the technology and scientific underpinning that is required to fabricate such vacuum nanoelectronic devices and to provide the infrastructure for their manufacture and insertion into military and commercial applications.
PHASE I: Phase I should include the performance of feasibility design/analysis and the development of the conceptual vacuum nanoelectronic devices. The targeted performance for the prototype vacuum nanoelectronic devices should reflect performance parameters for conventional electronic functions.
PHASE II: Phase II to focus on the fabrication, development and evaluation of the prototype VND. These devices should demonstrate speed and power equivalent to state of art silicon technology without temperature sensitivity; and, include characterization and analysis of performance data on the prototype devices. Address the refinement of materials, theoretical models, and designs to improve/enhance the efficiency, reliability and performance of the VND.

Military Application: Vacuum nanoelectronic devices offer numerous opportunities for enhancement in military applications where a temperature or radiation insensitive electronic function is needed with better speed-power product than present solid state technology.

Commercial Application: Advantageous in mobile communications (laptops, cell phones) applications, vastly increasing battery life and collapsing weight and volume limitations.

1. J.J. Hren, Proceedings of the 11th International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE, Inc. 1998.

2. W. I. Milne, “Gated Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes/Fibres for Field Emission Applications”, 13th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide, Granada, Spain, Sept. 2002.
KEYWORDS: cold cathode, vacuum field effect transistors, nanostructures, field emission, field emitters, nano-vacuum emitter

AF121-156 TITLE: Power Efficient Software Defined Radio (SDR) Mobile Architecture Technology

for Handheld Devices
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems, Sensors, Electronics
Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Investigation of software defined radio based hardware architecture for the military handheld devices.
DESCRIPTION: Software-defined radio (SDR) is an evolving technology that potentially provides for flexibility and allows for longer lifecycles for military navigation and communication equipment. With SDR, military GPS user equipment (MGUE) can have the capability to be upgraded via software rather than with new hardware; thereby, resulting in greater cost savings. With this software based approach, the core GPS module (CGM) handheld for MGUE Increment 2, for example, can be quickly and efficiently updated to add new global positioning system (GPS) waveforms as they come online thereby extending the hardware lifecycle to 10 years or more.
Field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is one possibility that provides for reconfigurable, cheap, fast and parallel processing hardware platform for SDR implementation. As an example, FPGAs containing Digital Signal Processor (DSP) blocks can be re-configured to work as parallel multiplier/adder or multiply accumulate unit (MAC). They also contain block/distributed memories, phased lock loops (PLLs) and programmable routing capabilities among the blocks that can be utilized for advanced processing to implement complex transceiver functions. Current FPGA devices run at nearly 500 Mhz, have extensive number of multipliers for digital down conversion (DDC) and embedded processors for control and interface. Major FPGA vendors have extensive SDR design tools support that helps in developing application rapidly and reducing the time to market.
As a price for their flexibility, FPGA devices generally suffer from higher power consumption and larger die size. By contrast, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are used in today’s smartphones and other handheld devices to minimize power consumption. The problem is that these devices do not provide the required flexibility. Alternatives need to be investigated.
The objective of this research is to develop an advanced SDR architecture that can be utilized for handheld devices such as the core GPS module (CGM). This architecture must both minimize power consumption and allow flexibility such that it can be upgraded for future GPS and/or global Navigation satellite system (GNSS) waveforms. Power can be further reduced by utilizing smart modes that shut down sections of the processing chain when not in use.
Document potential methods and chipsets that can be employed. Describe power optimization routines that can be used to increase battery life of the device. Quantify power consumption based on today’s chipsets and next-generation devices.
This effort is not intended for the development of FPGA-based SDR.
PHASE I: Develop SDR hardware architecture for a military handheld. Describe the chipsets and estimate power consumption. Estimate performance in operational scenarios and describe trade-offs. Compare system performance to commercial GPS handheld devices/chipsets as baseline. Architectures selected must support flexibility for future algorithm hosting.
PHASE II: Build hardware architecture into an integrated device for demonstration purposes. This device must be able to receive and process L1, L2 and other signals at a minimum.

Military Application: Re-design the breadboard prototype demonstrated in Phase II into a form factor that is ready for mass production. Extensive applications are anticipated.

Commercial Application: Abundant commercial applications anticipated efficient, flexible navigation.

1. S. Kilts, Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2007.

2. Z. Wong and T. Arslan, “A low power reconfigurable heterogeneous architecture for a mobile SDR system,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 2025-2028. 2009.
KEYWORDS: SDR, FPGA, handheld, GPS, navigation, mobile

AF121-157 TITLE: Quantitative assessments leveraging effects based analysis for degraded PNT

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Sensors, Electronics
Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: To develop a hardware and software in the loop research asset to quantify the outcome of degraded Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) system's information on its host or integrated platform/network/infrastructure.
DESCRIPTION: A complex challenge facing the Department of Defense (DOD) and civil/commercial PNT users is the understanding of how integrated systems are impacted by degradation of key information. PNT information is a cornerstone technology that supports increased operational efficiency, productivity, precision, and safety. Because Global Positioning System (GPS) provides such a low cost and accurate method for determining PNT information, our reliance on GPS systems has been recognized. While some users may understand the need for a backup system, there is no clear method to determine requirements for a backup system to achieve graceful degradation when PNT information is attacked. The problem is confounded by the multiplicity of applications and use of PNT information in each system that is reliant upon GPS. A clear understanding of how the integrated system (host and PNT) uses this data and the resulting effects from degraded situation requires an in-depth investigation to fully comprehend potential impacts. Currently there is no tool or standardized methodology to evaluate or accomplish these types of assessments.
This SBIR will leverage expertise gathered over the years on PNT subsystems, their vulnerabilities, and integrated system uses of PNT information. The resulting asset will allow users to understand complex integrated systems impacts from degraded PNT information from the subsystem/component level through the integrated architecture level. The primary purpose of this SBIR is to create such an asset and to develop the algorithms to parametrically perform autonomous hardware-in-the-loop (HITL) and modeling analysis for both DOD and civil/commercial PNT integrated systems. The system will also be developed with the flexibility and responsiveness to provide timely and accurate analysis as the PNT architectures mature and new integration types are conceptualized. The ability to create the test scenarios, perform the analysis autonomously, simplify post test analysis while developing a comprehensive effects-based simulation is the result of this SBIR.
PHASE I: Design the HITL test asset, algorithms for parametric setup and autonomous analysis across numerous degradation types affecting PNT systems. This system will include design trades on secondary navigation and timing systems and how they will be modeled, driven and integrated. This will determine the technical feasibility of developing a test asset to analyze different integrated test systems and different degradation types for both DOD and commercial PNT systems.
PHASE II: Building from the Phase I design, Phase II will develop the integrated research system prototype that will demonstrate an existing PNT architecture and integrated platforms/systems/architectures. The initial focus will be on timing and critical infrastructures. The outputs of the system will clearly link degraded PNT effect to system level outcomes.


Military Application: This system will establish the DOD standard for assessing military/allied systems and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seventeen critical commercial architectures determined to be vulnerable to PNT information disruption or loss. Demonstrations could include a communications network that relies on PNT for time, and an Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) that relies on PNT for applications and mission areas/targeting.

Commercial Application: This SBIR will also establish a standardized compliance test for commercial systems that support the United States (US) critical national infrastructure and will fill the void that exists today.


1. U.S. Air Force Chief Warns against Over-Reliance on GPS .

2. Over Reliance on GPS Risks Safety
3. A Policy Direction for the Global Positioning System: Balancing National Security and Commercial Interests
4. Vulnerability Assessment of the Transportation Infrastructure Relying on the Global Positioning System. (29 August 2001)
5. Experts caution public against over-reliance on GPS devices
KEYWORDS: Navigation Warfare, PNT, automated research and testing, integrated systems, GPS, hardware-in-the-loop

AF121-158 TITLE: GPS Enhanced Dynamic Spectrum Access

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems, Sensors, Electronics
Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Research, develop and evaluate algorithms and techniques to understand how GPS can enhance Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) based cognitive radios and also how DSA can increase the robustness of navigation.
DESCRIPTION: DSA relies on spectrum sensing techniques to provide opportunistic channel access to secondary users. Spectrum sensing techniques are designed not only to enable opportunistic channel sharing but also to provide interference protection to primary users. Existing spectrum sensing algorithms use various factors to realize opportunistic channels. Some of these factors are: energy content of primary signal (carrier sensing), geographical location, and time-of-day the spectrum being used. In tactical systems, location and time-of-day of spectrum being accessed define a protection contour. DSA will allow spectrum sharing only within the protection contour where minimal or no interference is incurred on primary users. Outside the protection contour, the DSA system will deny spectrum access to mitigate interference on primary users. However, existing sensing techniques do not incorporate location or timing information which would limit sensing only within the protection contour. One of the primary objectives of this research is to design algorithms that will combine output from GPS and spectrum sensing via a fusion process to provide enhanced opportunistic spectrum access. The algorithms will use a dynamic approach to fusion by combining location and timing information obtained from GPS and spectrum sensors. The algorithms will be dynamic in the sense that it uses past sensing history to predict expected outcome of the fusion process. Furthermore, accurate location for all nodes across the Cognitive Network (CN) will aid in sensing primary users that may be hidden due to low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) or physical barriers (Hidden Node Problem). Location information obtained from GPS can also enhance routing capability of cognitive sensor networks that rely on position to route information across the network.

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solicitations -> Army 14. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program submitting Proposals on Navy Topics
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program
solicitations -> Armament research, development and engineering center
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solicitations -> Navy 11. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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