Air force 12. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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The Global Positioning System (GPS) is part of a critical infrastructure of the US Military in a number of systems. Not only does GPS support many weapons, sensing, and positioning related systems, but is increasing in its use for the timing for synchronization of networks and a host of other telecommunication services. For example, there is such reliance on GPS today in many military systems that loss of GPS signal due to interference, jamming or physical barriers would have disastrous effect on these systems. Robustness of GPS can be improved via DSA in distributed navigational systems where personal inertial measurements units (IMUs) will provide navigation information in environments where GPS is denied. The IMUs can have DSA capability to enhance their spectrum efficiency thereby enhancing their navigational capabilities. The fact that a regionally diverse DSA CN is integrated with GPS can allow nodes or other unrelated systems access the CN for GPS data what otherwise is not available to them.
The objective of this research and development effort is two-fold: (1) enhance performance of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) with the integration of navigational information obtained from GPS into existing DSA techniques; (2) enhance the robustness of GPS through the use of DSA. The final outcome of the research is to conceptualize and develop algorithms that accomplish the above objectives. Furthermore, conduct feasibility study of the algorithms; examine attainable performance improvements as well as describing the incurred tradeoff.
PHASE I: Design algorithm and develop system architecture. Develop models and simulation techniques to show achievable performance of the proposed algorithm. Provide an assessment of the complexity of the proposed R&D approach and recommendations for practical implementation.
PHASE II: Implement and demonstrate the architecture/algorithms from Phase I in a SDR platform. The demonstrations must be performed under practical communications environment taking into account intentional/unintentional interference and channel impairments, etc.

Military Application: DARPA DSA radios such as XG DSA2100, PRC153 may readily benefit from such architecture. Future military handheld devices can utilize this technology.

Commercial Application: Abundant commercial applications anticipated for robust communication and navigation.

1. Ed Butterline and Sally L. Frodge, “GPS Synchronizing Our Telecommunications Network”, Proceedings of the 12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS 1999).

2. M. Crews, “Long-Term Future of GPA”, Proceedings of the 2008 National Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, San Diego, CA, January 2008.
4. Qing Zhao and Brian M. Sadler, “A Survey of Dynamic Spectrum Access,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 24 no. 3, pp. 79-89, May 2007.
5. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Technical Report, Interference and Dynamic Spectrum Access Subcommittee, November 8, 2010.
KEYWORDS: Cognitive radio networks, GPS, handheld, dynamic spectrum access, cooperative communication

AF121-159 TITLE: Monolithic S-band Multichannel Transmit/Receive Module for Communication

Phased Array Antennas
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems, Sensors
Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Design, develop, and test very low-cost advanced Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) S-band transmit/receive (T/R) modules for large communication phased array antennas.
DESCRIPTION: Phased array antennas have demonstrated the high performance and operability required for Air Force (AF) communication and surveillance applications. However the acquisition cost of active phased array antennas is the single most significant factor hindering their wide application in both military and commercial fields. The cost of the transmit/receive (T/R) modules with the associated array panels and control electronics may constitute over half of the total antenna cost [1, 2]. MMIC technology matured sufficiently over the last few years to significantly simplify the construction of T/R modules and array panels for large phased array antennas [3]. The objective of this solicitation is to design, develop, and test an advanced MMIC technology-based full-duplex, S-band T/R module and the associated panel array implementation to large phased array antennas [1] to achieve a cost target below $100 per T/R module in high volume production.
The contractor will demonstrate their T/R modules on a 4 x 4 element or larger subarray. Each module should have one transmit channel, 1-2 W radiated power, RHCP, and two independent receive channels, switchable RHCP/LHCP. The contractors are encouraged to explore emerging technologies and innovative architectures that will increase efficiency and minimize interference between the transmit and receive channels.
As an example, one may consider a single subarray of the recently successfully completed Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) antenna described in [4]. The hexagonal subarray consists of 37 elements and T/R modules supporting simultaneously multiple transmit and receive beams. Current T/R module state of the art technology [4] is based on COTS components and surface- mount processes resulting in low-cost, but not yet affordable, extremely large arrays (over 60,000 elements). This topic will consider an alternative design using MMIC technology, where, from an extremely large array perspective, the rate of the cost decrease vs. array size is faster in comparison to conventional COTS technology. The design and implementation of the MMIC T/R module must be not only affordable but must also provide full-duplex multiple simultaneous communication links which has never been done before, and thus presents significant fabrication and technical challenges as well as risk.
A preliminary MMIC layout, a detailed plan to implement the design and fully automated testing strategy, and a detailed cost analysis for large quantity production of this T/R module are required deliverables.
PHASE I: Assess the feasibility and demonstrate a complete MMIC-based design of the S-band, full-duplex T/R module and the associated subarray panel. The T/R module design will be evaluated with both large and small signal simulations to characterize its overall performance.
PHASE II: Refine the design of Phase I and demonstrate the proof of concept with the fabrication and test of the fully functional scalable subarray . Performance validation and detailed cost analysis will be conducted. Provide a detailed plan and roadmap to incrementally increase the technology readiness level and risk reduction for eventual transition to an acquisition program.

Military Application: The products can be used to reduce the cost of large phased array antennas for satellite communication and space operations control.

Commercial Application: The products can be used to facilitate the use of phased array antennas for air traffic control and mobile communication applications.

1. Sarjit Bharj, Boris Tomasic, Gary Scalzi, John Turtle and Shiang Liu, “A Full-Duplex, Multi-Channel Transmit/Receive Module for an S-Band Satellite Communications Phased Array”, IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, 14-18 October 2010.

2. Nicholas Fourikis, Phased Array-Based Systems and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997.
3. Gabriel M. Robeiz, Kwang Jin Koh, Tiku Yu, Dongwoo Kang, Choul Yound Kim, Yusrf Atesal, Berke Cetinoeri, Sang Young Kim, and Donghyup Shin, “Highly Dense Microwave and Millimeter Wave Phased Array Modules an Butler Matrices Using CMOS and SiGe RFICs”, IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, 14-18 October 2010.
4. M. Henderson, “GDPAA Advanced Technology Demonstration Overview and Results,” 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology, 12-15 Oct. 2010, Boston, Mass.
5. TR module block digram, uploaded in SITIS 1/6/12.
KEYWORDS: Monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), phased array antenna, transmit/receive (T/R) module, panel array

AF121-160 TITLE: Laser Instrumentation for Development of Sensors Aboard Hypersonic Air

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Air Platform, Sensors
Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Develop innovative laser instrumentation for hypersonic air vehicles to characterize the hypersonic flow environment thereby enabling the development of sensor systems aboard hypersonic vehicles.
DESCRIPTION: Air vehicles flying at hypersonic speeds are expected to take on a growing role in future air operations. These vehicles will need reliable sensor systems to perform telemetry, communication, navigation, reconnaissance, targeting, and terminal guidance. High temperature flow (and its resulting heating of the airframe) creates an environment that can adversely affect the performance of on-board sensor systems. It can alter the phase and amplitude of signals transmitted and received by the vehicles and often blacks them out altogether. Blackout affects all military and civilian reentry vehicles, including the Space Shuttle, and prevents them from receiving communication and Global Positioning System (GPS) signals. Even in a case that the signals are not entirely blacked out, the sheath remains a lossy, dispersive, inhomogeneous, and fluctuating medium. These characteristics pose a significant challenge for wideband systems using conformal arrays for communication, radar, or GPS reception. Such a system must contend with spatially and temporally varying antenna matching characteristics. Several hypersonic flight test opportunities are planned in the near future, leading to operational hypersonic air vehicles. Modern instrumentation must be developed to fly on these vehicles, not only to diagnose the environment but also to develop sensor systems for hypersonic vehicles. Traditional diagnostic instruments such as Langmuir probes and Radio Frequency (RF) probes have limitations on the details of the flow that they can acquire. Laser probes have the potential to obtain finer details of the hypersonic flow.
It is known that the hypersonic flow can affect the laser beam in several different ways: (1) it can alter the direction, phase and polarization of the beam; (2) plasma instabilities in the flow can significantly distort signals passing through it; (3) there may be charged micro-particles (due to ablation) in the flow which can scatter and significantly alter the signals; (4) a high intensity laser beam can induce nonlinear processes whose characteristics are not well understood; and (5) the laser sensor is adversely affected by emissions from the hot flow and heated windows.
The laser instrumentation must be able to sense and quantify these phenomena. The proposed work is important in achieving the following capabilities: (1) Future Long-Range Standoff Weapon —ensure that datalink is uninterrupted because of environment; (2) Improved Terminal Seeker in High-Speed Environment—the laser propagation study is vital for terminal seeker development (EO/IR, ladar); (3) Plasma Mitigation—diagnostic instrumentation developed here is critical for designing plasma mitigation strategies; and (4) In-Flight Update Instrumentation—important in the development of appropriate sensors for robust communication through hypersonic flow.
PHASE I: Develop laser instrumentation concept to study scattering and propagation in plasma flow of reentry vehicles. Study characteristics of laser scattering from instabilities caused by shear flow, the impact of micro-particles in the flow, and instabilities caused by high intensity laser beams.
PHASE II: Develop a compact, lightweight prototype of the measuring system conceptualized in Phase I. In Phase II, test the prototype in a terrestrial plasma chamber to establish performance characteristics and deliver an instrument that can be qualified for flight test.

Military Application: The technology demonstrated in this effort will be applied directly to communication, navigation, and targeting systems for future Air Force hypersonic air vehicles.

Commercial Application: The technology will apply to civil space transport and commercial launch and reentry vehicles.

1 Grantham, W. L., “Reentry Plasma Measurements Using a Four-Frequency Reflectometer,” The Entry Plasma Sheath and Its Effects on Space Vehicle Electromagnetic Systems – Vol. I, NASA SP-252, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970, pp. 65 - 108.

2. Swift, C. T., F. B. Beck, J. Thomson, and S. L. Castellow, Jr., “RAM C-III S-Band Diagnostic Experiment,” The Entry Plasma Sheath and Its Effects on Space Vehicle Electromagnetic Systems – Vol. I, NASA SP-252, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970, pp. 137 - 156.
3. Hayes, D. T., S. B. Herskovitz, J.F. Lennon, and J. L. Poirier, An Ablation Technique for Enhancing Reentry Antenna Performance: Flight Test Results, AFCRL-TR-74-0572, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Hanscom AFB, MA, November 1974. DTIC: ADA012250.
KEYWORDS: hypersonic environment, turbulent flow, interaction of EM signals, maneuverable reentry vehicles, laser instrument

AF121-163 TITLE: Performance Prediction for Airborne Multistatic Radar

Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: This effort will develop a unique modeling and performance prediction capability for airborne bistatic and multistatic radar, to include passive radar.
DESCRIPTION: Interest in bistatic radar, where the transmitter and receiver are not collocated, has historically waxed and waned, and is once again enjoying a resurgence. A multistatic system is one where multiple transmit sites or multiple receive sites, or both, are used to construct the radar picture. A passive radar system is one where the radar designer and user do not control the radio frequency (RF) transmissions. This effort will develop a capability to model and predict the performance of bistatic and multistatic radar systems using one or more airborne receivers and one or more airborne or ground-based transmitters. Radar modes to be analyzed include Air Moving Target Indication (AMTI), Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI), and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).
A capability to model and predict the performance of these systems is critical to future development and deployment. Analysis of airborne multistatic systems is significantly more complex than that of ground-based systems. The problem also becomes more difficult when the goal is passive operation; however, being passive provides added survivability since there are no transmitted waveforms to be detected. Passive radar systems have traditionally been developed to exploit a particular emitter. The vision of future systems is to adapt to the local RF emitters, dynamically developing a passive radar strategy which is suitable to the local RF environment. The algorithm which does this may be referred to as an Illuminator Selection Manager, and passive radar performance prediction is a critical component. A performance prediction model will also allow an assessment of the military utility of such systems by providing inputs to higher level simulations.
The models developed under this effort should include the effects of items such as apertures and receivers, transmitted waveforms, signal processing algorithms, clutter, and relative motion of the transmitter, receiver, and target. The models should allow parameters describing the various aspects of the system performance to be easily varied. With this construct the models should easily accommodate different instantiations of multistatic radar systems past, present, and future.
In Phase I, an AMTI performance model will be developed, and an approach identified to add GMTI/SAR capability to the model. Analysis will demonstrate how the performance models support development of an Illuminator Selection Manager and military utility analysis.
The bistatic/multistatic radar model developed under this effort may use as a starting point existing AFRL capabilities, including but not limited to RLSTAP and SMS.
PHASE I: Design/develop multistatic radar model to be used to predict AMTI performance of systems employing both cooperative (non-passive) and non-cooperative (passive) illuminators. Validate by comparing predictions to measured results provided Government Furnished Information (GFI).
PHASE II: Add GMTI and SAR capability to the multistatic radar model. Enhance the models for AMTI, GMTI, and SAR as required to accommodate real-world effects such as denser electromagnetic environments and more challenging clutter. Validate the models by comparison to measured results provided as GFI. Support the integration of the performance models into an Illuminator Selection Manager or a military utility analysis simulation.

Military Application: Multistatic radar may enable surveillance capability--allowing high-value transmitters to maintain stand-off range. Airborne passive radar allows penetrating platform to perform surveillance without transmitting RF energy that could reveal presence.

Commercial Application: Commercial applications could include reduced cost close-in surveillance around air fields which may not have the budget for a full radar system.

1. Griffiths, H. and Baker, C., “The Signal and Interference Environment in Passive Bistatic Radar,” Proc. of Information, Decision, and Control Conference (IEEE Cat. No. 07EX1647C), Adelaide, 2007.

2. Pugh, M.L. and Zulch, P.A., “RLSTAP Algorithm Development Tool for Analysis of Advanced Signal Processing Techniques,” Record of 29th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 1178-1182, 1995.
3. Tsao, T. et al., “Ambiguity Function for a Bistatic Radar,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 33, 1041-1051, 1997.
4. Willis, N.J., Bistatic Radar, Artech House, 1991.
5. Willis, N.J., Griffiths, H.D., and Barton, D.K., “Air Surveillance,” Chapter 6 in “Advances in Bistatic Radar,” N.J. Willis and H.D. Griffiths eds., Scitech, 2007.
KEYWORDS: Bistatic radar, multistatic radar, passive radar, AMTI, GMTI, SAR, modeling, performance prediction

AF121-164 TITLE: Conformal Coherent Optical Sensor

Technology related to this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) (DFARS 252.204-7009). As such, export-controlled data restrictions apply. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign citizens, including country of origin, type of visa/work permit held, and the Statement of Work (SOW) tasks to be performed. In addition, this acquisition involves technology with military or space application. Therefore, only U.S. contractors registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-3572, are eligible for award. If selected, the firm must submit a copy of an approved DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.
OBJECTIVE: Develop a novel coherent sensor which will enable conformal apertures at optical wavelengths. Multiple systems should have the ability to be used together to create high resolution imagery.
DESCRIPTION: In most active imaging systems a light source is used to illuminate a desired scene and the backscattered light is collected across a single, large aperture and focused to a detector array. A single aperture provides resolution up to the diffraction limit but requires large optics with correspondingly large volumes to achieve high spatial resolution at long distances. These large lenses quickly begin to suffer from cost, weight, and practicality issues as their area and volume increase. Distributed, coherent apertures offer a solution where optical field values captured at smaller sub-apertures can be coherently combined to synthesize a large area aperture.
In distributed aperture systems, individual coherent imaging systems are used to sample a large area of an optical wavefront. A computer is then used to correct the captured fields, combine the fields through software, and phase the resultant field into a single high-resolution image. When taken to the limit the result is a large array of very small apertures each with a single detector element which would sample the field across a large plane by using a very thin interferometric system. These smaller sub-apertures drive the ladar imaging system towards conformal apertures which would drastically reduce sensor volume by limiting the thickness of any conformal imaging system. Conformal systems could more easily serve a wide range of aircraft platforms by utilizing a much lower system volume.
The proposed system will utilize coherent imaging ladar to make interferometric measurements of the field backscattered from an object. The proposed system will capture field amplitude and phase at optical wavelengths while multiple systems may work together so that a large effective aperture can be synthesized from the individual system measurements. The proposed system should be designed with the intent of limiting the volume of the proposed sensor including any collection or local oscillator insertion optics.
The ultimate goal is to have a conformal aperture to minimize SWaP of the sensor therefore this should drive any solution. The device will be required to have a clear aperture with low loss so that the light returning from the target can be efficiently captured.

Directory: osbp -> sbir -> solicitations -> sbir20121
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sbir20121 -> Air force 12. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Army 14. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program submitting Proposals on Navy Topics
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program
solicitations -> Armament research, development and engineering center
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solicitations -> Navy 11. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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