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PARTRIDGE CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of Clear Creek, near its confluence with the Stewart River, 110 m above its mouth, 150 e of Dawson, the banking point, and 35 ne of Black Hills, its nearest p o.
PELLY. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 120, Natives and whites. A p o and stage station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail on the left limit of the Yukon River opposite Selkirk, 174 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 214 nw of White Horse, also a banking point. Ang­lican Church. Dominion Telegraph Service. Stage to White Horse and Dawson, semi-weekly in winter.
PELLY CROSSING. A station on the White Horse-Daw­son winter trail, 131 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 45 nw of Pelly, its nearest p o.

PENNINGTON. A telegraphone flag station on the W P & Y Route at the boundary between British Columbia and Yukon Territory, 52 m n of Skagway, Alaska, its nearest banking point, and 16 s of Carcross, its nearest p o.

PUEBLO. A telegraphone flag station, trading post and mining settlement, also known as Pueblo Mines, at the northern terminus of the Macrae Spur of the White Pass & Yukon Route, 11m nw of Macrae and 19 w of White Horse, the nearest bank­ing point and p o.
QUARTZ CREEK. See Radford.
RADFORD. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 65. A p o and mining settlement, first settled in 1899, on Quartz Creek, 25 m se of Dawson, the banking and shipping point. Anglican and Catholic churches. Yukon Telephone Syn­dicate. Stage several times a week in winter to Bonanza, El­dorado Creek and Dawson and once a week to Dawson in sum­mer.

RAMPART HOUSE. Pop 200. Whites and natives. A landing at the head of navigation on the Porcupine River, near the international boundary, 225 m (air line) n of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 235 ne of Fort Yukon, the nearest p o. A customs office and a station of the RCMP are located here. Mail four times a year.
RINK RAPIDS. On the White Horse-Dawson River route on the Yukon River, 7 m s of Yukon Crossing.
RITCHIE'S. A landing on the Yukon River, 150 m nw of Pelly. Stewart River is the nearest p o.
ROBINSON STATION. A roadhouse (formerly a p o) and flag station on the W P & Y Route, 89 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 22 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o, and 22 n of Carcross, also a p o.
ROCK CREEK ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on a creek of the same name at its confluence with the Klondike River, and on the Dawson-Granville road, 11 m e of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
RUDE CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same, name, a tributary of the White River, which empties into the Yukon River, 98 m below Selkirk and 10 above Stewart River, the nearest p o.
SCROGGIE CREEK. (For names see Territorial Alpha­betical List.) A p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, at its confluence with the Stewart River, 22 m from its mouth and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 100 m s of Dawson, the banking point.
SELKIRK. Pop 150, natives and whites. A steamboat land­ing and telegraph station, also known as Fort Selkirk, on the Yukon Ri ver near the mouth of the Pelly River, 214 m n of W^hite Horse, 176 s of Dawson, both banking points, and across the river from Pelly, its p o.
SELWYN. A station on a river of the same name at its confluence with the Yukon River and on the government tele­graph line between Dawson and Atlin, B C, 150 m se of Dawson, the banking point, and 36 w of Pelly, the nearest p o.


SILVER CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name near Kluane.

SIXTY MILE. A roadhouse, mining settlement and landing on the Yukon River at the mouth of Sixty Mile River, 48 m s of Dawson, banking point, and 20 n of Stewart River, the nearest p o.

STEAMBOAT BAR. A mining settlement near Clear Creek.

STEVENS. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 94 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 38 se of Black Hills, the nearest p o.
STEWART CROSSING. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail 75 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 19 se of Black Hills, the nearest p o.
STEWART RIVER. (For names see Territorial Alphabet­ical List.) Pop 25. A p o and mining settlement, first settled in 1897, at the confluence of the Stewart and Yukon Rivers, 70 m s of Dawson, nearing banking point It is also a government tele­graph station on the line between Atlin, B C, and Dawson. It is the supply point for Barker, Black Hills, Donahue, Henderson, Scroggie and Thistle Creeks. Boat connections with Dawson, Mayo and White Horse semi-weekly during the summer. Mail semi-weekly.

SULPHUR. A disc p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 37 m se of Dawson, the banking point, and 17 se of Hunker, the nearest p o. Stage to Granville, Hunker and Dawson.
SUMMIT ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on King Solomon Dome on the Dawson-Granville road, 28 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 8 s of Hunker, its nearest p o.

SWEDE CREEK. A mining and fox farming settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Yukon River, 7 m sw of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
TAGISH. Pop 35, natives and whites. A government tele­graph statioft and Indian reservation on Tagish River between Lakes Marsh and Tagish, 50 m sw of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 25 ne of Carcross, its nearest supply point and p o.
TAKBINI. A roadhouse and stage station, the first relay stop on. the White Horse-Dawson winter trait, 22 m nw of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
TANTALUS. See Carmacks,
TEN MILE* A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 59 m s of Dawson, the banking point, 11 sw of Ogilvie, the shipping point on the Yukon River, and 22 se of Glacier Creek, the nearest p o.
TEN MILE ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on the Dawson-Glacier Creek summer trail, 50 m ne of Glacier Creek and 10 s of Dawson, the banking point and nearest p o.

TESLIN. Pop 125, of which 25 are whites. A disc p o and trading post on a lake of the same name, at the headwaters of the Teslin River, 50 m se of White Horse, the banking point and p o reached by steamer four times a year. Mining and trapping are the principal industries. An Anglican Mission is located here.

THIRTY MILE. On the Dawson-Glacier summer trail, 30 m ne of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
THISTLE CREEK. Pop 20. A disc p o and mining settle­ment on a creek of the same name at its confluence with the Yukon River, 90 m s of Dawson, the banking point, and 22 s of Stewart River, the supply point.

TRAIL GULCH. A mining settlement on a gulch of the same name, a tributary of Bonanza Creek, Al/2 m s of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.

TRONDYKE MINING DISTRICT. See Klondike Mining District.

TWENTY-FOUR MILE ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on the Dawson-Glacier Creek summer trail, 36 m ne of Glacier Creek and 24 s of Dawson, the banking point and nearest p o.
UPPER BONANZA. That part of the Bonanza Creek min­ing district, which is above Bonanza.
UPPER LABARGE. A steamboat landing at the southern end of Lake Labarge, 425 m se of Dawson, the capital and 10 n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
UPPER PELLY. Pop 175, of which 25 are whites. A trad­ing post on the Pelly River, at the mouth of the Ross River, 450 m by water ne of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 250 se of Pelly, the nearest p o.
WATSON. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 59 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 52 s of White Horse, both banking points, and 8 s of Carcross, its nearest p o.
WEST DAWSON. A suburb of Dawson w across the Yu­kon River, and connected therewith by government ferry, making hourly trips. For names see Dawson.
WETTELEA. See De Wette.
WHEATON. Pop 20. A quartz mining settlement on a river of the same name, 72 m s of White Horse, the nearest bank­ing point, and 22 w of Carcross, its nearest supply point and p o.
WHEELERS. A roadhouse and stage station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 127 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 24 se of Black Hills, the nearest p o.

WHELAN. A landing on the Yukon River, 186 m se of Dawson, the banking point and 10 e of Pelly, the nearest p o.


C1923-24) R. Li. POLK & CO.'S, INC.

Association of North American Directory Publishers

Members of Directory and Reference Media Department of Associated Advertising Clubs

of the World


J. Martin Gardner, Pres.

76 Church Street, Toronto, Canada.

Ik I* Polk, Jr., 1st V-Pres.

431 Howard Street, Detroit, Mich.

S. A. Manning, 2nd V-Pres.

S3 Lyman Street, Springfield, Mass.

B. J. Loranger, Secy—Treas. 524 Broadway, cor. Spring St., New York City, N. T.


R. It. Polk, Detroit. R. H. Donnelley, Chicago. W. I*. Richmond, Yonkers. Alvln B. Boyd, Reading. R. W. Lovell, Montreal. W. O. Torchiana, Phila. W. O. Foote, Atlanta. W. H. Lee, New Haven. D. W. Bowman, Akron. O. D'W. Marcy, Boston.

General Of floes: 524-528 Broadway, cor Spring St., Hew Tork City

vi T£? Association of North American Directory Publishers is composed of reput­able City Directory Publishers, organized for the general advancement of the directory business. Any person, corporation or firm engaged in business as owner and publisher of a City Directory in the United States or Canada, who shall qualify as competent to gather information and compile a City Directory and furnish satis­factory references, is eligible to membership. The objects of the Association are:

First. The advancement of the Directory business and the improvement of Directories by the interchange of ideas and the exchange of experienced employes.

Second. To provide protection to the public against fraudulent advertising schemes which operate under the name of Directories, and to drive unprincipled promoters of the same out of business.

Third. To provide permanent and profitable employment to competent, in­dustrious anl honest Directory canvassers and compilers.

Fourth. For the mutual protection and advancement of the established and prospective interests of all who may become members, by personal advice and assistance of members as may be mutually satisfactory, desirable or advisable, and by such other means as may, from time to time, be shown to be wise, proper and lawful.

All members of this association have subscribed to the following


  1. To consider, first, the interest of the user of the book.

  2. To subscribe to and work for truth, honesty and accuracy in all depart­ments.

  3. To avoid confusing duplication of listings, endeavoring to classify every concern under such headings as best describe it, and to treat additional listings as advertising, to be charged for at regular rates.

  4. To increase public knowledge of what directories and reference media contain; to study public needs and make directories and reference media to supply them; to revise and standardize methods and classifications so that what is wanted may be most easily found, and the directory and reference media be made to serve their fullest use as business and social reference books and directories of buyer to seller and seller to his market.

  5. To decline any advertisement which has a tendency to mislead or which does not conform to business integrity.

  6. To solicit subscriptions and advertising solely upon the merits of the publi­cation.

  7. To avoid misrepresentation by statement or inference regarding circulation, placing the test of reference publicity upon its accessibility to seekers as well as on the number of copies circulated.

  8. To co-operate with approved organizations and individuals engaged in creative advertising work.

  9. To avoid unfair competition.

10. To determine what is the highest and largest function of directories and reference media in public service and then to strive in every legitimate way to promote that function.

100.00 BSWABO will be paid by the Association for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons engaged in publishing, collecting or canvassing for any fraudulent or "fake" Directory.

City of White Horse

WHITE HORSE. Pop 500. It is the Yukon terminus of the White Pass & Yukon Railway and is situated at the head of navigation of the Yukon River; 111 miles from Skagway. White Horse is the distributing point for all of the Southern Yukon, including the upper Yukon, Hootalinqua, Big Salmon, Pelly and White River mining camps and trading posts, also the Lake Teslin country. It is also the headquarters and out­fitting point for the big game hunters going into the Kluane, Mount Logan and McMillan districts and is the center of one of the finest big game countries in the world, where are found mountain sheep, moose, caribou and grizzly, brown and black bear: at this point guides, pack-trains and everything necessary for hunting trips can be secured. White Horse carries a special

appeal to the tourist, from its close proximity to such historical and scenic points as White Horse Rapids, Miles Canyon and Lake La Bar«e which can be reached from here both bv auto and motor boat, also for the hunter and fisherman as the adjacent country is teeming with small game, birds, waterfowl, salmon, trout, grayling and pike. It is also in the center of the mineral resources of the Southern Yukon as gold, silver and lead mining is carried on from seven to twenty miles away. Platinum and placer gold are found in the Kluane district. Rich copper de­posits are located within eight miles of the town, and lignite coal is found all over the territory, and at present large deposits are being opened up near Carmacks.

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