Allergenic Pollen in Europe and in the Mediterranean Area

Romanyuk L.I., Ohrimenko V.P., Oliinyk A.Y.*, Gryshilo A.P

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Romanyuk L.I., Ohrimenko V.P., Oliinyk A.Y.*, Gryshilo A.P.

City Allergology Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
Aim: To study the changes of immune status at Allergic Rhinitis (AR) patients before/after treatment using beclometazone.

Because the pathogenetic mechanisms of allergic inflammation are considered to be the co-operative interaction of the immune system cells, which ensure the cytokine secretion, as well as reception. Here we refer Interferon–γ, the Tumor Necrosis Factor α, IL-1α, IL-4. Thus, the complex indication of the blood serum cytokine of AR may serve a marker of inflammatory reaction level. Local corticosteroids effectively reduce the inflammatory phenomena.

Methods and materials:

73 AR patients (18-50 y.o., 35-m, 38–w)

Depending on the applied therapy, patients were divided:

I group: patients (40) have got mono therapy of local beclometazone.

II group: patients (33) have got systemic corticosteroids as a traditional therapy.

A control group included 20 practically healthy people, blood donors.

Indication of subpopulations of T-lymphocytes (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+), B-lymphocytes (CD 20+), IgG, IgE, the immunoferment analysis (IFA) in a blood serum was applied with a help of “Protein profile” (St-Petersburg). The composition of the researched serum cytokines was studied with the application of the spectral and calorimetric method, using reagents set for IFA “Protein profile”.

The results and conclusion:

The application of beclometazone in therapy of AR patients promotes the normalization of immunologic reactivity of human organism (the level of T-, B-lymphocytes, IgG and IgE), it improves of the cytokines level: IL1α, IL4 and TNF–α in a blood serum, as well as reduces the Interferon–γ concentration. Table 1-3.

Table 1

The subpopulation T-lymphocytes composition of patients with Allergic Rhinitis in a treatment period (M±m)

Group of examined persons

Number of persons

The subpopulation composition of T-lymphocytes (%)




CD4+\ CD8+







I gr. (Beclometazone)

Before treatment






After treatment






II gr.(basis- treatment)

Before treatment






After treatment






Note: * - the authenticity of distinctions in comparison with the indicators of control group (р<0,05);

** - the authenticity with data before treatment (р<0,05)

Table 2.

The state of В-lymphocites of immune system of patients with Allergic Rhinitis in a treatment period (M±m)

Group of examined persons

Number of persons





IgE common







I gr. (Beclometazone)

Before treatment





After treatment





II gr.(basis- treatment)

Before treatment





After treatment





Note: * - the authenticity of distinctions in comparison with the indicators of control group (р<0,05).

** - the authenticity with data before treatment (р<0,05).

Table 3.

The indicators of production of some cytokines of patients with Allergic Rhinitis before and after treatment (M±m)


Healthy people, п=20 (control)

Patients with allergic rhinitis got beclometazone,

п=40 (I group)

Patients with allergic rhinitis got common therapy

п=33 (II group)

Before treatment

After treatment

Before treatment

After treatment














In vivo






IL-4, pg\ml






ФНО-α, pg\ml






INF-γ, pg\ml






Note: *- the authenticity of difference of control group, р<0,05;

** - the authenticity of difference of group of patients after treatment, р<0,05
Allergic Sensitization to Molds
Susana Andrade1, Celso Pereira1, Ana Todo Bom1, Fernando Rodrigues2, Rosário Cunha2, Celso Chieira1

1Immunoallergology Department; 2 Immunology Laboratory. Coimbra University Hospital
Introduction: A causative relationship between allergic sensitization and allergic symptoms is widely documented for allergens from house dust mites, animal dander and pollens. There is increasing evidence of the implication of molds, such as Alternaria, Cladosporium and Aspergillus, in allergic respiratory manifestations. Polysensitization, inadequate allergenic extract purification and standardization, allied to high prevalence of cross-reactivity among different species, have limited the clinical characterization of fungal allergy. Previous epidemiologic studies revealed a considerable variability concerning the percentages of mold sensitization.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the mold species most frequently implicated in allergic sensitization in a group of patients with cutaneous hypersensitivity to these allergens. Moreover, we aimed to assess the allergic respiratory symptoms reported and to evaluate the correlation between in vivo and in vitro diagnosis, respectively skin prick test and detection of allergen-specific serum IgE antibodies.

Material and Methods: We selected a hundred consecutive patients admitted to our department presenting allergic respiratory symptoms and with documented sensitization to at least one mold specie, assessed by skin prick test using commercial extracts (Alk-Abelló – Madrid, Spain), that included: Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium herbarum, Curvularia spicifera, Fusarium moniliforme, Penicilium notatum, Penicillium roqueforti, Rhizopus nigricans and Candida albicans. Fourty patients sensitized to one of the first four species collected blood samples for specific IgE assay by Pharmacia UniCAP® System.

Results: The species more frequently involved in mold sensitization were: Aspergillus fumigatus (37%), Cladosporium herbarum (34%), Alternaria alternata (34%) and Aspergillus niger (31%). Low rates of skin test reactivity were reported. Mean weal diameters between 3 and 5 mm above negative control were shown in 70 to 90% of the patients. Alternaria revealed higher allergenicity. 32% of the patients were monosensitized to a single specie. Polysensitization to other inhalant allergens was demonstrated in almost 90% of the patients, particularly dust mites. There were only four positive serum IgE findings (>0,35 KU/L) to Aspergillus fumigatus, two of them occurring in patients with negative skin test. Three patients had positive IgE antibodies to Cladosporium (two with negative skin prick test). The two patients showing serum IgE to Alternaria had cutaneous reactivity to this mold. It was not found serum specific IgE to Aspergillus niger. Prevalence of allergic rhinitis ranked first in clinical findings in the second group of patients (83,8%), followed by sinusitis (62,2%) and asthma (54,1%).

Discussion And Conclusions: This study confirmed previous observations that Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Alternaria represent the most common fungal allergens, diagnosed both through in vivo or in vitro assays for IgE determination, and support an important lack of correspondence between skin test and serum allergen-specific IgE. The important role of moulds in severity of allergic diseases reinforces the need of standardized, stable and well-characterized allergen extracts to be used in more effective and reliable in vivo and in vitro diagnosis. It also strengthens the need to complement both methods in order to properly identify fungal diseases. Moreover, a clear correlation of fungal sensitization and respiratory symptoms could not be established.

Susana Oliveira1, Anabela F. Faria2, Rita Câmara1, Fernando Drummond Borges1, L. M. Camacho de Freitas2.

1Immunoallergy Unit, 2Dermatology Department – Funchal Hospital.
Background: Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD) is an inflammatory reaction that follows absorption of antigen applied to the skin surface and recruitment of previously sensitised, antigen specific T lymphocytes into the skin. ACD affects 20% of children at some time during childhood. Diagnosis is based upon the distribution of eczematous lesions rather than the appearance of individual lesions. There are many instances where the allergens are not found by history and epicutaneous testing is required. Treatment requires moderately potent topical steroid ointments. Allergen avoidance is the mainstay of prevention.

Case report: An 11-year-old girl went to the Dermatology Department for evaluation of an edematous and vesiculous reaction on her face and left wrist, probably after contact with mango tree (Mangifera indica). These lesions appeared one or two days after the patient’s stayed on a mango tree tilled ground where she also had a hand contact with the relating fruit (with peel), without ingestion. Apparently without any other associated symptoms. The patient denied contact with new topical products. The personal history revealed mild intermittent allergic rhinitis. The patient referred a small portion of mango ingestion, some months before the presented episode, without clinical manifestations. Other personal facts seemed irrelevant. The family history revealed that the father and one uncle had asthma. The following study was performed: IgA, IgM, IgG, Total IgE and specific IgE determinations (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Parietaria, Grasses mixture, Mugwort, Birch, Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, Mango, Latex (CAP system)), tool parasitologic test, skin prick tests (SPT) using commercial extracts and fresh mango and epicutaneous testing, performed according to the Portuguese Contact Dermatitis Research Group (GPEDC) - standard series and fresh mango. All tests, but epicutaneous testing, were normal or negative (SPT); epicutaneous testing were strongly positive to mango flesh, mango-tree leaf and mango-tree stem. Concerning to the SPT it outstands that about 72 hours after SPT execution papulo-vesiculous reaction appeared on the face (flare-up) and on the forearm (where the SPT were performed with the flesh and the peel of the mango – prick-prick). Treatment was performed with topical steroid and oral anti-histaminic with a rapid symptoms resolution.

Conclusion: The ACD to mango corresponds to a rare situation. Most frequently, the case reports are characterized by papulo-vesiculous reaction localized on the lips or peri-bucal region, which occur, normally, after fruit direct contact with bucal mucous membrane or after ingestion. The described case is rare, not only in it’s clinical presentation but also with concern to the allergenic contact route, which we supposed to be airborne transportation.


Susana Oliveira1, Rita Câmara1, Maria João Castro1, Mariana Rodrigues2 Fernanda Vila3, Cátia Cardoso3; Ana Carvalho Marques3; Fernando Drummond Borges1.

1Unidade de Imunoalergologia, 2Serviço de Estatística e Apoio à Investigação, 3Serviço de Pediatria – Hospital Central do Funchal.
Background: Indoor home conditions of allergic patients associated with an increased sedentary life style, could be a trigger for allergic illness.

Purpose: Indoor characterization from Immunoallergy outpatients and correlation with their atopy incidence.

Methods: Questionnaire systematic application in order to characterize indoors conditions of Immunoallergy outpatients. Skin Prick Test (SPT) with commercial extracts (dust mites, mould and cockroach). Statistic analysis and correlation between indoor conditions and sensitization was done.

Results: Patients population: n=193. Male – 47,7% and female – 52,3%. Mean age = 15 years old (8 months – 80 years). Home place: urban, suburban and rural, equitable distribution. Basic sanitation inexistent in 10% (n=20) of the population. House floor was predominantly: wood (44%) and mosaic (40,4%). Only 4,1% (n=8) of the individuals have carpet. The majority of the houses has 2 or 3 sleeping rooms and almost of the population shares the room with one more person. In average the mattress has 5 years, it is predominantly springs (90,2%) and is not shared in 81,1% of cases. Pillow is used by 89,6% of patients, whose average age is 3 years, and being scum in 51,8% of cases. The eider-down is used by 61,7% of the population. In almost half of patient room there are soft toys (n=90) in number >5 (47,8 % ). Indoor humidity is present in 57,9% and cockroach in 48,2 % of houses. In studied population 75% have SPT positive to at least one tested allergen. Positive sensitization was: house dust mite 77,2% cockroach 26,2% and mould 23,4%. For allergens like house dust mite the only significant Pearson correlation founded was for more than 5 soft toys (<0,001). There were not found other significant correlation to this allergen or between indoor humidity and mould sensibilization. Pearson correlation was significant (<0,001) for home occurrence cockroach and positive SPT to this aeroallergen.

Conclusion: Incidence for sensitization to the tested aeroallergens was similar to that found in PAC-study. The reason for no significant Pearson correlation between other indoor conditions beside soft toys >5 and house dust mite sensitization could be explained by some previous environment control already done. The inexistence of significant correlation between indoor humidity and moulds atopy could be explained by the lacking of moulds standardized extracts for prick test. The correlation found for indoor cockroach and sensitization for this specific allergen could be justified, in one hand by high prevalence of indoor cockroach and in another hand by extermination difficulties.


Some activation marcers and factors of intercellular cooperation (Fas-receptor, ICAM-1 and cytokines) in patients with Chronic Urogenital Chlamydiosis
V.V.Driyanskaya, G. N.Drannik, V.S.Papakina

Institute of Urology; Institute of Nephrology AMS of Ukraine; Kiev, Ukraine.

The molecular activity of apoptosis (A) under study is one of the most intensively developing areas in biology and medicine. It has been shown that many pathogens, intracellular ones (Chlamydia relate to them) in particular, are able to modulate A that allows than to withstand the defensive factors of a macroorganism. It is known that A can depend on cytokine level and ICAM.
The aim of this work is to investigate the level of mononuclear cells expressing Fas-receptor (CD95+) (pro-apoptotic factor) and also adhesive molecules ICAM-1 (CD54+) in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of urinary system (CIDUS) of chlamydial (group1 - 15 patients) and other (gr. 2 –15 patients) etiology in comparison with healthy donors (group 3 – 10 donors). The laboratory recognition of contagions was performed by means of cytoscopy, PLR, IFA. The antigen expression was studied using the immunofluorescence method with mAb; spontaneous and induced synthesis of interleukins-1,-2,-10, γ-IFN and TNF-α was defined by ELISE-method on STAT FAX-303 PLUS test-system of “IMMUNOTECH” (France) and “PROTEIN CONTUR” (St-Petersburg, Russia); spectrophotometry was used to determine the NO-level.
The investigation demonstrated the objective elevation in marking level of blood lymphocyte activation in patients of both groups with CIDUS; at the same time, the number of CD95+ (37±3,1%) and CD54+ (35±2,5%) cells in gr.1 objectively exceeded these reading both in healthies (15±1,6% и 19±2,6% respectively) (p<0,001) and in patients of gr. 2 (28±1,8% и 27±2,0% respectively) (р<0,05). The high level of proapoptotic marker CD95+ in patients with chlamydial infection can be partly explained by the increased NO-production, in spite of the decreased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-2, γ-IFN) that we had previously detected, the reduction in IL-10 and absence of deviation from normal production of TNF-α.. It cannot be excluded that the increased expression of adhesive molecules in patients with CIDUS, which testify to the activation of cells, can exert antiapoptotic action (in spite of the high level of readiness to A) described by some authors.



(1) Vlaski E, (1) Stavric K, (2) Isjanovska R, (1) Seckova L, (3) Kacarski D
(1) University Children’s Hospital, Skopje, R. Macedonia (2) Institute of epidemiology and biostatistics with medical informatics, Skopje, R. Macedonia (3) PHO Zeleznicar, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Objective: As the role of respiratory oxidant/anti-oxidant balance in allergic rhinitis is suggested, the aim of the study was to examine the impact of air pollution and acetaminophen consumption as factors which may increase oxidative stress and fruit, vegetables intake as factors which may increase anti-oxidants on current allergic rhinitis and ever-diagnosed hay fever in children.
Material and methods: The self-reported data of 3026 children 13/14 years old from Skopje obtained from ISAAC phase 3 questionnaires in 2002 were analysed. The relationship between sneezing or a runny or blocked nose apart from a cold in the last 12 months (AR12), ever-diagnosed hay fever and factors which affect oxidant/anti-oxidant balance (exposure to passive smoking at home, gas cooking at home, frequency of trucks passage through residential street, frequency of acetaminophen use in the last 12 months, frequency of fruit and vegetables intake in the last 12 months) was determined. Chi-square and odds ratios in logistic regression for statistic analysis of the data were used.
Results: It was established that current acetaminophen use at least once monthly and at least once yearly, compared to never use of acetaminophen, significantly increased the risk of AR12 (at least once monthly: OR=2.43 95%CI 1.75-3.37 p<0.001; at least once yearly: OR=1.45 1.21-1.75 p<0.001). Related to ever-diagnosed hay fever, only current acetaminophen use at least once monthly was associated with increased risk of this disease (OR=2.32 1.41-3.81 p=0.001). A significant association between allergic rhinitis or ever-diagnosed hay fever and other investigated parameters was not found.
Conclusion: Our results confirm only the suggestion that acetaminophen use is positively associated with allergic rhinitis in children.


Susana Oliveira1, Rita Câmara1, Maria João Castro1, Mariana Rodrigues2 Fernanda Vila3, Cátia Cardoso3; Ana Carvalho Marques3; Fernando Drummond Borges1.

1Unidade de Imunoalergologia, 2Serviço de Estatística e Apoio à Investigação, 3Serviço de Pediatria – Hospital Central do Funchal.
Background: Indoor home conditions of allergic patients associated with an increased sedentary life style, could be a trigger for allergic illness.

Purpose: Indoor characterization from Immunoallergy outpatients and correlation with their atopy incidence.

Methods: Questionnaire systematic application in order to characterize indoors conditions of Immunoallergy outpatients. Skin Prick Test (SPT) with commercial extracts (dust mites, moulds and cockroach). Statistic analysis and correlation between indoor conditions and sensitization was done.

Results: Patients population: n=193. Male – 47,7% and female – 52,3%. Mean age = 15 years old (8 months – 80 years). Home place: urban, suburban and rural, equitable distribution. Basic sanitation inexistent in 10% (n=20) of the population. House floor was predominantly: wood (44%) and mosaic (40,4%). Only 4,1% (n=8) of the individuals bedroom have carpet. The majority of the houses has 2 or 3 sleeping rooms and almost of the population shares the room with one more person. In average the mattress has 5 years, it is predominantly springs (90,2%) and is not shared in 81,1% of cases. Pillow is used by 89,6% of patients, whose average age is 3 years, and being scum in 51,8% of cases. The eider down is used by 61,7% of the population. In almost half of patient room there are soft toys (n=90) in number >=5 (47,8 %). Indoor humidity is present in 57,9% and cockroach in 48,2 % of houses. In studied population 75% have SPT positive to at least one tested allergen. Positive sensitization was: house dust mite 77,2% cockroach 26,2% and mould 23,4%. For allergens like house dust mite the only significant Pearson correlation founded was for >=5 soft toys (<0,001) indoor. There were not found other significant correlation to this allergen or between indoor humidity and mould sensibilization. Pearson correlation was significant (<0,001) for home occurrence cockroach and positive SPT to this aeroallergen.

Conclusion: Incidence for sensitization to the tested aeroallergens was similar to that found in PAC-study. The reason for no significant Pearson correlation between other indoor conditions beside soft toys >5 and house dust mite sensitization could be explained by some previous environment control already done. Finally, the inexistence of significant correlation between indoor humidity and moulds atopy could be explained by the lacking of moulds standardized extracts for prick test and regional variation. The correlation found for indoor cockroach and sensitization for this specific allergen could be justified, in one hand by high prevalence of indoor cockroach and in another hand, by extermination difficulties.



D’Amato Gennaro

Division of Pneumology and Allergology
High Speciality Hospital A. Cardarelli Napoli Italy
Address: Rione Sirignano,10
80121 Napoli Italy

Key words: Allergenic pollen; Outdoor air-pollution; Pollinosis; Respiratory allergy; Seasonal allergy.

Address for correspondence:

Prof. Gennaro D’Amato

Director, Division of Pneumology and Allergology

Hospital A.Cardarelli

Via Rione Sirignano,10

80121 Napoli, Italy

Fax +39 081 7473331


Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical impact all over Europe and there is a body of evidence suggesting that the prevalence of respiratory allergic reactions induced by pollens in Europe is on the increase, a trend that is clearly evident also in the Mediterranean area ( 1-7 ) . Since airborne-induced respiratory allergy do not recognises national frontiers, and like most diseases that can be prevented by avoiding exposure to the causative agent, the study of pollinosis cannot be limited to national boundaries. In Europe, the main pollination period covers about half the year, from spring to autumn, and the distribution of airborne pollen taxa of allergological interest is related to five vegetational areas (Table I).

Because of its climatic conditions, characterized by mild winters and sunny days with dry summers, the vegetation of the Mediterranean area is different from that of central and northern Europe. Allergenic-pollen-producing plants typical of the Mediterranean climate are Parietaria, Olive and Cupressaceae. However, during the last thirthy years or so, aerobiological and allergological studies have been developed rapidly in most parts of Europe and also in Mediterranean area. This has led to an increased density of observational networks of pollen-counting stations, and also to the need for multilateral exchange and cooperation in aerobiological and allergological studies.

The allergenic content of the atmosphere varies according to climate, geography and vegetation.

Data on the presence and prevalence of allergenic airborne pollens, obtained from both aerobiological studies and allergological investigations, make it possible to design pollen calendars with the approximate flowering period of the plants in the sampling area. In this way, even though pollen production and dispersal from year to year depends on the patterns in preseason weather and on the conditions prevailing at the time of anthesis, it is usually possible to forecast the chances of encountering high atmospheric allergenic pollen concentrations in different areas.

Aerobiological and allergological studies show that the pollen map of Europe and of Mediterranean area is changing also as a result of cultural factors (for example importation of plants such as birch and cypress for urban parklands) and greater international travel (e.g. the colonization by ragweed in France, northern Italy, Austria, Hungary etc.).

By virtue of aerobiological sampling of the pollen content of the atmosphere of various Mediterranean cities, have been identified three pollen seasons (3,6,7):

- a low winter pollen season (from December to the end of March) marked by the presence of the pollens of such trees as Cupressaceae (Cupressus and Juniperus), Corilaceae (Hazel), Acaciae (Mimosa) and some Betulaceae.

‑ A high spring-summer pollen season (from April to July), of marked allergological interest, dominated by the pollination of Grasses, Parietaria and Olea (Olive). Slightly overlapping this season, from March to May, Platanus flowers, and has some allergenic importance in some Mediterranean areas as Southern France, Spain etc.

‑ A summer-autumn season (from August to October) marked by the second, less pronounced, peak of Parietaria and sometimes of Gramineae and the pollens of herbaceous plants, such as mugwort (Artemisia) and Chenopodiaceae.

Grass pollen is by far the most important cause of pollinosis throughout the European continent and also in the Mediterranean area. It is interesting to note that in various European cities, whilst the prevalence of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma is increasing, the atmospheric concentration of grass pollen is decreasing (3,8). The decrease in grass pollen concentrations has been attributed to substantial decreases in the area of grassland over large areas of the continent. In fact, the last 25 years have seen a reduction in grassland of about 40% (8). However, the observation that cases of allergic rhinitis and asthma induced by grass pollen are increasing is probably related to various factors, including increased air pollution (8-10).

Parietaria is a genus of the Urticaceae family, and P. officinalis and judaica are the most common allergenic species of this genus.

P. judaica grows in coastal Mediterranean areas such as Spain, southern France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece .This allergenic plant, which is responsible for many cases of severe pollinosis, has two very long flowering periods. Its pollen appears first at the beginning of the spring and persists during the spring and summer months, often reaching a peak level with daily mean values of more than 5 hundred pollen grains per cubic meter of air at the end of April or in May, depending on the climate of the area. A shorter pollination period is observed from the end of August to October.

In the Oleaceae family, the most allergenic pollen is produced by Olea europaea, the olive tree, which in the Mediterranean area has been recognized as being one of the most important causes of seasonal respiratory allergy (11). The olive pollination season lasts from April to the end of June and sometimes causes severe symptoms (oculorhinitis and/or bronchial asthma). Olive tree, like Birch, has reproductive rhythms of high and low years for the abundance of pollen and subsequent seed. The alternating patterns may be modified or even obscured by the influences of weather during the times of pollen formation and dispersal.

Frequently the sensitization to pollen allergens of Olea is associated with other atopic sensitizations such as allergy to grasses and it is frequently difficult to know whether sensitization to grasses prevails or whether it is Olive that prevails.

Another interesting aspect of olive allergy is that in subjects with sensitization to the allergens of this pollen the clinical symptoms are frequently not limited to the pollination season (May-June) but are present all year round without an explanation.

As for Birch, which is the most potent of the pollen-allergen-producing trees in northern Europe, this arboreal plant is spreading down into the Mediterranean area. For example Birches are becoming increasingly abundant in northern Italy where landscape artists tend to use them in new urban parks. The typical peaks of birch pollens are recorded in northern Europe during May, whereas in sourthern Europe the birch pollen concentration generally peaks in April. This tendency for spring-pollinating plants, like birch and grass, to flower earlier in the warmer southern regions of Europe is reversed for the Autumn-pollinating types such as mugwort ( 3).

Cypress pollination is characterized by a wide variability with very high concentrations in Mediterranean coastal areas, where it frequently induces rhinoconjunctivitis. This pollen taxa is the most common airborne allergen of the winter months in some Mediterranean cities.

The increasing epidemiologic impact of pollinosis induced by Cupressaceae plants is related to the increasing use of these species for gardening and reforestation (12). So again, like with birch, we have a case of fashion influencing the epidemiology of pollen-induced disorders.

Pollen grains from herbs like mugwort (Artemisia) and Plantain (Plantago) are of limited but, nevertheless, real clinical importance. Mugwort in particular has a marked sensitizing capacity. In the same Compositae family of Mugwort, we find also ragweed (Ambrosia), which is colonizing Europe, and not only Central Europe, but also some parts of the Mediterranean area such as northern Italy.

Interaction between urban air pollution and pollen allergy

Studies have demonstrated that urbanization and high levels of vehicle emissions and westernised lifestyle is correlated with the increasing frequency of pollen-induced respiratory allergy and people who live in urban areas tend to be more affected by pollen-induced respiratory allergy than those of rural areas (13). In urban cities of the Mediterranean area among the components of air pollution there are frequently high concentrations of ozone favoured by sunny days and ultraviolet radiations. In particular, ozone trends depend not only on substrate supply (emissions of nitrogen dioxide by cars), but also on weather conditions and sunny days facilitate the transformation of nitrogen dioxide into ozone, thereby producing the so called “Los Angeles smog”.

There is a growing body of evidence that components of air pollution interact with inhalant allergens carried by pollen grains and may enhance the risk of both atopic sensitization and exacerbation of symptoms in sensitized subjects (14,15), since urban air pollution affects both airborne allergenic pollen and the airways of exposed subjects.

Pollen allergy has been one of the most frequent models used to study the interrelationship between air pollution and respiratory allergic diseases. Pollen grains or plant-derived paucimicronic components carry allergens that can produce allergic symptoms (15,16). They may also interact with air pollution (particulate matter, ozone ) in producing these effects. (Table II). Furthermore airway mucosal damage and impaired mucociliary clearance induced by air pollution may facilitate the access of inhaled allergens to the cells of the immune system (14-16) (Table III). In addition, vegetation reacts with air pollution and environmental conditions and influence the plant allergenicity. Several factors influence this interaction, including type of air pollutants, plant species, nutrient balance , climatic factors, degree of airway sensitization and hyperresponsiveness of exposed subjects. The city of Naples serves as a good model with which to study the interaction between pollen-derived allergen and air pollution.It has about 2 million inhabitants and very dense traffic. It is located in a coastal area enclosed on three sides by hills and mountains. The year-long sunny days favour high levels of ozone. This situation, on days with absence of wind and rain, favours critical episodes of air pollution.The climate also favours the pollination of Parietaria, which grows in abundance throughout the city ( 2,6 ). About 30% of inhabitants are allergic to this plant and more than 50% of these Parietaria pollen-allergic subjects experience bronchial asthma and its equivalent, with high level of bronchial hyperresponsiveness ( 2,6,15 ).

During Spring the prevalence of Parietaria-induced allergic respiratory disorders tends to increase and there is a peak in the number of emergency room visits for allergic asthma attacks when there is an increase in airborne concentrations of Parietaria pollen grains and a parallel increase of ozone levels from April to June. This parallel increase usually starts in February and peaks between May and June when Parietaria pollen grains reach levels of about 1000 grains/m3 of air. After July the production and release of Parietaria pollen usually decreases, while ozone levels remain high also in autumn during which the concentration of Parietaria pollens is low. There is also a diurnal correlation of both peaks, since Parietaria pollen and ozone reach their highest levels in morning. Parietaria peaks earlier than ozone because of the time required for the photochemical reaction to develop.

.So, the conditions of Naples favour the interaction between Parietaria pollen, ozone and inhalable PM and on sunny days in the atmosphere of Naples there is a parallel increase of ozone , PM10 and of Parietaria pollen grains. This parallel increase usually starts in January or February and the increasing trend reaches June or July. At this time the production and release of Parietaria pollen usually decreases, while ozone and PM10 are high also in Autumn and frequently also during Winter.


Table I -

Vegetational areas and prevalent distribution of allergenic plants in Europe:

- Arctic: birch

‑ Central: deciduous forest, birch, grasses

‑ Eastern: grasses, mugwort, ragweed

  • Mountains: grasses (with a pollination season delayed by three-four weeks in comparison with areas at sea level).

  • Mediterranean: Parietaria, olive trees, grasses and also cypress.

TABLE II The rationale for the interrelationship between agents of air pollution and pollen allergens in inducing respiratory allergy:

1 – Air pollution can interact with pollen grains, leading to an increased release of antigens characterized by modified allergenicity.

2 – Air pollution can interact with allergen-carrying paucimicronic particles derived from plants. The paucimicronic particles, pollen-originated or not, are able to reach peripheral airways with inhaled air, so inducing asthma in sensitized subjects.

3 – Air pollution, and in particular ozone, particulate matter and sulphur dioxide, have been shown to have an inflammatory effect on the airways of exposed, susceptible subjects, causing increased permeability, easier penetration of pollen allergens in the mucous membranes and easier interaction with cells of the immune system. There is also evidence that predisposed subjects have increased airway reactivity induced by air pollution and increased bronchial responsiveness to inhaled pollen allergens.

4, Some components of air pollution seem to have an adjuvant immunologic effect on IgE synthesis in atopic subjects. In particular diesel exhaust particles (17,18), which can interact in atmosphere with pollens or paucimicronic particles (16).


Table III Possible mechanisms of pollutant enhancement of responses to pollen allergens:

  • increased epitelial permeability

  • pollutant induced airway inflammation “priming” the subsequent allergen-induced responses

  • enhanced oxidative stress in the airways.


  1. D’Amato G, Lobefalo G. Allergenic pollens in the Mediterranean area. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1989;83:116-122.

  2. D’Amato G, Dal Bo S, Bonini S. Pollen-related allergy in Italy. Ann Allergy 1992;68:433-437.

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EAACI would like to specialy thank the Portuguese Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for the provision of the material from the course.

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