An Analysis of Struggle for Peace: Examining the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the

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 Who has been convicted of being involved in gun violence?

 Who is knowledgeable in a particular way to the topic of gun violence?

 Participant in matters of gun violence, whether in support or against

If you do have the following requirements and you are willing to participate in the research, you are kindly advised to fill in the form below and send it back to the addresses provided or contact me directly by my phone (703-869-3022) or through my email address which is After receiving your response, I will get in touch with you, so that we can set a date and time that the interview will be conducted. If you are not willing to participate, there will be no contact and your privacy will be upheld.

I am grateful for your favorable consideration in participating in the research.



Charles Ndikum

Doctoral Candidate

Walden University

RESPONSE FORM: Please kindly respond on the provided form.

…Yes. I am willing to participate in your research. Kindly get in touch with me with the contacts provided to arrange on the interview and availing of more details. My contacts are:



Phone Number………………………………………………..

Box Number…………………………………………………..



Analysis of the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Brady Violation Act of 1993


Time of Interview:




Position of Interviewee:

Brief Description of Study:


1. Describe your understanding of gun violence in the United States?

2. Do you think the majority of people own guns?

3. What is your understanding of the effectiveness of the gun laws?

4. How do the persons who commit crimes using guns able to access guns undetected

5. Who should not be allowed to own guns?

6. Why is it that some neighborhoods can be referred to as a hotbed of gun violence while others are not? Is it related to the distribution of guns?

7. How are the guns transferred from the hands of the manufacturers to the hands of the consumers and finally the criminals?

8. Why is it that people like owning guns?

9. Does the limit of the number of bullets work?

10. Why are gun laws ineffective?

11. How do level of guns influence future generation?

12. Who holds the largest responsibility when it comes to the handling the issue of gun violence?

13. What would be the case if there were fewer guns in the hands of the citizens?

14. What is it that we don’t know about gun violence?

15. How effective has the President addressed gun control?

16. How does the incidence of mass shootings diverge from the other categories of gun violence?

17. Which other weapons would the criminals’ use of they didn’t have guns? Would they have the same impact as the guns?

18. Is the research on the topic of gun violence in the United States underfunded?

19. What is the effectiveness of gun safety education?



Analyzing the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Brady Act Of 1993

I am inviting you to participate in research on “Analyzing the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Brady Act 1993”. You were picked as a possible participant due to your diverse knowledge and experience about the topic under consideration. Kindly go through the form and feel free to ask any questions that you may come across before responding to the invitation to the research.

The research is being carried out by Charles xx xxx xx, who is a doctoral student at Walden University.

Background Information

The reason for the study is to obtain an enhanced understanding of the effectiveness of the GCA 1968 and the Brady Violation Act 1993. These Acts were enacted to fight the menace of violence related to firearm ownership and possession. The GCA 1968 was passed to regulate the transactions of guns between interstates apart from the licensed dealers. The BVA 1993 was passed to ensure that a background check has been carried while one is purchasing a firearm. It is to prevent the persons who have been prohibited from owning a firearm from accessing the weapons. It was meant to minimize the incidences when the firearm falls into a criminal’s hands.


When you accept to be a participant in the study, you will be asked some questions by the researcher which will last for about one hour. The interview will be recorded on tape. The consent forms will be signed before the commencement of the discussion so that it will act as an authorization for the interview to be conducted. The duration of the meeting will be approximately one hour.

Nature of the Study

It is a strictly independent research. The decision that you made for the participation will not in any way affect your relationship or interaction with any organization, body or human being. Having made a voluntary decision to participate, you can as well make a decision to withdraw at any moment without any repercussions.

Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study

The Gun laws, GCA 1968 and BVA 1993 were enacted to reduce the rate of gun violence which was being experienced in the country. Participating in the research may bring back old memories especially those of who may have been affected in one way or another by the issue of gun violence. In a situation where you will feel that you are not in a position to answer the questions due to the sensitivity of the matter, you may detach from answering the question, and you can also exit the interview at your will.

We will be using coded names to hide your identity and maintain your privacy. You will not be linked to the information that you will provide; thus, it will remain independent. You will be allowed to choose the location and the time that the interview will be held.

When it comes to benefits, you are being involved in this research due to your knowledge and experience when it comes to gun violence thus you will have an opportunity to having your voices being heard as well as your opinions being published.


There is no determined compensation since this study is a voluntary participation.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The information that you provide will be reserved as confidential. The researcher will not use your personal information for anything else which is outside the research project. The researcher will not include your name, or organizational association or whichever other information which could connect you to the research. The information collected will be kept under lock and key by the researcher.

Contacts and Questions

You are allowed to ask the researcher any question at the moment. The researcher who is conducting the interview is Charles Ndikum whose reachable on (703-869-3022) or through the email at

You will be given a copy for you to maintain by the researcher.

Statement of Consent

I have read the above information, and I am in agreement to be involved in the research. I have asked enough questions which have answered satisfactorily which will enable me to be a participant in the research.

Name of the Participant ………………………………………………….

Consent Date …………………………………………………………….

Participants Signature …………………………………………………….

Researcher’s Signature……………………………………………………



GCA 1968 Gun Control Act 1968

BVA 1993 Brady Violence Act 1993

GLG Gun Lobby Groups

NRA National Rifle Association


Gun Laws


Brady Campaign

Gun Rights

Mental Illness

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