Analyzing Vulnerability of the Belize Coastal Tourism Sector

Development of vulnerability indicators

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3. Development of vulnerability indicators

The development of indicators to assess various dimensions of climate change is also a recent and emerging area of study. One of the most definitive discourses of such indicators comes from the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC 2007), which examines the concept of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity as the basis for the development of effective climate change indicators. Firstly, vulnerability is a function of exposure to direct (such as changes in temperature and rainfall average) and indirect (e.g. increased risk of natural hazards) impacts. Secondly, it is a function of sensitivity of the region to them. The sensitivity could be environmental (e.g. land use), human (e.g. social structure), and/or economic (e.g. income per capita). Finally, exposure is correlated with adaptive capacity and adaptation in the following manner; reductions in exposure vulnerability as arising from the realization of adaptive capacity can be viewed as adaptation (IPCC 2007).

Four indicators of exposure to climate change were selected for this analysis, representing the four most critical climate change impacts on tourism in coastal areas5: rise in sea surface temperature, sea-level rise, increase in hurricane intensity and increase in air temperature. For each indicator of exposure, we selected those elements of the tourism system that we have a good degree of certainty are likely to be impacted and developed sensitivity indicators for each element. Indicators were given a ranking range from very low to high and estimated for three time periods: current (2010), 2030-2039 and 2090-99. Table 2 details the indicators of vulnerability and their rankings.
The adaptive capacity of tourism operators was then assessed. For this assessment, the indicators were based on current conditions only; no future projections were made.
The following is a description of the methodology used to measure the potential impact of each climatic effect, the indicators used and sources of information.
Rise in Sea Surface Temperature
The main concern with an increase in sea surface temperature is the impact on coral reefs and therefore on reef-based activities. Corals begin to stress with an increase of just 1° C over the highest average temperature of the hottest summer month, the maximum monthly mean (MMM)6, referred to as the “bleaching threshold”. Stress caused by water over normal temperatures could begin the bleaching process eight weeks after the initiation of the variation. Mass coral bleaching and death can occur if corals remain under those conditions for a prolonged period7.
Thermal stress was evaluated using data from the CATIE/TNC vulnerability analysis8, which examined current and projected sea surface temperatures (SST) in relation to baseline conditions in the same locations. Sea surface temperature data from NOAA Coast Watch9 was used to generate a baseline SST for the period 2001 – 2005. Projected SSTs were generated using two emissions scenarios (B1 and A2) for the periods 2030 – 2039 and for 2090 – 2099. Exposure to thermal stress was ranked according to the NOAA Coral Reef Watch methodology for identifying areas at risk of coral bleaching10.
Sensitivity of each region to rising sea surface temperature was measured as the extent and health of coral reef in the region (Table 2).
Rising sea levels

Sea levels have risen at an average rate of 1.8 mm per year since 1961, and at a rate of 3.1 mm per year since 1993. The increase in the rate of sea level rise has been attributed to thermal expansion and the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps11. Global sea levels are projected to rise at a greater rate in the 21st century than during the period of 1961 to 2003. Projections of future sea level rise range from 0.18 to 0.59 meters (relative to the average for 1980-1999) by 2099. Changes in sea levels are of particular concern because of the concentration of human settlements in coastal zones and on islands12. Figure 2 illustrates the change in global sea level from 1880 – 2000. Future changes in sea level are not expected to be geographically uniform; data from analyses of tide gauges and thermal expansion tend to show greater trends in sea level rise for the North Atlantic Ocean than for the Indian, Pacific, or South Atlantic Oceans (Bindoff et al., 2007). The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report finds that sea levels “are likely to continue to rise on average” around the small islands of the Caribbean Sea13.

Figure 2: illustrates the change in global sea level from 1880 – 200014

Sea level rise could have adverse effect on different sectors and infrastructure along the coast with the most vulnerable sectors being coastal communities and coastal tourism infrastructure15. Climate variability and change, coupled with human-induced changes, may also affect ecosystems; for example mangroves and coral reefs which could result in additional consequences for fisheries and tourism16. Although the actual extent of the areas to be affected by sea level rise is unknown, it is evident that such rises in sea level could cause coastal erosion and extensive coastal inundation, which will lead to coastal habitat destruction, loss of property and lives. Sea level rise could increase the socio-economic and physical vulnerability of coastal cities and may cost up to 14 per cent of GDP in coastal countries (IPCC 2007b).

The majority of Belize’s population resides on the coast and along rivers. Some parts of the coast are at or near sea level. As a consequence, if no action is taken, projected sea level rise can have severe impacts on the low lying areas of Belize. Sea level rise data from the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and The Caribbean (CATHALAC) and the Belize National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) was used to generate current elevation (2014) along low-lying coastal areas of mainland Belize ranging from 0 – 20m above sea level. Projections for sea-level rise at this resolution are not available so elevation was used as a measure of exposure to sea-level rise, low-lying coastal areas being more exposed than higher elevations.

Sensitivity indicator was the number of hotels.

Increase in Hurricane Intensity

There is little consensus on how hurricane frequency will change over time with climate change, but some studies have suggested an increase in intense hurricane activity in the North Atlantic17,18. Projections for changes in hurricane intensity are not available, so as a proxy we examined which elements of the tourism system have historically been more affected by hurricanes.

The Hurricane Center19 has mapped hurricane trajectories, including intensity, for the last 150 years. Hurricane tracks were mapped using average wind speeds for the period 1951 – 2012.

Sensitivity was looked at based on the presence of key infrastructure/accommodations.

Changes in air temperature

To determine vulnerability of the tourism system to air temperature, current and future scenarios were developed using data from the climate change vulnerability analysis of the Caribbean coast of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras20.


The analysis considered changes in air temperature according to emissions scenarios B1 and A2, for the period 2070-2099. Exposure was measured according to the certainty that an increase of over 3°C will occur, according to the different scenarios modelled. Vulnerability categories are based on the IPCC methodology21.

To determine vulnerability of the tourism system to air temperature, current and future scenarios were developed using data from the climate change vulnerability analysis of the Caribbean coast of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras.

Table 2: Vulnerability indicators

Vulnerability rank



1 (very low)




5 (very high)


Sea surface temperature

Sea surface temperature anomaly. Difference between the current, or projected SST, and the long-term mean SST.

Hotspot1 equals 0

Hotspot above zero but SST below bleaching threshold

SST above bleaching threshold; DHW2 above 0. Possible bleaching

SST above bleaching threshold; DHW 4 or higher. Bleaching likely

SST above bleaching threshold; DHW 8 or higher. Mortality likely.

Air temperature

% of scenarios that predict a 30C increase in temperature


33 - 50

51 - 66

67 - 90

90 - 100

Hurricane intensity

Average wind speed (mph)(1951 - 2009)






Rise in sea-level

Metres above current sea-level



2 - 5


Below Sea level


Area of coral reef

Kilometer square (km2) of coral reef presence

0 - 9

10 - 30

31 - 40

41 - 50

51 - 100

Reef health

Coral bleaching Watch Ranking

No stress

Bleaching watch

Bleaching warning

Bleaching alert level 1

Bleaching alert level 2

Area of mangrove

Kilometer square (km2) of mangrove

0 - 9

10 - 40

41 - 50

51 - 99

100 - 200

No. hotels

0 -9

10 - 19

20 - 99

  1. – 200


Tourism attractions

0 - 4

5 - 13

14 - 19

15 - 20


1 A coral bleaching hotspot is identified when current SST is above the highest mean value expected in the warmest month.

Degree heating weeks (DHW): cumulative measure of the intensity and duration of thermal stress, measures the hotspot stress over a 12 week period. DHWs over 4 have been shown to cause significant coral bleaching. Values over 8 have caused widespread bleaching and some mortality. Two DHWs is equivalent to one week of HotSpot values at 2 deg C or two weeks of HotSpot values at 1 etc. (from NOAA Coral Reef Watch).

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