Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers

Audit objective, criteria, scope and methodology

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ANAO Report 2014-2015 05
Audit objective, criteria, scope and methodology
Objective and criteria
1.35 The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office’s administration of annual compliance arrangements with large corporate taxpayers.
1.36 To form a conclusion against this objective, the ANAO adopted the following high‐level criteria the governance arrangements for ACAs are well planned and effective there are sound processes for selecting entities to enter into an ACA; results achieved to date reflect initial expectations of ACAs; and individual ACAs are effectively administered, in accordance with internal policies and procedures, to achieve intended benefits.
48 Professor Dr E.C.J.M. van der Hel-van Dijk and Professor Dr M. Pheijffer, A Tailor-Made Approach to Fiscal Supervision An Evaluation of Horizontal Monitoring, Bulletin for International Taxation, 2012
(Volume 66) No 10.

ANAO Report No 2014–15 Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers
Scope and methodology
1.37 The focus of the audit was on large corporate taxpayers with an ACA in place, and potentially suitable taxpayers that had chosen not to enter into an
1.38 The audit methodology included consulting with taxpayers and industry groups, interviewing ATO staff and examining relevant documentation and systems. The ATO’s case management system was analysed in relation to each ACA in place.
1.39 The audit has been conducted in accordance with the ANAO’s auditing standards at a cost of approximately $478 000.
Structure of the report
1.40 Table 1.3 outlines the structure of the report.
Table 1.3:
Structure of the report
Chapter and title
Overview of chapter
2 Management Arrangements Examines the ATO’s management arrangements supporting the administration of ACAs.

3 Positioning of ACAs within the ATO’s Compliance Framework Examines the processes to identify, encourage and select taxpayers suited to entering an ACA, and the positioning of ACAs in the ATO’s compliance framework for large corporate taxpayers.

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