The bibliographic production of the Virtual Herbarium team members is presented in Annex and demonstrates advances in taxonomic studies, revisions, new references, and plant and fungi species descriptions from different regions of Brazil.
7.Progress Indicators
The first criterion used to evaluate the project’s progress is the increase in the quantity of data freely and openly available through the network. Table presents the evolution of online data availability for the herbaria that are part of the project together with other herbaria from Brazil and abroad that are disseminating their data through the speciesLink network.
Table . Growth of the number of data available online (December, 2009)
Online Records
Total records available online
Brasil not INCT
Online georeferenced records
Brasil not INCT
Herbaria involved with the INCT Project increased their contribution to the amount of data available online by 28%, whereas herbaria that are not participating grew only 5.9%. Data repatriated from foreign herbaria increased by 14.5%. The increase in the amount of geo-referenced data, which increases data value, was another important feature. Those herbaria that have been involved with the speciesLink network for a longer time contributed only about 6% of new data, but the number of geo-referenced records in their holdings grew in the order of about 60% during 2009.
Another interesting parameter is the number of herbaria in each state that are participating in this project and are sharing their data (Figure ). One can see that important states are not represented such as Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, just to mention two. These should be object of an action plan in the near future.
Figure . Number of herbaria participating of the INCT Project sharing their data online per Brazilian State (December, 2009)
The next indicators include all herbaria data, e.g. INCT project added to all others, in order to be able to analyze the indicators based on data that are openly available and accessible to all.
Figure . Number of records per geographic region of Brazil (Source: speciesLink 10/12, 2009)
The southeast is the best represented region with 0.79 records per km2, followed by the South Northeast, Center-West and the North which is the third largest region in terms of the number of records contributed but last in terms of records per km2 (0.09) . This region includes important centers such as Embrapa and Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi that must be integrated to the network.
Figure . Number of records per Brazilian State (Source: speciesLink December 10, 2009)
All states are represented even when there are no collections from that state sharing their data through the network. This fact shows the importance of data sharing where each state benefits from local samples and associated data deposited in collections located in other states.
The indicator of the types (Figure ) demonstrates the use of a data field for observations and demonstrates the necessity to train people working with data input on the use of standards. One can see that this field was filled out with terms such as “possible” or “probable”, when this should be expressed in an observation field.
Figure . Graphic with the number of types available on line (Source: speciesLink 10/12, 2009)
The “family” indicator (Figure ) presents the 20 families most collected, based only on online data. Throughout the Project more detailed reports should be produced to evaluate taxonomic and geographic information gaps.
Figure . Graphic with the 20 families with most online data (Source: speciesLink December 10, 2009)
To evaluate the cost to digitize data of the herbaria that are already making their data online there is another indicator called “databasing” (Figure ).
Figure . Percentage of off-line data from participating herbaria
Some studies indicate a cost of R$ 2.00 per exsiccate just considering man power costs. So for this cost we have an estimate of R$ 3.6 million to fully computerize these holdings.
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