Ansi c63. 19 -2a -2007 Revision of

I.2RF power measurement terminology

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I.2RF power measurement terminology

The quantity of concern for the issue of hearing aid compatibility is the variation in the signal that when demodulated will create audible interference. The information in this annex provides an understanding of the complex nature of these transmissions, as an aid to understanding the potential sources for hearing aid interference.
Historically, the measurement of transmitter output power was a relatively simple matter. The constant-envelope modulation schemes used in first-generation analog equipment allowed the use of simple square-law detectors or thermal power measurement devices. The introduction of non constant-envelope digital modulation in TDMA systems complicated the measurement of output power, however, this was easily accommodated by test equipment manufacturers due to the relatively low peak-to-average power ratio. However, with the deployment of a variety of higher-order modulation schemes, the concept of power measurement takes on a whole new meaning. It is no longer possible to utilize simple average-reading power detection systems. Instead, high-speed detectors have become the rule, and because of the higher peak-to-average ratios inherent in the more complex modulation schemes, a means of defining output power both as an average as well as a peak value becomes crucial.
At this point it’s important to define the term “peak” power, because this term often causes a great deal of confusion. “Peak” power may be defined as the peak envelope power (PEP) (Vpk2/2R), or as instantaneous peak power (Vpk2/R).
It is very important to make a clear distinction between these two, as it can otherwise result in a 3 dB discrepancy between measured and expected values. For example, the peak-to-average ratio of a CW signal is 0 dB when measured in terms of PEP, while this same CW signal has an instantaneous peak-to-average power ratio of 3 dB. Spectrum analyzers are typically calibrated in terms of rms-equivalent power, so RF envelope power measurements (made in the time domain using zero-span, for example) quantify peak power in terms of an rms equivalent, which equates to PEP. In the case of complex signals such as CDMA, instantaneous peak power becomes difficult to determine, and PEP becomes the primary consideration. All peak power measurements in this annex refer to PEP.

I.3Statistical RF power measurement

Establishing the value of peak power can become difficult depending upon the nature of the airlink technology. For example, power measurement is relatively straightforward with constant-modulation schemes such as those used for AMPS or GSM, but complex modulation schemes such as CDMA require special considerations in order to take the statistical aspects of the signal into account.
In the past, statistical RF power measurements have been exceedingly difficult to perform. In the early 1990s (when modulation schemes with high peak-to-average ratios were just becoming commonplace), several methodologies to the problem of measuring peak power were proposed. One such method required the use of an average power meter, mixer, pulse generator, and frequency counter.1 This method could be used to provide a statistical distribution of RF output power, but it was exceedingly time intensive. Fortunately, by the mid 1990s, DSP technology had advanced to the point where it was a relatively simple task to measure the signal’s PEP, calculate the average power, and place the measured peak power values into bins for the calculation of a cumulative distribution function (CDF) or a complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF).2
One such example of a test instrument capable of supporting statistical power measurements is the vector signal analyzer. This device is capable of supporting a wide array of parametric measurements applicable to any 2G and 3G transmission platform, and it is especially useful when performing statistical RF power measurements. For any given input signal within its range, the instrument can be configured to display the time-domain RF power envelope, the frequency-domain spectral composition, the time-domain average power, the time-domain PEP (at a user-specified probability of occurrence), and the peak-to-average ratio (in decibels). In addition, the instrument is capable of providing the user with a real-time display of the input signal’s peak power (in decibels) above the average power, expressed as likelihood of occurrence. This data is presented in the form of a CCDF. The number of samples used to create the CCDF is updated in real time as is the average power.
In this clause, measurements made with a vector signal analyzer were used to confirm the theoretical peak-to-average ratio for each airlink technology in common use today.

I.4PEP versus airlink technology

The clauses that follow describe both the theoretical and measured PEP of each airlink technology currently in common use within the U.S.

I.4.1CW, AMPS, and GSM

By definition, constant envelope modulation schemes such as unmodulated CW, FM (used in AMPS), and GMSK (used in GSM) all display a peak-to-average ratio of 0 dB PEP. In the case of GSM, the DUT may display a slight increase in power at the leading (and in some cases, the trailing) edge of the pulse. However, this increase in power is minimal, and should result in an insignificant peak-to-average ratio.

I.4.1.1AM (double sideband)

AM is a non-constant envelope signal, the average power of which is defined by the signal’s modulation index m. For example, an unmodulated carrier (Pcarrier) with a power of 1 W (+30 dBm) and a modulation index of 0.8 (80% modulation) has an average power of 1.3 W (+31.2 dBm), as shown in Equation (I.1).3
Calculation of AM average power with AM
Equation (I.2) describes the calculation of PEP when the modulation index is known. At a modulation index of 1.0 (100% modulation), Epeak doubles; consequently, the current also doubles (assuming a non-reactive load). Therefore, the PEP increases by a factor of four over the unmodulated carrier power. Lower values of m will result in correspondingly lower values of PEP. For example, Equation (I.2) indicates that the PEP of a 1 W (+30 dBm) carrier with 80% modulation is 3.24 W (+35.1 dBm).
Calculation of AM PEP

Equation (I.3) describes the calculation of AM peak-to-carrier ratio when the modulation index is known. For example, Equation (I.3) indicates that the peak-to-(unmodulated) carrier is 5.1 dB while Equation (I.4) indicates the peak-to-average of a signal with 80% modulation is 3.9 dB.

Calculation of AM peak-to-carrier ratio (PCR)

Calculation of AM peak-to-average ratio (PAR)


I.4.2TDMA (IS-136)

TDMA utilizes p/4 DQPSK modulation, which limits the severity of zero-crossings, minimizing the peak-to-average ratio of the transmitted signal. According to Tropian,4 the peak-to-average ratio of TDMA
(IS-136) is 3.5 dB, although no probability of occurrence is associated with this number. To confirm this validity of this value, a CCDF for an NADC signal was measured. The signal source was configured to emulate a traffic channel using p/4 DPQSK modulation and the associated NADC symbol rate in all eight time slots. The result of this measurement is depicted in Figure I.1. Under the test conditions just described, a peak-to-average ratio of about 3.1 dB was measured at a probability of 99.9%, with a PAR of 3.2 dB at 99.999%. This measurement agrees quite well with the 3.5 dB peak-to-average ratio cited.

Figure I.33—CCDF of a simulated NADC signal generated by a signal generator


iDEN utilizes proprietary M16-QAM, the characteristics of which are not well documented in publicly-available papers. During lab measurements of an iDEN device, the peak-to-average ratio measured 5.9 dB. This is in reasonable agreement with lab measurements of a conventional 16QAM signal, the statistical distribution of which is depicted in Figure I.2. As the CCDF in this figure indicates, the peak-to-average ratio reaches about 4.8 dB at a probability of 99.9%, and 5.52 dB at a probability of 99.999%. This agrees reasonably well with the measured value of 5.9 dB in the Motorola lab.

Figure I.34—CCDF of a 16QAM signal produced by a signal generator

I.4.4CDMA (IS-95)

CDMA utilizes direct sequence spread spectrum operating over a 1.23 MHz bandwidth with QPSK modulation. The essentially random phase distribution of the individual components of this signal result in a statistical distribution that begins to approximate Gaussian noise. In IS-95, the uplink and downlink peak-to-average ratio differ somewhat, in part because of the presence of downlink pilots that are not required on the reverse link. According to graphs presented by Sevic and Steer,5 the peak-to-average ratio of an IS-95 reverse link is about 3.8 dB at 99.9% probability, and about 5 dB at 99.999% probability.
To confirm the PAR values presented by Sevic and Steer, an IS-95 reverse-link traffic channel was generated using a signal source capable of emulating an IS-95 uplink. The CCDF of this signal was calculated and measured, the result is depicted in Figure I.3. This figure indicates that the measured PAR for an IS-95 signal is about 3.8 dB at 99.9% probability, and 5.2 dB at 99.999% probability. These values are in excellent agreement with those provided by Sevic and Steer.

Figure I.35—CCDF of a simulated IS-95 reverse-link traffic channel


WCDMA utilizes direct sequence spread spectrum operating over a 3.84 MHz bandwidth with QPSK modulation. In WCDMA, optimized scrambling codes are employed by the mobile to maintain a low PAR on the uplink. According to Ali-Ahmad,6 the typical peak-to-average ratio of a WCDMA reverse link with one active voice channel (one DPCCH and one DPDCH) is about 3.1 dB at 99.9% probability, and about 3.5 dB at 99.999% probability.
To confirm the PAR values presented by Ali-Ahmad, the CCDF of a WCDMA reverse-link traffic channel from a commercial UMTS handset was measured and the result of this measurement is depicted in
Figure I.4. This figure indicates that the measured PAR for a WCDMA signal is about 3.3 dB at 99.9% probability, and 3.7 dB at 99.999% probability. The measured PAR values are in excellent agreement with those published by Ali-Ahmad.

Figure I.36—CCDF of a WCDMA reverse-link traffic channel


The results of PAR measurements made for non-constant envelope signals are summarized in Table I.1. As this table indicates, the PAR of an AM signal at 80% modulation (the signal used for hearing aid immunity tests) closely approximates the PAR of CDMA (IS-95). The PAR of 80% AM is about 1 dB lower than iDEN, 2 dB higher than TDMA (IS-136), and about the same as WCDMA. The PAR of an 80% AM signal is about 5 dB higher than constant envelope signals such as AMPS or GSM.
Table I.21—Comparison of theoretical versus measured PAR values for non-constant envelope airlink technologies



Measured PAR at
99.9% probability

Measured PAR at 99.999% probability

80% AM

5.1 dB

4.8 dB

4.9 dB

TDMA (IS-136)

3.5 dB

3.1 dB

3.2 dB




5.9 dB a

CDMA (IS-95)


3.8 dB

5.2 dB



3.3 dB

3.7 dB

a This value was measured and an approximation of an iDEN signal yielded a similar value of 5.5 dB.

The CCDFs plotted for each of the four airlink technologies included in Table I.1 indicate that the difference in PAR between 99.9% and 99.999% probability is minimal, with the exception of CDMA

(IS-95) and possibly iDEN (further data are needed to confirm this). However, this may not hold true going forward, as some 3G technologies that utilize complex modulation schemes may have a significantly higher PAR at 99.999% than at 99.9% probability.

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