Managers need to strive to improve just as their employees do, making up ward communication a constructive mode for employee-to-employer feedback. For example A department managers sends out an email survey to their department to gauge their strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Results suggest that they have excellent communication skills .However , they could improve their motivation tactics.
Up- ward communication encourage employees to communicate directly with upper management. This creates a sense of value in employees since they realize that upper management cares about their input, especially when they make changes in response to employee suggestions. For example An employee wishes that upper management would make more of an effort to engage with lower-level staff. They voice their concerns to their direct managers, who then discusses this issue with company officials. A month later, upper management creates an email newsletter highlighting how the efforts of lower-level employees contribute to the organization , The team member who initially voiced their concerns now feels like they work for a company that values its employees.