Apr 24 2011 dcfc english Worship [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 24: 28-36

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Say it as If you Mean It

Date: 6/2006.101

September 14 2007 - PM 103 Class on Introduction & Conclusion
1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking #687
Helena Modjeska (1844-1909) was a popular actress with great emotional style and superb ability. She demonstrated this ability by giving a dramatic reading in Polish, her native tongue, at a dinner party. Her listeners, who didn't understand the language, were in tears by the time she had finished. She had just recited the Polish alphabet.

When we say things - we have to mean it. If not people can pick up that we are phoney. Walk the talk, then talk the talk.


Joke - Pepe Rodriquez - The Bank Robber

Date: 6/2006.101

Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks - P163 Joke
Pepe Rodriguez, one of the most notorious bank robbers in the early settling of the West, lived just across the border in Mexico. He regularly crept into Texas towns to rob banks, returning to Mexico. Eventually they cornered Pepe in a Mexican bar that he frequented. Unfortunately, Pepe couldn’t speak any English, so the lawmen asked the bartender to translate for them.

The bartender explained to Pepe who these men were, and Pepe began to shake with fear. The Texas Rangers, with their guns drawn, told the bartender to ask Pepe where he had hidden all the money he had stolen from the Texas banks. "Tell him that if he doesn't tell us where the money is right now, we're going to shoot him dead on the spot!"

The bartender translated all this to Pepe. Immediately Pepe explained in Spanish that the money was hidden in the town well. They could find the money by counting down seventeen stones from the handle and behind the seventeenth stone was all the loot he had stolen.

The bartender then turned to the Texas Rangers and said in English, :Pepe is a very brave man. He says that you are a bunch of stinking pigs and he is not afraid to die!"


Things sometimes get lost in translation.

Much of what we read and hear and watch is second hand information that may or may not be true. We need to make sure that we are not only getting the truth, but also communicating the truth to others.


Invention of Committee

Date: 3/2007.101

Treasury of Humor 1994
A traveler stopped to observe the curious behavior of a farmer who was plowing his field. A single mule hitched to the plow was wearing blinders, and the farmer was yelling, "Giddyap, Pete! Giddyap, Herb! Giddyap, Ol' Bill! Giddyap, Jeb!"

After watching the farmer carry on like this for a while, the traveler asked, "Say, mister-how many names does that mule have?"

"Just one-his name is Pete."

"Then why do you call out Herb and Bill and-"

"It's like this," explained the farmer. "If Ol' Pete knew he was doing this work alone, I couldn't make him do it. But if he thinks he's got three other mules workin' alongside of him, he does the job all by himself."

"What a marvelous idea!" exclaimed the traveler.

And when he got back to his corporate office in New York, he invented the committee.


Compassion – Joke

Date: 9/2007.101

Humor for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal & Christian Reader P43

The instructor from a dog training workshop in Salt Lake City noted that a dog's disposition can be tested by the owner. If the owner will fall down and pretend to be hurt, a dog with a bad temper will tend to bite him. But a good dog will show concern and may lick the fallen owner's face. Susan Matice attended the class and then decided to test her two dogs. While eating pizza in her living room, she stood up, clutched her heart, screamed and fell to the floor. Her dogs looked at her, looked at each other and then raced to the coffee table for her pizza.

Do we evaluate our children/parents like that?

Curiosity or Compassion

Date: 9/2008.101

10/11/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of Man

Moody Devotion - Stowell - John 9 (Jasen Chen)

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine. Arloa Sutter grew up on a farm in Iowa. One of her fond memories from her time on the farm was spawned on a cold December day when she walked out into the pasture and noticed a little lamb that had just been born. Its body was frozen stiff. Thinking it was dead, Arloa picked it up and carefully took it back into the warmth of the barn. She wrapped the little lamb in towels and then went back to her house. A few hours later, she returned to the barn to do a couple of chores only to hear the weak yet welcome sound of bleating from that little lamb.

Rescuing that lamb had a huge impact on Arloa. It opened her heart to the call of God to rescue His lambs off the streets of Chicago. Arloa moved to Chicago and attended college at The Moody Bible Institute. She never went back to the sheep on the farm. In Chicago, she was struck by the needs of the destitute and poor - people whom, as she says, "are like that frozen lamb who need a touch of the compassion of Jesus to reclaim their souls." After graduation, Arloa established Breakthrough Ministries, which is now a leader in ministering to the homeless street people of that city. I lived in Chicago for many years, and I can tell you how easy it is to become immune to the countless homeless people on the street - to pass by and wonder what went wrong without reaching out to help. Why is it that we are far more interested in the details of WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE, than we are about HOW we can help?

When the disciples passed the blind beggar, their curiosity about why he was suffering outweighed any desire to reach out to him. I can't help but wonder if they had seen him many times before and responded with the same kind of standoffish, theological curiosity. And when they finally got a chance to quiz Jesus about the man, it revealed that they were dreadfully out of step with their Master's heart. In fact, they had more than just curiosity. Lurking beneath their question was a desire to know whom to blame for the problem.

Thankfully, Jesus' heart was into compassion, not curiosity. Rather than analyzing the situation to satisfy the judgmental attitudes of onlookers, He marshaled His divine resources to reach out and help. Which in this case meant that the blind man would see! And to answer the disciples' question, He made it clear that the man's blindness was intended to provide a moment when God could be magnified through Jesus' compassionate touch.

Jesus' actions call us away from standoffish, curious, and often critical attitudes. Jesus teaches us that true followers never fail to be compassionate, but rather constantly live by the motto: "What can I do to help?"

Your Journey...

*What is your first reaction when you encounter someone who is down-and-out? Is your response more like that of the disciples or of Jesus?

*Read the story of the blind man in John 9. How did the man's physical healing eventually bring about spiritual restoration (John 9:35-39)?

*It's easy to go through each day with merely a passing thought about the needs of those around us. Ask the Lord to open your eyes today to give you an opportunity to see beyond someone's circumstances to their need, and to extend His touch of grace to that person.

Not my problem

Date: 10/2009.101

10/11/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of Man

Creative Venue

Video Clip from Sermon Spice - Not my problem

Compassion poverty


Tom Landry

Date: 4/2009.101

Hope Again - Chuck Swindoll P190
Tom Landry, head coach of Dallas Cowboys illustrates the level of his Christian love. Years ago, the late Ohio State coach, Wood Hayes, was fired for striking an opposing player on the sidelines during a football game. The press had a field day with the firing and really tarred and feathered Wood Hayes. Few people in America could have felt lower than he at that time; he not only lost control in a game and did a foolish thing, but he also lost his job and much of the respect others had for him. At the end of that season, a large prestigious banquet was held for professional athletes. Tom Landry of course was invited. Guess who he took with him as his guest? Wood Hayes... the man everyone was being encouraged to hate and criticize.

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