Longitudinal seats shall have vertical assists located between every other designated seating position, except for seats that fold/flip up to accommodate wheelchair securement. Assists shall extend from near the leading edge of the seat and shall be functionally continuous with the overhead assist. Assists shall be staggered across the aisle from each other where practicable and shall be no more than 52 in. apart or functionally continuous for a 5th percentile female passenger.
86.6Wheel housing barriers/assists
Unless passenger seating is provided on top of wheel housing, passenger assists shall be mounted around the exposed sides of the wheel housings (and propulsion compartments if applicable), which shall also be designed to prevent passengers from sitting on wheel housings. Such passenger assists shall also effectively retain items, such as bags and luggage, placed on top of wheel housing.
IP 87.Passenger doors
Doorways will be provided in the locations and styles as follows. Passenger doors and doorways shall comply with ADA requirements.
Table 1
Front Door
Slide Guide
(Two-Piece Pantograph
(One-Piece Pantograph)
Sliding Plug
Forward of the front wheels and under direct observation of the driver.
Alternative 1: Curbside doorway centerline located rearward of the point midway between the front door centerline and the rearmost seat back.
Alternative 2: Curbside doorway located behind the rear axle.
Alternative 3: Street-side rearward of the point midway between the front door centerline and the rearmost seat back.
Alternative 4: Street-side located behind the rear axle.
Alternative 5 (articulated only): Curbside located forward of the rear axle of the trailer section.
Alternative 6 (articulated only): Street-side located forward of the rear axle of the trailer section.
Alternative 7 (articulated only):Curbside, located forward of center axle.
If the procuring agency requires a minimum rear door clear width of 31¾ in. or greater and an outward opening (swing) door is specified, then the maximum outboard excursion of 13 in. may be exceeded.
In cases where street-side and curbside doors are chosen, provisions shall be made for operating the front door, curbside rear door(s) and street-side rear door(s) independently or in the following combinations while providing positive tactile feedback to the operator identifying the door control selection.