Article 1 in general 351101. Local contributions; disposition

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358315.  Tax exemption.
The property of such cemetery districts shall be exempt from taxation.
358316.  Bond issue; question of issuance to be submitted to electors; amount and interest.
The board of trustees of any cemetery district may, whenever a majority thereof so decide, request the board of county commissioners to submit to the electors of the district the question whether the board of trustees shall be authorized to issue the coupon bonds of the district in a certain amount, not to exceed two percent (2%) of the assessed value of the taxable property in the district, and bearing a certain rate of interest, payable and redeemable at a certain time, not exceeding twentyfive (25) years for the purchase of real property, for the construction or purchase of improvements and for equipment for cemetery purposes.
358317.  Bond issue; conduct of election.
The election authorized under W.S. 358316 shall be called, conducted and the results thereof canvassed and certified in all respects as near as practicable in the same manner as is provided for bond elections by the Political Subdivision Bond Election Law, W.S. 2221101 through 2221112.
358318.  Bond issue; issuance; form; advertising for bidders; sale.
If the proposal to issue said bonds shall be approved, the board of trustees may issue such bonds in such form as the board may direct and shall give notice by publication in some newspaper published in the counties in which said district is located and in some newspaper of general circulation in the capital of this state of its intention to issue and negotiate such bonds, and to invite bidders therefor; provided that in no case shall such bonds be sold for less than their full or par value and the accrued interest thereon at the time of their delivery. And the said trustees are authorized to reject any bids, and to sell said bonds at private sale, if they deem it for the best interests of the district.
358319.  Bond issue; preparation and execution; certification; to be registered by county treasurer.
After ascertaining the best terms upon and the lowest interest at which said bonds can be negotiated, the board shall secure the proper engraving and printing and consecutive numbering thereof, and said bonds shall thereupon be otherwise properly prepared and executed. They must bear the signature of the president of the board of trustees and be countersigned by the secretary of the board and bear the district seal and be countersigned by the county treasurer of the county in which the funds of the district are kept, and the coupons attached to the bonds must be signed by said president, secretary and county treasurer; and the secretary of the board shall endorse a certificate upon every such bond, that the same is within the lawful debt limit of such district and is issued according to law and he shall sign such certificate in his official character. When so executed, they shall be registered by the county treasurer where said district's funds are kept in a book provided for that purpose, which must show the number and amount of each bond and the person to whom the same is issued.
358320.  Bond issue; payment guaranteed.
The full faith and credit of each cemetery district is solemnly pledged for the payment of the interest and the redemption of the principal of all bonds which are issued by such district.
358321.  Bond issue; payment of principal and interest.
The county treasurer where said district's funds are kept may pay out of any moneys belonging to said district tax fund, the interest and the principal upon any bonds issued by such district, when the same becomes due, upon the presentation at his office of the proper coupon or bond, which must show the amount due, and each coupon must also show the number of the bond to which it belonged, and all bonds and coupons so paid, must be reported to the district trustees at their first regular meeting thereafter.
358322.  Bond issue; validity.
All cemetery districts heretofore formed and organized under the provisions of chapter 58 of the Session Laws of Wyoming, 1949, or under the provisions of chapter 141, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1951, are hereby declared to be duly organized and existing cemetery districts; and all bonds heretofore issued and sold for the purpose of providing for the purchase of real property and improvements and equipment for cemetery purposes, by any cemetery district established under the provisions of chapter 58, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1949, or under the provisions of chapter 141, of the Session Laws of Wyoming, 1951, where the purchase money for such bonds has been actually received and retained or used for the purpose for which such bonds were sold, are hereby declared to be the valid and legally binding obligations of such district and all proceedings under which such bonds were issued are approved, ratified and declared valid.
358323.  Districts charged with maintaining existing public cemeteries.
All districts organized under the provisions of this act are charged with the duty of maintaining existing public cemeteries owned and maintained by incorporated cities or towns, or otherwise, within the boundaries of the district; and such maintenance shall be as nearly uniform as possible.
358324.  Cemeteries in cities and towns in conflict with special cemetery district.
No incorporated city or town which is or may be included within the boundaries of a special cemetery district organized under the laws of the state of Wyoming, shall purchase, establish, operate, maintain, improve or support a cemetery or cemetery grounds for a period of more than one (1) year after the formation of such cemetery district or for a period of more than two (2) months after the effective date of this act, whichever shall be later.


358401.  Definitions.
(a)  As used in this act:
(i)  "Columbarium" means any building, structure or any part of a building or structure which is used for the interment of cremated human remains;
(ii)  "Community vault, crypt, columbarium, mausoleum or structure" means one constructed for the purpose of containing the bodies or remains of more than six (6) dead human beings;
(iii)  "State department of health" means the state department of health created by W.S. 92101;
(iv)  "State insurance commissioner" means the insurance commissioner of Wyoming appointed under W.S. 262102;
(v)  "This act" means W.S. 358401 through 358407.
358402.  Regulations and specifications generally; application to certain columbariums.
(a)  No person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation shall construct any community vault, crypt, columbarium or mausoleum, wholly or partially above the surface of the ground, to be used to contain the body or remains of any dead human being unless the same shall be located within the confines of an established cemetery containing not less than five (5) acres, which cemetery shall have been in existence and operation for a period of at least five (5) years immediately preceding the time of the erection thereof, nor until plans and specifications therefor shall be approved by the state board of health [department of health]. Such plans and specifications shall set forth the sections, halls, rooms, corridors, elevators or other subdivisions thereof, with their descriptive names and numbers, and shall provide:
(i)  That such structure be so arranged that any vault, cell, niche or crypt may be readily examined at any time by any person authorized by law to do so;
(ii)  That suitable provision be made for permanently sealing each crypt or cell after the placing of any body therein, and in such manner that no fluid may escape therefrom;
(iii)  That the foundation shall extend below the frost line and shall be of reinforced construction;
(iv)  That the exterior walls and roof shall be constructed of granite or marble and shall not be less than six (6) inches in thickness;
(v)  That exterior doors shall be constructed of bronze or aluminum alloys or any other material or alloy of similar properties;
(vi)  That interiors shall be constructed of granite, marble, slate, sandstone or limestone;
(vii)  That the structure shall contain adequate provision for drainage and ventilation;
(viii)  That the structure shall be so constructed as to insure its beauty, durability and permanence, as well as the safety, convenience, comfort and health of the community in which it is located, as dictated and determined at the time by modern mausoleum construction and engineering science.
(b)  The person making application shall file a certificate of such approval, signed by the state health officer, with a copy of such plans and specifications, in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such structure is to be erected, and such clerk shall retain the same on file. No crypt, room or niche in any community mausoleum, columbarium or structure shall be sold or offered for sale until such structure shall be entirely completed.
(c)  This act shall not apply to any columbarium owned by or for a church if it is less than one-half (1/2) acre in size and is located immediately contiguous to or is part of the church facility and is perpetually cared for. If the church relocates, it shall relocate all urns and remains placed within the columbarium. Any violation of this subsection is subject to the penalty imposed under W.S. 358407.
358403.  Supervision of inspector required in erecting structure; compliance with requirements for perpetual care and maintenance.
Such structure shall be erected under the supervision of an inspector to be appointed by the state department of health, which shall determine the amount of his compensation, and the compensation shall be paid by the person, partnership, firm, association, company or corporation erecting the same. No community vault, crypt, niche, mausoleum, columbarium or structure, and no addition or alteration thereof, shall be used for the purpose of interring therein a body or the remains of a deceased human being until the person, partnership, association, company, firm or corporation operating such structure shall have obtained from the department of health a certificate, signed by the state health officer, certifying that the plans and specifications filed pursuant to the provisions of W.S. 358401 and 358402 have been complied with, and from the state insurance commissioner a certificate certifying that the requirements for a perpetual care and maintenance fund set forth in W.S. 358404 have been complied with, which certificates shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein the community vault, crypt, niche, mausoleum, columbarium or structure is located.
358404.  Perpetual care and maintenance trust fund.
(a)  Before any cell, vault, crypt, room or niche in any community mausoleum or columbarium shall be sold, the person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation operating the same shall first deposit the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in an institution acceptable to the insurance commissioner, which sum shall be designated as a perpetual care and maintenance trust fund and the income therefrom shall be used for the preservation and upkeep of the mausoleum or columbarium. The insurance commissioner shall regularly audit the fund and shall be empowered to formulate and establish regulations governing the fund and its trustee, which regulations shall be designed to insure the permanence and security of the fund. In the event that sales of cells, vaults, crypts, rooms or niches exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) the person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation operating the mausoleum or columbarium shall deposit the following percentages of all sales exceeding that amount in the perpetual care trust fund, which additional sums shall be subject to the same regulations as the original deposit:
(i)  Twenty percent (20%) of the proceeds received from the sale of each cell, vault, crypt, room or niche; provided, however, that the deposit from the sale of a crypt shall not be less than the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) regardless of the sale price thereof;
(ii)  Twenty percent (20%) of each payment or installment received from the sale of every cell, vault, crypt, room or niche in the event that a sale is made on a payment or installment plan; provided, however, that the total amount deposited from the sale of any crypt on the payment or installment plan shall not be less than the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) regardless of the sale price or the amount of the payment or installment.
(b)  In the event that any person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation operating a community mausoleum, columbarium or structure shall fail to continue the active management thereof, the trustee of the perpetual care and maintenance fund established therefor shall continue to administer the fund subject to audit and regulation by the insurance commissioner and disburse the income for the care and maintenance of the mausoleum or columbarium; provided, however, that the district judge may, upon application made by the county attorney of the county in which the mausoleum or columbarium is located, and good cause shown, order the appointment of a successor trustee and/or disbursement of the principal or interest of the fund.
358405.  Removal of body from vault constituting menace to public health; reinterment; cost; construction contrary to W.S. 358401 through 358407 deemed nuisance; enjoining.
When any mausoleum, vault, crypt or structure containing one (1) or more deceased human bodies, shall, in the opinion of the state department of health, become a menace to public health, and the owner or owners shall fail to remedy or remove the same to the satisfaction of the department, the judge of any district court of the state of Wyoming may, upon application by the county attorney of the county in which it is located, order the person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation owning the structure to remove the deceased body or bodies for interment in some suitable cemetery at the expense of the person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation owning the mausoleum, vault or crypt. If no person, firm, partnership, association, company or corporation can be found in the county where the mausoleum, vault or crypt is located, the removal and interment shall be at the expense of the cemetery, city, town or county within which the mausoleum, vault or crypt is located, or of the cemetery association in charge of any such cemetery, provided, however, that if there is a perpetual care and maintenance fund in existence for the care of the mausoleum, vault, crypt or structure, the expense incident thereto may be defrayed from the principal of the fund by order of the district judge. Any columbarium or mausoleum maintained or constructed contrary to the provisions of this act shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be enjoined in an action brought by any taxpayer of this state in the district court.
358406.  Rules and regulations.
The state department of health and the insurance commissioner are hereby empowered and directed to make such rules and regulations as shall in their judgment be necessary for the carrying out of the provisions of this act, which regulations shall have the force and effect of law.
358407.  Penalty.
Any person, officer, manager or agent of any firm, partnership, association, company or corporation who violates any provisions of this act shall be fined not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), imprisoned not more than six (6) months, or both.




359101.  Department created.
The department of fire prevention and electrical safety is created.
359102.  Definitions.
(a)  As used in W.S. 359101 through 359130:
(i)  "Apprentice electrician" means a person who has insufficient qualifications to be a journeyman electrician and is hired by a licensed electrical contractor to assist a licensed journeyman or master electrician. An apprentice electrician must be registered with the department of fire prevention and electrical safety and must be enrolled in a bona fide program of training approved by the bureau of apprenticeship and training, United States department of labor, or present evidence directly to the department that he is enrolled in an apprentice training program which provides training equivalent to a program approved by the bureau of apprenticeship and training, United States department of labor;
(ii)  "Apprentice technician" means a person who has insufficient qualifications to be a low voltage or a limited technician and is hired by a licensed electrical contractor, low voltage contractor, or limited contractor to assist a licensed low voltage or limited technician. An apprentice technician must be registered with the department of fire prevention and electrical safety and must be enrolled in a training program as approved by the department;
(iii)  "Board" means the electrical board;
(iv)  "Council" means the council on fire prevention and electrical safety in buildings;
(v)  "Department" means the department of fire prevention and electrical safety;
(vi)  "Electrical contractor" means a person licensed by the department to contract with another to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electric equipment. "Electrical contractor" excludes a person who only plans or designs electrical installations;
(vii)  "Fulltime paid fire fighters" means an individual regularly employed for devoting his entire time of employment to the care, operation and requirements of a regularly constituted fire department;
(viii)  "Installation of electric equipment" includes installing, altering and repairing the wiring of apparatus equipment and conductors subject to the National Electrical Code;
(ix)  "Journeyman electrician" means a person licensed by the department who has four (4) years experience in the electrical wiring industry and technical knowledge to install and supervise the installation of electrical equipment for any purpose in accordance with the National Electrical Code and city, county and state ordinances and regulations;
(x)  "Limited electrical contractor" means a person, licensed by the department to contract with another to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electrical equipment associated with the type of limited electrical contractor license held. "Limited electrical contractor" excludes a person who only plans or designs electrical installations;
(xi)  "Limited technician" means a person licensed by the department who has met the minimum experience requirements as prescribed by board rules and regulations in the portion of the electrical wiring industry covered by his limited license. The limited technician shall have technical knowledge to install and supervise the installation of electrical equipment associated with the type of limited electrical license held in accordance with the National Electrical Code and city, county and state ordinances and regulations;
(xii)  "Low voltage electrical contractor" means a person licensed by the department to contract with another to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electrical equipment associated with the type of limited electrical contractor license held. "Low voltage electrical contractor" excludes a person who only plans or designs electrical installations;
(xiii)  "Low voltage technician" means a person licensed by the department who has met the minimum experience requirements as prescribed by board rules and regulations in the portion of the electrical wiring industry covered by his low voltage license. The low voltage technician shall have technical knowledge to install and supervise the installation of electrical equipment associated with the type of low voltage electrical license held in accordance with the National Electrical Code and city, county and state ordinances and regulations;
(xiv)  "Master electrician" means a person licensed by the department who has eight (8) years experience in the electrical wiring industry and technical knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electric equipment in accordance with the National Electrical Code and city, county and state ordinances and regulations;
(xv)  "Master electrician of record" means a Wyoming licensed master electrician who is actively employed by a licensed electrical contractor in a fulltime capacity, and who assumes responsibility to ensure that the National Electrical Code, W.S. 359120 through 359130 and applicable rules of the department of fire prevention and electrical safety are adhered to on all electrical work undertaken by the electrical contractor in the state of Wyoming, and who is not the master electrician of record for, or employed by, any other electrical contractor;
(xvi)  "Owner" means the person holding legal title to a building or real property;
(xvii)  "Public building" means a building intended for access by the general public;
(xviii)  "Remodeling" includes repairing, altering or adding to a building or its electrical system;
(xix)  "Technician of record" means a Wyoming licensed low voltage or limited technician who is actively employed by a licensed low voltage or limited electrical contractor in a fulltime capacity, and who assumes responsibility to ensure that the National Electrical Code, W.S. 359120 through 359130 and applicable rules of the department of fire prevention and electrical safety are adhered to on all low voltage or limited electrical work undertaken by the low voltage or limited electrical contractor in the state of Wyoming, and who is not the technician of record for, or employed by, any other low voltage or limited electrical contractor.
359103.  Divisions created; council and board created.
(a)  There are created within the department:
(i)  The division of fire prevention;
(ii)  The division of electrical safety;
(iii)  The council on fire prevention and electrical safety in buildings;
(iv)  The electrical board.
(b)  The council consists of five (5) members appointed by the governor for six (6) year terms which commence on April 1 following appointment. One (1) member shall be appointed to represent each of the following: counties or municipalities, fire fighters, the electrical board, an association of architects or an association of general contractors and the general public. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. When new appointments are made, the council shall select a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary. A quorum consists of three (3) members. The council shall meet at least twice each year.
(c)  The board consists of five (5) members appointed by the governor for six (6) year terms. At least one (1) member and no more than two (2) members shall be journeymen electricians, at least one (1) and no more than two (2) shall be master electricians, and at least one (1) and no more than two (2) shall be electrical contractors. No two (2) members shall be employed by the same entity and serve on the board. Any member who becomes employed by the same entity as another member during his term of office shall be ineligible to continue as a member of the board. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. When new appointments are made, the board shall select a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary. A quorum consists of three (3) members. The board shall meet at least twice each year.
(d)  The members of the council and board shall receive compensation, per diem and travel expenses in the same manner and amount as the state legislature while going to, attending or returning from meetings. The governor may remove any council or board member as provided in W.S. 91202.

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