Taku and Cann 605
PTG Domains Versus PTG TotalFinally, little research has been conducted to examine the impact of these factors (i.e., nation, religious affiliation,
religious beliefs, individual differences factors, and individual’s perceptions of the event) on the sub-domains of PTG.
The majority of the studies, thus far, only focused on the PTGI total score. Although the five domains of the PTGI have been shown to be inter-corre- lated (e.g., Morris et al., 2005; Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996), several researchers have indicated that the PTGI domains may have distinct features (e.g., Taku, 2011; Tedeschi & Calhoun, 2004) and
should be examined separately, especially in cross-cultural studies (Joseph, 2011; Taku,
Present StudyThis study has three sets of research hypotheses.
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