mathematics and numerical data processing. Quantitative research data is regularly picked and broken down in a mathematical sequence (Goertz and Mahoney 2012).
3.2.2 Qualitative ResearchThis broad phrase encompasses research methodologies that investigate phenomena
by studying experiences, behaviours, and relationships
without statistics, mathematics, or numerical data processing (Hennick et al., 2010). The hidden supposition is that qualitative
research methods are inductive, with the hidden supposition that the truth is asocial construct, that variables
are difficult to quantify, mind-boggling, and intertwined, that
subject matter is paramount, and that the information gathered will be from an insider's perspective
(Rovai et al., One of the most important advantages of qualitative research is that it encourages in-depth investigation (Goertz
and Mahoney, 2012). However, this approach is difficult to copy or repeat since it relies on unstructured data. Because there are no standard techniques to follow,
the quality is dependent on the analyst's ingenuity and intellect. Once again, this research method raises the issue of supposition because qualitative research is typically limited in scope. Finally, this approach lacks openness due to the difficulty that arises from what the qualitative researcher actually performed and how the qualitative researcher reached his study conclusions.
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