At the end of these chapters, students will be able to answer the following

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The Founding of the 13 Colonies

  1. Let’s do watch some video first. When the video is over, I will ask you a few questions

  1. Problem solving! We will now complete 2 activities on the founding of the colonies. You will work both alone and in groups. Listen as to how we will move every so often!

  1. THE INVESTIGATION! We will now move into new groups for our next activity. Each group will be assigned a different colonial region. It is the job of each group to research and investigate the following:

    1. Why were the colonies founded?

    2. Who were the founders?

    3. What were the economic and political aspects of that region?

      1. What was their economic success based on?

      2. How did geography impact the economy?

      3. How was the government organized?

    4. What was the prominent religion…if any?

    5. Were there any interactions with Native Americans? Describe these.

    6. How was the social classes structured within the region? Did you have slaves? Servants?

    7. Was there an education system?

    8. What did people do for fun?

    9. Was your area more rural or urban?

After you have answered the questions above, each group will create a HUGE map. This needs to visually include all the above information as well as the colonies themselves. Your classmates will view these HUGE maps – make them readable! But they will also be given time to ask you questions. You will record other groups’ info onto the attached chart.

  1. Let’s go to the Salutary Neglect and Mercantilism Handout – read and answer the questions. We will then discuss!

More info for you!

FFV” First Families of Virginia – the largest landowners, earliest settlers, usually political leaders, married each other

Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) Released Indentured Servants were forced to move out to the Virginia Frontier – all the good land was taken by the FFV’s. This put the former indentured servants in close, and unfriendly, contact with the Native Americans. As violence increased between the FIS and NA, the FIS demanded protection from the Jamestown government. As the FIS did not have representation in the House of Burgesses, they were ignored. Nathanial Bacon led a rebellion of FIS, and marched on Jamestown, burning buildings and demanding their rights be respected. When Bacon died of dysentery, the rebellion was put down, and the rebels put to death. As the need for increased power over servants increased, Virginia looked away from indentured servants and increased the number of slaves.

JP Zenger (1735) a New York newspaper editor who was sued for libel by the crown appointed governor. Apparently this governor liked to dress up in women’s clothing – and did no govern all that much. Zenger wrote about this, was sued and jailed. He sued back, voicing his “rights as an Englishman” and his right to freedom of speech and press. He won, and thus established the US precedent of these freedoms.

Society overall - population was constantly growing, due to both immigration and an extremely high birth rate! In 1700, there were 300,000 inhabitants of the British colonies, by 1775 – 2.5 million. The population was doubling every 25 years. Beside the British, the population consisted of Scotch-Irish (7%), Germans (6%), other Europeans (5%) and Africans (20%). The largest colonies, in order, were Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, with the largest cities being Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Charleston.

The Middle Passage was part of the journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas. It was a part of the Columbian Exchange. Slaves were forced onto ships and sent across the Atlantic. Their living conditions were horrific with hundreds of slaves bound and stuffed onto ships. Thousands died on this journey, and those that lived were sold into slavery when they reached the Americas.

HMMMM again . . .NOW where would you want to live? Why? 4 corners again!

Processing activity #1: Answer the following by providing 5 solid facts for each:

  1. Religion played a dominant role in the establishment and lifestyle of many of the colonies

  1. The factors which made the colonies economically successful were largely determined by geography.

  1. The quality of life in the southern colonies was very different from that in the Northern colonies.

  1. The degree of democracy experienced by an individual in the colonies depended on who they were and where in the colonies the lived.

Processing Assignment #2: BUMPER STICKER ASSIGNMENT – in class, in groups

Each group will create bumper stickers reflecting the 13 colonies. Students will create 2 bumper stickers – 1 reflecting the region or colony in which they would have most wanted to have lived, and 1 about the colony where they would not wanted to have lived. The bumper stickers must reflect the culture, economy, or the geography of the area. Excellent bumper stickers will have all these attributes:


  1. All must be 8 words or less

  2. Must be appropriate and not contain any profanity

  3. Should be colorful, and may contain drawings


  1. “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania”

  2. “South Carolina: Swampy, Sweaty, Sickly”

HMMMM again . . .NOW where would you want to live? Why? 4 corners again!
6 Degrees

Take the following PEV’s and make then connect in terms of colonization.

Indentured servants

Triangle Trade

Middle Passage

Cash crop


Bacon’s Rebellion



New England


Why founded





Native American issues

Social Classes



Rural or Urban



30 Possible Points


For these next chapters, we will once again be working from the Internet. Students choosing to do this activity will be creating a PowerPoint on Colonial Architecture. Using the Websites listed below (and any others that you find useful), students will learn about the following types of architecture during the colonial period: Medieval, New England Colonial, Georgian, and Federalist (sometimes referred to as Adams). For each of the 4 types, students will need to provide the following information:

  • Features

    • List of the features

    • 1 descriptive paragraph

  • Architects (try for at least 2 per type)

    • Importance

    • Influence on other architects

  • Pictures

    • At least 5 per type

    • Try to show a variety (Houses, Churches, Commercial/Industrial)

  • Please include 1 slide with your bibliographic information.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes that above info. The more visuals, the better. Remember, when you create the slides, the pictures and the info can be included in the same slides (ex. Some features listed with a picture of that type). When you have completed it, e-mail it to me at








Old Lights vs. New Lights Questions

  1. Name at least 3 spiritual beliefs that Charles Chauncy considers to be dangerous.

  1. What 2 objections to “religious affection” does Edwards discuss in his essay?

  1. Which view of religion – that it is “a sober, calm, reasonable thing”, as Chauncy believed, or that it “has its seat chiefly in the heart, rather that in the head,” as Edwards believed – seems to have prevailed in American culture? Explain your answer.

  1. Jonathan Edwards and other New Lights based their theology and their preaching on strong assumptions about the nature of God and the nature of human beings. Essentially, what were those assumptions? Use some quotations to illustrate your point.

  1. The Great Awakening produced a number of new sects and denominations, weakening the tradition of having one official state church to which people were required to belong. What consequences was this likely to have in 1789 when the Americans were deciding on the relationship of church and state in their new government?

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Domain -> The Sound of the Sea Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Domain -> Apush period one key concepts review (1491-1607) This review refers to some examples we did not go over in class – so don’t stress about those!
Domain -> Mid-Term study guide chapter 1 Multiple Choice Questions
Domain -> The Space Program Notes nasa

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