(8)1.1.2 Justification for the choice of thematic objectives and corresponding investment priorities, having regard to the Common Strategic Framework, based on an analysis of the needs within the programme area as a whole and the strategy chosen in response to such needs, addressing, where appropriate, missing links in cross- border infrastructure, taking into account the results of the ex-ante evaluation
Table 1 below presents an overview of the IP that have been selected for the Atlantic Area cooperation programme 2014-2020, including a brief justification for their selection.
Table 1 - A synthetic overview of the justification for the selection of thematic objectives and investment priorities
1 - Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
b) promoting business investment in innovation and research, and developing links and synergies between enterprises, R&D centres and higher education, in particular product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation and supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in Key Enabling Technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies
Stagnant or decreasing investment in R&D&I, partially explained by the crisis and credit crunch
Challenge to improve innovation standards in established economic sectors
Challenge to increase the level of patents applications
Opportunity for synergies between regions with different innovation profiles that can be strengthened to exploit complementarities
Need to concentrate innovation support in key areas with high innovation potential identified by the RIS3 strategies
The unique nature of the programme is derived from the Atlantic Ocean which has the potential to drive economic growth through the green and blue economy
All MS Commission’ Position Papers (UK and Ireland in an explicit manner) reflect the convenience of implementing actions to foster innovation under ETC Programmes
Contribution to the implementation of Atlantic Ocean Strategy Action Plan: Priority 1
4 - Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
(a) promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources
Limited exploitation of the potential related to renewable offshore energies
Growth potential of the blue economy and maritime specialisation: renewable offshore energy
Need to establish public strategies to promote renewable energies to reduce CO2 emissions also contributing to limit air pollutants such as PM and NO2, and promote low-carbon technologies
High potential for renewable offshore energy, the Atlantic Area being the second main transnational area for wind power in the EU, and almost all the territory provides opportunities to promote wave power, although the take up is currently quite challenging
Limited capacity to adapt to climate change due to economic, cultural, institutional and technological barriers
All MS Commission’ Position Papers (UK and Ireland in an explicit manner) reflect the convenience of implementing actions to promote the production and use of renewable energies under ETC Programmes
Contribution to Atlantic Ocean Strategy Action Plan: Priority 2 - SO 3
(b) promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems
The maritime character renders the Atlantic Area sensitive to coastal environment and maritime-related activities risks
The Atlantic coast is particularly sensitive to natural phenomena that climate change and pollution deriving from industrial activities has increased in their frequency and their extension. This challenge jumps the borders of the MS calling for transnational solutions
Need to tackle maritime and coastal risks in order to secure the good status of the maritime environment which is key for the development of sea-related activities
Already existing tradition of cooperation on this field
All MS Commission’ Position Papers (UK and Ireland in an explicit manner) reflect the convenience of implementing actions to address shared risks under ETC Programmes
Contribution to the Atlantic Ocean Strategy Action Plan: Priority 2 – SO 1
6 - Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency
(c) conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage
Well preserved environment in rural areas, quality of natural landscape, rich biodiversity and water and air quality that can be presented as an asset of the area
Strong cultural identity and heritage are considered as an assets
The Atlantic territories heritage can be considered an asset which may be globally enhanced: attractive urban areas, well preserved natural landscapes and strong cultural identity render the area attractive to local communities, visitors and tourists
Growth potential of the blue economy and maritime specialisation: coastal tourism, aquaculture, yachting, naval and nautical industries, renewable offshore energy, blue biotechnologies
Potential for increasing the revenues coming from the tourism sector
All MS Commission’ Position Papers reflect the convenience of implementing actions to preserve and promote the Atlantic’s cultural heritage under the ETC Programmes
Contribution to the implementation of Atlantic Ocean Strategy Action Plan: Priority 4 – SO 2
(d) protecting and restoring biodiversity, soil protection and restoration and promoting ecosystem services including NATURA 2000 and green infrastructures
The Atlantic Area is home to marine and coastal ecosystems of particular importance from the point of view of their geographical dimension and biodiversity
Need of promoting and protecting the common natural ecosystems in order to improve the territory attractiveness, quality of life and economic enhancement and development of emergent sectors based on those resources
The wealth and common character of these resources justify the development of management modalities to promote their concerted preservation, so that measures taken in certain territories are not incompatible with other measures taken somewhere else concerning common or naturally articulated ecosystems
All MS Commission’ Position Papers (UK and Ireland in an explicit manner) reflect the convenience of implementing actions to promote environmental protection under ETC Programmes
Contribution to the Atlantic Ocean Strategy Action Plan: Priority 2 – SO2
(g) supporting industrial transition towards a resource-efficient economy, promoting green growth, eco-innovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors
Possibility of further exploiting the green economy model profiting from the existing natural resources in the Atlantic Area
Challenge for the Atlantic Area regions to create a resource-efficiency economy and promote eco-innovation to generate sustainable growth and decrease ecological foot-print
UK and Ireland Commission Position Papers reflect the convenience of implementing actions to foster eco-innovation under ETC Programmes