The growth for each vertebrate group, is calculated by equation of the same form as (C.47), but per age class of each vertebrate, the result is then apportioned to structural and reserve weight increases such that:
with XRS the maximum ratio of reserve to structural weight FX can have and XpR,FX is the relative degree to which FX concentrates on replenishing reserves rather than undergoing structural growth when underweight.
The grazing term is given by:
where “prey” is the group being consumed by CX, kcx is the clearance rate of CX and pprey,CX is preference (or availability) of that prey for the predator CX. This last parameter is similar to the “vulnerability” parameters in ECOSIM (Christensen et al. 2000) and represents the fact that the entire prey population will not be available to the predators at any one time (some may be hiding for instance). The availability of the food is further modified by refuge if the group is dependent on biogenic habitat refuges, or size refuges (if they are physically outside the gape range of their vertebrate predators) or if the spatial range of the predator and prey do not completely overlap (and so explicit spatial refuges exist). If the group is dependent on biogenic habitat then refuge is given by:
where -cover is the refuge magnitude coefficient, cover is the habitat steepness coefficient and dcover is the relative cover in the cell for the prey, which is calculated by:
where substrate,habdegrad is degradation in the physical habitat due to coastal development (e.g. reefs broken up), substrate is the proportion of the cell covered with suitable substrate types, substrate,j is the proportion of the cell covered by biogenic habitat defining group j and canyon is the proportion of the cell covered by canyons (which is treated as an enhancement factor here as they are known concentrate production but their absence does not prevent the establishment and growth of the groups (Alan Williams pers. com.)).
If the refuges is size-based (only true for vertebrates) then the available prey in cohort i of vertebrate group FX (FXi), for the vertebrate predator (FYj), is given by:
where low,FY is the lower prey selection size limit for FY and up,FY is the upper prey selection size limit. The refuge for benthic prey (vertebrate and invertebrate alike) is calculated as follows:
and if anaerobic
where CX is the depth in the sediment that the predator CX can forage down to and top is set to zero (as there is only one sediment layer).
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