What is Cap and Trade? The government wants to limit the amount of CO2 emissions that factories can produce. Companies can sell their pollution to other companies if they don’t pollute as much. PROBLEMS: Big Tax on companies – higher prices. Some companies will go out of business. Higher prices for companies will mean higher prices for us. Energy/ CO2 emissions may be reduced in some ways but will be increased in other ways due to higher prices. This may mean more pollution. Is pollution really being reduced? This is a shell game!!! Are the gasses really adding to climate change anyway? What about China, Russia, and Iran? Do these countries care about the environment? Saddam Hussein’s oil field fires? 252-336 million gallons in the Persian Gulf. Worst oil spill in world history!
What is a carbon sink? - where carbon is stored.
Are we just moving carbon around?
There are extremist positions that people take on both sides of the issue of global warming. Some think that human beings have totally caused the recent rise in global temperatures, while some think that humans have not had an effect at all on climate change.