Attribution of Rurikovich and Emperors Lecapenus

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So, we identify Mubdzuk – Arcadius as one historical person.

Attila, Aetcel, Tuki, Atille, Aibat, Tukal, Tohol, Atilla is Ugrian Tsar in 434 – 453, III volume, page 91 [5]. He is son of Mundzuk – Muenchak, the most well-known Bulgarian Tsar and the conqueror. Was born in 401 or 406, was co-ruled in 434-445, and then individual governor of Idel. In his reign the Power became the largest in a history of mankind Empire from China and up to France. In board of his son Tingiz Idel has broken up on the Kara – Bershud [Danube and Dnepr part], Ak-Bershud or Echke Idel, Internal Idel [Volga-Ural part of Idel] and Eskel [Siberian part of Idel]. Acts of Attila are well-known. European authors named his Scourge Divine. He supervised over the second wave of Great resettlement of peoples in 440th.
Flavius Aetius the commander of the Western Roman Empire has received from historians of an epithet « last from Roman ». He has been killed in 453 or 454. It is considered the participant of Battle of Catalaunian Plains and winner Attila in 451. Name Aetius is identical to one of versions of name Attila – Aetcel.
Theodosius II Flavius (Flavius Theodosius) Emperor of East Roman Empire during 48 years. About 402 rules his sister Pulcheria as regent and August were juvenile Co-Emperor of father Arcadius, and about 414 actually. Then his wife Eudocia and eunuch Chrisaphy corrected. It is considered, that Theodosius II was not engaged Empires, and board subcontracted to the relatives and courtiers. Actually Emperor was not in Constantinople. Where it was hidden these 48 years? Eventually Theodosius II was lost as a result of accident in 450.
Joshua is Bible patriarch, successor of Moses. He is the leader of Jewish people during gain of Canaan. Acts are in detail described in Joshua Book [1]. He has won for Israelis the Earth Promised. He has shown unprecedented cruelty and ruthlessness to enemies. In one of fights showed miracle, having stopped movement of the sun and the moon to destroy all enemies. Inhabitants of all resign cities it is universal were destroyed. Used the Ark of precept for the military purposes, he had been destroyed the city of Jericho. After conquest and the unit of the ground peacefully has died on Efraim Mountain.
We identify Attila – Flavius Aetius – Theodosius II – Joshua as one historical person living in V century of our era. The Earth promised for Israelis – Kubanites is Central and the East Europe, and also the Balkans which have been seized by armies Huns – Romans from the Volga region and Northern Caucasus.
The main conclusion of an identification of the first Emperors of East Roman Empire – Constantius Chlorus – Aga Ruzha, Constantine Great – Kubar, Theodosius Great – Arbat and Theodosius II – Attila will be that, so-called, Huns were ancestors of modern inhabitants of Europe – Romans from the Volga region, Siberia and Northern Caucasus. Not without reason Europeans concern to the Caucasian race (European). 90 % the soldier of the Roman legions were made by germen who are present Latin or Altinbash’s on Bulgarian like. "Huns" it is Haplogroups R1b1 (Europeans), I1 and I2 (Indo–Europeans) genetically concerned.
It is interesting to lead attribution Bible Tsar Saul though it did not concern to direct kin of Ugrian Tsars. Up to grown-up Kurbat of State rules from his name the native brother of wife Alburi–Yurgan (Byurgan) is Teles (602–605), III volume, page 95 [5] which had Kubrat the uncle. Danube Bulgarian is named him Yurgan Teles (617–630). It is observed chronological mistake time of board reigning Yurgan Teles in Bulgarian and the Byzantium sources for 10-15 years.
Yurgan it was necessary to recreate anew Bulgarian state which has broken after death Alburi on 60 destinies (tyub). When Kurbat has matured, Yurgan has voluntary transferred it authority. Life of Yurgan has come in Bulgarian history, as an example of disinterested service to people and a native land. After death Yurgan the Body I reign Kurbat son of Yurgan – Bilig served. In one of battles Bilig, rescueing Kurbat, was lost, and Kurbat has adopted his two sons – Lachin and Kyzyl – Kubar. Before board in quality Khagane, Yurgan Teles held post of the main judge [ijik or idik on – Bulgarian]. In 619 Yurgan for fastening the union with New Rome has accepted with part Bulgarian Orthodoxy in the Byzantium city Korsun (Chersonese). On biography of Yurgan it is imposed peripetias of life Khagane Alburi (Askal). Yurgan has predicted to father Kubrat, that that will be lost, if will go on negotiations to the rate Avarian Khagane Apsih and this is happened. In result the authority has passed to Yurgan, named Aqsaqal or the foreteller.
The usurper Emperor Flavius Phocas Augustus, life 547-610, board 602-610, is killed or has committed suicide in 610. Phocas has been elected by Emperor rebelling armies. Board Phocas has been marked list extrajudicial punishments and severe executions. Emperor saw in imperial authority means for saturation of the wild passions and cruelty. It is considered, that Phocas was tears with approached by indignant people. As an occasion for punishment above the tyrant to Bosporus occurrence has served in the beginning of October 610 of fleet under command Heraclius, the future Emperor. Eight-year board Phocas admits as the worst period of the Byzantium history [19].
Tsar Saul is the Bible character, the founder of the incorporated Israeli Empire, the Old Testament [1]. Jews believe that name Saul means « borrowed at the God ». In Koran Saul name Talut [2], the Cow, 2:247-251. In one of the versions, considered as the closest to the historical truth, Saul is the military commander proclaimed by Tsar in Gingala after drawing of defeat Ammon. In the story it one of Judges (the heroes elected by the God). Veins for 1000 B.C. Believed that it possessed gift of prophecy. The history of mutual relations Saul with David is well-known. Character at Tsar was complex and explosive. At the end of life in one of fights Saul was wounded and has committed suicide.
We identify Yurgan Teles – Phocas – Tsar Saul/Talut as one historical person living in VI-VII centuries of our era. The governor was originally the judge Bulgarian – Israelis, becoming then for while Tsar – Emperor. It did not belong to kin of Ugrian Tsars, therefore the board of it was illegal from the point of view of clan Flavius-Dulo-Russ. Now we understand that the history Bulgarians – Huns is fundamental principle of spelling of chronicles of the Byzantium Empire and Sacred Scripts the Old Testament.
Kubrat, Kyungrat, Kurbat, Kurt, Hor (593-660, board 618-660). The senior son of Khagane Alburi, III volume, page 95-96 [5]. Ugrian Tsar Kubrat was born directly in Porphyry hall of palace in Constantinople where Emperors were born only. Till 12 years it lived in an imperial palace, was baptized and has received Caesar's Title. In fact Caesar is Emperor. This information is accessible in official historical chronicles. During life Kubrat has created the huge Empire named Bulgarian like Great Bulgaria. In 620 younger brother Shambat has anew built up the city of Bashtu on place of fortress Askal. The future city of Kiev stood on hills which referred to Bulgarian Kuyan or Kook–Kuyantau [as mountains of spirit Kuyan or Kook–Kuyan], therefore Kiev as well Kook–Kuyan. On our reconstruction the name Kiev has taken place from word of Cuba. Arabs and Bulgarians named the city of Kuyab [20, 21]. So, Kub or Cuba is single-root word on behalf of the God Father Kubar and Tsar Kubrat.
The Empire of Kubrat – Great Bulgaria or Great Israel – reached from Yenisei up to the Central Europe, II volume, page 16 [5]. In 629 Turkic Khagane has collapsed on two parts – Balasagun’s (Central Asian and Mongolian) and Khazaria (Western Kazakhstan) then Kurbat has immediately subordinated authority Suvarsky beilik and in 630 has proclaimed again connected parts Idel uniform Bulgarian Empire (Bulgar, Bulgaria). Henceforth the territory of the Volga region has for ever received the historical name – Bulgar (Bulgaria), and name Idel was assigned Volga-Kama river system and to names of seven largest rivers of this system styles to add word Idel. The penalty – Idel is Volga, Ak-Idel it is the river Belaya (White). Chulman-Idel it is Kama. Sura Idel is the river Sura. Aka Idel it is Oka. Nukrat Idel it is the river Vyatka and Bula Idel it is the river Cheremshan. The state of Bulgaria began to name also the Kara–Bulgaria that is Great Bulgaria. Capital of the state became Phanagoria is city of former Bosporus Empires.
At Kubrat was five sons – Bat Bayan (Ilyat-bir), Kotrag, Asparukh, Kuber and Alcek. Bat Bayan has inherited throne of Great Bulgaria. Kotrag has headed the Volga Bulgaria. Asparukh became Khan of the Danube Bulgaria. Alcek with the horde has got over to the Central Europe and has remained to live in northern Italy. In our tables it is visible, that kin Kubrat as the branch of Tsars and Emperors, have continued descendants Bat Bayan (see Table No. 4). Third son Asparukh has based a dynasty of Tsars of the Danube Bulgaria (see Table No. 2). Descendants of Kuber of steel Equal Apostles Sacred Cyril and Methodius, cousins of Rurik and the confessors christened him in Itil in 860 [22].
Heraclius I (Flavius Heraclius Augustus) is the Byzantium Emperor, the founder ruled more than 100 years of Heraclius dynasty. Years of life are 575-641, year of board 610-641. Count, that reign of Heraclius, bashfully named the Russian historians Iracliy, has opened new epoch in history of New Rome, as « believing border between the old and again arisen historical movement », page 3 [19]. Young Emperor has got on throne of Rome by overthrow of tyrant Phocas in 610. Assert that Heraclius was close friend of Kubrat with who together studied. This position is surprising, as on traditional chronology Heraclius should be more senior Kubrat for 20 years. The children's friendship has led to the conclusion of the peace treaty between Great Bulgaria Kubrat and New Rome under the direction of Emperor Heraclius.
The main enemy of Emperor and New Rome became Persians, grasping Syria in 611 and in 614 Palestinian Al Kuds (Jerusalem) which inhabitants were taken prisoner and have been sent to Babylon. Emperor carried out a lot of time in military campaigns in Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt and Saudi Arabia down to 628. New Muslim chronology – Hijra, 622 dated on September 24 at this time has appeared. Heraclius in 616-626 has enjoined to restore the Christian Church, constructed by the ancestors in 330th is Equal Apostles Sacred Constantine and Elena on Mountain Temple.
Tsar David is the second Tsar of Israel state, name is translated as "beloved". Reigned 40 years in X century B.C. He has created Great Israel in outlines of the Earth Promised. David was image of the ideal governor from which kin on a man's line there will be a Messiah. He began construction of the Temple which was finished by his son Solomon. David's history is well-known therefore we on it shall not stop in detail. In David's Islam name Davud. In patrimonial tree of Prophet Mohammed of it call Mudar.
We identify Kubrat – Heraclius – David – Mudar as one historical person living in VI-VII centuries of our era. Some distinctions in biographies of governors are caused by rough creativity Theophanes of the Confessor from Byzantium and seminary students Khazar Khaganate. Great Bulgaria and Great Israel is one state created Kubanites – Bulgarians on open spaces of Europe and Asia Minor. The part of Israel fell to territory of Palestine where small town Al Kuds and the Ayrian Damascus entered. Shortly the splinter of Great Bulgaria – Umayyad Empire becomes the independent state. We believe that Kubrat – Heraclius became the prototype of the person of Prophet Mohammed (571-632) though the Prophet lived in XI-XII centuries.
Sulabi, it agrees with Bulgarian commentator, is son of Bu-Timer (it Bat–Umar) and the grandson of Bat Bayan, I volume, page 23 [5]. We believe that Sulabi Bath of the Bayan (Bat–Umar) and grandson Kubrat as the commentator [5] was mistaken in names Bat–Umar and Bat-Bayan, belonging to one person was the son. Other name Bat Bayan was Ilyat-bir which coincides with Arabian name Ilyas (forefather) in family tree of Prophet Mohammed. Ilyat was born in 617. In 643 has accepted the Islam, has made Hajj and has visited at caliph of the Omar which name has taken to itself.
From now on people began to name his Bath–Umar or Kamyr-Batyr (Umar, Kamyr it is forms of name Omar). After an attack of Arabs to Bulgaria in 654 Khan has refused the Islam. In the same year has broken an army of Arabian commander Abdurahman at Sharkel (Sarkel) and nickname Halib (Winner) receives. In 674 his uncle Shambat for 3 years has taken away from him authority then Shambat has died in 677. In 682 the Omar has accepted Christianity. Bat – Bayan has died in 683 and was bury in Bashtu (Kiev).
After death Bu-Timer, Khagan Sulabi has headed Kara–Bulgaria and informed all about sanction Tangri to his 45-years reign. Sulabi, as against the father, disliked wars and in every possible way tried to avoid them. But Baltavar willingly was engaged trading and has made brisk the overland and water roads going to Avaria, Artan, Rum [New Rome], Djalda, Seber and Kashek, I volume, page 23 [5].
Flavius Justinianus II Rhinotmetus it is the Byzantium Emperor, last representative of Heraclius dynasty. Years of life is 669-711, years of board 685-695 and 705-711. He has lead Quinisext Council (Trullo) in 691-692. Has received nickname Rhinotmetus for physical ugliness – in 695 rising commander Leontios has cut off to Emperor nose and tongue. After that Justinian has run away in Phanagoria, then to Khazaria and to Great Bulgaria where disappeared seven years. In 705 has arrived Constantinople with the Bulgarian army of Khan Tervel and has returned to itself authority. He was at war with Arabs in Asia Minor. Usurper Philippikos Bardanes has grasped Emperor Justinian on December 11, 711 and has killed, having chopped off head. Daughter of Justinian has been given in marriage for Khan Tervel. It is considered, that son of Justinian by name Tiberius has been killed by Bardanes.
Suleiman Ibn Abdi Al Malik (674-717), Umayyad Caliph in 715-717.
Solomon is the third Jewish Tsar, the governor of Great Israel in X century B.C. [1]. The name means "peace". Other names are known also, attributed reign – Agur, Bin, Itiel and Iedidia (beloved by the God). He is the son of Tsar David and Bathsheba. During board Solomon the Jerusalem Temple – the main relic Judaism (on Mountain Temple) has been constructed. Any historical certificates of existence Solomonа till now it is not revealed. The God have given the governor unprecedented wisdom and patience. He has died in 62 years old, observing construction of an altar of the Jerusalem Temple.
We believe Sulabi – Justinianus II Rhinotmetus – Solomon – Mudrik (Amir) – Suleiman ibn And Al Malik this one historical person living in VII-VIII centuries of our era. Within board Sulabi – Justinian II in 711 construction of the Jerusalem Temple on Mountain Temple which costs on the place till now has been completed. Construction of the Temple has been started in 616-626 by grandfather Sulabi – Justinian II by name Kubrat – Helaclius. The sanctuary is executed as an octagonal star of Russ formed by projections of two bases of correct pyramids on plane. The temple has name Qubbat As Sakhrah or the Rock of Cuba, that once again proves presence at all religious characters and names of name of the God Father Kubar (Cuba – there is God, Ar - there is head). In honor of Kubrat sanctuaries and constructions in Arabia and Damascus are named also. It is Mosque Cuba, treasury Qubbat An Khazna, Qubbat An Clock and fountain Qubbat An Fountain.
According to our reconstruction of history the close friendship and the military union of Emperor Justinian and the Bulgarian Tsar Tervel does not cause surprise. They had each other cousins. The relationship has been confirmed with wedding of daughter Anastasia and Tsar Tervel. Anastasia had the cousine to the husband.
We identify son Sulabi by name Aiar – Avar (727-759) to Emperor the Leo III Isaurian Flavius, board (717-741), also with Hazaim in the Islam and Umar ibn Abd Al Aziz is Umayyad caliph, ruled in 717-720. Was left Isaurian it is married on Khazarian Princess Chak-chak or Tzitzak. In 750 she has given birth to the Leo IV Khazar.
Isaurian dynasty all VIII century struggled with worship icons in the Byzantium Empire. Iconoclasm start by Leo Isaurian in 730, during the board destroyed has given set of icons and frescos. At the end of century the grandson of Leo, Constantine VI has been blinded by mother Irina for aversion of icons and has get nickname Blind.
Ours attribution of Sulabi and the Avar with caliphs Suleiman and Umar confirm our hypothesis about the huge sizes of Great Bulgaria – Great Israel, as the states monoteism from the Central Europe and up to Yenisei, from North Ocean and up to Indian Ocean, from Palestine and up to Central Asia and India, page 285-291 [6]. Hence, governors of Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) were the branch of Ugrian Tsars going from Kubrat, through his son Bat Bayan (Umar) and grandson of Sulabi – Suleiman. The Umayyad Empire reached pique of the power from Spain (Cordoba) and Northern Africa down to Central Asia and India.
We identify Tat-Utyak is the son of the Avar, board in 760-787, to Emperor the Leo IV Khazar Flavius (775-780), which mother was Khazar Princess Tzitzak (a flower, in christening Irina) or Tchekalin. Tat-Utyak has been married on Kanbika, given birth to son Karadjar. In the Byzantium chronicles the wife of Leo Khazar became Irina, the inhabitant of Athens. Subsequently Empress Irina has been recognized Holy Equal Apostles by Orthodox Church. We shall notice that in family tree of Prophet Mohammed is not present an ancestor living between Huzaim (Avar) and Kinan (Karadjar), and at us is.
Karadjar is son of Tat-Utyak and Kanbika. Rules in 787-813, III volume, page 100 [5]. He has been married on Arya-Uslan, given birth son Urus Ugyr Aydar. The first part of name the Kara-djar is connected to concept « dark, blind ». On Bulgarian annals Karadjar was lost in battle from arrow, punched to it throat, I volume, page 29 [5]. Assert that Tsar was too lazy to clasp the helmet before fight.

Constantine of VI Blind (Flavius Constantine VI), last Emperor of Isaurian dynasty, years of life is 771–805, rules in 780-797. During lifetime of the father of Leo Khazar has been crowned in 776 as Co-Emperor [23]. About 780 rule mother of Constantine is Irina. About 790 Constantine began to rule individually. In 788 after review of brides Constantine married Maria of Amnia who has given birth is two daughters. In 795 Emperor has cut the wife in the nun and has removed from itself. In the same time married on Theodote, she gives birth in 796 sons Leo. But soon Irina has declared the baby died.

On August 15, 797 Constantine have been blinded by own mother Irina for edification for Iconoclasm. Wife Theodote have sent in monastery where she has given birth to the son [24]. Overthrow Emperor has not died nearly in result of execution. However Constantine has lived up to 805 [25], hence, the second son was born in 806. Thus, at Constantine Blind was born two sons which destiny has remained the unknown person.
In our opinion deprivation of eyes of Emperor Constantine by mother Irina is historical duck with religious implied sense from the Greek party of New Rome. It is impossible to present, that native mother could create such with the unique son. Soon after these events in 800th the Greek party of Constantinople has employed Theophanous Confessor for spelling of the "truthful" chronicle of New Rome in which the Greek "civilized" sight at history and policy of the Empire created actually by nomads of the Volga region and Caucasus affirmed. Theophanous it was possible to finish work at board of Empress Irina (797-802).
We identify Karadjar – Constantine VI Blind – Kinan (an ancestor of Prophet Mohammed) as one historical person living in VIII-IX centuries. It Aria-Uslan it is identified by us with Tsarina Theodote.
Urus Ugyr Aydar is son of Karadjar also Aria-Uslan, III volume, page 100 [5]. Literally the name of Tsar is translated as Great Horseman Igor. Since the early childhood has been covered from the grandmother Irina in Kiev, in an early age was christened, rules in 815-855. Being the adult, because of insult on the relatives and elite of Constantinople, has accepted an Islam in 820. He has created on the basis of the grounds of Kara–Bulgaria (Western Bulgaria) the state Russian Khaganate with capital in Kiev. In those days Kiev was occupied Khazars (Jews), Avars, Ugrians and Varangians, believing in Tengri (Tengrism).
Urus Aydar became ancestor of Saklan’s dynasty of the Volga Bulgaria (see Table No. 3), Russian dynasty of Rurikovich, dynasty of Emperors Lecapenus and Arpad dynasty in Hungary (see Table No. 5). Urus Aydar married on Pechenegs Princess which has given birth to it to son Djilki (820) who have accepted the Islam and name Gabdulla. The second son of Khan the admirer of old belief Bulgarian is Tengrism (Vedas) was Lachin (822). In days of Urus Aydar's reign, the Kara–Bulgaria or Russian Khaganate has reached economic and political power. In 840 population census of the Kara–Bulgaria on which in the state lived more than 1,1 million person has been lead, there were 173 thousand the court yard, paying the tax on one marten skin in year. In 855 Aydar has died and under the will was bury in city of name of his father – Karadjar for all life it grieved for it. Senior son of Aydar is Gabdulla Djilki (820 - 882), board (855-882) was Moslem, therefore has dropped out of annals of Byzantium and Russia.
We identify Urus Ugyr Aydar with Leo is son of Constantine VI Blind, and also to an ancestor of Prophet Mohammed – An–Nadr. Names Aydar and An-Nadr actually coincide.
Basil I Macedonian Flavius is the founder of the Macedonian dynasty, years of life is 805-886, years of board 867-886. Basil's birthplace precisely is not known. The father considers Constantine Macedonian. Experts on history of Byzantium have made everything to confuse an ethnic accessory of Emperor. Venerable scientists have written down it in Armenians, for example, so historian Bury John Bagnell [26] considers. The Arabian chronicles named Basil is the Slav. Actually Emperor was ethnic Ugrian, Haplogroup N1. In Russian annals is used words « Prince Urmansky », and in Bulgarian "Urumsky". We believe that "Armenian", "Urmanian" and "Urumec" in annals the inhabitant of Rome (Urum), the Roman simply means.
Basil had some children, including sons the Leo VI Philosopher and Alexander I Great, continuing dynasty. Daughters it was four – Anastasia, Anna, Elena and Maria. Last three were born in Porphyry hall of an imperial palace in Constantinople.

Table No. 5. Names and years of board Tsars of Great Bulgaria is power, Byzantium Emperors and Princes of the Hungarian kingdom in IX-X centuries on our reconstruction [11].


The main governor

of Power

(years of life)


of board

Emperors of

New Rome


(years of life)


of board

Princes of


(years of life)


of board


Urus Aydar (796–855)

Christian name




Gabdulla Djilki


son of Urus Aydar



Constantine /

Rurik (822–882)






Bat –Ugyr (Igor)

Mumin (?–895),

son of Djilki




Djafar (?–925),

son of Djilki










Hasan, Gazan (Kazan, Azan) Mumin (?–930),

son of Almysh










Yalkau Baltavar (?–

943), son of Almysh




(? – 943)








Mohammed (?–976), son of Michael Yalkau






Talib/Glebe Mumin

(?–981), son of Hasan


Minister of

N. Rome Empire

Basil (?–985)


Takson ofy




Timar Mumin

Badjanak (?–1004),

son of Mohammed


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