4/2/2021 7.1.4
1. Timberlake, Karen C. Chemistry :
An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. 10th ed.
Upper SaddleRiver:
Prentice Hall Higher Education, 2008.
2. Petrucci, Ralph H, William S. Harwood, and Geoff E. Herring. General Chemistry : Principles and Modern Applications.
9th ed. Upper
Saddle River Prentice Hall, d Biological Chemistry. 10th ed. Timberlake, Karen C. Chemistry : An
to General, Organic,
and Biological ChmiProblems
1. What are the potential hazards of the toxic substances emitted by a car without a catalytic converter. Which 3 redox reactions occur in a three-way catalytic converter. Does the catalytic converter run at 100% efficiency Why or why not. How can catalytic converters be damaged or misused. Why are catalytic converters targeted for theft?
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Avneet Kahlon,
Tony Tang