R. 77.01 establishes case management where appropriate
The purpose of this Rule is to establish a case management system that provides case management only of those proceedings for which a need for the court’s intervention is demonstrated and only to the degree that is appropriate, as determined in reliance on the criteria set out in this Rule.
Also only applies in Toronto, Ottawa, Windsor R. 77.02
Another tool of efficiency
Judgeis availabletohelpmovethingsalong R. 77.04 (1)-(2) (decide on number of witnesses, narrow the issues, etc.)
(e) make orders, impose terms, give directions and award costs as necessary to carry out the purpose of this Rule. O. Reg. 438/08, s. 64.
(2) A judge or case management master may, on his or her own initiative, require the parties to appear before him or her or to participate in a conference call to deal with any matter arising in connection with the case management of the proceeding, including a failure to comply with an order or the rules
“One Judge Model” is a new pilot in ON – idea is that rather than having parties appear in front of different judges along the way for motions etc., contemplates having the same judge all the way including motions, pre-trial settlement, trial