Banking wizard by pankaj gautam

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Directions (31 to 40): In each of these questions, four words are given of which two words are most nearly same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and select the number of the correct letter combination as your answer.

  1. 1 proxility 2. Brevity 3. Agrrement 4. Proposition

1-2/ 2-3/ 3-4/ 1-3/ 1-4

  1. 1. Suffuse 2. Deplete 3. Fight. 4. Delay

2-3/ 3-4/ 1-3/ 1-4/ 1-2

  1. 1. Forensic 2. Delectable 3. Leaflike 4. Charming

1-3/ 2-4/ 1-4/ 2-3/ 1-2

  1. 1. Benevolent 2. Alarming 3. Charitable 4. Stupendous

1-2/ 2-3/ 3-4/ 1-3/ 2-4

  1. 1. Convenient 2. Intolerant 3. Endurant 4. Protestant

1-2/ 1-3/ 2-3/ 2-4/ 3-4

  1. 1. Eject 2. Spread 3. Mark 4. Spout

2-4/ 1-3/ 2-3/ 1-2/ 1-4

  1. 1. Push 2. Thrive 3. Flourish 4. Arrange

1-3/ 1-4/ 3-4/ 2-3/ 2-4

  1. 1. Refuse 2. Discourage 3. Lurk 4. Hide

1-3/ 3-4/ 2-4/ 2-3/ 1-4

  1. 1. Delirious 2. Confluent 3. Curt 4. Gracious

1-2/ 2-3/ 3-4/ 2-4/ 1-4

  1. 1. Punishment 2. Divergence 3. Confluence 4. Confidence

2-3/ 2-4/ 3-4/ 1-2/ 1-3

Directions (41 to 50): Read the following passage carefully to answer these questions given below it. Certain words in the passage are printed in bold to help you locate them easily while answering some of the questions.
The University Grants Commission’s directive requiring college and university lectures to spend a minimum of 22 hours a week in direct teaching is the product of budgetary cutbacks rather than pedagogic wisdom. It may seem odd, at first blush, that teachers should protest about teaching a mere 22 hours. However, if one consider the amount of time academics require to prepare lectures of good quality as well as the time they need to spend doing research – it is clear that most conscientious teachers work more than 40 hours a week. In university systems around the world, lecturers rarely spend more than 12 to 15 hours in direct teaching activities a week. The average college lecturer in India does not have any office space. If computers are available, internet connectivity is unlikely. Libraries are poorly stocked. Now the UGC says universities must implement a complete freeze on all permanent recruitment, abolish all posts which have been vacant for more than a year, and cut staff strength by 10 percent. And it is in order to ensure that these cutbacks do not affect the quantum of teaching that existing lecturers are being asked to work longer. Obviously, the quality of teaching – and academic work in general—will decline. While it is true that some college teachers do not take their class regularly, the UGC and the institutions concerned must find a proper way to hold them accountable. An absentee teacher will continue to play truant even if the number of hours he is required to teach goes up.

All of us are aware of the unsound state that the Indian higher education system is in today. Thanks to years of sustained financial neglect, most Indian universities and colleges do not research worth the name. even as the number of students entering colleges has increased dramatically, public investment in higher education has actually declined in relative terms. Between 1985 and 1997, when public expenditure on higher education as a percentage of outlays on all levels of education grew by more than 60 percent in Malaysia and 20 percent in Thailand, India showed a decline of more than 10 percent. Throughout the world, the number of teachers in higher education per million population grew by more than 10 percent in the same period; in India, it fell by one percent. Instead of transferring the burden of government apathy on the backs of the teachers, the UGC should insist that the needs of the country’s university system are adequately catered for.

  1. Why does the UGC want to increase the direct teaching hours of university teachers?

  1. UGC feels that the duration of contact between the teacher and the taught should be more

  2. UGC wants teachers to spend more time in their departments

  3. UGC wants teachers to devote some time to improve university administration

  4. UGC does not have money to appoint additional teachers

  5. None of these

  1. Which of the following is the reason for the sorry state of affairs of the Indian universities as mentioned in the passage?

  1. The poor quality of teachers

  2. Involvement of teachers in extra currucullar activities

  3. Politics within and outside the departments

  4. Heavy burden of teaching hours on the teachers

  5. Not getting enough financial assistance

  1. Which of the following statements is/ are true in the context of the passage

  1. Most colleges do not carry out research worth the name

  2. UGC wants lectutrers to spend minimum 22 hours a week in direct teaching

  3. Indian higher education system is in unsound state

  1. Besides direct teaching, university teachers spend considerable time in/ on…

  1. Administrative activities such as admissions

  2. Supervising examinations and correction of answer papers

  3. Carrying out research in the area of their interest

  4. Maintaining research equipment and libraries

  5. Developing liaison with the user organizations

  1. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?

  1. UGC wants teachers to spend minimum 40 hours in a week in teaching’

  2. Some college teachers do not engage their clsasses regularly

  3. The average college teachers in India does not have any post office

  4. UGC wants universities to abolish all posts which have been vacant for more than a year

  5. All of these are true

  1. Between 1985 and 1997, the number of teachers in higher education per million population, in India—

  1. Increased by 60%

  2. Increased by 20%

  3. Decreased by 22%

  4. Decreased by 10%

  5. Decreased by 1%

  1. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?

  1. Indian universities are finacilly neglected

  2. All over the world, the university lecturures hardly spend more than 12 to 15 hours a week in direct teaching

  3. Índian universities are asked to reduce staff strength by 10%

  4. Public investment in higher education has increased in India

  5. Malaysia spends more money on education than Thailand

  1. Choose the word which is similar in meaning as the word freeze as used in the passage

Cold/ halt/ decay/ control/ power

  1. What is the UGC directive to the universities?

  1. Improve the quality of teaching

  2. Spend time on research activities

  3. Do not appoint any permnanent teacher

  4. Provide computer and internet facilities

  5. Do not spend money on counselling services to the stuents

  1. Choose the word which is similar in meaning as the word sustained as used in the passage

Continuos/ frequent/ careless/ deliberate/ sporadic


Directions (1 to 10): Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

  1. When interpersonal problems – but are not dealt with, the organization’s productivity inevitably –

  1. Surface—develops

  2. Focus – increase

  3. Establish – projects

  4. Develop—exhibits

  5. Exist – diminishes

  1. Participative management, in which everyone has – into a decision that a leader then makes, is a mechanism for – employees

  1. Share—protecting

  2. Value – thwarting

  3. Motivation – involving

  4. Reward – stimulating

  5. Input – empowering

  1. Lack of – is basic to good teamwork but our ability to work with others depends on our –

  1. Rigidity – compatibility

  2. Dogmatism – motivation

  3. Professionalism – vulnerability

  4. Positivism – flexibility

  5. Consideration – acumen

  1. Complete and constant openness is a nation that can be – to absurdity. Am I – to stop everyone on the street and tell them my reaction to their appearance?

  1. Consigned – communicated

  2. Reduced – required

  3. Attributed – requested

  4. Projected – destined

  5. Subjected – confined

  1. When organizations – creativity and risk taking, the usual method of maintaining order and – are indeed shaken

  1. Encourage – decorum

  2. Exhibit – durability

  3. Propose – humility

  4. Enhance – supply

  5. Propogate – production

  1. When I am an autocrat, I am – in the extreme. My direct method is to – power and control.

  1. Perfectionist—control

  2. Autocratic—engulf

  3. Dominative—seek

  4. Possessive—reject

  5. Elaborate—develop

  1. The fear – with feeling incompetent is the fear of being humiliated, embarrassed and –

  1. Endowed—criticized

  2. Afflicted – downtrodden

  3. Consistent – damaged

  4. Associated – vulnerable

  5. Imbued – exposed

  1. Gopal was frustrated with sundar who would not – himself to a deadline. Sunadra claimed he was working well without a deadline, but gopal – and finally prevailed

  1. Encourage—enforced

  2. Inculcate—ordered

  3. Cooperate—stipulated

  4. Commit—persisted

  5. Declare-- presurrized

  1. I am not easily – by pressures that would interfere with accomplishing the goals of my unit. I stick with me –

  1. Pessimistic—views

  2. Swayed—convictions

  3. Discouraged—achievements

  4. Empowered—organization

  5. Demurred—preojections

  1. Correction sometimes leads to the – of short term goals, but its drawbacks for—its advantages.

  1. Realization—damage

  2. Appreciation—percolate

  3. Accomplishment—outweight

  4. Achievement—crumble

  5. Destination—magnify

Directions (11 to 17): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentenece. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

  1. (A) you may not know it (B) but this engine is (C) claimed to have twice (D)as powerful as the previous one (E) no error

  2. (A) nothing ever becomes real (B) till it is experienced (C) even a proverb is no proverb to you (D) till your life has illustrated with it (E) no error

  3. (A) I remember my childhood days (B) when I was used to go (C) to the farm with my father (D) and help him in his work (E) no error

  4. (A) I missed the last train (B) which I usually catch (C) and have to stay at the station (D on my way back home yesterday (E) no error

  5. (A) suresh babu who is living (B) in this since 1995 (C) is a well-known scholar of history (D) and a distinguished musician (E) no error

  6. (A) if you had read (B) the relevant literature carefully (C) you would have answered (D) most of the questions correctly (E) no error

  7. (A) the house where the dead man was found (B) is being guarded by police (C) to prevent it from being entered (D) and the evidence interfered with (E) no error

Directions (18 to 22): Each of the following questions carries a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below it.

  1. The function of business is to increase the wealth of the country and the value and happiness of life. It does this by supplying the material needs of men and women. When the nation’s business is successfully carried on, it renders public service of the highest value

The paragraph best supports the statement that

  1. All business which render public service are successful

  2. Human happiness is enhanced only by the increase of material wants

  3. The value of life is increased only by the increase of wealth

  4. The material needs of men and womwn are supplied by well conducted business

  5. Business is the only field of activity which increases happiness.

  1. Education should not stop when the individual has been prepared to make a livelihood and to live in modern society. Living would be mere existence were there is no appreciation and enjoyment of the reaches of art, literature and science.

The paragraph best support the statement that true education –

  1. Is focused on the routine problem of life

  2. Prepares one for a full enjoyment of life

  3. Deals chiefly with art, literature and science

  4. Is not possible for one who does not enjoy scientific literature

  5. Disregards practical life

  1. Through advertising, manufactures exercise a high degree of control over consumer’s desires. However, the manufacturer assumes enormous risk in attempting to predict what consumers will want and in producing goods in quantity and distributing them in advance of final selection by the consumer

The paragraph best supports the statement that manufacturers—

  1. Can eliminate the risk of overproduction by advertising

  2. Completely control buyers needs and desires

  3. Must depend upon the final consumers for the success of their undertakings

  4. Distribute goods directly to the consumers

  5. Can predict with great accuracy the success of any product they put on the market

  1. It is often the case that our friends share similar beliefs and attitudes to us. Indeed this may have been one reason for becoming friends in the first place. For example, non smokers tend, by and large, to have non-smoking friends and supporters of the same football team may have this common feature as one basic for their liking of each other.

The paragraph best supports the statement that—

  1. Most of the people live in similar conditions’

  2. Adversity brings the people of differing views together

  3. Liking each others is the inherent characteristics of people

  4. People always try to rest on their laurels

  5. Birds of the same feather flock together

  1. Honest people in one nation find it difficult to understand the viewpoints of honest people in another. Foreign ministeries and their ministers exist for the purpose of explaining the viewpoints of one nation in terms understood by the ministeries of another. Some of their most important work lies in this direction.

The paragraph best supports the statement that—

  1. People of different nations may not cobsider matters in the same light

  2. It is unusual for many people to share similar ideas

  3. Suspicion prevents understanding between nations

  4. The chief work of foreign ministeries is to guide relations between nations united by common cause

  5. The people of one nation must sympathize with the view points of the people of other nations

Directions (23-30): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Cetain words / expressions are printed in bold in the passage to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

child psychology is certainly not a strong point with most Indian schools; why else would they inflict a double trauma on student faring badly in the pre-board by banning her from taking the board exams. Often with fatal results as evidenced by reports of students suicides in the run up to the boards. Now the central board of school examination (CBSE) has stepped in and put the brakes on this discriminatory practice, ruling that no student can be barred from the boards without prior clearance from the CBSE. This good news for parents and students, many of whom have had to live with the threat of performance linked debarment. While the school’s logic is that in order to attract talented students, they need to maintain their performance records at high levels, the assumption that a student faring poorly at the pre boards will replicate this as the boards is faulty. Chances are that the student will be spurred to work doubly hard. On the other hand, the threat of debarment will almost certainly impact adversely on her performance. Of course, linking pre boards to the boards is only one of the problems with our school system.

  1. Choose the word which most opposite in meaning of the word spur as used in the passage

Depress/ enlarge/ explicate/ sustain/ activate

  1. Which is the good news for parents, according to the passage?

  1. School will take the responsibility of preparing students for the board

  2. School will provides study facilities to the poor students

  3. School will enforce discipline to ensure higher attendance of students

  4. No students can be barred from the boards without prior clearance from the CBSE

  5. Teachers will be able to handle students will, if they know child psychology

  1. What is the ruling of the CBSE?

  1. Students must pass the pre-board exam before appearing for the board exam

  2. Schools follow the practice of performance linked debarment

  3. Schools should maintain the performance record of students at high level

  4. Schools must motivate students to work hard

  5. Before barring any students for the board schools must take prior permission of the CBSE.

  1. What is the faulty assumptions of schools, according to the passage?

  1. Students who do not do well at pre-boards will be motivated to work hard

  2. Pre-boards are generally easy and therefore students take them lightly

  3. Students who fare poorly at the pre-board will fail at the boards

  4. Learning by rule is the better method of learning

  5. Students perform well in languages than that of science subjects

  1. Which of the following according to the passage is the problem with our school system?

  1. Providing study facilities to the students

  2. Linking pre board performance of students to the boards

  3. Teachers lack of knowledge of child psychology

  4. Attracting talented students

  5. Low percentage of students passing the board exam

  1. According to the passage, parents had to live with the threat of—

  1. Falling grades of their wards

  2. Not getting their wards admitted in the quality schools

  3. Schools not treating their wards with the attitude of counselor

  4. Linking performance of their wards in the pre board debarment

  5. Schools creating traumatic situations for their wards

  1. Schools wanted to enforce performance linked debarment in order to—

  1. Get regular grant in aid from the education department

  2. Improve their public images as a social institution

  3. Attract better quality students

  4. Make students aware that they should aspire for their all round development

  5. Provide better study material to the students

  1. Choose the word which is similar in meaning as the word replicate as used in the passage

Enhance/ repeat/ perform/ achieve/ plunder

Directions (31-40): in the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words in each case.
The first proposal I submitted for my dissertation at UCLA was to write a theory of personality. My chairman, a kindly man, smiled (31) and told me that perhaps this was a bit ambitious for a young graduate students.

(32) I accepted his verdict and changed my topic, but not my desire. It (33) later, when I had a chance to begin to (34) a theory in my research on group dynamics for the navy during the Korean war.

As I (35) the reasons for the persistence of my interest in overarching theory. I had an (36) memory. When I was around eight years old, I was a (37) baseball fan, as was my father. My hero was hou Gehring. I would approach my father In an attempt to prove him how good Gehrig really was: “he hit 363 and 49 home runs, batted in 165 runs. He’s terrific!”my father’s response caught me off guard: “yes, but he can’t field”. I wasn’t prepared for that. From then on, my way of (38) with my father’s response was to make sure I knew everything about any topic I wanted to talk to him about. Partly as a (39) I become a holist. I had to make sure I had (40) for everything.

  1. Usually/ profusely/ beningnly/ abruptly/ decidedly

  2. Indolently/ skillfully/ enchanted/ constrained/ chagrined

  3. Lamented/ resurfaced/ appreciated/ provided/ projected

  4. Inject/ involve/ exhibit/ formulate/ establish

  5. Pondered/ evaluated/ developed/ perfected/ appreciated

  6. Interesting/ obvious/ engulfing/ esteemed/ evolving

  7. Precarious/ haunting/ deliberate/ pervasive/ rabid

  8. Patience/ alliance/ influence/ coping/ questioning

  9. Custom/ capacity/ defense/ preference/ posterity

  10. Consideration/ accounted/ longing/ regard/ established

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