Bibliography: Professor Ian b m ralston A1: books (22)

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2007: {with Ashmore, P. J.} ‘The character of earlier Iron Age societies in Scotland,’ in eds Haselgrove, C. C. and Pope, R. The earlier Iron Age in Britain and the nearer continent, 229-247. Oxford: Oxbow.

2006 : (with Hunter, J. R.) ‘The structure of British archaeology’, in eds Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. Archaeological resource management in the UK: an introduction, 37-55. Stroud: Tempus. 2 edn.

2006: (with Dugmore, A. J.) ‘Human traces’, in eds Kempe, N. and Wrightham, M. Hostile Habitats: Scotland’s Mountain Environment, 220-239. Leicester: Scottish Mountaineering Trust.
2005: (with Pope, R.) ‘La pierre et le bois dans les maisons de Grande-Bretagne’, in dirs Buchsenschutz, O. and Mordant, C., Architectures protohistoriques en Europe occidentale du Néolithique finale à l‘âge du Fer, 41-8. Paris: Editions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. (= Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques 127, Nancy April 2002).
2004: ‘Archaeologists and the possibility of wilderness creation in Scotland’, in eds Carver, E. and Lelong, O., Modern Views - Ancient Lands: new work and thought on cultural landscapes.  Oxford:  Brit Archaeol Rep Brit Ser 377, 81-86.

2004 (with a contribution on the poetry by Vincent Megaw): ‘Beyond barbarian Europe: Stuart Piggott 1910-1996: an appreciation’, in eds Shepherd, I. A. G. and Barclay, G. J., Scotland in ancient Europe: the Neolithic and Bronze Age of Scotland, 13-27. Edinburgh: Soc Antiq Scot.

2004: ‘Iron Age Social Organization’, in eds Bogucki, P and Crabtree, P. Ancient Europe 8000 BC – AD 1000. Encyclopaedia of the Barbarian World. Vol. II Bronze Age to Early Medieval Ages, 191-197. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons

2002: (with Armit I.) ‘Chapter 2: The Coming of Iron, 1000 BC – AD 500’, in ed. Smout, T. C. People and Woods in Scotland, 40-59. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

2002: ‘Central Gaul at the Roman Conquest: conceptions and misconceptions’, {see 1988} reprinted in eds Carr, G and Stoddart, S. Celts from Antiquity, 97-106. Cambridge: Antiquity Papers, 2.

2001: Contributions in dir. Batardy, C., Buchsenschutz, O. and Dumasy, F. Le Berry antique. Atlas 2000. = 21 Suppl Rev archéol Centre Fr. Tours.

2000: ‘Quelques données et hypothèses sur les restes humains des habitats de Grande-Bretagne’, in eds Marion, S. and Blanquaert, G., Les installations agricoles de'Age du Fer en France septentrionale, 313-320. Paris: Editions ENS Rue d'Ulm.

1999: ‘The Iron Age: aspects of the human communities and their environments’, Quaternary Proceedings 7, 501-512. = eds Edwards, K. J. and Sadler, J. Holocene environments of prehistoric Britain. Chichester: John Wiley.

1999: {with Hunter, J. R.} ‘Chapter 1: British archaeology since the end of the Second World War’, in eds Hunter, J. R. and Ralston, I. B. M. The archaeology of Britain: an introduction from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution, 1-12. London: Routledge.

1997: ‘The archaeology of the Sands of Forvie and the Ythan valley’, in ed. Gorman, M. L., The Ythan: Festschrift for Professor George M. Dunnet, 20-37. Aberdeen: University Department of Zoology.

1997: ‘Pictish homes’, in ed. Henry, D., The worm, the germ and the thorn: Pictish and related studies presented to Isabel Henderson, 18-34. Balneaves, Angus: Pinkfoot Press.

1997: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘Chapter 1: Environment and people in prehistoric and early historical times: preliminary considerations’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 1-10. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Armit, I.} ‘Chapter 10: The Iron Age’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 169-193. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Armit, I.} ‘Chapter 12: The Early Historic Period: an archaeological perspective’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 217-239. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘Chapter 14: Environment and archaeology in Scotland: some observations’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 255-266. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1996: ‘Recent work on the Iron Age settlement record in Scotland’, in eds Champion, T. C. and Collis, J. R., The Iron Age in Britain and Ireland: recent trends, 133-153. Sheffield: Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield. {= Recent Trends Series, 4}
1995: ‘Fortifications and defence’, in ed. Green, Miranda, The Celtic World, 59-81. London: Routledge.
1993: {with Thomas, R.} ‘Environmental Assessment and Archaeology: an Introduction’, in eds Ralston, I. and Thomas, R. Environmental Assessment and Archaeology, 1-8. Birmingham: Institute of Field Archaeologists.

1993: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E., Colin, Anne and Gruel, Kathérine} ‘Approche du Territoire au Second Age du Fer’, in ed. Daubigney, A., Fonctionnement social de l'Age du Fer: opérateurs et hypothèses pour la France, 247-258. Lons-le-Saunier: Centre jurassien du Patrimoine.

1993: {with Hunter, J. R. and Hamlin, Ann} ‘The structure of British archaeology’, in eds Hunter, John and Ralston, Ian, Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: an introduction, 30-43. Gloucester: Alan Sutton / Institute of Field Archaeologists.
1987: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Réflexions sur l'économie de la Gaule d'après César et les données archéologiques’, in eds Bémont, Colette, Delplace, C, Fischer, B., Gruel, K, Peyre, C and Richard, J.-C., Mélanges offerts au Dr J.-B. Colbert de Beaulieu, 163-173. Paris: Le Léopard d'Or.
1987: ‘Iron Age to Medieval’, in ed. Omand, D., The Grampian Book, 130-139. Golspie: The Northern Times.
1987: ‘Portknockie: promontory forts and Pictish settlement in the North-East’, in ed. Small, A., The Picts: a new look at old problems, 15-26. Dundee: University of Dundee.
1986: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘En relisant la Guerre des Gaules’, in Aquitania, Suppl Ser 1, 383-387 = Actes VIII Coll Assoc franç Et Ages Fer, Angoulême 1984. Bordeaux: Editions Aquitania.
1984: ‘Les structures de l'habitat à la Tène III: les structures urbaines et leurs correspondances avec les entités politiques’, in ed. Büchsenschütz, O. E., Recherches sur l'urbanisation au 1er siècle avant JC d'après les nouvelles données archéologiques, Paris: CNRS, CRA, URA-33, 169-198.
1984: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Les habitats dans le de Bello Gallico’, in idem, 199 - 200.
1984: ‘The later prehistoric settlement record: some considerations’, in eds Cahen-Delhaye, Anne, Duval, A., Leman-Delerive, Germaine and Leman, P., Les Celtes en Belgique et dans le Nord de la France = Revue du Nord, no. 1 (hors série), 147-150. Lille: Revue du Nord.
1983: {with Sabine, K. A. and Watt, W. G.} ‘Later prehistoric settlements in North-East Scotland: a preliminary assessment’, in eds Chapman, J. C. and Mytum, H. C., Settlement in North Britain 1000 BC - AD 1000 = Brit Archaeol Rep Brit Ser, 118, 149-173. Oxford.
1983: ‘Relationships between archaeological sites and geomorphology in the coastal zone of North-East Scotland’, in ed. Ritchie, W., Northeast Scotland: coastal field guide and geographical essays, 111-125. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, Department of Geography.
1981: ‘The use of timber in hill-fort defences in France’, in ed. Guilbert, G., Hill-fort Studies: essays presented to A. H. A. Hogg, 78-103. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
1981: ‘Quelques notes sur l'évolution de l'habitat protohistorique dans le Nord de la Grande-Bretagne’, in ed. Büchsenschütz, O. E., Les structures d'habitat à l'Age du Fer en Europe temperée = Actes du colloque de Châteauroux, 1978, 53-60. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
1979: ‘The Iron Age: northern Britain’, in eds. Megaw, J. V. S. and Simpson, D. D. A., Introduction to British Prehistory, 446-499. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
1978: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} ‘Archaeological aerial photography - in general and in Grampian’, Journal of Aberdeen University Geographical and Archaeological Society = Orb, 6.4, 57-61.

1976: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Etude sur la période des oppida dans le Centre de la France’, IX Cong Union Internat Sci Prehist Protohist, Résumé des communications, p.554. Nice.

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