Bibliography: Professor Ian b m ralston A1: books (22)

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1999: Comment on Parker Pearson, M., ‘Food, sex and death: cosmologies in the British Iron Age with particular reference to East Yorkshire’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 9, 65-66.

1999: Review of Kristiansen, K. Europe before history. Cambridge University Press: 1998. British Archaeology 41, 17.

1998: Review of Raftery, B. with Megaw, V. and Rigby, Val eds. Sites and Sights of the Iron Age: essays on fieldwork and museum research presented to Ian Mathieson Stead. Oxford: Oxbow Monograph 56, 1995, viii + 180pp. Britannia 29, 1998, 490-1.
1998: Review of Pollard, T. and Morrison, A. eds The Early Prehistory of Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press for University of Glasgow = Dalrymple Monograph 3, 1996. Antiquaries Journal, 78, 480-1.
1998: Review of Menez, Y. Une ferme d’Armorique gauloise: Le Boisanne à Plouër-sur-Rance (Côtes d’Armor) = Document d’Archéologie française 58, 1996. Antiquaries Journal, 78, 486-7.
1998: Review of Díaz-Andreu, M & Champion, T. eds Nationalism and archaeology in Europe. London: UCL Press. History 83, 98-99.
1997: Review of Wells, P. S. et mult al., Settlement, Economy and Cultural Change at the End of the European Iron Age: Excavations at Kelheim in Bavaria, 1987 - 1991. {Ann Arbor, Michigan: International Monographs in Prehistory = Archaeological Series, 6. 1993}. Journal of Field Archaeology (Boston, USA), 24, 501-505.
1997: Review of Cunliffe, Barry, Iron Age Britain, London: Batsford/English Heritage. Scottish Archaeological News, 25, 10 –11.
1997: Review of: Emery, Norman Excavations on Hirta 1986 -90. Edinburgh: HMSO for the National Trust for Scotland (= The Archaeology and Ethnology of St Kilda, 1). Northern Scotland, 17, 175-176.
1996: Review of: Gosden, C., Social Being and Time (Oxford: Blackwell) in History , 81, no. 261, 73-74.
1996: Review of: ed. Bianchini, Marie-Claude, Vercingétorix et Alésia. (Paris, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1994) in Britannia, 27, 472-473.
1995: Review of: eds Fitzpatrick, A. P. and Morris, Elaine L. 1994 The Iron Age in Wessex: Recent Work (Salisbury: Trust for Wessex Archaeology for Assoc Franç Et Age Fer) in Proc Prehist Soc, 61, 469 - 470.
1994: Review of: ed. Trinder, B., The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Industrial Archaeology in History / Journ Histor Assoc, 79, no 255, 93.
1993: Review of: Cunliffe, B. and Poole, Cynthia 1991 Danebury: an Iron Age Hillfort in Hampshire Vol 4 The Excavations 1977-88: The Site; Vol 5 The Excavations 1979-88: The Finds = Counc Brit Archaeol Res Rep, 73; Sharples N. M. 1991 Maiden Castle {English Heritage / Batsford}; Sharples, N. M. 1991 Maiden Castle: Excavation and Field Survey 1985-6, {English Heritage} in Britannia, 24, 330 - 331.
1990: ‘Iron Age settlement in temperate Europe’ = Review of Büchsenschütz, O. E., L'évolution du canton de Levroux; Vaginay, M. and Guichard, V., L'habitat gaulois de Feurs, Loire; and Audouze, Françoise and Büchsenschütz, O. E. Villes, villages et campagnes de l'Europe celtique in Antiquity, 64, 161 - 162.
1989: Review of: Cunliffe, B. W. Greeks, Romans and Barbarians, in Scottish Archaeological Review, 6, 128 - 133.
1987: Review of: Moffat, B. et al. The First Report on Researches into the Medieval Hospital at Soutra, Lothian Region, in Scottish Geographical Magazine, 103, 118.
1987: Review of: Hedges, J. Tomb of the Eagles: a Window on Stone Age Tribal Britain, in Scottish Geographical Magazine, 103, 117-118.
1986: Review of: Wuillaume, Martine, Le Berry à l'Age du Fer Ha C - La Tène II précedé du Catalogue des Collections de l'Age du Fer du Musée de Bourges = Brit Archaeol Rep Internat Ser, 247, in Proc Prehist Soc, 52, 371.
1986: Review of: Büchsenschütz, O. E., Structures d'Habitats et Fortifications de l'Age du Fer en France Septentrionale = Mem Soc préhist fr, 18, in Antiquity, 60, 65-66.
1986: Review of: Renfrew, C. ed., The Prehistory of Orkney in Journal of Historical Geography, 11, 319-320.
1985: Review of: Collis, J. R., Oppida, earliest towns north of the Alps in Proc Prehist Soc, 51, 239-240.
1981: Review of: Ritchie, J. N. G. and Ritchie, Anna, Scotland: archaeology and early history in Popular Archaeology, 2, pt 11, 44-45.
1978: Review of: Hawkes, C. F. C. Pytheas: Europe and the Greek explorers = VIII JNL Myres Memorial Lecture in Antiquity, 52, 252.
1974: Review of: Ritchie, J. N. G. and Ritchie, Anna, Edinburgh and South-East Scotland in Trans E Loth Antiq Fld Nat Soc, 14, 71-77.
2014 Comité de lecture / translator 2014 : papers in Barral, P., Guillaumet, J.-P., Roulière-Lambert, M.-J., Saracino, M. and Vitalit, D. (eds) Les Celtes et le Nord de l’Italie. Premier et second Ages du Fer. XXXVI Coll Assoc Franç Age Fer (Verona 2012) = 36 supplément Rev archéol Est. Dijon.
2009 : English-language translations of all abstracts in eds Buchsenschutz, O., Chardenoux, M.-B., Krausz, S. and Vaginay, M. L’âge du Fer dans le boucle de la Loire / Les Gaulois sont dans la ville. (= XXXII Colloque Assoc franç Et Ages Fer (Bourges 2008) ; = Rev archéol Centre Fr Suppl 35).
2004: (as technical advisor on English / archaeology) The Châtillonais Museum. Vic-en-Bigorre: MSM.
2003: {with Megaw, J V S} English-language translations of abstracts of papers in eds Buchsenschutz, O, Bulard, A, Chardenoux, M-B & Ginoux, N Décors, images et signes de l’âge du fer européen = XXVI Coll Assoc Franç Age Fer (Paris & St Denis 2002) = 24 supplément Rev archéol Cent Fr, 273-279. Tours: FERACF.
2002: English-language abstracts of all papers in Méniel, P & Lambot, B eds Repas des vivants et nourriture pour les morts en Gaule, 391-399 = Actes XXV Coll Assoc Fr Et Ages Fer, Charleville-Mézières, 2001 = Mem Soc archéol Champenoise, 16.
1998: ‘Abstract’, in Bonenfant, P-P and Guillaumet, J.-P., La statuaire anthropomorphe du premier Age du Fer. Besançon: Presses universitaires franc-comtoises = Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté, 667, 101-104.
1996: ‘Abstract’ and ‘How to use the bibliography’ in Guillaumet, J.-P., Bibracte: bibliographie et plans anciens. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. = Document d’Archéologie française, 57, 164-166.

1996: English language abstracts of papers in eds Büchsenschütz, O. E. and Richard, H., L’environnement du Mont Beuvray. Glux en Glenne, Nièvre: Collection Bibracte, 1.

1995: Büchsenschütz, O. E. ‘The Celts in France’, in ed. Green, Miranda, The Celtic World, 552 - 580. London: Routledge {also some technical editing on other European chapters}
1994: {technical advisor on some translations to English} Gollot, C. ed.: 1984 - 1994 Centre Archéologique du Mont Beuvray. Glux-en-Glenne: Centre archéologique européen du Mont Beuvray.
1992: (as technical advisor to the Publishers) Audouze, Françoise and Büchsenschütz, O. E. (trans Cleere, H.) Towns, Villages and Countryside of Celtic Europe. London: Batsford and Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
1989: Barandiaran, I. and Cava, A. ‘The Evolution of the Mesolithic in the North-East of the Iberian peninsula’, in ed. Bonsall, J. C., The Mesolithic in Europe. = Papers presented to the IIIrd International Symposium, 572-581. Edinburgh: John Donald.
I have acted as a referee on papers submitted to Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Antiquity, Archaeological Journal, Britannia, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Journal of European Archaeology (and its retitled successor), the Journal of Archaeological Science, Northern Scotland and Public Archaeology. I have also reviewed manuscripts for CNRS, Paris.


“Bourges and the civitas of the Bituriges cubi”, in ed. Collis, J. R. New light on Caesar’s Gaul. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Oppida in Caesar’s Gallic War’, in eds Raaflaub, K. & Strassler, R., The Landmark Caesar’s Gallic Wars. New York: the Free Press.
‘Reflections on the presentation of Scottish archaeology in British prehistories since Gordon Childe’s Prehistoric Communities (1940)’ for Roots of Nationhood conference volume, Scottish Archaeological Forum, Glasgow University eds Hammersley, L. et al. Forthcoming Springer
(with Romankiewicz, Tanja) ‘Revisiting Glenelg: reconstructing brochs in treeless landscapes, 90 years after Alexander O Curle’, for Stoddart, S ed Gardening Time conference, Magdalene College Cambridge 2012. Gardening Time: Reflections on Memory, Monuments and History in Sardinia and Scotland . Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Review of: Geddes, George & Hale, Alex The archaeological landscape of Bute. Edinburgh RCAHMS 2010 978 1 902419 74 9. £7.50. for Scottish Archaeological Journal.

(with Fernández-Götz, M) ‘The Complexity and Fragility of Early Iron Age Urbanism in west-central Temperate Europe’, for Journal of World Prehistory


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