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-- Astarra

Q: When Astarra moves using her ability, does she actually have to trace a path on the map to reach the target square, or just place herself adjacent to the hero? Would monsters in between her and the hero block her movement? Would she suffer from effects such as lava or freezing? Can the OL pit trap her during this movement?

A: Astarra is removed and placed, so there are no terrain or obstacle effects to hinder that movement. However, she is entering an empty space, so the overlord could play a Pit Trap. (1)

-- Aurim

Q: How do Power Potions work with Aurim?

A: Aurim gains no additional benefits for using a power potion. (1)

-- Elder Mok

Q: Would 'Elder Mok' reover 1 damage/fatigue per hero affected? Ex. Staff of light.

A: No. With his hero ability, Elder Mok recovers only 1 additional damage or fatigue even if 2 other heroes within 3 spaces would trigger the ability. (1)

-- Grey Ker

Q: Does Grey Ker get a complete second turn in the round in which he uses his heroic feat?

A: Grey Ker does not get an entire turn structure for his second turn when using his hero ability. For his second turn, he only gets his second action. (1)

-- Ispher

Q: One example would be Ispher's "At the start of your turn, recover 1 Health". Does Ispher Stand Up with 1 Health for free because of his ability?

A: Ispher would not stand up for free, since he's not technically on the map and thus corresponding abilities would not be able to trigger. (1)

-- Jain Fairwood

Q: If Jain Fairwood uses her ability and converts all damage received to fatigue, does she still receive a condition that requires her to take 1 [heart]?

A: Both Dark Pact and Jain Fairwood's heroic ability are applied when damage is dealt, which combat rules is the last phase of any given attack. The application of conditions occurs in the "spend surges" section. So, prior to any damage being dealt, assuming everything applies in regards to damage > defense, the effect of the condition will be applied during the Spend Surges phase, before the Deal Damage phase of the attack.

Even if you could make an argument towards the Condition applying during the Deal Damage phase of the attack, any kind of timing conflicts *always* rule in favor of the active player, which in this case is the overlord. Since the overlord fulfills the requirements to inflict the condition (hearts > defense, surge: condition), he applies the condition to the player, and THEN the player may choose to redirect damage in whatever fashion he or she is able to. (1)

Q: If Jain Fairwood converts all damage suffered to fatigue, do game effects triggered by damage still apply? The original question involved spending a surge to apply the Poison condition, but there are other effects as well. It was argued that because damage is step 5 of combat, the surge in step 4 would still be able to poison Jain because (potential) damage was rolled.

A: Yes, Jain Fairwood would still be affected by game effects that trigger off of dealing damage. For example, a surge ability that gives poison would apply to a target as long as the attack dealt 1 damage, regardless of how much damage the target actually suffers. (1)

-- Laughin

Q: Can Laughin use his feat while stunned? Would he get 3 attacks or 2 attacks?

A: He would be able to use his Heroic Feat while Stunned, and he would get all 3 of the attacks. However, he would still have the Stunned condition and would have to perform an action to clear it at some later turn. (1)

-- Leoric

Q: Regarding Leoric's heroic ability: "Each monster within 3 spaces of you receives -1 Wounds on all attack rolls (to a minimum of 1)." Is the -1 wound applied to the entire attack after surge abilities are determined or just to the actual wounds that are rolled on the dice?

A: The effect of Leoric's Heroic Ability would be applied as soon as dice are rolled, before surges are spent. (1)

-- Lord Hawthorne

Q: Lord Hawthorne's heroic feat lets him perform an attack, move up to 2 spaces and then perform an attack again.

Knight's Advance let's him move up to his speed(4) and attack again.

If he uses his heroic feat and kills the monster and activates Advance what happens? Does he get 6 movement points in total and can attack twice after moving that much?

I believe it works like this, let's name the space on which Lord Hawthorne is standing when doing first attack Starting Space.

I believe he can move up to 2 from Starting Space then make and attack from Advance, then he can move up to 4 counting from Starting Space and attack from heroic feat. So that gives him max 4 movement, not 6. Is that right?

A: Yes, Lord Hawthorne's heroic feat can be combined with Advance. Keep in mind that the monster has be defeated for Advance to trigger. However, each ability doesn't "gain movement points." So while yes, he may attack, move 2 spaces, attack and defeat a monster, then advance another 4 spaces (bringing him 6 spaces away from his starting space, assuming he didn't backtrack), he may not attack, attack, advance/attack, and then move six spaces. (1)

-- Mad Carthos

Q: Mad Carthos' hero ability says once per turn, when using a skill that costs 1 fatigue it will cost zero fatigue instead. It doesn't say "per round", it doesn't specify whose turn it should be. Does that mean I could possibly use 1 fatigue skill on my turn, then on each of other 3 heroes' turns, and on overlord's turn, each time for free?

This also affects Sir Valadir and Astarra.

Can Sir Valadir use his ability on his turn, then on overlord's turn if Sir Valadir counterattacks? Can Astarra use her ability to "teleport" with move action granted by Syndrael's feat, on Syndrael's turn, then "teleport" again on Astarra's turn?

A: It does indeed say per turn and not per round. Each hero has a turn, and the overlord has a turn, so these abilities, by the rules currently written, are allowed to be used each turn. (1)

-- One Fist

Q: I have a question about One Fist, from Descent's Conversion Kit. It says One Fist can make a free Melee attack, no real problem with that. But does he count as "armed with a Melee weapon" for the purpose of all the skills that let a character "perform an attack with a melee weapon" (like Charge, Death Rage, Guard, etc...) or for skills that trigger when you have "2 Melee weapons with 1 hand icon each" (like Weapon Mastery) ?

A: No, One Fist's free attack is not considered to be a melee weapon. He must still have a melee weapon equipped to trigger abilities requiring a melee weapon. (1)

Q: The first sentence of One Fist's ability reads "You can only equip 1 hand icon worth of equipment." It does not say "You can only equip 1 hand icon worth of weapons" or "The combination of One Fist's equipped items may not have more than one hand icons in total" both of which would clearly indicate he can equip non-weapon equipment.

Since the ability says the only "equipment" he can equip is that which has one hand icon on it, and since "equipment" includes armor and "other" stuff, the reading seems to indicate he can't equip anything that is not a one-handed weapon.

May One First equip any non-weapon equipment?

A: One Fist has trouble dressing himself, eh? No, he can still equip armor and accessories. "Only 1 hand" refers to, you guessed it, 1 hand of equipment instead of 2. (1)

-- Sahla

Q: Sahla's heroic feat allows him to use another heroes skill - If he had full fatigue could he use a skill like Iron Will to gain a stamina to use prayer of healing?

A: Yes (1)

-- Silhouette

Q: Can Silhouette activate her Heroic Feat, and then, before performing any moves, search a token adjacent to her for free? Can Silhouette use her Heroic Feat to move ten spaces and THEN get a free search of an adjacent search token? Can she do both?

The real question behind these questions is: What does "you move adjacent to [a token]" mean? Does it mean "when you enter a space adjacent to [a token]" or something else? if something else, what? See an applicable diagram of the problem in my original post at (1)

A: In this case, "moved" is more or less equal to "entered," so she could search the token adjacent to her 10th space but not one that she began adjacent to (unless of course she moved into a different space adjacent to that token). (1)

Q: Can Silhouette's Heroic Feat be used to search Challenge Tokens, or is she literally limited to just being able to search Search Tokens?

A: No, Silhouette can only get search tokens with her Heroic Feat. (1)

-- Tomble

Q: If Tomble is carrying an objective token (Trueshot Bow, crop, Idol, etc.) and decides to use his heroic feat to vanish off of the board, does the objective token get dropped or does it disappear with him off of the board?

A: Unless quest rules specify otherwise, he'd keep the objective token with him. (1)

-- Valyndra

Q: Does Valyndra's Hoarder ability activates on searching Challenge tokens?

A: Yes. Hoarder triggers when a hero performs a search action, and a challenge tokens are revealed by a hero performing a search action. (1)

-- Vyrah the Falconer

Q: The Skye familiar states that an adjacent monster may be forced to reroll. If a monster occupies the same space as Skye is that still considered adjacent?

A: No (1)

-- Widow Tarha

Q: What is the interaction of the Blast attack modifier with Widow Tarha's Feat?

A: Widow Tarha's Heroic Feat can make use of Blast, and as such it would affect the two figures chosen for the attack as well as each other figure adjacent to them. (1) (2)

-- Zyla

Q: Can Zyla fly over the boulders in Death on the Wing?

A: No, Zyla would not be able to move through spaces containing boulders, as they are not considered figures or terrain. (1)

Q: Does Zyla suffer a fatigue when moving out of a space containing a master spider when she is moving through?

A: Yes (1)

» Allies

-- Raythen (Labyrinth of Ruin)

Q: Does Raythen's Investigate allow the Treasure Hunter to use Gold Rush if he/she is the closest hero?

A: Yes. (1)

» Traits

-- Aura

Q: Aura ability. Shadow don't stack, command don't stack…what about aura?

A: Aura is cumulative. Shadow and command are not. (1) (2)

-- Fly

Q: Can monsters with Fly ability move over (through) obstacles?

A: Obstacles are considered terrain for the purposes of movement, so monsters with Fly can indeed ignore them when moving. (1)

Q: Can flying creature has its movement interrupted by skills like Knight's Guard or Thief's Caltrops or Wildlander's Nimble?

A: Yes, a flying figure may be interrupted by certain effects, (Guard, Caltrops, Nimble). (1)

Q: Does flying creature needs 2 movement points to end it's movement on the water? Does flying creature takes 1 damage from lava when it lands on lava?

A: There is no distinction or definition of a flying monster "landing." Since flying has the "ignore" when the figure is moving, and water/pit/lava, effects trigger based upon moving and/or entering spaces, a flying figure would never have to use extra movement points or suffer damage for entering those spaces. (1)

Q: Is flying creature defeated when ending it's activation on lava?

A: Because secondary effects (speaking of pit spaces and lava spaces) trigger based upon other factors that are unrelated to a flying monster's movements, a flying monster that ends its activation in a lava space would be immediately defeated, and a flying monster that ends its activation in a pit must spend an action to climb out (or move out by some other means). (1)

-- Shadow

Q: Does the Shadow trait stack when a melee unit is adjacent to multiple Shadow units?

A: 2 shadow abilities do not stack. A hero adjacent to 2 shadow dragons only needs to spend 1 surge to hit. (1) (2)

Q: The Shadow ability on the Shadow Dragon specifically states that "a hero adjacent..." needs to expend a surge to have a successful attack.

So if a Summoned Stone (treated as an obstacle, not treated as a figure) attacks an adjacent Shadow Dragon via Terracall, does it need a surge to get past Shadow?

What about a hero attacking through the stone via something like Molten Fury?

(And I suppose just to cover all the bases, does a Reanimate count as "a hero" for this purpose as well?")

A: Since a Summoned Stone is treated as an obstacle and not a hero or monster figure, no abilities applying to heroes or monsters may be used. Thus, it wouldn't be affected by Shadow. However, any ability that allows you to attack through a Summoned Stone, if it's adjacent to a Shadow Dragon, is subject to the Shadow ability (since the hero is the one performing the attack).


The Reanimate is treated as a hero figure, so it would be subject to Shadow.

-- Split

Q: [Must/May] one of the Kobolds that comes into play after the "Split" ability be placed in the space where the Master Kobold was standing when he died and triggered the Split?

A: The card does use the word "replace" in its text for Split, which is a simultaneous remove and place that utilizes the same space from which it was removed. 1 kobold minion would have to be placed in the space that the master occupied before defeated, and the other would be placed in the closest empty space. (1)

-- Stealthy

Q: How much range is required to hit a Stealthy unit with a melee attack?

A: The stealthy ability requires melee attacks to roll at least 3 range to hit. Melee attacks usually require 0 range (even with Reach), so 3 is all the range the attack would need.(1)

-- Swallow

Q: Does the Ice Wyrm's Swallow ability prevent standing up, or only revival?

A: The Ice Wyrm Swallow ability only prevents revival, not a hero performing a stand up action. (1)

-- Sweep

Q: Does sweep affect all figures in range or is line of sight required also?

A: Sweep requires line of sight to the target. (1)

-- Web

Q: Web: Do heroes have to pay one fatigue to move out of each and every square adjacent to the Master Cave Spider during their movement? For example a character attempting to run past a Master Cave Spider in a two square wide corridor (a hallway for instance) would end up paying a total of three fatigue to travel through the three squares adjacent to the spider in order to get completely past it.

A: Yes. Any time a hero moves out of a space adjacent to the master cave spider, he has to suffer 1 fatigue. The master can block up travel paths pretty well like this, as a hero could suffer a lot of fatigue moving past it. (1)

» Line of Sight and Adjacent Spaces

Q: Line of sight is blocked when it "passes through the edge of a map tile, a door, or a blocked space" or "passes along the edge of a blocked space". Some people argue that it is not explicitly blocked if it passes along the edge of a map tile or a door, even though the topology is almost identical. Are you allowed to fire along a wall, but not past a figure or obstacle?

A: ...The actual answer is that you cannot trace line of sight along the edge of a map tile or along the edge of a blocked space... (1)

Q: When counting range for an attack, is there any difference between spaces containing figure and obstacle-spaces? Is counting through obstacles forbidden?

A: Figures are not considered obstacles by the rules [when counting spaces for attack range or skills], so you could count through those spaces but not through obstacles. (1)


[Note: Don't confuse counting spaces with drawing line of sight - Spaces containing figures cannot have line of sight drawn through them per the Line of Sight rules on page 12 of the Rulebook]

Q: In regards to attribute tests in secret rooms, the special rules on two cards read "if he passes, he may search 1 challenge token in this room without performing an action". Is this irrespective of adjacency to the challenge token or does adjacency still apply?

A: In this particular case, adjacency would not be necessary. (1)

Q: Do the thick black borders on the outside edges of the tiles prevent line of sight from being traced to/from them, or in the case of single points at corners, through them? Here's the image people are arguing about, wondering whether the north Villager and/or the south Villager have line of sight to the Flesh Moulder:

A: The answer is that it's a yes to both. The wall there is still considered to be a shared corner that line of sight can be traced to, from, and through. (1)

Q: Can you confirm the Line of Sight examples in the following diagram, where red lines do not have LoS and blue lines do have LoS:

A: (Confirmed by Justin per (1))

» Conditions

Q: If an ability allows you to inflict a condition on a figure that is not the target of the attack ("Shield Slam"), are you still required to inflict at least one damage on the target figure in order for the condition to apply to the other figure?

A: "Shield Slam" does not require you to deal damage to the target. (1)

-- Burning

Q: I just have a rules question about the Burning condition. Does the damage apply at the end of the turn, even if the condition is eliminated previously?

A: If the Burning condition is discarded before the end of that figure's turn, he does not suffer the damage. Since he does not have the card anymore, there is no longer an effect that triggers at the end of his turn. (1)

-- Immobilize

Q: Immobilize card says it only prevents hero from using Move action or fatigue to generate movement points. I'm aware it also stops movement action if someone gets immobilized during it's duration.

Does Immobilize stop movement gained from other abilities that grand movement points or let hero move up to speed?

A: Immobilize only prevents move actions and suffering fatigue. Gaining movement points while immobilized through some other means unrelated to a move action or suffering fatigue, "moving up to your speed" as the result of an ability, or being removed from the map and placed elsewhere is all allowed with immobilize as written. (1)

» Items

Q: Can the heroes buy Act II item cards after the interlude, or must they wait until after the first Act II quest?

A: Heroes may not purchase Act II items until after the first Act II quest is completed. (1)

Q: If the item search deck is depleted, do we simply reshuffle the discarded item cards to draw from? Such as discarded cards from appraise and any resolved "nothing" or "treasure chest" cards?

A: The Search deck is reshuffled at the end of every quest. It is not reshuffled during a quest. (1) (2)

Q: If only Zachareth can use "Shadow Rune" surges, why does the description read "each of your attacks gains" as opposed to the "Duskblade's" description of "each of this lieutenant's attacks gain"?

A: We may look at adding this to the Errata or FAQ. "Your" in this case refers is equal to "this lieutenant" for the purposes of effects. (1)

Q: Must potions be equipped before they can be used?

A: Potions do not need to be equipped before they are used. A hero can trade for a potion during a move action (during his turn) and then immediately use it. (1) (2)

-- Fortuna's Dice

Q: Can "Fortuna's Die" be used on the Necromancer's ability, "Army of Death"?

A: You CANNOT use "Fortuna's Dice" with "Army of Death." (1)

-- Lucky Charm

Q: Can "Lucky Charm" be used (how many times) during a Travel?

A: "Lucky Charm" would exhaust and would not refresh until the "1. Start of turn: II. Refresh cards" step of the hero's turn during the encounter. (1)

-- Mana Weave

Q: In a round hero A exhausts "Mana Weave" and trades it to hero B, who hasn't taken his turn yet. Would "Mana Weave" refresh on hero B's turn? By RAW Hero B is unable to equip the "Mana Weave" before it could refresh, but it is unclear if unequipped items refresh.

A: By the rules as written, the "Mana Weave" would refresh on hero B's turn. (1)

-- Ring of Power

Q: If the ring of power is traded while someone has full fatigue, thereby losing the +1 stamina do they suffer a heart too?

A: A hero who trades the Ring of Power at his full (modified) Stamina does not suffer a damage. Instead the fatigue tokens remain on his hero sheet until removed by game effects. For example, if that hero performs an attack and uses a surge to recover a fatigue, he would remove the extra fatigue token. If he happened to rest, he'd clear all fatigue tokens. (1)

-- Shield of the Dark God

Q: In regards to "Shield of the Dark God," when the heroes decide to re-roll several defense die, are the results considered better individually per die or on a cumulative basis?

A: Since it says "result" and not "results," it would be cumulative rather than individual. Much easier to keep track of, as you can have the total roll calculated at X compared to the total reroll at Y, instead of the roll A, B, C as compared to the reroll of D, E, F. (1)

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