BUS STOP DESIGN GUIDE 3 SITING OF BUS STOPS 3.1 Bus stops should be located where they are convenient to use and the safety of passengers and other road users has been taken into account.All potential sites should be inspected for suitability by representatives of Roads Service,Translink’s Bus Operations Division and the Police Service of Northern Ireland. In assessing the suitability of a potential site, the prime considerations will be road and pedestrian safety. Issues to be considered include environmental intrusion and road and pavement constraints.The following factors can influence the detailed location of a bus stop or bus shelter and should betaken into consideration at the planning stage • Proximity to adjacent junctions • Proximity to pedestrian crossings • Bends or crests in the road • On-street parking • Existing accesses to residential and business properties and, • Footway or verge width. Designers should also be looking for sites where there is the opportunity to install shelters or lay-bys. 3.2 Representation from immediate frontagers should be carefully considered. In some circumstances, informal discussion with a local councillor maybe helpful in resolving disputes.Any nuisance for residents maybe minimised by selecting sites adjoining gable walls or garden walls. 9