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Table 1. Reported landings (mt) by country for NAFO areas 2 to 6. Canadian landings have been converted to live equivalent weight, which differs in some cases from the live weight recorded in the statistics.


  • Northwest Atlantic data for 1950-1960 is from FAO (ICCAT Report of Shark Working Group, Miami, 26-28 February 1996), 1964-1986 from NAFO, 1987-2004 from Scotia-Fundy and NF IOP (includes landings and discards), and 2000-2008 from FAO Fishstat Plus v 2.32 Capture Production March 2008, NAFO Database 21B or ICCAT Task 1 Dataset 2009

  • Canada data for 1961-1990 is from NAFO, 1991-2002 from DFO Zonal Statistics File, corrected to appropriate live equivalent weight, and 2003-2012 from DFO MARFIS

  • Faroe Island (Is) data for 1961-1963 is from FAO (ICCAT Report of Shark Working Group, Miami, 26-28 February 1996)

  • France data is from FAO Statistics (1998), 2000-2006 from FAO Fishstat Plus v 2.32

  • Northwest Atlantic data for 2000-2006 (Japan) from NAFO Database 21B , catch for code 469, large sharks

  • Norway data for 1961-1986 is from NAFO

  • NAFO catch data for Spain for 2005 (231 mt) and 2006 (230 mt) were errors, and not reported here

  • Northwest Atlantic data for USA from 1961-1994 is from FAO (ICCAT Report of Shark Working Group, Miami, 26-28 February 1996)

Table 2. Porbeagle bycatch (kg) in Canadian Scotia-Fundy fisheries.

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