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c.Pantheism--God and the Universe are the same

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Pantheism--God and the Universe are the same.
This view says that God is the universe. Zen Buddhism, Christian Science, and some
types of Hinduism are pantheistic.
Pan-en-theism--God is in the universe.
According to panentheism, God is in the universe like a mind is in a body But God also has infinite potential beyond the universe. This is the view of men like AN. Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, and Schubert Ogden
Deism—God is outside the universe.
According to deism, God is transcendent over the universe, but not immanent. God created the universe, but is not involved in it today. God is like a watchmaker who created a watch and set it in motion. Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine held this view.
Finite Godism—A finite God is outside the universe and within the universe.

Godism is similar to classical theism, in that God is both outside and within the universe. However, this view holds that God is finite in his nature and power. This is the view of men like John Stuart Mill, William James, and Peter A. Bertocci.

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