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defending them)
This is an example of
A) The cosmological argument
B) The teleological argument
C) The ontological argument
D) The moral argument Submit Answers
APOLOGETICS - Worldviews


V. Comparative Religions.
People of various religious faiths typically share a positive quality—they are trying to understand ultimate reality, and live in a positive way—in order to have the best life here and/or the best of the afterlife. It is important for Christians to view people of various faiths in this positive light. At the same time, Christians want to bring people to the one true way to eternal happiness—faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ alone is sufficient, and other religions may steer people away from Christ. The Bible teaches Christians to love all peoples, and to share the Good News of Christ with all peoples. Christians are not called to force anyone to accept Christ rather they should present the Gospel, offer discipleship, and leave the results to God. In order to defend the faith and to proclaim the Gospel, it is important first--to be very familiar with Christianity, and second—to know something about the religion/worldview of the person who is challenging Christianity. Biblical Christianity is unique among the major faiths of the
world. Biblical Christianity says that salvation is a free gift from God, not based on any good
works that a person can dob It is God’s intent that believers do good works out of love for him, but such works cannot save the believer. This is summarized in Ephesians 2:8-10 (NIV):
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is

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