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Module Examination - Preaching and Teaching

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Module Examination - Preaching and Teaching
1. Hermeneutics is A. The application of principles of interpreting Scripture B. The science of interpreting Scripture C. The process of explaining Scripture D. None of the above
2. A pericope is AA way of reading one's own ideas into Scripture BA chapter in the Bible CA Scriptural passage that expresses one complete idea DA telescope on a submarine
3. A missionary's primary Bible should be AA paraphrased Bible that people can understand B. An accurate translation that your congregation can understand C. King James Version D. None of the above
4. All of the following are hermeneutical principles except A. Scripture is authoritative B. Follow the tradition of the Church C. Scripture must betaken in context D. Determine the genre
5. All of the following are hermeneutical principles except A. The last time something appears in Scripture often gives it's meaning B. Assume the literal meaning of Scripture, unless there is a reason to do otherwise C. Determine the meaning of words D. Follow the rules of grammar
6. All of the following are hermeneutical principles except A. Let Scripture interpret Scripture B. The Bible is a progressive revelation C. Use resources outside the Bible D. Avoid the use of commentaries
7. Homiletics is AA way to guide people to their homes BA study of Biblical Literature C. The science and art of preaching D. The act of exegesis
8. Choosing the subject of a sermon involves A. Following the Holy Spirit B. Considering the needs of a congregation C. Determining what spiritual matters are on your heart D. All of the above Page 1 of Preaching and Teaching Exam

9. Choosing the Biblical text fora sermon involves A. Using a text from your daily Bible study that makes a strong impression on you B. Letting the Holy Spirit bring to mind texts that you have memorized C. Consulting a Topical Bible or a concordance D. All of the above
10. Which of the following is false A. An expository sermon generally presents a wider range of truths than a topical sermon B. One should consider the context of texts used in an expository sermon, but not in a topical sermon C. There should be only one theme in an expository sermon D. The application in an expository sermon may appear after each main point or at the end of the sermon
11. Concrete language AIs easily remembered B. Appeals to the senses C. Is easily understood D. All of the above
12. The acrostic SPACE plus T helps us A. Interpret Scripture B. Apply Scripture C. Introduce Scripture D. All of the above
13. Which of the following is false A. The Bible encourages preachers to use effective sermons written by others B. When preaching, it is helpful to look at individuals C. If God has called you to preach, he will give you the words to say D. It is important to have an outline for expository, topical, or character study sermons
14. The steps involved in preparing a topical sermon includes all of the following except A. Consulting a concordance or a topical Bible B. Narrowing the subject as needed C. Grouping texts under each main point D. Minimizing illustrations
15. Which of the following is true A. Beginning preachers may benefit from writing out the entire text of a sermon B. Most preachers should prepare an outline of each sermon C. It is OK to preach from an outline D. All of the above
16. The following type of sermon maybe prepared in the shortest time AA verse-by-verse sermon B. An expository sermon CA topical sermon DA character study
17. Preachers should A. Memorize sermons from written texts so they will be sure to preach everything they prepare Page 2 of Preaching and Teaching Exam

B. Memorize the main points of sermons C. Don't memorize any of the sermon, but only let the Holy Spirit guide them D. None of the above
18. Which of the following is false A. Adults generally learn better when they participate in discussion B. Children respond well to object lessons C. Lecturing is a bad way to teach D. Many of the principles involved in preaching also apply to teaching
19. Which of the following is true A. When possible, adults in a congregation should be part of a small Bible study group B. If there are only a few qualified teachers in a church, it is best to divide the congregation into many small Bible study groups so that teachers will emerge C. Small Bible study groups should avoid socializing and focus on Bible study D. Christians in Biblical times didn't meet in small groups
20. The website offers the following online tools for interpreting Scripture A. Bible dictionaries B. Bible maps C. Tools for word studies D. All of the above Please initial the following two statements if you have completed the two assignments.
_________1. After studying this module, I have preached two sermons or I have tried to find opportunities to preach two sermons.
_________2. After studying this module, I have taught two small group Bible study lessons or I have tried to find opportunities to lead two small group Bible study lessons.
1. BC. BB. ADC. DD. B
11. DB. AD Page 3 of Preaching and Teaching Exam

15. DAB. CAD BACK TO OUTLINE ยป Page 4 of Preaching and Teaching Exam


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