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Hebrews 9:13-15.

Type: Psalm 35:11. David, a type of Christ, wrote of the false witnesses against him.

Anti-Type: Matt. 26;59-64. When ruthless witnesses testified against Jesus, he refused to Page 6 of MESSIANIC PROPHECY

respond. Then he openly testified that he is the Son of God.

Prophecy: Zechariah 13:7. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. He will be deserted by his disciples.

Fulfilled: Matthew 26:30-31

Prophecy: Isaiah 53:1-12. The suffering Servant.

Prophecy: Isaiah 53:1-3 (see also Psalm 35:19; 69:4). Despised and rejected by men.
Fulfilled: John 15:23-25; John 7:5

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