HE WILL BE RAISED FROM THE GRAVE Prophecy: Psalm 16:9-11; 30:1-3. Raised from the grave. Fulfilled: Luke 24:5-7; Luke 24:5-7. He will (1) be raised from the dead, and (2) will ascend to beat the Father's right hand. HE WILL ASCEND TO BE WITH GOD Prophecy: Luke 22:69. Jesus foretold of the ascension. Fulfilled: Acts 1:10,11. WHEN THE MESSIAH WOULD COME Prophecy: Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1. After a messenger prepares the way. Fulfilled: John 1:23. John the Baptizer prepared the way for the Lord. PRIOR TO THE SCEPTER DEPARTING FROM JUDAH Prophecy: Genesis 49:10. Prior to the scepter departing from Judah.McDowell writes that the scepter or tribal staff of Judah was to remain until Shiloh (the Messiah) came. Even during the captivity in Babylon, Judah still retained its tribal staff-a rod symbolizing authority. Judah retained its lawgivers or judges (Ezra 1:5,8). 8 But under Roman rule-after Jesus had come into the world, the Sanhedrin (Jewish ruling council) lost the right to pronounce capital punishment, and they lamented that the scepter had departed from Judah, yet they thought the Messiah had not come 9