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Module Examination - Messianic Prophecy

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Module Examination - Messianic Prophecy
1. Messianic Prophecy is important because A. Studying such prophecy is like solving a mystery. B. It validates the accuracy of the Bible. C. It testifies that Jesus is the Savior of the world. D. Both Band C.
2. We know that Messianic Prophecy in the Old Testament was written before the time of Christ because A. People in Old Testament times could not lie. B. Church tradition says that the Old Testament was completed prior to Jesus coming to earth. C. The Septuagint was completed prior to Jesus coming to earth, and the Septuagint was translated from the Hebrew Old Testament. D. Jewish teachers tell us that Old Testament prophecy was completed long before Jesus came.
3. The New Testament states that Jesus is the Messiah. One reason for trusting New Testament Scripture is A. Those in the church have always been trustworthy. B. The writers of the New Testament were motivated to tell the truth about Christ. C. The writers of the New Testament were scholarly. D. The authorities of the first century forced Biblical writers to be truthful.
4. Christ emphasized the importance of Messianic prophecy by instructing his disciples in such prophecy on the day he arose from the grave. His instructions are found in A. Luke 24. B. John 20. C. Matthew 28 D. Mark 16 5. The Anointed One A. Was set apart for special service to God. B. Was the Messiah expected by the Jews. C. Was anointed by the Holy Spirit. D. All of the above.
6. A "type" A. Symbolizes something that is to come in the future. B. Is the opposite of an "anti-type". C. Symbolizes something in the present. D. None of the above.
7. According to the New Testament, Jesus claimed to be the Messiah. Jesus could not have been a legend because A. Religions contain no legends. B. There wasn't enough time fora legend to develop prior to the New Testament being completed. C. He wasn't a liar or a lunatic. D. None of the above.
8. Messianic prophecy is useful in Page 1 of Messianic Prophecy Exam

A. Winning arguments with non-Christians so they will convert to Christianity. B. Defending the Gospel in a gentle way. C. Helping to remove doubt so one may present the Gospel. D. Both Band C.
9. Old Testament Prophecy explains who the Messiah would be. A. Born of a virgin. B. Of the family line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. C. Anointed by the Spirit of God. D. All of the above.
10. Jesus was the anti-type of A. David. B. Joshua. C. Moses. D. All of the above.
11. If all the Messianic prophecy is true, what are the chances that the Messiah could be anyone other than Jesus A. One in ten thousand. B. One in a million. C. It is almost inconceivable that the Messiah can be anyone other than Jesus. D. None of the above.
12. Messianic prophecy foretells what the Anointed One would do. A. Heal people miraculously. B. Preach Good News. C. Foretell of Judgment. D. All of the above.
13. Messianic prophecy foretells how the Anointed One would accomplish his mission. A. Sacrifice His life to forgive sinners. B. Be raised from the grave. C. Ascend to be with God. D. All of the above.
14. Messianic prophecy tells when the Messiah would come A. Prior to the scepter departing from Judah. B. While the temple was still standing. C. After a messenger prepared the way. D. All of the above.
15. Messianic prophecy tells where the Messiah would minister A. Syria. B. Galilee. C. Egypt. D. Bethlehem.
16. Messianic prophecy tells why the Messiah would come. A. To bring a New Covenant of grace. Page 2 of Messianic Prophecy Exam

B. To condemn sinners. C. To redeem those who repent of sin. D. Both A and C.
17. The Scripture "Dogs have surrounded me a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and my feet" comes from A. Psalm 23. B. Psalm 22. C. Isaiah 53. D. Isaiah 52.
18. The Scripture "though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days" comes from A. Psalm 22. B. Genesis 39 C. Isaiah 22. D. Isaiah 53.
19. Joshua, the judge, led God's people into the Promised Land of Israel. Jesus, the Judge, will lead his people into the A. The Promised Landon the new earth. B. Temple. C. The valley of the shadow of death. D. None of the above.
20. In his first advent, Jesus came as a Suffering Servant. In his second advent, Jesus will come as A. Wise man. B. Messenger. C. Righteous Servant. D. Conquering King.
1. DC. BAD. AB. DD. DC. DD. DB Page 3 of Messianic Prophecy Exam

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