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I. Objectives
By studying this training module, you should Be able to define apologetics Know the purposes of apologetics Go to some key links explaining religions, cults, science, and evolution Be able to define worldview Understand seven views of God Know four classical arguments for the existence of God Be able to cite Scripture references for the teleological argument and the moral argument Understand the proper response to God concerning suffering Be able to recite Isaiah 48:3,5 Know each worldview regarding the immortality of the soul Know why Christianity is unique among the major world religions Know the authority accepted by each of the three branches of the Christian Church Know three tests for the reliability of a historical document Know the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls in confirming the reliability of the Old Testament Know some points of agreement among the three branches of the Church Recite key dates in the history of the nation of Israel from 1050 BC. to AD. 1948 Know the authority accepted by Judaism Know key points of agreement and disagreement between Christianity and major world religions Be able to explain the Christian concept of the Trinity, especially the concept that Jesus is the Unique Son of God Know some key things to consider when sharing Christ with people of other faiths Know three characteristics shared by all cults Know why science does not address the existence or nonexistence of God Know two reasons why Creationism is superior to Evolution as a model for explaining the existence of species Be able to define uniformitarianism Know the importance of believing in the flood Know how to prepare to defend Christianity BACK TO OUTLINE Page 1 of 1
APOLOGETICS - Objectives

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