One third of the rural population has no access to toilets and only 55% of the population has access to drinking water, with a significant regional gap in access between urban areas and rural areas, favouring urban areas. Furthermore, the redeployment of technical staff from the state water services and local governments is not yet effective. The situation has been exacerbated by the food crisis and soaring prices which has reduced household resources to ensure consumption of potable water and ensure that hygienic conditions are maintained.
More than 200,000 persons, including 40,000 living in shanty districts near Abidjan (Ayakro, Boribana, Vridi three and Avocatier) and 160,000 returnees in the villages of Zuenoula, Zouan Hounien, Boléquin, Bangolo, Duékoué Danané, Kouibly departments (western region), were sensitised on basic hygiene throughout the year. These populations now have improved access to potable water and basic sanitation facilities through a series of rehabilitation programmes and maintenance of boreholes with water pumps and drinking fountains. Sanitation campaigns were also organised to clean the environment by destroying unsuitable latrines, shower units and cesspools. Basic sanitation facilities including household latrines, lavatories and public washhouse were also made available.
A total of over 500,000 persons now have improved access to potable water and basic sanitation facilities through a series of rehabilitation programmes, including 200 village pumps and 150 new water points projects run by UNICEF, Government partners and local and International NGOs in the Moyen Cavally, 18 Montagnes, Worodougou, Marahoué and Vallée du Bandama Regions.
Moreover, UNICEF provided many hospitals and health centres with water-storage equipment to ensure they could provide in water for patients, particularly for women. More than 100 water treatment stations belonging to the private water distribution company, in the Central, Northern and Western Zones, received purification materials and were also provided with technical support to keep them in good working order.
Furthermore, IRC’s “Return and Reintegration Programme” rehabilitated, in coordination with the village water and sanitation committees, a total of 11 water pumps not covered by any other actions in the Department of Bloléquin (west), as follows: