Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Digital Systems outlin e 1

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Don’t care state An output state that can be regarded as either HIGH or LOW, as

is most convenient. A don’t care state is the output state of a circuit for a combination

of inputs that will never occur.

Sometimes a digital circuit will be intended to work only for certain combinations of inputs;

any other input values will never be applied to the circuit.

In such a case, it may be to our advantage to use so-called don’t care states to simplify

the circuit. A don’t care state is shown in a K-map cell as an “X” and can be either a

0 or a 1, depending on which case will yield the maximum simplification.

A common application of the don’t care state is a digital circuit designed for binarycoded

decimal (BCD) inputs. In BCD, a decimal digit (0–9) is encoded as a 4-bit binary

number (0000–1001). This leaves six binary states that are never used (1010, 1011, 1100,

1101, 1110, 1111). In any circuit designed for BCD inputs, these states are don’t care


All cells containing 1s must be grouped if we are looking for a maximum SOP simplification.

(If necessary, a group can contain one cell.) The don’t care states can be used to

maximize the size of these groups. We need not group all don’t care states, only those that

actually contribute to a maximum simplification.

❘❙❚ EXAMPLE 3.21 The circuit in Figure 3.56 is designed to accept binary-coded decimal inputs. The output is

HIGH when the input is the BCD equivalent of 5, 7, or 9. If the BCD equivalent of the input

is not 5, 7 or 9, the output is LOW. The output is not defined for input values greater

than 9.

Find the maximum SOP simplification of the circuit.


3.5 • Simplification by the Karnaugh Map Method 101

Solution The Karnaugh map for the circuit is shown in Figure 3.57a.

We can designate three of the don’t care cells as 1s—those corresponding to input

states 1011, 1101, and 1111. This allows us to group the 1s into two overlapping quads,

which yield the following simplification.

Y _ D4 D1 _ D3 D1

The ungrouped don’t care states are treated as 0s. The corresponding circuit is shown in

Figure 3.57b.


Example 3.21

Circuit to be Simplified









Example 3.21

Karnaugh Map and Logic


D2 D1

D3 D1

D4 D1

D4 D3




❘❙❚ EXAMPLE 3.22 One type of decimal code is called 2421 code, so called because of the positional weights

of its bits. (For example, 1011 in 2421 code is equivalent to 2 _ 2 _ 1 _ 5 in decimal.

1100 is equivalent to decimal 2 _ 4 _ 6.) Table 3.16 shows how this code compares to its

equivalent decimal digits and to the BCD code used in Example 3.21.

2421 code is sometimes used because it is “self-complementing,” a property that BCD

code does not have, but that is useful in digital decimal arithmetic circuits.

The bits of the BCD code are designated D4 D3 D2 D1. The bits of the 2421 code are

designated Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1.

Use the Karnaugh map method to design a logic circuit that accepts any BCD input

and generates an output in 2421 code, as specified by Table 3.16.

Solution The required circuit is called a code converter. Each 4-bit BCD input corresponds

to a 4-bit 2421 output. Thus, we must find four Boolean expressions, one for each

Table 3.16 BCD and 2421 Code

Decimal BCD Code 2421 Code

Equivalent D4 D3 D2 D1 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

5 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

6 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

7 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

8 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

9 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1


102 C H A P T E R 3 • Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic


Example 3.22

K-Maps: BCD to 2421


Example 3.22

BCD-to-2421 Code Converter

3.5 • Simplification by the Karnaugh Map Method 103

bit of the 2421 code. We can derive each Boolean expression from a truth table represented

by the corresponding output column in Table 3.16.

We can load the 2421 values into four different Karnaugh maps, as shown in Figure

3.58. The cells corresponding to the unused input BCD codes 1010, 1011, 1100,

1101, 1110, and 1111 are don’t care states in each map.

The K-maps yield the following simplifications:

Y4 _ D4 _ D3 D2 _ D3 D1

Y3 _ D4 _ D3 D2 _ D3 D_1

Y2 _ D4 _ D_3 D2 _ D3 D_2 D1

Y1 _ D1

Figure 3.59 shows the logic diagram for these equations.


POS Simplification

Until now, we have looked only at obtaining the maximum SOP simplification from a Karnaugh

map. It is also possible to find the maximum POS simplification from the same map.

Figure 3.60 shows a Karnaugh map with the cells grouped for an SOP simplification

and a POS simplification. The SOP simplification is shown in Figure 3.60a and the POS

simplification in Figure 3.60b.


SOP and POS Forms on a


When we derive the POS form of an expression from a truth table, we use the lines

where the output is 0 and we use the complements of the input variables on these lines as

the elements of the selected maxterms. The same principle applies here.

The maxterms are:

(A _ B _ C) Top left cell

(A_ _ B _ C) Bottom left cell

(A_ _ B _ C_) Bottom right cell

The variables are canceled in much the same way as in the SOP form. Remember,

however, that the POS variables are the complements of the variables written beside the

Karnaugh map.

If there is more than one simplified term, the terms are ANDed together, as in a full

POS form.


Outside pair: A is present in both true and complement form in the pair. (Discard


B and C are present in both cells of the pair. (Keep B and C.)

Term: B _ C

104 C H A P T E R 3 • Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic

Bottom pair: A_ and B are present in both cells of the pair. (Keep A_ and B.)

C is present in both true and complement form in the pair. (Discard


Term: A_ _ B

Maximum POS simplification:

Y _ (A_ _ B)(B _ C)

Compare this with the maximum SOP simplification:

Y _ A_ C _ B

By the Boolean theorem (x _ y)(x _ z) _ x _ yz, we see that the SOP and POS forms

are equivalent.

❘❙❚ EXAMPLE 3.23 Find the maximum POS simplification of the logic function represented by Table 3.17.

Solution Figure 3.61 shows the Karnaugh map from the truth table in Table 3.17. The

cells containing 0s are grouped in two quads and there is a single 0 cell left over.


Corner quad: (B _ D)

Horizontal quad: (A _ B)

Single cell: (A_ _ B_ _ C _ D_)

Y _ (A _ B)(B _ D)(A_ _ B_ _ C _ D_) ❘❙❚

Table 3.17 Truth Table

for Example 3.23


0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 0

0 1 0 0 1

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1


Example 3.23

POS Simplification of Table 3.17


1. Two or more gates connected together form a logic gate network or combinational logic circuit, which can be described by a truth

table, a logic diagram, or a Boolean expression.

2. The output of a combinational logic circuit is always the

same with the same combination of inputs, regardless of the

order in which they are applied.

3. The order of precedence in a logic gate network is AND, then

OR, unless otherwise indicated by parentheses.

4. DeMorgan’s theorems: x_____y_ _ x_ _ y_


___y_ _ x_ _ y_

5. Inequalities: x_____y_ _ x_ _ y_


___y_ _ x_ _ y_

6. A logic gate network can be drawn to simplify its Boolean

expression by ensuring that bubbled (active-LOW) outputs

drive bubbled inputs and outputs with no bubble (active-

HIGH) drive inputs with no bubble. Some gates might need

to be drawn in their DeMorgan equivalent form to achieve


7. In Boolean expressions, logic inversion bars of equal lengths


Glossary 105

For example, addition is associative ((a _ b) _ c _ a _ (b _

c)), but subtraction is not ((a _ b) _ c _ a _ (b _ c)).

Bubble-to-bubble convention The practice of drawing gates

in a logic diagram so that inverting outputs connect to inverting

inputs and noninverting outputs connect to noninverting inputs.

Bus form A way of drawing a logic diagram so that each true

and complement input variable is available along a conductor

called a bus.

Cell The smallest unit of a Karnaugh map, corresponding to

one line of a truth table. The input variables are the cell’s coordinates

and the output variable is the cell’s contents.

Combinational logic Digital circuitry in which an output is

derived from the combination of inputs, independent of the order

in which they are applied.

Combinatorial logic Another name for combinational logic.

Commutative property A mathematical operation is commutative

if it can be applied to its operands in any order without

affecting the result. For example, addition is commutative (a _

b _ b _ a), but subtraction is not (a _ b _ b _ a).

Distributive property Full name: distributive property of multiplication

over addition. The property that allows us to distribcancel;

bars of unequal lengths do not. Bars of equal length

represent bubble-to-bubble connections.

8. A logic diagram can be derived from a Boolean expression

by order of precedence rules: synthesize ANDs before ORs,

unless parentheses indicate otherwise. Inversion bars act as

parentheses for a group of variables.

9. A truth table can be derived from a logic gate network either

by finding truth tables for intermediate points in the network

and combining them by the laws of Boolean algebra, or by

simplifying the Boolean expression into a form that can be

directly written into a truth table.

10. A sum-of-products (SOP) network combines inputs in AND

gates to yield a group of product terms that are combined in

an OR gate (logical sum) output.

11. A product-of-sums (POS) network combines inputs in OR

gates to yield a group of sum terms that are combined in an

AND gate (logical product) output.

12. An SOP Boolean expression can be derived from the lines in

a truth table where the output is at logic 1. Each product term

contains all inputs in true or complement form, where inputs

at logic 0 have a bar and inputs at logic 1 do not.

13. A POS expression is derived from the lines where the output

is at logic 0. Each sum term contains all inputs in true or

complement form, where inputs at logic 1 have a bar and inputs

at logic 0 do not.

14. Theorems of Boolean algebra, summarized in Table 3.8, allow

us to simplify logic gate networks.

15. SOP networks can be simplified by grouping pairs of product

terms and applying the Boolean identity xyz _ xyz_ _ xy.

16. POS networks can be simplified by grouping pairs of

sum terms and applying the Boolean identity (x _ y _ z)

(x _ y _ z_) _ (x _ y).

17. To achieve maximum simplification of an SOP or POS network,

each product or sum term should be grouped with another

if possible. A product or sum term can be grouped more

than once, as long as each group has a term that is only in

that group.

18. A Karnaugh map can be used to graphically reduce a

Boolean expression to its simplest form by grouping adjacent

cells containing 1s. One cell is equivalent to one line of a

truth table. A group of adjacent cells that contain 1s represents

a simplified product term.

19. Adjacent cells in a K-map differ by only one variable. Cells

around the outside of the map are considered adjacent.

20. A group in a K-map must be a power of two in size: 1, 2, 4,

8, or 16. A group of two is called a pair, a group of four is a

quad, and a group of eight is an octet.

21. A pair cancels one variable. A quad cancels two variables.

An octet cancels three variables.

22. A K-map can have multiple groups. Each group represents

one simplified product term in a sum-of-products


23. Groups in K-maps can overlap as long as each group has one

or more cells that appear only in that group.

24. Groups in a K-map should be as large as possible for maximum

SOP simplification.

25. Don’t care states represent output states of input combinations

that will never occur in a circuit. They are represented

by Xs in a truth table or K-map and can be used as 0s or 1s,

whichever is most advantageous for the simplification of the



Adjacent cell Two cells are adjacent if there is only one variable

that is different between the coordinates of the two cells.

Associative property A mathematical function is associative if its operands can be grouped in any order without affecting the result.

ute (“multiply through”) an AND across several OR functions.

For example, a(b _ c) _ ac _ bc.

Don’t care state An output state that can be regarded either as

HIGH or LOW, as is most convenient. A don’t care state is the

output state of a circuit for a combination of inputs that will

never occur.

Karnaugh map A graphical tool for finding the maximum

SOP or POS simplification of a Boolean expression. A Karnaugh

map works by arranging the terms of an expression in such a

way that variables can be cancelled by grouping minterms or


Levels of gating The number of gates through which a signal

must pass from input to output of a logic gate network.

Logic diagram A diagram, similar to a schematic, showing

the connection of logic gates.

Logic gate network Two or more logic gates connected


Maximum POS simplification The form of a POS Boolean

expression which cannot be further simplified by cancelling

variables in the sum terms. It may be possible to get an SOP

form with fewer terms or variables.

106 C H A P T E R 3 • Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic

Maximum SOP simplification The form of an SOP Boolean

expression which cannot be further simplified by cancelling

variables in the product terms. It may be possible to get a POS

form with fewer terms or variables.

Maxterm A sum term in a Boolean expression where all possible

variables appear once in true or complement form.

Minterm A product term in a Boolean expression where all

possible variables appear once in true or complement form.

Octet A group of eight cells in a Karnaugh map. An octet cancels

three variables in a K-map simplification.

Order of precedence The sequence in which Boolean functions

are performed, unless otherwise specified by parentheses.

Pair A group of two cells in a Karnaugh map. A pair cancels

one variable in a K-map simplification.

Product term A term in a Boolean expression where one or

more true or complement variables are ANDed.

Product-of-sums (POS) A type of Boolean expression where

several sum terms are multiplied (ANDed) together.

Quad A group of four cells in a Karnaugh map. A quad cancels

two variables in a K-map simplification.

Sum term A term in a Boolean expression where one or more

true or complement variables are ORed.

Sum-of-products (SOP) A type of Boolean expression where

several product terms are summed (ORed) together.

Synthesis The process of creating a logic circuit from a description

such as a Boolean equation or truth table.


Problem numbers set in color indicate more difficult problems: those

with underlines indicate most difficult problems.

Section 3.1 Boolean Expressions, Logic Diagrams, and

Truth Tables

3.1 Write the unsimplified Boolean expression for each of the

logic gate networks shown in Figure 3.62.

3.2 Write the unsimplified Boolean expression for each of the

logic gate networks shown in Figure 3.63.

3.3 Redraw the logic diagrams of the gate networks shown in

Figure 3.63 a, e, f, h, i, and j so that they conform to the


Problem 3.1

Logic Circuits

Problems 107

bubble-to-bubble convention. Rewrite the Boolean expression

of each of the redrawn circuits.


Problem 3.2

Logic Circuits
























































3.4 The circuit in Figure 3.64 is called a majority vote circuit.

It will turn on an active-HIGH indicator lamp only if a

majority of inputs (two out of three) are HIGH. Write the

Boolean expression for the circuit.

logic circuit.

3.6 Draw the logic circuit for each of the following Boolean


a. Y _ AB _ BC

b. Y _ ACD _ BCD

c. Y _ (A _ B)(C _ D)

d. Y _ A _ BC _ D

e. Y _ A_C_ _ B_____C_

f. Y _ A_C_ _ B _ C

g. Y _ A_BD _ B_C _ A_____C_

h. Y _ A_B _ A_C _ B_C_

i. Y _ A_B _ A_C _ B_C_

3.7 Use DeMorgan’s theorems to modify the Boolean equations

in Problem 3.6, parts e, f, g, h, and i so that there is

no bar over any group of variables. Redraw the logic diagrams

of the circuits to reflect the changes. (The final circuit

versions should conform to the bubble-to-bubble


3.8 Write the truth tables for the logic diagrams in Figure

3.62, parts b, e, f, and g.

3.9 Write the truth tables for the logic diagrams in Figure

3.63, parts a, h, i, and j.

3.10 Write the truth tables for the Boolean expression in Problem

3.6, parts c, d, e, f, h, and i.

Section 3.2 Sum-of-Products (SOP) and Product-of-

Sums (POS) Forms

3.11 Find the Boolean expression, in both sum-of-products

(SOP) and product-of-sums (POS) forms, for the logic

108 C H A P T E R 3 • Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic

3.5 Suppose you wish to design a circuit that indicates when

three out of four inputs are HIGH. The circuit has four inputs,

D3, D2, D1, and D0 and an active-HIGH output, Y.

Write the Boolean expression for the circuit and draw the


0 0 0 1

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 1

1 0 0 0

1 0 1 0

1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0


0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0

0 1 1 0

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 0

1 1 0 1

1 1 1 0


0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0

1 0 0 0

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1

3.13 Find the Boolean expression, in both sum-of-products

(SOP) and product-of-sums (POS) forms, for the logic

function represented by the following truth table. Draw

the logic diagram for the POS form only.

3.14 Find the Boolean expression, in both sum-of-products

(SOP) and product-of-sums (POS) forms, for the logic

function represented by the following truth table. Draw

the logic diagram for the SOP form only.


Problem 3.4

Majority Vote Circuit

function represented by the following truth table. Draw

the logic diagram for each form.

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