Chapter 3 Types, Operators, and Expressions; While and For Reference: Brooks, Chapter 3 2 3)

Reference: Kelley & Pohl, Chapter 4 (4.17)

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Reference: Kelley & Pohl, Chapter 4 (4.17)
· Consider the following statement that sets z to the max of a and b:

if (a > b)

z = a;


z = b;

· The conditional expression operator may be used instead.

· The ternary operator ?: may be used thus:

expr1 ? expr2 : expr3

· Thus, our example may be rewritten:

z = (a > b) ? a : b;

· The right hand side is an expression which has the value of max(a,b). In fact, the ternary expression is often used in macros, e.g.,

· #define MAX(A,B) (((A) > (B)) ? (A) : (B))

· Also, because ?: is an expression, if expr2 or expr3 are of different types, the result is an expression of the highest type. This activity is often called “type promotion.”

· That is, in the code fragment:

Double d = 10.23;

Float f = 3.1416;

int i = 10;


x = (d > 0) ? f : i;

the resulting type of the right-hand side of the assignment to x is float because a mixed expression with float and int becomes float (expr2 is float, expr3 is int).
· The precedence of ?: is just above the assignment operators.

· It associates right to left.

The conditional operator
Recall that the conditional operator ?: has the following syntax:



expr1 ? expr2 : expr3










· Also, recall that this operator has the semantics that expr1 is evaluated first.

· Then if expr1 is nonzero (true), expr2 is evaluated and that is the value of the conditional expression as a whole.

· Otherwise, expr1 is zero (false), and expr3 is evaluated making it the value of the conditional expression as a whole.

· Consequently, the conditional operator can be used to perform the work of an if-else statement.

· Note that this can quickly get out of hand if you’re not careful…


if-else construct

equivalent conditional

if (y < z)

x = y;


x = z;

x = (y < z)

? y

: z;

if (a > 0)

z = 1;

else if (a < 0)

z = -1;


z = 0;

z = (a > 0)

? 1

: ((a < 0) ? -1 : 0);

if (a > b)

if (a > c)

z = a;


z = c;

else if (b > c)

z = b;


z = c;

z = (a > b)

? ((a > c) ? a : c)

: ((b > c) ? b : c);

The conditional operator -- example
· In the following example, assume that the following declarations are in scope:

char a = 'a'; /* a has an ASCII value of 97 */

char b = 'b'; /* b has an ASCII value of 98 */

int i = 1;

int j = 2;

double x = 7.07;

· Then, the following table illustrates the effect of the conditional operator.

· Exercise: explain why the first expression is an int rather than char


Equivalent Expr



i==j ? a-1 : b+1

(i==j) ? (a-1) : (b+1)



j%3==0 ? i+4 : x

((j%3)==0) ? (i+4) : x



j%3 ? i+4 : x

(j%3) != 0 ? (i+4) : x



Comma operator
· When used within an expression, the comma ',' operator, or sequencing operator, is defined thus:
"A pair of expressions separated by a comma is evaluated left to right, and the type and value of the result are the type and value of the right operand."
· The comma operator has the lowest possible precedence (lower than assignment statements).

· The comma operator associates from left to right.

f (a (), (b (), c ()));

/* call f with two parameters */

· A better way to do this might be the following:

b ();

f (a (), c ());
· The commas that separate function arguments, variables in declarations, etc., are not comma operators, and do not guarantee left to right evaluation.
· The statement

x = (i++, j++, k++);

is exactly equivalent to writing



x = k++;

· Comma operators are commonly used within for loops to initialize more than one looping index, e.g.:

for (i = 0, j = 1, k = 2;

i < n;

i++, j++, k++) {



Precedence and order of evaluation



Order of Evaluation


left to right


! ++ --

(unary) + -

(indirection) *

& ( type ) sizeof

right to left


* / %

left to right


+ -

left to right


< <= >= >

left to right


== !=

left to right



left to right

left to right

sequence point after first argument

short circuit


left to right

left to right

sequence point after first argument

short circuit


right to left

first operand eval

sequence point after first argument


+= -=

*= /= %=

right to left



left to right

left to right

sequence point after first argument

ANSI notes on the comma and other operators in C
· The ANSI draft, page 55, states the following about the comma operator:
"The left operand of a comma operator is evaluated as a void expression; there is a sequence point after its evaluation."
· It is also important to note that the comma operator yields an expression and does not yield an lvalue. Thus, the following is incorrect:

int k;

int j;

(j = 10, k = 20) = 40;
· In other places it states that as && and || guarantee left to right evaluation, there is also a sequence point after evaluating the first operand.

· In general, a semicolon ';' denotes a sequence point, i.e. it is the point at which everything must synch up.

· Up until that point, all subexpressions can be conceptually evaluated in parallel.
Precedence, associativity, and order of evaluation
· Precedence, associativity, and order of evaluation are orthogonal concepts, e.g.,

10 * 20 + 20 / 5 + 15 … ((10 * 20) + (20 / 5)) + 15

· Most operators do not have an order of evaluation specified

· This “underspecification” allows compilers to optimize your code

· Only logical and '&&', logical or '||', the ternary operator '?:', and the comma ',' operator explicitly specify order of evaluation and define sequence points

· Also, note that the ternary operator associates right to left.

Order of evaluation -- pitfalls
· With the exception of &&, ||, ?:, and the comma operator, C does not specify the order in which operands of an operator are evaluated.
· The code fragment

x = f () + g ();

may evaluate f() followed by g(), or it may choose to evaluate g() followed by f().

· Adding parentheses changes nothing, e.g.:

x = (f ()) + g ();

· The only way to guarantee order of evaluation is to split this up into several statements

x1 = f ();

x2 = g ();

x = x1 + x2;

Order of evaluation -- pitfalls (2)
· Similarly, the order in which arguments to a function are evaluated is not specified.

printf ("%d %d\n", ++n, power (2, n)); /* wrong */

· Different results will occur depending on whether ++n is evaluated before or after power(2,n) is evaluated.

· Changing the ++n to n++ can still lead to unpredictable results

· The underlying problem is that we have a potential “race condition”

· Other types of race conditions occur in concurrent programs

The while statement
Reference: Brooks, Chapter 4 (4.4)

  • The syntax of a while statement is as follows.



While (expression) statement

  • Generally, statement is a compound statement

The while statement (2)
Some examples are

int x = 0;

int i = 0;

while (i < n)


x = x + i; /* x++ */

i = i + 1; /* i++ */


int c;

while ((c = getchar ()) != EOF) {

/* Only works for ASCII,

better to use islower (c). */

if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')




but not

while (++i < LIMIT) do {

/* syntax error: do is not allowed */

j = 2 * i + 3;

printf ("%d\n", j);


· In general, given a sequence of statements of the form

while (expression)


next statement

the first expression is evaluated.

· If it is nonzero (true), then statement is executed repeatedly until expression becomes zero (false).
· When expression becomes false, control is passed to next statement.

Example -- computing factorials

int main (void)


int i, n;

double factorial;
printf ("Enter a positive integer: ");

scanf ("%d", &n);

factorial = 1.0;

i = 1;

while (i <= n)


factorial = factorial * i;

// factorial *= i;

i = i + 1;

// i++;

printf ("%d factorial = %.2f\n", n, factorial);

return 0;


  • Whenever you write a while loop, be sure you determine how it will terminate

  • A common error would be to omit the increment of i

  • The result would be an endless loop

  • Another common error is to forget to initialize i before the beginning of the loop

  • In this case, the behavior is unpredicatable

Example -- computing factorials (2)
The main code fragment
factorial = 1.0;

i = 1;

while (i <= n)


factorial = factorial * i;

i = i + 1 ;

may be rewritten more concisely as follows

factorial = 1.0;

i = 1;

while (i <= n)

factorial *= i++;

but not as follows
factorial = 1;

i = 1;

while (i < n)

factorial *= i;

The last example is an infinite loop. The looping variable i is never modified and thus never becomes >= n

Example - Fibonacci Numbers

  • The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers where the current number is the sum of the previous two numbers in the sequence

  • The first two numbers in the sequence is 1

  • The next number is 1 + 1 = 2

  • The next number after that is 1 + 2 = 3

  • Here are the first 10 numbers of the sequence:

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55

  • Now we write code to generate N Fibonacci numbers and compute their sum

prev1 = prev2 = 1; /* first two numbers */

sum = 2; /* sum of the first two numbers */

count = 2; /* calculate 3rd number on */

while (count < N)


int curr = prev1 + prev2;

sum += curr;

prev1 = prev2; /* advance prev1 */

prev2 = curr; /* advance prev2 */



  • If N=10, how many iterations does this loop execute? What is the final value of count when N=10?

  • If N=5, what are the final values of curr, sum, prev1, and prev2?

example -- binary search

/* binsearch: find x in v[0] <= ... <= v[n-1]

-- return index of x in a sorted array of numbers


int binsearch (int x, int v[], int n)


int low = 0;

int high = n - 1;
while (low <= high) {

int mid = (low + high) / 2;

if (x < v[mid]) /* smaller */

high = mid - 1;

else if (x > v[mid]) /* larger */

low = mid + 1;

else /* we found it */

return mid; /* return the index */


return -1; /*NOT FOUND*/


Identify the statements within each if or while construct.

Example @@
· Because C allows side effects within expressions, some or possibly all of the work may be performed as part of the test.

· The following example illustrates a case where all of the work is done during the test.



int skip_spaces (void)


int c;

while ((c = getchar ()) != EOF && isspace (c))

/* null */;

return c;


· The while loop read characters one at a time and stops either when it hits end-of-file or when the character is no longer a whitespace character.

· The null statement ; is the body of the loop.

The FOR statement (1)

  • The syntax of a for statement is as follows.

for ( initialization-expression ;

condition ;

next-expression )


next statement

Example -- computing factorials

factorial = 1;

i = 1;

while (i <= n)


factorial *= i;



factorial = 1;

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)


factorial *= i;


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