C) Disclosure to save guard the interest of a doctor or hospital
If an action is brought against the hospital or a doctor, then the disclosure of the patient’s records may be done. Of equal importance is the fact that disclosure is permissible if the hospital is to work effectively. Disclosure of the contents of medical records are necessary between departments or between members of medical staff in the hospital and this is justifiable of course, as being in the patients interests. Such disclosure if made publically by any member of hospital staff, resulting in the patient’s interest being adversely affected could result in action for damages.
D) Disclosure in the transfer of information between authorized medical agencies.
A doctor dealing with the patients has full rights of access to any clinical data made at the time (except of Couse where patients has been referred for treatment who is acting for a third party ) when a patient is seen subsequently by another, strictly speaking that doctor has no legal right to access notes made by the previous doctor.
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