Chicago Debate League 2013/14 Core Files

AC Framework: Disadvantages [2/3] 196

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2AC Framework: Disadvantages [2/3] 196

2) The War on Terror abroad created a War on Immigrants at home, codifying racial segregation in the name of security. Mexican-Americans have been targeted with discrimination that is rarely exposed or discussed.

[Kevin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law, University of California at Davis School of Law; “SEPTEMBER 11 AND MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS: COLLATERAL DAMAGE COMES HOME;" 52 DePaul L. Rev. 849 2002-2003]

The federal government responded swiftly to the mass destruction and horrible loss of life on September 11, 2001. Quickly initiating a war on terror, the U.S. government pursued military action in Afghanistan.' The violation of the civil rights of Arab and Muslim noncitizens in the United States followed as well.2 In the months immediately after September 11, the federal government arrested, interrogated, and detained more than one thousand Arab and Muslim "material witnesses" without charging them with crimes.3 Congress swiftly passed the Uniting and Strengthening America by Proving Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT Act),4 which, among other things amended the immigration laws in important ways. Although Arab and Muslim noncitizens felt the brunt of the civil rights deprivations in the immediate aftermath of September 11,5 immigrants in general will suffer the long-term consequences of the many measures taken by the federal government in the name of fighting terrorism. 6 The U.S. government directed drastic measures at noncitizens, in part because the law affords great deference to the executive branch in immigration and national security matters.7 This Article analyzes important collateral damage of the "war on terrorism," specifically the impact of the government's response to September 11 on the Mexican immigrant community in the United States, as well as on prospective Mexican immigrants and temporary visitors. More than 200,000 immigrants from Mexico came to the United States in 2001 alone, the largest contingent of migrants from any nation and almost 20% of all immigrants to this country. 8 In addition, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has estimated that, at least as of 1996, more than 2.7 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico, over half of the total undocumented population, live in the United States.9 In sum, Mexican citizens comprise the largest group of immigrants, legal and undocumented, in the United States. As we will see, past immigration reforms in response to terrorism fears offer sobering lessons for immigrants. The history of ideological regulation, including severe steps in the name of fighting the communist threat such as ideological exclusion and deportation, indefinite detention, and similar extreme measures, shows the extremes that U.S. immigration laws have gone to protect the nation's security. 10 Recent events fit in well with the historical pattern. In 1996, Congress enacted immigration reform legislation, motivated in no small part by a desire to fight terrorism, which adversely impacted the immigrant community as a whole. The reforms resulted in record levels of deportations, including the removal of thousands of Mexican nationals." Similarly, post-September 11 immigration restrictions, enforcement measures, and citizenship requirements will likely have a disparate impact on immigrants, particularly those from Mexico.' 2 To this point, little attention has been paid to the general impacts on the immigrant community of the U.S. government's response to the tragedy of September 11, 2001. As with immigration measures generally, the new enforcement measures will predominately impact people of color.' 3

2AC Framework: Disadvantages [3/3] 197

3) This is a deference turn to their framework. Privileging their impacts over our racism claims gives the government leeway to overreact to vague and unlikely threats by taking action against the immigrants that we are giving voice to. Voting Negative today means the problem gets worse, and the government is never held accountable for exaggerating threats.

[Kevin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law, University of California at Davis School of Law; “SEPTEMBER 11 AND MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS: COLLATERAL DAMAGE COMES HOME;" 52 DePaul L. Rev. 849 2002-2003]

The leeway afforded the federal government in immigration matters allows the political branches to swiftly take aggressive actions, thereby appearing to respond to complex problems. Such actions historically have injured immigrant communities. A concrete example is the effort to seal the U.S./Mexico border as part of the "war on drugs" and halting undocumented immigration, which has had a limited impact in achieving those goals. 22 However, heightened border enforcement has resulted in increased race-based law enforcement 23 and hundreds of deaths of Mexican citizens along the border. 24 In the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Congress passed two pieces of tough immigration legislation. 25 As Professor Peter Schuck succinctly observed, the 1996 immigration reforms constituted "the most radical reform of immigration law in decades-or perhaps ever."'2 6 Congress tightened the U.S. immigration laws despite the fact that a natural born U.S. citizen masterminded the Oklahoma City bombing, and there was absolutely no evidence of any involvement of foreign citizens.2 7 This recent history sheds valuable light on the downside potential of immigrant reforms in response to fears of terrorism spawned by the events of September 11.

Critical Immigration Negative 198

Mexico Security Affirmative 4 1

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 5 1

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 6 2

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 7 3

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 8 4

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 9 5

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 10 6

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 11 7

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 12 8

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 13 9

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 14 10

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 15 11

1AC: Mexico Security Affirmative 16 12

2AC Inherency 17 1

2AC Harms: A/t - #1 “Cooperation Now” [1/2] 18 1

2AC Harms: A/t - #1 “Cooperation Now” [2/2] 19 3

2AC Harms: A/t - #2 “No Nuclear Terrorism” [1/3] 20 4

2AC Harms: A/t - #2 “No Nuclear Terrorism” [2/3] 21 6

2AC Harms: A/t - #2 “No Nuclear Terrorism” [3/3] 22 7

2AC Harms: A/t - #3 “Violence is Decreasing” [1/3] 23 8

2AC Harms: A/t - #3 “Violence is Decreasing” [2/3] 24 9

2AC Harms: A/t - #3 “Violence is Decreasing” [3/3] 25 10

2AC Harms: A/t - #4 “Drugs are Decreasing” [1/2] 26 11

2AC Harms: A/t - #4 “Drugs are Decreasing” [2/2] 27 12

2AC Solvency: A/t - #1 “Immigration From Everywhere” 28 1

2AC Solvency: A/t - #2 “Mexico Won’t Reform” [1/2] 29 2

2AC Solvency: A/t - #2 “Mexico Won’t Reform” [2/2] 30 3

2AC Solvency: A/t - #3 “Economy is Biggest Factor” 31 4

2AC Solvency: A/t - #4 “Geography Prevents Cooperation” 32 5

Mexico Security Negative 33 1

1NC Frontline: Inherency 34 1

1NC Frontline: Harms [1/3] 35 1

1NC Frontline: Harms [2/3] 36 2

1NC Frontline: Harms [3/3] 37 3

2NC Extension Harms - #1 “Cooperation Now” [1/2] 38 1

2NC Extension Harms - #1 “Cooperation Now” [2/2] 39 2

2NC Extension Harms - #2 “No Nuclear Terror” 40 3

2NC Extension Harms - #3 “Violence is Decreasing” 41 4

2NC Extension Harms - #4 “Drugs Are Decreasing” 42 5

1NC Frontline: Solvency [1/3] 43 1

1NC Frontline: Solvency [2/3] 44 2

1NC Frontline: Solvency [3/3] 45 3

2NC Extension Solvency - #1 “Immigration from Everywhere” 46 4

2NC Extension Solvency - #2 “Mexico Won’t Reform” 47 5

2NC Extension Solvency - #3 “Economy is Biggest Factor” 48 6

2NC Extension Solvency - #4 “Geography prevents cooperation” 49 7

Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 50 1

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 51 1

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 52 2

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 53 3

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 54 4

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 55 5

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 56 6

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 57 7

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 58 8

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 59 9

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 60 10

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 61 11

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 62 12

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 63 13

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 64 14

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 65 15

1AC: Venezuela Democracy Affirmative 66 17

2AC Harms – Iran: A/t - #1 “Advantage Contradicts” [1/2] 67 1

2AC Harms – Iran: A/t - #1 “Advantage Contradicts” [2/2] 68 2

2AC Harms – Iran: A/t - #2 “No More Ties to Iran” [1/2] 69 3

2AC Harms – Iran: A/t - #2 “No More Ties to Iran” [2/2] 70 4

2AC Harms – Iran: A/t - #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [1/2] 71 5

2AC Harms – Iran: A/t - #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [2/2] 72 6

2AC Harms – Democracy: A/t - #1 “Elections are Fair” [1/2] 73 1

2AC Harms – Democracy: A/t - #1 “Elections are Fair” [2/2] 74 2

2AC Harms – Democracy: A/t - #2 “Democracy Turn” [1/2] 75 4

2AC Harms – Democracy: A/t - #2 “Democracy Turn” [2/2] 76 5

2AC Harms – Democracy: A/t - #3 “Empirically Denied” 77 6

2AC Solvency: A/t - #1 “Anti-Democracy Backlash” [1/3] 78 1

2AC Solvency: A/t - #1 “Anti-Democracy Backlash” [2/3] 79 2

2AC Solvency: A/t - #1 “Anti-Democracy Backlash” [3/3] 80 3

2AC Solvency: A/t - #2 “Conditioning fails” [1/2] 81 4

2AC Solvency: A/t - #2 “Conditioning fails” [2/2] 82 5

2AC Solvency: A/t - #3 “Democracy Promotion Fails” [1/3] 83 6

2AC Solvency: A/t - #3 “Democracy Promotion Fails” [2/3] 84 7

2AC Solvency: A/t - #3 “Democracy Promotion Fails” [3/3] 85 8

2AC Solvency: A/t - #4 “Elections Aren’t Enough” 86 9

Venezuela Democracy Negative 87 1

1NC Frontline: Harms – Iran 88 1

1NC Frontline: Harms – Iran 89 2

2NC Extension Harms: #1 “Harm scenarios contradict” 90 1

2NC Extension Harms: #2 “No More Ties to Iran” 91 2

2NC Extension Harms: #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [1/2] 92 3

2NC Extension Harms: #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [2/2] 93 4

1NC Frontline: Harms – Democracy 94 1

1NC Frontline: Harms – Democracy 95 2

2NC Extension Harms - #1 “Elections are Fair” 96 1

2NC Extension Harms - #2 “Democracy turn” [1/2] 97 2

2NC Extension Harms - #2 “Democracy turn” [2/2] 98 3

2NC Extension Harms - #3 “Empirically Denied” 99 4

1NC Frontline: Solvency 100 1

1NC Frontline: Solvency 101 2

2NC Extension Solvency - #1 “Anti-Democracy Backlash” 102 1

2NC Extension Solvency - #2 “Conditioning Fails” 103 2

2NC Extension Solvency - #3 “Democracy promotion fails” 104 3

2NC Extension Solvency - #4 “Elections aren’t enough” [1/2] 105 4

2NC Extension Solvency - #4 “Elections aren’t enough” [2/2] 106 5

Cuba Ethanol Affirmative 107 1

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 108 1

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 109 3

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 110 4

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 111 5

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 112 6

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 113 7

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 114 8

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 115 9

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 116 10

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 117 11

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 118 12

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 119 13

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 120 14

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 121 15

1AC: Cuban Ethanol Affirmative 122 16

2AC Extension Harms – Environment: A/t #1 “Species Are Resilient” 123 1

2AC Extension Harms – Environment: A/t #2 “Corn is Clean” 124 2

2AC Extension Harms – Environment: A/t #3 “No Trade-off” [1/2] 125 3

2AC Extension Harms – Environment: A/t #3 “No Trade-off” [2/2] 126 4

2AC Extension Harms – Environment: A/t #4 “Developing Countries are Key” 127 5

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t # 1 “Midwest Economies Turn” [1/3] 128 1

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t # 1 “Midwest Economies Turn” [2/3] 129 2

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t # 1 “Midwest Economies Turn” [3/3] 130 3

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #2 “Ethanol Isn’t Enough” [1/4] 131 5

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #2 “Ethanol Isn’t Enough” [2/4] 132 6

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #2 “Ethanol Isn’t Enough” [3/4] 133 7

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #2 “Ethanol Isn’t Enough” [4/4] 134 8

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #3 “No Market” [1/2] 135 9

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #3 “No Market” [2/2] 136 10

2AC Extension Harms – Economy: A/t #4 “Economy is Resilient” 137 11

2AC Extension Solvency – A/t #1 “No Political Will” 138 1

2AC Extension Solvency – A/t #2 “Bad Business Climate” [1/2] 139 3

2AC Extension Solvency – A/t #2 “Bad Business Climate” [2/2] 140 4

2AC Extension Solvency – A/t #3 “Brazil Solves Investment” 141 5

Cuba Ethanol Negative 142 1

1NC Frontline: Harms – Environment 143 1

1NC Frontline: Harms – Environment 144 3

1NC Frontline: Harms – Environment 145 4

2NC Extension Harms – Environment #1 “Species are Resilient” 146 1

2NC Extension Harms – Environment #2 “Corn is Clean” 147 2

2NC Extension Harms – Environment #3 “No Crop Trade-off” 148 3

2NC Extension Harms – Environment #4 “Developing Countries are Key” 149 4

1NC Frontline: Harms – Economy 150 1

1NC Frontline: Harms – Economy 151 2

1NC Frontline: Harms – Economy 152 3

2NC Extension Harms – Economy #1 “Midwest Economies Turn” 153 1

2NC Extension Harms – Economy #2 “Ethanol Isn’t Enough” 154 2

2NC Extension Harms – Economy #3 “No Market” 155 3

2NC Extension Harms – Economy #4 “Economy is Resilient” 156 4

1NC Frontline – Solvency 157 1

1NC Frontline – Solvency 158 2

2NC Extension Solvency - #1 “No Political Will” 159 1

2NC Extension Solvency - #2 “Bad Business Climate” 160 2

2NC Extension Solvency - #3 “Brazil Solves Investment” 161 3

Critical Immigration Affirmative 162 1

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 163 1

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 164 2

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 165 3

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 166 4

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 167 6

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 168 7

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 169 8

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 170 9

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 171 10

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 172 11

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 173 12

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 174 13

1AC: Critical Immigration Affirmative 175 15

2AC Harms: A/t - #1 “Law Does Not Matter” 176 1

2AC Harms: A/t - #2 “Federal Government Isn’t Key” [1/2] 177 2

2AC Harms: A/t - #2 “Federal Government Isn’t Key” [2/2] 178 3

2AC Harms: A/t - #3 “Other Immigrants Face Discrimination” 179 4

2AC Harms: A/t - #4 “Representations Don’t Shape Policy” [1/3] 180 5

2AC Harms: A/t - #4 “Representations Don’t Shape Policy” [2/3] 181 6

2AC Harms: A/t - #4 “Representations Don’t Shape Policy” [3/3] 182 7

2AC Harms: A/t - #5 “Race isn’t Most Important Issue” [1/2] 183 8

2AC Harms: A/t - #5 “Race isn’t Most Important Issue” [2/2] 184 9

2AC Harms: A/t - #6 “Movement Succeeding Now” [1/2] 185 10

2AC Harms: A/t - #6 “Movement Succeeding Now” [2/2] 186 11

2AC Solvency: A/t #1 “Alternate Causality” 187 1

2AC Solvency: A/t #2 “Law Fails to Protect Minorities” 188 2

2AC Solvency: A/t #3 “Narratives Fail” 189 3

2AC Solvency: A/t #4 “Exploitation Turn” [1/4] 190 4

2AC Solvency: A/t #4 “Exploitation Turn” [2/4] 191 5

2AC Solvency: A/t #4 “Exploitation Turn” [3/4] 192 6

2AC Solvency: A/t #4 “Exploitation Turn” [4/4] 193 7

A/t: “We aren’t Immigrants” 194 8

2AC Framework: Disadvantages [1/3] 195 1

2AC Framework: Disadvantages [2/3] 196 2

2AC Framework: Disadvantages [3/3] 197 3

Critical Immigration Negative 198 1

1NC Frontline: Harms 199 1

1NC Frontline: Harms 200 2

1NC Frontline: Harms 201 3

1NC Frontline: Harms 202 4

1NC Frontline: Harms 203 6

2NC Extensions: Harms #1 “Law Does Not Matter” 204 1

2NC Extensions: Harms #2 “Federal Government Isn’t Key” 205 2

2NC Extensions: Harms #3 “Other Immigrants Face Discrimination” 206 3

2NC Extensions: Harms #4 “Representations Don’t Shape Policy” 207 4

2NC Extensions: Harms #5 “Race isn’t Most Important Issue” 208 5

1NC Frontline: Solvency 209 1

1NC Frontline: Solvency 210 2

1NC Frontline: Solvency 211 3

2NC Extension Solvency: #1 “Alternate Causality” 212 1

2NC Extension Solvency: #2 “Law Fails To Protect Minorities” 213 2

2NC Extension Solvency: #3 “Narratives Fail” 214 3

2NC Extension Solvency: #4 “Exploitation Turn” 215 4

2NC Frontline: Disadvantage Framework 216 1

2NC Frontline: Disadvantage Framework 217 3

2NC Frontline: Disadvantage Framework 218 4

2NC Frontline: Disadvantage Framework 219 5

Corruption Disadvantage Negative 220 1

1NC Shell: Corruption Disadvantage 221 1

1NC Shell: Corruption Disadvantage 222 2

1NC Shell: Corruption Disadvantage 223 3

2NC Extensions: A/t – #1 “No Link” [1/2] 224 1

2NC Extensions: A/t – #1 “No Link” [2/2] 225 2

2NC Extensions: A/t – #2 “Many Causes of Corruption” 226 3

2NC Extensions: A/t – #3 “Case Outweighs” 227 4

2NC Extensions: A/t – #4 “Corruption is High” 228 5

2NC Extensions: A/t – #5 “Aid Solves Corruption” [1/2] 229 6

2NC Extensions: A/t – #5 “Aid Solves Corruption” [2/2] 230 7

2NC Extensions: A/t – #6 “Evidence Isn’t Causal” 231 8

2NC Extensions: A/t – #6 “Evidence Isn’t Causal” 232 9

2NC Extensions: A/t – #7 “Businesses Cause Corruption” [1/2] 233 10

2NC Extensions: A/t – #7 “Businesses Cause Corruption” [2/2] 234 11

2NC Extensions: A/t – #8 “Plan Solves Corruption” [1/3] 235 12

2NC Extensions: A/t – #8 “Plan Solves Corruption” [2/3] 236 13

2NC Extensions: A/t – #8 “Plan Solves Corruption” [3/3] 237 14

Country-specific Uniqueness: Mexico [1/2] 238 15

Country-specific Uniqueness: Mexico [2/2] 239 16

Country-specific Uniqueness: Venezuela 240 17

Country-specific Uniqueness: Cuba 241 18

A/t: “The Plan doesn’t give money” 242 19

Corruption Disadvantage Affirmative 243 1

2AC Frontline: Corruption Disadvantage 244 1

2AC Frontline: Corruption Disadvantage 245 2

2AC Frontline: Corruption Disadvantage 246 3

Country-specific Non-Unique: Mexico 247 1

Country-specific Non-Unique: Venezuela [1/2] 248 2

Country-specific Non-Unique: Cuba 249 3

Country-specific Turn: Mexico 250 4

Country-specific Turn: Venezuela 251 5

Country-specific Turn: Cuba [1/2] 252 6

Country-specific Turn: Cuba [2/2] 253 7

Country-specific Turn: Critical Immigration 254 8

Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage Negative 255 1

1NC Shell: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 256 1

1NC Shell: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 257 2

2NC Extensions: A/t – #1 “Empirically Denied” [1/2] 258 1

2NC Extensions: A/t – #1 “Empirically Denied” [2/2] 259 2

2NC Extensions: A/t – #2 “Obama Isn’t Focused” 260 3

2NC Extensions: A/t – #3 “Case Outweighs” 261 4

2NC Extensions: A/t – #4 “Winners Win” [1/2] 262 5

2NC Extensions: A/t – #4 “Winners Win” [2/2] 263 6

2NC Extensions: A/t – #5 “Peace Talks Will Fail” [1/3] 264 7

2NC Extensions: A/t – #5 “Peace Talks Will Fail” [2/3] 265 8

2NC Extensions: A/t – #5 “Peace Talks Will Fail” [3/3] 266 9

2NC Extensions: A/t – #6 “Foreign Aid is Declining” 267 10

2NC Extensions: A/t – #7 “No Trade-off” 268 11

2NC Extensions: A/t – #8 “Plan Clears Small Issues” 269 12

2NC Extensions: A/t – #9 “Talks Will Fail” 270 13

Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage Affirmative 271 1

2AC Frontline: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 272 1

2AC Frontline: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 273 2

2AC Frontline: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 274 3

2AC Frontline: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 275 4

2AC Frontline: Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage 276 5

Politics Disadvantage Negative 277 1

1NC Shell: Politics Disadvantage 278 1

1NC Shell: Politics Disadvantage 279 2

1NC Shell: Politics Disadvantage 280 3

1NC Shell: Politics Disadvantage 281 4

1NC Shell: Politics Disadvantage 282 5

1NC Shell: Politics Disadvantage 283 6

2NC Extensions: A/t - #1 “Obama Won’t Push” [1/2] 284 1

2NC Extensions: A/t - #1 “Obama Won’t Push” [2/2] 285 2

2NC Extensions: A/t - #2 “Congress Isn’t Involved” 286 3

2NC Extensions: A/t - #3 “Regulations Won’t Solve” [1/2] 287 5

2NC Extensions: A/t - #3 “Regulations Won’t Solve” [2/2] 288 6

2NC Extensions: A/t - #4 “Republicans Will Win” [1/2] 289 7

2NC Extensions: A/t - #4 “Republicans Will Win” [2/2] 290 9

2NC Extensions: A/t - #5 “Link Turn” 291 10

2NC Extensions: A/t - #6 “Political Capital is a Myth” [1/2] 292 11

2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Rules Do Not Go Far Enough” [1/2] 293 12

2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Rules Do Not Go Far Enough” [2/2] 294 13

2NC Extensions: A/t - #8 “Winners Win” 295 14

2NC Extensions: A/t - #9 “Obama Won’t Push” 296 15

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/T - #1 “Politics is privileged” [1/2] 297 16

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/T - #1 “Politics is privileged” [2/2] 298 18

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/T #2 “Latina/o Activism” 299 19

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #3 “Obama Won’t Push” [1/2] 300 20

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #3 “Obama Won’t Push” [1/2] 301 21

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #4 “Congress isn’t involved” 302 22

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #5 “Regulations won’t solve” 303 24

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #5 “Regulations won’t solve” 304 25

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #6 “Political Capital is a myth” [1/2] 305 26

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #6 “Political Capital is a myth” [2/2] 306 27

Plan-specific Link: Mexico 307 28

Plan-specific Link: Venezuelan Democracy 308 29

Plan-specific Link: Cuban Ethanol [1/3] 309 30

Plan-specific Link: Cuban Ethanol [2/3] 310 31

Plan-specific Link: Cuban Ethanol [3/3] 311 32

Plan-specific Link: Critical Immigration [1/2] 312 33

Plan-specific Link: Critical Immigration [2/2] 313 34

Politics Disadvantage Affirmative 314 1

2AC Frontline: Politics Disadvantage [1/6] 315 1

2AC Frontline: Politics Disadvantage [2/6] 316 2

2AC Frontline: Politics Disadvantage [3/6] 317 3

2AC Frontline: Politics Disadvantage [4/6] 318 4

2AC Frontline: Politics Disadvantage [5/6] 319 5

2AC Frontline: Politics Disadvantage [6/6] 320 6

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Politics Disadvantage [1/6] 321 7

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Politics Disadvantage [2/6] 322 8

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Politics Disadvantage [3/6] 323 9

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Politics Disadvantage [4/6] 324 10

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Politics Disadvantage [5/6] 325 11

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Politics Disadvantage [6/6] 326 12

Link Turn: Latin America [1/2] 327 1

Link-Turn: Latin America [2/2] 328 2

Plan-specific Link Turn: Cuban Ethanol [1/2] 329 3

Plan-specific Link Turn: Cuban Ethanol [2/2] 330 4

Plan-specific Link Turn: Critical Immigration 331 5

China Disadvantage Negative 332 1

1NC Shell: China Disadvantage 333 1

1NC Shell: China Disadvantage 334 3

1NC Shell: China Disadvantage 335 4

1NC Shell: China Disadvantage 336 6

2NC Extensions: A/t - #1 “Latin America Isn’t Key” 337 1

2NC Extensions: A/t - #2“U.S. Outspends China” 338 2

2NC Extensions: A/t - #3 “No Link” [1/2] 339 3

2NC Extensions: A/t - #3 “No Link” [2/2] 340 4

2NC Extensions: A/t - #4 “Hegemony Turn” [1/3] 341 5

2NC Extensions: A/t - #4 “Hegemony Turn” [2/3] 342 6

2NC Extensions: A/t - #4 “Hegemony Turn” [3/3] 343 7

2NC Extensions: A/t - #5 “No Escalation” 344 8

2NC Extensions: A/t - #6 “Chinese Investment is Unsustainable” 345 9

2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Chinese Aggression Turn” [1/4] 346 11

2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Chinese Aggression Turn” [2/4] 347 12

2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Chinese Aggression Turn” [3/4] 348 13

2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Chinese Aggression Turn” [4/4] 349 14

2NC Extensions: A/t - #8 “Corruption Turn” 350 15

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #1 “Self-fulfilling prophecy” [2/2] 351 16

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #2 “Colonialism” [2/2] 352 18

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #2 “Colonialism” [2/2] 353 19

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #3 “U.S. Outspends China” 354 20

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #4 “No Link” [1/2] 355 21

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #4 “No Link” [2/2] 356 22

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #5 “No Escalation” 357 23

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #6 “Chinese Investment is Unsustainable” 358 24

Plan-specific Link: Mexico 359 26

Plan-specific Link: Cuba 360 27

China Disadvantage Affirmative 361 1

2AC Frontline: China Disadvantage [1/5] 362 1

2AC Frontline: China Disadvantage [2/5] 363 2

2AC Frontline: China Disadvantage [3/5] 364 4

2AC Frontline: China Disadvantage [4/5] 365 5

2AC Frontline: China Disadvantage [5/5] 366 6

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: China Disadvantage [1/5] 367 7

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: China Disadvantage [2/5] 368 8

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: China Disadvantage [3/5] 369 9

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: China Disadvantage [4/5] 370 10

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: China Disadvantage [5/5] 371 11

European Union Counterplan Negative 372 1

1NC Shell: European Union Counterplan 373 1

Plan-specific Texts 374 3

2NC Extensions: A/t #1 “Permutation” 375 1

2NC Extensions: A/t #2 “Solvency Deficit” 376 2

Plan-specific Solvency: Mexico Security [1/2] 377 3

Plan-specific Solvency: Mexico Security [2/2] 378 4

Plan-specific Solvency: Venezuela Democracy 379 5

Plan-specific Solvency: Cuba Ethanol [1/2] 380 6

Plan-specific Solvency: Cuba Ethanol [2/2] 381 7

Plan-specific Solvency: Critical Immigration 382 8

2NC Extensions: A/t #3 “International Actor Fiat” 383 9

2NC Extensions: A/t #4 “economic Crisis Prevents Solvency” 384 10

2NC Extensions: A/t #5 “No Timeframe for Solvency” 385 11

2NC Extensions: A/t #6 “European Leadership Turn” 386 12

European Union Counterplan Affirmative 387 1

2AC Frontline: European Union Counterplan 388 1

2AC Frontline: European Union Counterplan 389 2

2AC Frontline: European Union Counterplan 390 3

2AC Frontline: European Union Counterplan 391 4

2AC Frontline: European Union Counterplan 392 5

2AC Frontline: European Union Counterplan 393 6

Plan-specific Solvency Deficit: Mexican Security 394 7

Plan-Specific Solvency Deficit: Venezuelan Democracy 395 8

Plan-Specific Solvency Deficit: Cuban Ethanol 396 9

Plan-Specific Solvency Deficit: Critical Immigration 397 10

Topicality 398 1

1NC Shell: Topicality – Mexico 399 1

2NC Extension: A/t - #1 “We Meet” 400 3

2NC Extension: A/t - #2 “Counter-Interpretation” 401 4

2NC Extension: A/t - #3 “Counter Standards” 402 5

2NC Extension: A/t - #4 “No Abuse – U.S.A.I.D.” 403 6

2NC Extension: A/t - #5 “Mixing Burdens” 404 7

2NC Extension: A/t - #6 “Reasonability” 405 8

1NC Shell: Topicality – Venezuela 406 1

2NC Extension: A/t - #1 “We Meet” 407 1

2NC Extension: A/t - #2 “Counter-Interpretation” 408 2

2NC Extension: A/t - #3 “Counter-Standards” 409 3

2NC Extension: A/t - #4 “Only Positive Conditions” 410 4

2NC Extension: A/t - #5 “No Case Meets” 411 5

2NC Extension: A/t - #6 “Reasonability” 412 6

1NC Shell: Topicality – Cuba 413 1

2NC Extension: A/t #1 “We Meet” 414 1

2NC Extension: A/t #2 “Counter-interpretation” 415 2

2NC Extension: A/t #3 “Counter Standards” 416 3

2NC Extension: A/t #4 “Effects Inevitable” 417 4

2NC Extension: A/t #5 “Affirmative Ground” 418 5

2NC Extension: A/t - #6 “Reasonability” 419 6

1NC Shell: Topicality – Critical Immigration 420 1

1NC Shell: Topicality – Critical Immigration 421 2

1NC Shell: Topicality – Critical Immigration 422 3

1NC Shell: Topicality – Critical Immigration 423 4

2NC Extension: A/t #1 “We Meet” 424 1

2NC Extension: A/t #2 “Counter-interpretation” 425 2

2NC Extension: A/t #3 “Counter standards” [1/4] 426 3

2NC Extension: A/t #3 “Counter standards” [2/4] 427 4

2NC Extension: A/t #3 “Counter standards” [3/4] 428 5

2NC Extension: A/t #3 “Counter standards” [4/4] 429 6

2NC Extension: A/t #4 “Other Words Check” 430 7

2NC Extension: A/t #5 “No Extra Topicality” 431 8

Topicality Affirmative 432 1

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Mexico Security 433 1

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Mexico Security 434 2

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Venezuela Democracy 435 1

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Venezuela Democracy 436 2

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Venezuela Democracy 437 4

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Venezuela Democracy 438 5

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Cuba Ethanol 439 1

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Cuba Ethanol 440 2

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Cuba Ethanol 441 3

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Critical Immigration 442 1

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Critical Immigration 443 3

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Critical Immigration 444 4

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Critical Immigration 445 5

Neo-colonialism Kritik 446 1

1NC Shell: Neo-Colonialism Kritik 447 13

1NC Shell: Neo-Colonialism Kritik 448 14

1NC Shell: Neo-Colonialism Kritik 449 16

1NC Shell: Neo-Colonialism Kritik 450 17

1NC Shell: Neo-Colonialism Kritik 451 18

1NC Shell: Neo-Colonialism Kritik 452 19

2NC Extension: A/t #1 “No Link” 453 1

2NC Extension: A/t #2 “Permutation” 454 2

2NC Extension: A/t #3 “Fiat Theory” 455 3

2NC Extension: A/t #4 “Alternative Fails” [1/2] 456 4

2NC Extension: A/t #4 “Alternative Fails” [2/2] 457 6

2NC Extension: A/t #5 “Consequentialism” 458 7

2NC Extension: A/t #6 “Globalization Solves War” 459 9

2NC Extension: A/t #7 “Extinction Outweighs” 460 10

2NC Extension: A/t #8 “Sustainability” 461 11

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #1 “Role of the Ballot” 462 12

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #2 “Deconstruction fails” [1/3] 463 13

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #2 “Deconstruction fails” [2/3] 464 14

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #2 “Deconstruction fails” [3/3] 465 15

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #3 “Racism is root cause” 466 16

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #4 “No link” 467 17

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #5 “Permutation” 468 18

2NC Extension [Critical Immigration]: A/t #6 “Alternative fails” 469 19

Plan-specific Impact Module: Mexico Security 470 20

Plan-specific Impact Module: Venezuela Democracy [1/2] 471 21

Plan-specific Impact Module: Venezuela Democracy [2/2] 472 22

Plan-specific Impact Module: Cuba Ethanol [1/2] 473 23

Plan-specific Impact Module: Cuba Ethanol [2/2] 474 24

Neo-colonialism Kritik Affirmative 475 1

2AC Frontline: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [1/6] 476 12

2AC Frontline: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [2/6] 477 13

2AC Frontline: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [3/6] 478 14

2AC Frontline: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [4/6] 479 15

2AC Frontline: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [5/6] 480 16

2AC Frontline: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [6/6] 481 17

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [1/6] 482 18

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [2/6] 483 19

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [3/6] 484 20

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [4/6] 485 21

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [5/6] 486 22

2AC Frontline [Critical Immigration]: Neo-Colonialism Kritik [6/6] 487 23

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