27 concepts, ideology and in which they are using to construct
a significant discourse, as a critical evaluation of their texts. As might have been gleaned from the above, this study‟s examination of childhood is located
in a dense matrix of ideas, concepts and themes. Indeed, I have introduced a collage of concepts – postcolonial,
postmodern, diaspora, transcultural, multicultural as related to the narratives of childhood this study examines. It would therefore be logical to define and delineate how these concepts influence the study of childhood in
contemporary Nigerian fiction, in relation to the objectives the study has set out to accomplish. The next section attempts this process of delineation, while foregrounding
the notions of space, place, time, memories, genealogies, heritages, legacies and traditions which are sub-conceptual levels of analysis that underline the texts of childhood that the study examines.
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