Christian Churches of God No. 288 The Last Pope: Examining Nostradamus and Malachy

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The name of the last Pope

What name will the last pope have? If we can rely on visions of the popes as an indicator, we might take this one more seriously. This pope was the first to be appointed under the papal doctrine of infallibility, although here he was not speaking ex cathedra. During an audience with the general Chapter of the Franciscans in 1909, Pius X (1835-1914) fell into a semi-trance with his head sunk on his chest, and after a few minutes he came to and opened his eyes with a look of horror on his face. He reputedly cried out:

What I have seen was terrible… Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in fleeing from the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests. Do not tell anyone while I am alive (cf. Stephen Skinner, Millennium Prophecies, Carlton, p. 75).
Obviously, Rome – and specifically the papacy – is seen as the enemy in this invasion of Rome. What events are happening now that might justify or cause these events? The answer is the coming war with Islam and the role of the papacy in precipitating that war.
The prophecy of the fleeing pope would not apply to the Glory of the Olive, who is Benedict XVI and hence not Pius, but will it apply to the so-called Peter the Roman? Will he take the name Pius XIII or will it be bestowed on him as a result of these actions? If bestowal of the name by action is the case then it could be either one. One thing of which we can be certain is that the city will be destroyed and they will flee from Rome. There are a number of other aspects however, that must occur when the false prophet is set up in Jerusalem.
The Glory of the Olive

The pope known to prophecy as the Glory of the Olive took the title Benedict XVI. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was a Bavarian Cardinal of the RC Church, who served as the Head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Originally termed the Holy Office, it was anything but that, and came to be termed by academics such as Professor Roth, as the Unholy Office due to the scandalous conduct of the Inquisition over the years. For an indication of what it did, look at the paper Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170).

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was renowned for his inflexible denunciation of matters that impinged upon the dominance and so-called magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. His apologists have said that he is really not that way at all. At 78 he is the oldest pope elected for 275 years since Clement XII in 1730. Why did they elect someone so old and what does that mean for those who are not Roman Catholics?
It was a very short conclave and a decision was reached very early. Such a quick election was foreshadowed by the Roman Catholic prophet John Bosco in the nineteenth century, as we see in the quote above. So, obviously, the numbers were there and the decision reflected the consensus of the voting Cardinals, as it was not long enough in conclave to go to simple majority vote. If the two columns referred to by Bosco are symbols of Freemasonry, perhaps it may indicate that is a major step in the agenda. Indeed, it has to be so for Satan to give all of his power to the Beast for the last phase of world domination.
It was said that he was chosen as a "transitional" pope who would fulfil the unfinished business of John Paul's quarter-century papacy, yet not be another long-term pope. Certainly John-Paul II created enough Cardinals to ensure his supporters carried through his agenda. Benedict XVI himself said his papacy would be very short. But much can happen in a short time.
At the ascension of Benedict XVI, two-thirds of the world’s Roman Catholics lived in the Southern Hemisphere. Africa was the largest growth area and South America had the most RCs, but also a great attrition rate. It was hurting, and wanted a pontiff. Yet numbers on the ground did not translate into numbers of voting Cardinals. Europe was also hurting. Paganism is on the rise. North America is seeing the RC system as increasingly irrelevant. Affluence and immorality are seeing people adopt other religious systems such as paganism and Buddhism in order that the people might pursue their immoralities without being hampered by the problems of conscience and moral censure.
When Cardinal George Pell of Australia addressed the Australian Roman Catholics he said that the New Pope was “one of us”. “He was a European.” Pell said this as though Australia was somehow attached as an appendage of Europe and not off the far edge of South-East Asia and among the Southern Hemisphere’s RC majority. What was significant was that all the competing interests of the Jesuits and Opus Dei and all the factions could suppress their divisions in the face of what they perceive as a serious threat to their existence and European supremacy.
Cardinal Pell stated at the time that there would be significant changes under this new Pope. To do that there had to be changes in his perceived agenda and presentation. The Cardinals were allegedly looking for collegiality and they wanted change to bring in the Protestant churches under the Roman system.
Joseph Ratzinger stated that he wanted to be known as a man of peace during his pontificate. But how does all that square away with his known history? How would he change to absorb the Protestants and reform the Trinitarian apostasy?
Born in 1927, he was raised in Nazi Germany. He allegedly deserted from the army at the end of the war, but we might expect him in his old age to revert to the conditioning of his youth.
He was known as being totally against multiculturalism. He reportedly regarded it as Europeans “fleeing away from their own”. He is on record as opposing Turkey’s entry to the EEC and Europe. He is known to be anti-Islam.
His election was also seen as a disaster for the homosexual lobby or “Gay and Lesbians”. The Abortion Lobby saw him as a disaster. In short, he promised to be the most divisive pope in a century. Yet, Malachi names him as the Glory of the Olive, which is a symbol of peace … or is it?
Although the Benedictine Order of monastics comes from St. Benedict of the sixth century, another name for the followers of St. Benedict is the Olivetans. They are a minor order following the rule of Benedict Tolomei of Siena who established the order at Accona south of Siena, Italy in 1313. Others joined the original three men and in 1324 John XXII approved the formation of the order. Olive trees abound there. They wear white habits, perhaps to reflect that fact. The Benedictines were also inquisitors from the early days. They were superseded in that role after the Dominican Order was founded. The Church of God suffered under both, and also under the Franciscans later. The name The Glory of the Olive and the choice of Benedict may have referred to this early and unholy aspect of the Order’s behaviour.
Umberto Ecco expressed the conflict in theology and thinking fairly interestingly in the work Name of the Rose. There the dialogues between the Franciscans and the Benedictines were expressed in the conversations between William and the Benedictines where the discussion concerned the question, “Did Christ laugh?” The Benedictine said, “It is nowhere written that he laughed, but William said it is not contrary to reason that he laughed”. In this exchange we see the complex question of documented history versus the process of reason that marked the transition of the new orders of the Catholic system. The Benedictines represented an old approach against the new age of reason. Thus it is of note that the Benedictines in Germany saw Cardinal Ratzinger suppress the intrusion of Zen Buddhist techniques under the Benedictine Zen master Fr. Willigis Jäger, 76, also known by his Zen name of Ko-un Roshi. The decision was made public on 5 February 2005 by the Würzburg diocese, where Jäger’s Münsterschwarzach Abbey is located. Fr. Nokter Wolf, the abbot primate of the Benedictine order stated that the decision came from Cardinal Ratzinger.
Jäger was faulted for playing down the Christian concept of God as a person in his work as a spiritual guide, and for stressing mystical experience above doctrinal truths. Jäger is well known in the German-speaking world as a spiritual teacher. In 1972, he met the Japanese Zen master Yamada Roshi of the Sanbo Kyodan School. In 1975, he moved to Kamakura in Japan and spent six years studying Zen. The core of Zen is a body of spiritual techniques derived from the Buddhist tradition. In 1981, Jäger was authorized by the Roman Catholic system to train students in Zen. The result had been unacceptable to the Inquisition and had divided the prayer structure of those affected from the core of the Order.
A recent report also disclosed that Franciscan authorities say that Fr. Josef Imbach, 56, has been assigned a year of “reflection”, amounting to a suspension. Though a Franciscan spokesperson would not elaborate on the motive for the action, Imbach had revealed that Cardinal Ratzinger was carrying out an investigation of his 1995 book on miracles.
Imbach said at the time that he was accused of not believing in the divinity of Jesus, of refusing the magisterium of the church, of describing the Gospels as teaching texts rather than historically reliable accounts, and of excluding the possibility of miracles. He denied holding these views.
Thus there are moves in Germany and in Europe towards what might be described as non-Christian views. The reality is that the Church is in damage control. Paganism and Transcendental Meditation are rife and escalating.
There is also a large number of people in the Roman Catholic Church who believe that John Paul II was an anti-pope. They are termed seder vacantist, meaning that the seat of the Bishop of Rome was vacant due to heresy.
It might be said that in effect we are also seder vacantists. The position of the Church of God was that the see of the Bishop of Rome became vacant in 154-192 CE with the election of Anicetus to the see of Rome and the introduction of the Easter heresy and subsequent heresies and the schism forced by Bishop Victorinus (Victor) in 192 CE. That marked our split with Rome (see the paper The Quartodeciman Disputes (No. 277)).
The election of Joseph Ratzinger was a step towards reassuring the old guard that things were not really changing. The aim was stated to be to get a smaller and more pure church that was not under the influence of these heresies. What might have resulted? The least likely was Protestant ecumenical absorption, but that is what we were led to believe might have occurred.
One of the things suppressed by the curial system – and specifically by John-Paul II and by Ratzinger – was the third secret of Fatima.
The third secret of Fatima is now widely acknowledged to be in two forms, and the major thrust of the third declaration was that a pope would be killed by soldiers, among many of his priests. These prophecies are examined herein.
This also follows the vision of Pius X where he said that a pope of his name would leave Rome over the bodies of his priests. The third vision of Fatima was held to have been fulfilled when John-Paul II was shot, but that is impossible and is recognised as being impossible. Clearly, Pius’ vision says the pope is of his name and thus Benedict XVI cannot fulfil this vision. However, the creation of a war with Islam is not only a possible agenda that might precipitate the circumstances that will see the destruction of the see of Rome but also the removal of the Roman Catholic system from there and from the world in general.
What appears to be the case is that this short period ahead will see the deliberate polarisation of Christianity and Islam, and the culmination of World War III in the aftermath that sees the destruction of Rome and its see.
In order to get the church to a pure state the trappings of paganism over the centuries have to be stripped away. In order to maximise the numbers of the church the see at Rome prostituted everything from the middle of the second century onwards.
We need to look at the story of the first bishop of Rome. They call him Pope Linus now, but they did not have popes in those days. His father Caratacus (Latin for Caradog) was taken to Rome and held captive there in the “House of the Britons”. As king of the Cantii from 40 CE and the Catuvellauni and Silures from 43-51 CE, he led the British forces against the Romans under Claudius. He was defeated in Kent at the Battle of Medway and fled west to the lands of the Dobunni in Gloucestershire, but was again forced further west by Roman advances. He gained the support of the Silures and Ordovices in South and Central Wales, and from 47 onwards they maintained a guerrilla war against the Romans. He was finally defeated at the Severn in the Cambrian Hills of Northern Wales leading an army of 15,000 Britons against the Romans. His brother and children were taken captive to Rome. He escaped to the land of the Brigantes hoping to raise more troops, but was betrayed by Queen Cartimandua who had already made a deal with the Romans and handed him over to them. He and the family were taken to Rome in chains. Because he had been so powerful and his reputation so well known Claudius displayed him. Claudius spared his life and pardoned him after he made a rousing speech that impressed Claudius deeply. The family lived in comfort in Rome and he died probably around 54 CE. The family remained there in Rome, living comfortably, and at least some returned to Britain perhaps around 60 CE (see the paper The Origin of the Christian Church in Britain (No. 266)).
The family became members of the Church in Rome. They were exposed to and knew Paul intimately. Linus ultimately became bishop at Rome after the death of Paul. His brother Cylin had a daughter that married his cousin’s son, the grandson of Caradog’s brother Arviragus. This man was Coel I son of Marius. It was this line that returned to Britain and certainly brought the true Faith with them. They were Sabbatarians and had the same Faith as we follow today. Linus was a Sabbatarian and kept the Passover and Feasts and the food laws as we do. They were Unitarians who believed that Christ was the Great Angel that gave the Law to Moses at Sinai and who was the elohim of Israel referred to in Psalm 45:6-7 and Hebrews 1:8-9. These teachings are to be found to this day in the writings of Justin Martyr, who followed Linus about a century later in Rome.
It is thus bizarre to the Church of God to see a pope trying to return to a paganised structure that has been inflicted on Christianity by corrupt Roman priests for power and influence. The end result of their syncretic heresy will come to full bloom over the short reign of Benedict XVI. At the end they will be taken away to make way for the restoration of the true Faith once delivered to the saints. Only when Rome embraces the faith of Linus and his family will they return to Christianity.
Benedict XVI was seemingly concerned with syncretism as he saw it, yet he espoused doctrines that would have seen him disfellowshipped by the early Church as an idolater and a Gnostic heretic. He referred to Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon at the end of the second century in his comments, yet believes very little of what Irenaeus actually believed.
These divisions in the Roman Catholic Church are very deep. The problems in the Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox churches are also very deep and serious. Ratzinger had not been supportive of these faiths nor had he been sensitive to their inclusion. After his election it was suggested he might reverse this approach. This multi-marriage will be one of convenience in the face of adversity.
Much of the rhetoric of the Roman curial system has been to appear to be strong and appeal to the Protestant conservatives in order to lure them back into the Roman Catholic fold. Those churches are in the process of splitting. The Roman Catholics are trying to appear as though they are against homosexuality when in reality they are permeated with it at all levels.
The English language surveys show that over one-third of them are openly professing homosexuality when it is expressly forbidden by the Vatican. The double standards are difficult to follow for the casual observer.
The fact is that these problems are simply seen as expediency in a long-term gambit for control and power. Malachi Martin was murdered before he wrote his final work, which would have exposed it. Nevertheless, he still wrote and seemed to have demonstrated that Satan was enthroned in the Vatican as god by the Curial system.
However, time is running out. Their own prophecies say that they have one pope left to go. This pope will have a short reign by his own comments. Perhaps even that will be too long for some. Even so there will be a great threat to the very existence of the Roman Catholic system. One reign will be short and the second reign will be cut short. Then, by their own words, Rome will be destroyed and “the terrible judge” will judge the people.
The Whore of Revelation

In the Book of Revelation we have a great Whore, who commits sins with the kings of the Earth and she is drunk on the blood of the saints. She sits over many nations and peoples and tongues. A woman symbolises a church and there is only one church on the planet that fits this description.

Revelation 17:1-18 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who is seated upon many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and with the wine of whose fornication the dwellers on earth have become drunk." 3 And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and bedecked with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; 5 and on her forehead was written a name of mystery: "Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth's abominations." 6 And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her I marveled greatly. 7 But the angel said to me, "Why marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8 The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is to ascend from the bottomless pit and go to perdition; and the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel to behold the beast, because it was and is not and is to come. 9 This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; 10 they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he comes he must remain only a little while. 11 As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to perdition. 12 And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. 13 These are of one mind and give over their power and authority to the beast; 14 they will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful." 15 And he said to me, "The waters that you saw, where the harlot is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and giving over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman that you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth." (RSV)
There is only one city and one church that have had dominion over the kings of the Earth. No other church or people have killed so many millions of Bible-believing Christians. Notice Revelation terms the false religious system the mother of harlots. That means that there must be a series of daughters with the same doctrines who also commit fornication with the kings of the earth. The Lutheran Church came from the same system and is going back into the same system in the very near future. That church also assisted in the extermination of the saints over a long period of time. During the Nazi era, as early as 1933, this church took over from the SA and ran concentration camps. One of the categories the Nazis had in the camps was that of Bibelforscher or Bible Researcher. Anyone who was not a so-called orthodox Trinitarian of Catholic or Lutheran persuasion was interned and killed. They assisted in the extermination of the cream of Bible scholarship in Europe in the twentieth century, but what is not understood is that they had been doing that in conjunction with the Catholics since they were established in the Reformation. The history of their persecution of the Sabbath-keeping Churches is seen from an examination of the work by R. Samuel Kohn, The Sabbatarians in Transylvania (trans. T. McElwain and B. Rook, CCG Publishing, 1998; see also the Foreword by W. Cox).
The ten horns of the system are the same as the ten toes of Daniel chapter 2. These national systems, which had been established by the religious Whore and which we have known as the Holy Roman Empire (590-1850), turn on the Whore and her harlot daughters and destroy them in the Last Days. God hates this Whore and has put it into the hearts of the union of the ten to turn on the Whore. God has given it to them to give their kingdoms in this union to the Beast until the Words of God shall be fulfilled. The woman is the organisation which formed the church, and which also ruled over the seven hills of Rome.
This union of the Beast makes war with Christ and his called and chosen and faithful (Rev. 20:14). These are the elect that keep the Commandments of God and the Testimony of His Christ. The dragon is wrath with them, and the woman or church they are, and tries to destroy them over the entire period of their existence (Rev. 12:17; 14:12).
These prophecies of their own leaders have been given to them, so that they may know and fear God. In the end, the system they tried to create will come to power for one hour with the Beast, in order to fulfil the will of God and the prophecies of Scripture, as Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-35).
Thus it is not surprising that Pius X (named Burning Fire by Malachy) (1903-1914) had a vision where he saw his namesake walk out of the Vatican and Rome over the dead bodies of his priests. His successor was named by Malachy Religio Depopulata, which is Religion Devestated (or depopulated). Benedict XV reigned from 1914-1922. This had much more to it than simply being the pope of the period of World War I. From that period the destruction of the Sabbatarians and other sects in Armenia was commenced and a million Armenians were exterminated in mass shootings. His successor saw the elimination of the Bektashi in Turkey, with some one to two million Sabbatarians, among the five million-odd Bektashi there, simply disappear from 1927 onwards.
In the 1990s the systematic destruction of the independence of the Serbs was undertaken, and Islam was forced into continual conflict.
Over the next years to 2027 hundreds of millions of people will be forced into needless wars and nations will disappear through the political aspirations of this system.
When the full story is told – when the full horror of what these people really are is told – the Beast will stone them all in the streets. Great is the mighty God who judges them, and who has given them over to the Beast in the Last Days to bring His will into place.
In the Last Days, prior to the coming of the Messiah, the two Witnesses will stand in Jerusalem clothed in sackcloth (Rev.11:3-13). This event occurs after the events in Revelation 11:1-2. These events are explained in the paper Measuring the Temple (No. 137). The Witnesses will be given the powers of Elijah. God says that He will send Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers lest God smite the Earth with a curse (Mal. 4:5-6). They will restore all things. The thing they will finally restore is the Nexus of the Law of God. This nexus was broken by Satan under his system and the Blessings and the Curses of the Law are imperfectly applied (cf. the paper The Blessings and the Curses (No. 75)). At present it rains on the just and the unjust.
When the Nexus of the Law is restored it will no longer rain on the just and the unjust alike. Under these two prophets the gods of this world will be stuffed down the throats of the people who will seek to kill them, but will not be able to kill them until the 1260 days of their prophesying are over. The Witnesses will be left to lie in the streets for three and one-half days and after that they will be resurrected and ascend in full view of the people. From this point on, Messiah will commence to deal with the planet and will establish his headquarters at Jerusalem.
None of these prophecies can be explained or accepted by Trinitarianism, as it strikes at the very notion of a powerful church system at present on and in control of the planet under Jesus Christ. Also, the Bible shows that the reason the heavens are shut up is to enforce God’s Calendar. If the Feasts, New Moons and Sabbaths of the Bible are not kept there will be no rain in due season and the plagues of Egypt will be inflicted on the nations of the world (cf. the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156)).

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