/.m2/repository From home directory, check for /.m2/
Under this many jar files are present
Remote Repository:
Companies setup remote repositories to manage company specific dependencies.
Because of security reasons companies do setup their own maven repositories.
This repository is also used to store packages for deployment.
5.5. Blueprint diagram of Maven Build-Lifecycle:
Validation: Checks the pom.xml syntaxes. Are we using the correct tags that it is syntactically valid or not and Checks the dependencies.
Compile: Compiles all source code and converts into machine language.
Goal: mvn clean compile
Test: It executes and compiles source code using a suitable unit testing framework like Junit test cases written by developers. These tests should not require the code be packaged or deployed.
Goal: mvn test
Package: Take the compiled code and package it in its distribution format, such as a JAR/WAR.
Goal: mvn clean package
Integration-Test: Process and deploy the package if necessary, into an environment where integration tests can be run.
Verify: Run any checks or verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria. For this we have integrate maven with selenium for verification.
Goal: mvn clean verify